Plane Hot Again P.rtly cloudy throuth ,",ursd.y. Chence of sceHered thund.ntorml Wtclneadey nlghl .nd Thursdty. Llttll -Off Draws , ch.nge In t.mper.tur.. High Wtclnesd.y ~ .nd Thurld.y In the 101. Low WtcInea· . oily d.y nighl in the 60s. I VIPs Seroi71:r the Unioersiill of 101ca""" and the People of Iowa Cit" Established in 111ti8 10 cents a CODY Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephuto Iowa <lty, Iowa $224O-Wed.nesda, • .laDe 17, 1J7O City Considers Action Open ·"Selection contest has drawn In. On Sewer, Roof Leaks thou~ands of young. An ordinance which would raise the property was rezoned industrial for star· Interior Secretary Wilt. Tate city sewer rates from 40 per cent of a age. Of Jury Hickel, governors of However , the Council was not sure how resident's monthly water bill to 50 per not vote for • death penalty regardless two congressmen cent - a 25 per cent sewer rate Increase the adjoining land could be rezoned In­ LOS ANGELES 111 - TIle iong-delayed 0( tile nature of the evldeoee. Itader Guy Lomber· - received first reading at the City dustrial while at the same time relOnln. trial of four members of a nomadic clan Councll meeting Tuesday. Two more the original ADS property residential or charged with murdering actre 5 Sharon DtfeMt .ttornty, "'YI mtvt4 fer 4ft. sent an entry shap­ readings are required before the ordi· if either were In the best interests of the Tate and Ix others began Tuesday, mlual tf the cha,.,.. ... ...,,. tMt ,....tn.1 puIIl1c1ty tf .... killl"" mMt I golf club and Jimmy .1 nance takes effect. city and property owners In the 10111 I'UD. with each prospecUve Juror questioned The other tabled ordinance conce ... f.w tri.1 Impolllblt. 11M ludte hli .... dubbed his paper air City Manager Frank Smiley asked for privately about the influence, If any, of "The Ink·a·dink·a-do." ed mainly with establishing new pro­ metlon under _icier""" . Ihe increase Monday at the Council'. pre·trial publicity. informal session to pay for "future" cedures for installing improvements in Miss Tate, pregnant wife of flIm dIr· sewer improvements primarily a new subdivisions which would force subdi· About 60 potential jurors filed Into the ector Roman Polanski, was found dead $1.5 mlllion storm sewer separation sys· viders to pay for such improvements small Hall of Ju lice courtroom Ie mJ4. In her bome last Aug. • amid hoods, named hil enlry tem this fall. (sewers) which have in the past been morning and an tnltial panel of 11 men ropes, and bloody scrawling!. Dead with subsidized by the city. and six women was chosen for indlvid· her, of gunshot and knife wounds, were Environmentalist" and The Council also gave formal approval Ims it is made of paper Area subdividers, who worked on all ual quizzing in the judge's chambers by lour visitors. , to two resolutions giving the go·ahead aspects of tbe ordinance, are violently defell e and pro ecution attorneys. h ~" ,,~ess,!d garbag •. to roof repairs for the Recreation Center. Two wealthy market owners, fr. and opposed to this particular change and The def.ndentt Sit impalliv.1y .t Mrs. Lena LaBianca, were found similar. The roof had been leaking for almost two have asked the Council to consider the Xears when center structure beams In Superior Court Judge Ch.rl.. H. Older ly slain the next night. change carefully. ..Id to the paMI ..ch count tf mu ..... the roof were "post·tensioned" about six In other action the Council: weeks ago thus levelling off the roof and .nd conlplracv. • Passed a resolution authorizing stop from Gov. Claude stopping leakage, said building archi· The four are Charles Manson. 35, head signs on north·south streets crossing of a cult·llke "famlly" of young nomads; West German is shaped likE tect Roland Wehner. West Benton Street west of Sunset with wine . The post·ten loning was done by C. W. Susan Atkins, 21 ; Leslie Van Houten, Street, at Taylor Drive , Fairmeadows 20 , and Patricia Krenwlnkel, 22. Lt. Cmdr. Pit G.II.