1 DARLINGTON POINT & COLEAMBALLY LOCAL ORGANISATIONS DARLINGTON POINT NAME PRESIDENT SECRETARY DARLINGTON POINT TENNIS Mrs Jean Jones CLUB 17 Demamiel Street Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6968 4295 DARLINGTON POINT MEN’S Terry Geeves Peter Jones BOWLS 3 Chant Street 30 DeMamiel Street Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6968 4830 (02) 6968 4133 DARLINGTON POINT LADIES Irene Williams Margaret King BOWLS 4 Barwidgee Blvd “Warangesda” Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6968 4545 (02) 6968 4117 DARLINGTON POINT/ Ken Brain Wendy Brain COLEAMBALLY JUNIOR RUGBY Farm 600 Farm 600 LEAGUE FOOTBALL CLUB Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 8317 (02) 6954 8317 0428 548 388 0428 548 317 [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: Kendra Fattore 0429 684 559 [email protected] DARLINGTON POINT/ Steve Hogan Julie Muir COLEAMBALLY RUGBY LEAGUE Farm 546 8 Bellbird Street FOOTBALL CLUB Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4172 0413 267 238 0413 267 238 [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: Gary Robb Farm 1029 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4354 0467 544 335 (02) 6954 4335 (W) (02) 6954 4432 (Fax) [email protected] DARLINGTON POINT SWIMMING John Hughes Renee Foster CLUB 23 Kook Street 34 Carrington Street Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6968 4382 0428 684 271 COLEAMBALLY/ DARLINGTON Chris Sutton Matt Toscan (Treasurer) POINT APEX CLUB [email protected] [email protected] 0427 516 197 0429 695 058 Organisation’s Address: PO Box 93, Coleambally CATHOLIC LADIES GUILD Jill Cook 1 Britts Road Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6968 4375 Last Updated 03/03/20 2 NAME PRESIDENT SECRETARY DARLINGTON POINT LIONS Alan Strachan PO Box 48 (Lions Club PO Box) CLUB Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 0427 684 218 DARLINGTON POINT P&C Daisy Toscan Casey Trethowan Darlington Point 10 Barwidgee Boulevarde Ph: (02) 6968 4114 Darlington Point Ph: 0459 218 166 DARLINGTON POINT MOBILE Candice Stewart Tammy Kernaghan PRE-SCHOOL Lot 1 Hay Road 2/17 Darlington Street Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 Pre-School Mailing Wendy Goodsall (Treasurer) Address 26 Brooks Crescent PO Box 22, Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point HAY MOBILE Contact - Jenny Lee PRESCHOOL 0429 933 059 HERITAGE DARLINGTON POINT Mona Finley Shirley Norris C/- PO Box 72 Ryan Street Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 (02)6968 4130 Heritage Email: [email protected] DARLINGTON POINT SUNSHINE Sue Porter Jean Jones CLUB 6 White St DeMamiel Street Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6968 4630 (02) 6968 4295 ST VINCENT DE PAUL Bill Ryan “The Homestead” Darlington point 2706 (02) 6968 4259 DARLINGTON POINT RED Denny Scott Mrs Norma Lander CROSS PO Box 23 Kelly Avenue Darlington Point Griffith 2680 (02) 6968 4205 (02) 6964 3354 0447 684 205 [email protected] ST PAUL’S CLOSE Eddie Rooks Megan Wood Farm 200 18 Lander Street COLEAMBALLY 2706 Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6954 6744 (02) 6968 4352 DARLINGTON POINT OVER 50 Marlene Kelly Jean Potts CLUB 19 Narrand Street Secretary (02) 6968 4272 Darlington Point 2706 Heather Agostino (02) 6968 4510 Treasurer (02) DARLINGTON POINT RURAL Troy Heath Hayley Heath FIRE BRIGADE 7 Chant Street 7 Chant Street Darlington Point 2706 Darlington Point 2706 (02) 6968 4680 (02) 6968 4680 Last Updated 003/03/20 3 COLEAMBALLY NAME PRESIDENT SECRETARY COLEAMBALLY