DOCUMENT RESUME ED 267 752 IR 012 080 TITLE Electronic Collection and Dissemination of Information by Federal Agencies. Hearings beforea Subcommittee o: the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, First Session (April 29, June 26, October 18, 1985). INSTITUTION Congress of the U. S., Washington, D. C. House Committee on Government Operations. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 599p. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) Viewpoints ;'20) -- Reports- Descriptive (141) EDRS PRICE MF03/PC24 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Federal Programs; Government (Administrative Body); Government Publications; *Government Role; Hearings; *Information Dissemination; Information Retrieval; Information Science; *Information Storage; *Information Systems; *Public Agencies IDENTIFIERS *Congress 99th ABSTRACT This document provides a complete record of testimony pre3ented at z series of hearings before the U.S. Congresson the electronic collection and dissemination of information by federal agencies. In looking at the effect of new computer and communications technology on government information activities and practices, the hearings considered such issues as the capabilities andexpense of modern computerized information systems, and the consequent reevaluation of the role of government agencies in the dissemination of public information. The first day of hearings concentratedon the EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) system developed at the Securities and Exchange Commission. Testimonyon the second day considered the proposal of the Federal Maritime rusmission (FMC) to establish an automated tariff tiling and informationsystem. To explore potential conflict between the FMC and the private sector, some of the companies offering tariff automation services offered testimony. Other witnesses at the hearing represented three agencies that have developed electronic dissemination systems for press releases and other agency data - -the Census Bureau, Food and Drug Administration, and Department of Agriculture. The final day of hearings focused on the National 4,ibrary of M^dicine's Medlars system and on the trademark automation activities of the Patent and Trademark Office. The hearings were held to review those decisions and to compare and contrast alternative approaches. (THC) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ***************************************************************-.******* ELECTRONIC COLLELIION AND DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION BY FEDERAL AGENCIES HEARINGS BEFORE A SUBCOMMITTEE OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NINETY-NINTH CONGRESS FIRST SESSION APRIL 20 JUNE 26, AND OCTOBER 18, 195 Printed for the uc..e of the Committee on GovernmentOperations S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON 1986 3 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS JACK BROOKS, Texas, Chairman DON FUQUA, Florida FRANK HC,TON, New York JOHN CONYERS, Ja., Michigan THOMAS N. KINDNESS, Ohio CARDISS COLLINS, Illinois ROBERT S. WALKER, Pennsylvania GLENN ENGLISH, Oklahoma WILLIAM F. CLINGER, Ja., Pennsylvania HENRY A. WAXMAN, California ALFRED A. (AL) McCANDLESS, California TED WEISS, New York LARRY E. CRAIG, Idaho MIKE SYNAR, Oklahoma HOWARD C. NIELSON, Utah STEPHEN L NEAL, North Carolina JIM SAXTON, New Jersey DOUG BARNt RD, Ja., Georgia PATRICK L. SWINDALL, Georgia BARNEY FRANK Massachusetts THOMAS D. (T00 DaLAY, Texas TOM LAMS, California DAVID S. MONSON, Utah' ROBERT E. WISE, Ja., West Virginia JOSEPH J. DIOGUARDI, New York BARBARA BOXER, Californi. JOHN G. ROWLAND, Connecticut * SANDER M. LEVIN, Michigan RICHARD K. ARbfEY, Texas MAJOR R. 07/ENS, Nevi York JIM LIGH'TFOOT, Iowa EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York JOHN R. MILLER, Washington JOHN M. SPRATT, Ja., South Carolina BEAU BOULTER Texas JOE KOLTER, Pennsylvania JOHN E GROTBERG, Illinois BEN ERDREICH, Alabama GERALD D KLECZKA, Wisconsin ALBERT G BUSTAMANTE, Texas MATTHEW G MAKI INEZ, California Wit.ums M JOHNS, General Counsel JOHN E Moons, Staff Administrator STEPHEN M DANIELS. Minority Staff Director and Counsel GOVERNMENT INFORMATION, JUSTICE, AND AGRICULTURE SUBCOMMITTEE GLENN ENGLISH,0klahoma, Chairman GERALD D KLECZKA, Wisconsin THOMAS N KINDNESS, Ohio STEPHEN L NEAL, North Carolina JIM UGHTFOOT, Iowa ROBERT E WISE, Ja , West Virginia JOSEPH J. EhoGLARDI, New York EDOLPHUS TOWNS, New York JOHN R MILLER, Washington JOHN M SPRAIT, JR , South Carolina Ex Omcio JACK BROOKS, Texas FRANK HORTON, New York RneERT M GELLMAN, Counsel EUPHON L Memorit, Clerk GREGORY Kiwoar, Minority Professional Staff 'Resigned from rommittee June 19, 1985 2Resigned from committee Oct 10, 1985 ' Appointed to committee Oct 10. 