Alternative User Interfaces in Videogaming Sabine Berger∗ Vienna University of Technology Figure 1: Alternative Gaming Interfaces in use. Abstract rently common ways of interacting with video gaming systems. The most common, widely used, gaming interface ist the game pad. This state of the art report gives an overview about the most com- The game pad or simply controller is a handheld device that is usu- mon alternative user interfaces for videogaming currently avail- ally connected to a gaming console using a cable or wireless con- able on the market, including The Wii-Remote, the Nintendo Du- nection as via Bluetooth (for example used with the Xbox 360 con- alScreen handheld, camera-, microphone- and musical instrument troller). Its purpose is to accept input from the user and proceed it controllers, as well as dance mats and buzzer controllers. A short to the console in order to control the events in games and/or the sys- description with some technical data is given about each of them. tem settings of the device. For this there are further several standard Further, important aspects of videogaming are analysed on the basis elements of a controller layout called digital pads, analog-sticks, of the previously discussed alternative gaming interfaces. Lastly a trigger buttons, shoulder buttons and face/action buttons (see Fig- short preview about possible or already set future alternative gam- ures figgamepad and 3, all of which are able to sense either digital ing interfaces is given. or analog inputs from the user. Each analog-stick may be moved to any direction in around a horizontal 360 circle. All face and trigger Keywords: user-interface, videogaming, wii-remote, eyetoy, buttons as well as the analog-sticks are able to process analog in- music-controller, camera-controller, controller, dualscreen, nin- put, which means that the controls are dependend on how hard the tendo, xbox, playstation, wii buttons/sticks are pushed. A character moved by the analog-stick might for example walk slowly if it is pushed just slightly to the right, but may run if it is pushed there as far as possible. Although the game pad is a very powerful and general user interface, it fails 1 Introduction to provide an intuitive control scheme for many applications. Alter- native gaming interfaces therefor often provide less powerful input possibilities but are far more fit to the application they were made A user interface provides the possibility to a user to communicate for. with a system or any kind of machine. They come in the form of software or hardware components and have the purpose to en- able the user to simply transmit his commands to the system he is communicating with, or for the machine to provide feedback to the user. This paper will mainly focus on hardware interfaces designed for video gaming. Common Gaming Interfaces Common gaming interfaces by the definition incorporate the cur- ∗e-mail: sabine [email protected] Figure 2: Standard game pad elements demonstrated on Sonys Du- alShock 2 Controller Alternative Gaming Interfaces 2.1 Intuitive Usage One of the most important aspects of every gaming interface is its intuitivity. Players have to be able to use a gaming system without much experience with other gaming interfaces and without much learning efford. Due to this it is very important to design them in a way most people can understand by intuition. To achieve this, developers try to create gaming interfaces that are as similar as possible to everyday life objects, because users will know how to work with them out of experience they’ve gained even if they never touched a gaming system before. Taking a look at the alternative Figure 3: Example for Shoulder Triggers (Trigger Buttons) demon- gaming interfaces discussed in this paper, most of them are repli- straded on Sonys DualShock 3 Controller cas or very close to such everyday life objects. The Wii-Remote, as the name already indicates, is used very similar to a common remote control for a TV-set and the tilting of it in order to move Alternative gaming interfaces can typically be used more inuitive objects in a game also is something very natural. An example for than common gaming interfaces. This is done by providing the that would be the common reaction of players using a gamepad and user with the possibility of getting a more intensive feeling or the leaning sideways when driving around corners in a racing game - possibility of actually doing what the game he is playing tries to with the Wii-Remote they actually really could enhance their turn make him believe he is doing. by doing so. The Nintendo DS on the other hand manages to com- bine traditional gaming with alternative gaming possibilities like An early example of alternative gaming interfaces is the lightgun the control by touch pen. By now, most people are used to using (Figure 4). It is a special type of controller that bears the looks a computer mouse, while everyone has used a pencil before - the of a gun or pistol. To use this type of controller the user points the touch pen control combines both to a very intuitiv interface scheme. lightgun at the monitor and presses a button to fire. Sometimes there The most intuitive gaming interfaces are, of course, those which are are further buttons on the lightgun to enable the user to give more simplified replicas of the real life device they are emulating like the specific commands to the game. The interaction with the system musical instrument, microphone and buzzer controllers, but further is either done by a cable link installed on the lightgun or via an also dance mats. These interfaces try to provide the user with an infrared interface. Through its form resembeling a real gun, the experience similar to that with the real life device, but simplified feeling of actually shooting at the screen, and thus the characters in enough to be used in everyone’s living room. a game, is implied. 2.2 Ergonomics and Handling Another important aspect of gaming interfaces is their ergonomics. All the buttons and other elements on the interfaces must be com- fortably reachable and even longer usage must not cause physical distress to the users - particularly because the comfortable handling of gaming systems also plays a huge part in its success at sales. For that, companies like Microsoft and Nintendo have taken many mea- sures to constantly improve their controllers in this aspect. The Nin- Figure 4: The Atari XE Lightgun tendo DS is a good example for that: Since the original design was often complained about to be too heavy and thus causing muscle fa- This paper will first take a look at the most important attributes tigue in case of longer playing, the new variation, the NDS Lite, was of alternative gaming interfaces, such as their degree of inutitivity, developed. Taking a look at their new Wii-Remote, though, users possibilities of being used by physically disadvantaged people and may find that some of the accomplishments in ergonomics gained ergonomics, in Section 2. Following that, it will describe differ- from their long-term experience has been discharged in order to ent kinds of alternative gaming interfaces currently available on the create a more intuitive gameplay by giving it the form of common market, as well as at some enhancements that are sold to go with remote control. A remote control, however, isn’t designed to be them in order to expand their usability or functions, in Sections 3 held for more than a few minutes at maximum, so a great problem through 9, such as the Wii-remote, the Nintendo DualScreen, musi- of alternative gaming interfaces is that because of their emphasized cal instrument and camera controllers. It will thereby focus on their intuitive or ”realistic” designs ergonomics are often neglected. general looks and ways of usage as well as their specific technical functionalities. Finally, in Section 10 it will give a short preview of future alternative gaming devices. 2.3 Actual Usefulness of Using Alternative Instead of Standard Gaming Interfaces A very important aspect of alternative gaming interfaces also is their 2 Important Attributes for Alternative actual usefulness. Does the alternative gaming interface really im- Gaming Interfaces prove the gaming experience by brining it closer to the real life ex- perience or easier to be used? Microphone controllers for singing games or dance mats for dancing games undoubtably do a lot for In this section some important aspects of gaming interfaces shall be building up the illusion of ”reality” or authenticy. Generally, an al- described and further be shortly analysed for the alternative gaming ternative user interface that allows the player to experience a game interfaces described in Section 3 to Section 9. more intensely or provide him with the possibility of controlling it more intuitively, can be described as useful since it improves the 3.1 The Infrared Sensor Technology of the Wii- fun of playing. Remote The main part of the sensor technology comprises of an infrared 2.4 Possibility of Usage in the Case of Physical Dis- light source that is to be installed above or below the monitor, as advantages well as an infrared-sensitive charge-coupled device (CCD) type im- age sensor on the Wii-Remote. This image sensor includes a low Finally there’s the aspect of the possibility of usage for physically resolution monochrome camera, a focus lens as well as a digital sig- disadvantaged users. Of course, when developing video game sys- nal processor in order to reduce the data to be sent to the console.
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