CAN-ASSIST Sue Hardy Sue Hardy Farm 511 (President and Secretary) Coleambally (02) 6954 6747 (Home) Penny Young (02) 6954 6747 (Work) Farm 84 0418 605 202 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 6717 (Fax) (02) 6954 9110 (Home) [email protected] (02) 6954 9110 (Work) 0427 549 111 (02) 6954 9110 (Fax) CYPRESS VIEW LODGE LTD Terry Inglis Chris Noack C/- PO Box 27 32 Bluebonnet Crescent Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 0402 769 025 (Organisation’s Address) [email protected] PO Box 27 Coleambally COLEAMBALLY Shane Mannes Danny Graham FOOTBALL/NETBALL CLUB 0409 546 738 0427 548 545 (Australian Football Club & Netball (Organisation’s Address) Club merged 2010) PO Box 80 Coleambally 2707 COLEAMBALLY CENTRAL Diane Roberts Colleen Mader SCHOOL P & C ASSOCIATION (02) 6954 1577 (02) 6954 4548 0400 084 239 [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer Organisation address: Heather Perkins PO Box 121 Coleambally Canteen Treasurer Monika Burgess (02) 6954 4212 [email protected] COLEAMBALLY COMMUNITY Mr Bruce Lamont Organisation’s Address CLUB LTD 13 Bellbird Street PO Box 70, Coleambally Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4286 COLEAMBALLY CLAY TARGET Glen Evans Kevin Shields CLUB Farm 68 Farm 110 Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 0427 549 188 (02) 6954 9118 COLEAMBALLY CHAMBER OF Lynne Stuckings Bronwyn Vearing COMMERCE Farm 62 PO Box .. Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 9184 (02) 6954 4161 COLEAMBALLY CRICKET CLUB Michael Hodgson 19 Bluebonnet Crescent Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4521 [email protected] Last Updated 03/03/20 4 NAME PRESIDENT SECRETARY COLEAMBALLY-DARLINGTON Chairperson: Elaine Clarke POINT COUNTRY EDUCATION Penny Sheppard 21B Bluebonnet Crescent FUND Farm 181 Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 0429 366 270 (02) 6954 9157 [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer: Ken Martin (02) 6954 4520 [email protected] COLEAMBALLY GARDEN CLUB Cate Hardy Sue Inglis 9 Sandpiper Street Coleambally 0421 729 830 [email protected] COLEAMBALLY GOLF CLUB Pat Brown Caroline Rutledge COLEAMBALLY JUNIOR Nathan Jones CRICKET 0427 334 010 COLEAMBALLY LANDCARE Bernard Star Organisation’s Address Coleambally Terry Inglis PO Box 50 Coleambally 2707 COLEAMBALLY LIONS CLUB INC Chris Hardy Sue Hardy Farm 511 Farm 511 Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 6747 (02) 6954 6747 [email protected] Organisation’s Address PO Box 71, Coleambally COLEAMBALLY NATIONAL John Ward PARTY Farm 2004 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 6166 COLEAMBALLY PISTOL CLUB COLEAMBALLY PRE-SCHOOL Vicki Knight Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4189 COLEAMBALLY PLAYGROUP Kelly Pound COLEAMBALLY AUSTRALIA DAY Penny Sheppard Alison Hayes COMMITTEE (Chairperson) (Vice-Chairperson) Farm 181 Farm 641 Kidman Way Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 9157 Ph & Fax (02) 6954 4641 0427 549 157 [email protected] COLEAMBALLY RED CROSS Mrs Elaine Clarke (Liason Officer) 21b Blubonnet Crecent Coleambally 2707 0429 366 270 Last Updated 03/03/20 5 NAME PRESIDENT SECRETARY COLEAMBALLY RESCUE SQUAD Samantha Harris Lloyd Stimson 19 Sandpiper Street Farm 623 Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4154 (02) 6954 8533 [email protected] 0419 280 246 Organisation’s Address: PO Box 37, Coleambally COLEAMBALLY RICEGROWERS David Brain ASSOCIATION Farm 180 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 6718 COLEAMBALLY SQUASH