1985 'Appointed to committee Oct 10, 1985 4 r, CONTENTS Hearings held on Pap April 29 1 June 26 .. October 18.. 185 Statement of 273 Becker, Don C,publisher, the Journal of Commerce, New York, NY, accompanied by James Devine, marketingmanager, Rapid Access Tariff Expediting Service [RATES]. 213 Benton, Bryant, Associate Director, Bureau of the Census forManage- ment Services, accompanied by James Curry, Chief, Data Accessand Use Staff, Data User Services Division 256 Blynn, Guy M., executive vice president, United StatesTrademark Asso- ciation. 321 Buckley, Francis J, Jr., assistant director for technical services, Detroit Public Library, accompanied by Eileen Cooke,deputy director, Wash- ington office, American Library Association..... Carey, James J., Vice Chairman, Federal Maritirne. .. ..............................accom - 135 panied by William Jarrel Smith, Jr, Director of Programs; Ronald D. Murphy, Special Assistant to the Director of Programs;and John M. Binetti, Office of the General Counsel.. ........... .............. ......... 186 Cooper, Benjamin Y., senior vice president, governmentaffairs, Financial Printers Association 96 Duncan, Joseph, corporate economist and chief statistician, Dun& Brad- street, accompanied by Robert Willard, Information IndustryAssocia- tion . 152 English, Hon Glenn, a Representative in Congressfrom the State of Oklahoma, and chairman, Government Information, Justice,and Agri- culture Subcommittee. Opening statement... ........ ............. 1 Giammo, Thomas P, Associate Director, InformationManagement and Technology Division, General Accounting Office, accompaniedby Ken- neth Winter 310 Haney, Glenn P, Director, Office of Information Resources Management, U S Department of Agriculture. 247 Lindberg, Dr Donald A.B,Director, National Library of Medicine, ac- companied by Kent Smith, Deputy Director, and RobertLanman, gen- eral counsel, National Institutes of Health.. 277 Marx, Peter, general counsel, Information IndustryAssociation, acconip..- riled by David Peyton, director, government relations. 65 Meyer, Gerald F,Associate Commissioner for Management and Oper- ations, Food and Drug Administration.. 238 Owens, Hon Major R, a Representative in Congress from the State of New York 105 Putnam, DeanR ,vice president, carrier systems marketing, Trftnsax Data Corp, Falls Church, VA, accompanied by Henry Gilbertson, member, board of directors .. 226 Quigg, Donald J Assistant Secretary and Commissionerof Patents and Trademarks, Department of Commerce, accompanied byBradford R Huther, Assistant Commissioner for Finance andPlanning, Patent and Trademark Office, and Thomas N Pykc, Jr, Director, Center for Pro- gramming Science and Technology, Institute for Computer Sciences and Technology, Natmnal Bureau of Standards 287 Shad, John S R, Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission,accom- panied by Kenneth A Fogash, Nputy Executive Director,and Amy L Goodman, Associate Director, Division of Corporate Finance 16 "rqj- '(#5 IV Page Statement ce Continued Wams ley, Herbert C., executive director, IntellectualProperty Ownert, Inc 335 Letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by: Becker, Don C., publisher, the Journal of Commerce,New York, NY: Prepared statement 217-225 Benton, Bryant, Associated Director, Bureau of theCensus for Manage- ment Services: Prepared statement 259-266 Blyun, Guy M., executive vice president, UnitedStates Trademark Asso- ciation: Prepared statement 325-334 Buckley, Francis J., Jr., assistant director for technicalservices, Detroit Public Library: Prepared statement 140-151 Carey, James 3., Vice Chairman, FederalMaritime Commission: Pre- pared statement 192-205 Cooper, Benjamin Y., aenior vice president, governmentaffairs, Financial Printers Association: Prepared statement 99-102 Duncan, Joseph, corporate economist and chiefstatistician, Dun & Brad- sti eet. Prepared statement 155-174 English, Hon. Glenn, a Representative in Congressfrom the State of Oklahoma, and chairman, Government Information,Justice, and Agri- culture Subcommittee: Excerpt from the Congressional Record of March14,1984 10-11 Opening statement 3-9 Fogash, Kenneth A., Deputy Executive Director,Securities and Exchange Commission: Hardware and software that contractorwill be required to 55 provide Giammo, Thomas P., Associate Director, InformationManagement and Technology Division, Generai Accounting Office: Preparedstatement, 314-319 Haney, Glenn P Director, Office of InformationResources Management, U.S Department of Agriculture: Prepared statement 250-255 Kindness, Hon. Thomas N., a Representative inCongress from the State of Ohio: Opening statements 13-14,275-276 Lindberg, Dr. Donald A.B., Director, National Library ofMedicine: Break- down of costs 284-285 Association: Prepared Marx,
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