· Shirey and Co. of Waterloo who were reo Boulevard and Keokuk Street where Kidnap Victim has accepted the leased by the city at the Council mp.et· they intersect Hollywood Boulevard, at Two of tbe first 12 prospective jurors chief tesl pilot for tht ing of all project responsibility after Court Street where it crosses Clinton were excu ed after they said they could noles that iltrod\, paying for the post·tensionlng. Street and on South Grand Avenue In concepts applied to The city is considering legal action front of the University Field House. Still Missing airplanes art id.nticill against four other firms involved in the • Set a public hearing on the 1971 RIO DE JANEIRO IA'I - Kidnapers applied to 10m. of Recreation Center construction, accord­ $9.2 million city budget for July 7. Israel Hits of the W t German amba dor iet p.IHngtl , ing to City Attorney Jay Honohan. • Approved a contract and bond to threatened Tuesday night to kill him , Honohan said after the roof was reo Metro Pavers, Inc. of Iowa City for unlw police relaxed their street pa· paired, the city will try to recover the the 1970 Joint Street improvement pro­ lrols In Rio de Janeiro, a German em· cost from the four firms. The four firms gram with University Heights for Sun· Syria Base be y poke man said. involved are Viggo M. Jensen Co. of set Street. , Iowa City, architects Wehner and Associ· • Held a public hearing on rezoning By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The warning was telephoned to the ates and Harvey Henry, both of Iowa the . Walden property , 212 Riverside Isra II raiders lashed 70 miles Into embassy , he said, and immediately re­ City, Dow Chemical Co. and D.C. Taylor Drive {rom residential (RIA to cammer· Syria Tue. day night, abotaging a layed to Brazilian authorities. Co., Hegge Division, of Cedar Rapids. cial (Cl) zone.. bridge near Damascus and sheiUng • The threat came 85 officials express. Syrian army base, a military spokesman ed alarm at the mounting delay in the Wehner asked the Council Tuesday M.ry Brunner, • key wltneu In lhe in Tel Aviv said. release of Amba ador Ehenfried von night not to release Shirey from respon­ Irial of Robert B.auaoleil for the Ilay. sibility until the matter was investigated It was the first time In three months Holleben, 61, aner 40 polltlcal prison. 1"1 of MUllcian Gary Hinm.n, II tlk· that lsraeli troops lunged into Syria and ers were flown to Algeria 8 ransom more thoroughly. Fire Checks en to thl Los Angeles County 1.11 efter Contacted after the meeting, Wehner Inelideel the deepest penetration since the ]967 for his freedom she also was indi~led for murder . Min said the blame for the leaky roof rested Middle East war . About 20 uniformed state poUcem n on more than the shoulders of the four BrunMr W.I I m.mber of the Ch.rI .. Th. relds, IIsumed to hi". betn mad. Begin Monday Manson "family". - AP Wlrlphoto bave been on guard at the ca tie-like firms named by the city. He declined by hel iCDpter.borM IroopJ, wire ov.r In German embassy since the freed pris­ rrom further comment saying he would A "voluntary home inspection pro­ ---------- fi .... hOllrs, the Ilr.. 1I IeCount 1.ld ••nd oners arrived in Alg ria early Tuesday. wanted to discuss the matter further gram" to spot potential fire and safety all the men In Ih. r.idlne parties re­ trong police patrol also have been wi 'h his attorneys. hazards and to improve firemen-citizen turned Ilf./y. seen near the r Idence and roadblocks In further action, the Council tabled relations was announced Tuesday by The Tel Aviv spokesman aid the have been et up In the area. I~o ordinances pending further investiga. Iowa City Fire Chief Dean Bebee. Newark flects Gibson Israeli soldiers sabotaged a bridge on a The police activity appeared to be an will be judged on dis· Ii .n by the Council and city staff. Bebee said the program would start main highway 40 miles south of Damas· A third reading and passage on rezon· Monday . ('us and mortared a Syrian army base effort to keep spectators away. rather duration of flight and than to locate th abductors, how ver. of design. i "~ Ihe Advanced Drainage Systems Trucks will be taken into a neighbor' containin!: 1.000 troops 49 miles north· fly-offs in the child· '\ DSI properly, 1301 Sheridan Ave., hood and firemen will knock on doors As First Black Mayor east of the ca pital. The government's Radio Nalional iSion will be June 21 at fr m industrial (M·l) to residential (R2) asking permission to make the inspect­ The raids were retaliation for "49 acts mad repeated broadcasts aying th NEWARK, N. J. ~ - A 38·year-old Air Force Base, %, ning was asked for by Councilman ion, Bebee said. A third man will reo of 402.000, whites outnumber nonwhites of aggression" by Syrian troops and safety of von Holleben, re ted "solely Lee Butherus who said the Council want· main in the truck near the radio in case Negro engineer defeated veteran white about 3 to 2 on the voter iists . Arab guerrilla in the pa t month a· with the kidnapers." daily fly· of Is at Mayor Hugh Addonizio TUesday night, County Center of ed more time to explore "making tbe of emergency, he added . The runoff became n cessary May 12 gainst J rael, the spokesman added.
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