CLUB Neil Burke Keith Thompson 0439 084 569 0428 281 9191 COLEAMBALLY TENNIS CLUB Rae Collier Colleen Mader 0419 984 310 58 Kingfisher Avenue Coleambally (02) 6954 4548 0428 531 876 [email protected] COLEAMBALLY WATER SKI Robert Bull Megan Schliebs CLUB INC Farm 34 Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 Organisation’s Address PO Box 107, Coleambally COLEAMBALLY LADIES GOLF Margaret Naseby Margaret King COMMITTEE Mellington Road 8192 Kidman Way Coleambally Darlington Point 2706 (02) 69 541 215 (02) 6968 4117 0488 927 382 0429 021 867 COLEAMBALLY/ Mrs B Rose Sue Inglis ARGOON CWA (President) 9 Sandpiper Street Farm 96 Main Canal Road Coleambally Coleambally 2707 0421 729 830 (02) 6954 1527 [email protected] 0428 546 125 [email protected] COLEAMBALLY/ DARLINGTON Ben Witham POINT APEX CLUB “Mundoora” Ercildoune Rd Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4272 (Organisation’s Address) PO Box 93, Coleambally COLEAMBALLY/DARLINGTON Mr Eddie Rooks Ken Martin POINT RSL 16B Currawong Crescent 13 Curlew Crescent Coleambally 2707 Coleambally (02) 6954 4767 (02) 6954 4520 0400 791 222 0427 871 950 [email protected] [email protected] (Organisation’s address) PO Box 5 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 4520 SOROPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL Jan Mills Bev Weymouth COLEAMBALLY Coleambally 2707 Organisation’s Address: PO Box 37, Coleambally Last Updated 03/03/20 6 NAME PRESIDENT SECRETARY ST MARKS ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. Sue Ellen Chilvers Ann Pretty 0427 636 936 Coleambally 2707 Kookaburra Street Coleambally 2707 ST PETER’S P & F Debbie Whelan Jeanette Burnett 34 Currawong Crescent Farm 182 Morundah Rod, Coleambally 2707 Coleambally (02) 6954 4649 (02) 6954 6775 0428 544 381 0458 194 289 [email protected] [email protected] Organisation’s Address c/- St Peter’s Primary School, Currawong Crescent, Coleambally COLEAMBALLY JUNIOR TOUCH Rachel Goudie Alison Hayes FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION COLEAMBALLY SENIOR TOUCH Andrew Herbert FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION YAMMA PROGRESS Neville Anderson ASSOCIATION INC Farm 588 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 8527 COLEAMBALLY MENTAL Organiser: Colin Vivian Recorder: Baden Wiseman HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP Farm 113 Farm 95 GROW Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 9180 (02) 6954 1517 COLEAMBALLY QUILTERS Heather Perkins Shona Hando “Currongo” Farm 548 Kyola Coleambally 2707 Coleambally (02) 6954 8548 (02) 6954 4049 0428 270 876 [email protected] COLEAMBALLY SES UNIT Dep Controller: Lloyd Stimson PO Box 10 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 8533 MURRUMBIDGEE SHIRE Steve Burgess COMMUNITY 0427 544 212 EXPERIMENTAL/DEMONSTRATI ON FARM INC Last Updated 03/03/20 7 NAME PRESIDENT SECRETARY UNITING CHURCH ADULT Margaret Sheppard Jean Mills FELLOWSHIP Farm 108 Farm 105 Coleambally 2707 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 9126 (02) 6954 9144 0427 108 901 0488 223 338 Treasurer Beverly Rose Wiseman Farm 96 Coleambally 2707 (02) 6954 1527 0428 546 125 UNITING CHURCH COUNCIL Barb Guymer Liz Schliebs COLEAMBALLY MENS SHED Eddie Rooks Terry Inglis 0400 791 222 0402 769 025 RIVERINA VINTAGE David Brain Tracey Boschetti MACHINERY CLUB LTD Farm 180 Coleambally Coleambally 2707 0427 820 715 CYPRESS VIEW AUXILIARY Sue Inglis Coleambally 0421 729 830 Last Updated 03/03/20 .
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