E NASA CONTRA CTOR 8' ... " 2 REPORT E h N h N I CIL U ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL DYNAMICDATA FROM SKYLAB Volume I - TechnicalDiscussion F"' - f" ~ATIONALAERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D. c. AUGUST 1976 " TECHNIC14L REPOF ~~ 1. REPORT NO. 2; GOVERNMENTACCESSION NO. NASA CR-2727 ~" ~ ~ -I== A TITLEAN0 SUBTITLE 5. REPORTDATE Analysis of Structural Dynamic Data from Skylab August 1976 Volume I - Technical Discussion 6. PERFORMINGORGANIZATION CODE ' .M-i76 7. AUTHOR(S) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REP0R.r U Leonard Demchak and Harry Harcrow ~ . ~~ 9. PERFORMINGORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS ,O. WORK UNIT, NO. Martin Marietta Corporation P. 0. Box 179 I 1. 'CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. NAS8-31224 Denver,Colorado 80201 13. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIODCOVEREL .....=.- _~____ ~- ~~ 12. SPONSORINGAGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS Contractor Report Final National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, D.C. 20546 1.1. SPONSORINGAGENCY CODE __ _____ "" .. ~ 15. SUPPLEMENTARYNOTES I _.-.-- 1.~- 16. ABSTRACT This report presents the resultsof a study to analyze data and document dynamic program highlights of the Skylab Program. Included are structural model sources, illustration of the analytical models, utilization of models and the resultant derived data, data supplied to organization and subsequent utilization, and specifications of model cycles. This analysis is published in two volumes: Volume I - TechnicalDiscussion - NASA CR-2727 Volume a -- Skyla$ Analyticaland Test Modal Data - NASA CR-2728 - ~~ . ~ ~~ 17. KEY WORDS 18. DISTRIBUTIONSTATEMENT STAR Category 15 ." - "= ~~~~ ~ ~-. ". ~~ ~ ~~~ 19. SECURITYCLASSIF. rmpcrt) 20. SECURITYCLASSIF. (of this psgq 21. NO. OFPAGES 22. PRICE Unclassified Unclassified 220 $7.25 - - .- - . For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield,.Virginia 22161 I iii CONTENTS Introduction ......................... X 1. Structural ModelDeployment ............... 1- 1 1.1 SkylabVibration Analysis Chronology ........ 1- 2 1.2Evolution of Structural Models ............ 1- 8 1.3 Conclusion ..................... 1- 22 2 . SkylabAnalytical Methodologies ............. 2- 1 2.1Skylab Modal Characteristics ............ 2- 1 2.2Skylab Docking Response .............. 2- 2 2.3 Model Correlationto Vibration Testing ....... 2-6 3 . OrbitalCluster Interior Acoustics ........... 3- 1 3.1 AcousticAcceptance Criteria ............ 3- 1 3.2 Definition of Environment ............. 3- 2 3.3 Flight Measurement Results ............. 3- 3 3.4 AcousticEnvironment Mapping ............ 3- 5 3.5 Skylab Crew MissionAcoustic Evaluation ...... 3- 6 3.6 ArticulationIndex (AI)Analyses ........... 3- 11 3.7 Flight Anomalies .................. 3- 12 3.8 Conclusions .................... 3- 12 3.9 Recommendations .................. 3- 13 4 . General Test Program .................. 4- 1 4.1Vibro-Acoustic Test Overview ............ 4- 1 4.2Phase IIA PayloadAssembly Launch ConfigurationTests ................ 4- 3 4.3Phase IIB PayloadOrbital Configuration Modal Survey .................... 4- 20 4.4Phase I11 Additional IU Acoustic Tests ....... 4- 30 5 . Dynamic Structural Model Verification .......... 5- 1 5.1 Pre-Test Modal VibrationAnalysis ......... 5- 1 5.2Discussion of Test Modes .............. 5- 23 5.3Correlation of Test Modes withAnalytically Predicted Modes .................. 5- 25 5.4Correlation Improvement Methodology ........ 5-41 5.5 Correlation ImprovementProcedure ......... 5- 44 5.6 Postflight Model Verification ........... 5-65 iv 6 . Conclusions ....................... 6-1 6.1Structural Modes .................... 6-1 6.2System Modal Characteristics ............ 6-1 6.3Structural Testing ................. 6-2 6.4General ....................... 6-3 7.0Notes .......................... 7-1 7.1Abbreviations .................... 7-1 7.2References ..................... 7-3 7.3Additional Reference Material ............ 7-5 List of Tables 1.1 Model ComplexityHistory .............. 1-5 3.1Speech Interference Levels Due Individualto NoiseSources at 5.0 PSIA .............. 3-15 3.2 SkylabEquipment andExperiment List ........ 3-17 3.3 Experiment ERD's Reviewed .............. 3-18 3.4Noise Sources Located in MDA ............ 3-19 3.5 NoiseSources Located in AM/STS ........... 3-20 3.6Noise Sources Located in OWS ............ 3-21 3.7 MDA NoiseSource Power Levels ............ 3-32 3.8 MDA/STS NoiseSource Power Levels14.7 PSIA Atmosphere ..................... 3-33 3.9 MDA/STS NoiseSource Power Levels 5.0 PSIA Atmosphere ..................... 3-34 3.10 AM NoiseSource Power LevelsinDecibels ...... 3-35 3.11 OWS NoiseSource Power Levels (Pm's)14.7 PSIA Atmosphere ................... 3-36 3.12 Experiment M509 Nozzles SoundPower Levels at 5.0 PSIA Ambient Pressure ............ 3-37 3.13 Experiment TO20 Nozzles SoundPower Levels ..... 3-38 V -Pas 3.14 Equivalent A-WeightedSound LevelsCaused by IndividualNoise Sources at 5.0 PSIA . 3-39 3.15 SkylabAcoustical Compartment Characteristics . 3-40 3.16 Skylab Interior Noise Source SPL'sMeasured During SL-3 Mission . 3-48 3.17 SpeechInterference Levels Applicable to SL-2, SL-3 and SL-4 M487 Measured FlightData . 3-53 3.18 ModifiedSpeech Interference Levels Applicable to SL-2, SL-3 and SL-4 M487 Measured Flight Data . 3-53 3.19 Skylab Interior SPL'sMeasured During Coolant Loop NoiseInvestigation - SL-4 . 3-54 4.1 Skylab Payload Assembly Acoustic/IU Modal SurveyTest Summary . 4- 13 5.1 Identification of First Six Natural Frequencies Free-Free CSM on DTACSM SuspensionSystem . 5-14 5.2 Identification of First Six Natural Frequencies Free-Free ATM on DTA ATM SuspensionSystem . 5-15 5.3 Orbital Modal SurveyDegree of Freedom Table for Mode Shapeand Discrete Mass Matrix . 5-16 5.4 Orbital Configuration (DTA) CoupledAnalytical Modes. 5-17 5.5 Orbital Configuration Analytical Modes GMC Summary . .. 5-21 5.6 Skylab Orbital Configuration Modal Survey Test, Valid Test Runs Arranged in AscendingOrder . 5-28 5.7 Summary of Test Modes OrthogonalityResults . 5-29 5.8 Description of Test Modes . :. 5-30 5.9 OrbitalConfiguration Test Modes GMC Summary . 5-32 5.10 Summary of Testand Analytical Modes Correlation . 5-33 5.11 Cross-Orthogonalityand GMC Least-Squares Fit Results....................... 5-37 vi .Pa e 5.12 Pre-Test Modal StrainEnergy Distribution ...... 5-51 5.13 OrbitalConfiguration Modal SurveyTest Modes Generalized Mass Contribution Summary ........ 5-52 5.14Frequency Correlation Summary ............ 5-53 5.15 CalculationofLeast-Squares DA ScalingFactor ... 5-54 5.16 CSM FlexibilityInfluence Coefficient Data ..... 5-55 5.17 Sunnnary of Test andAnalytical Modes Correlation . 5-60 5.18 Modal DeflectionsAcross DA rigidizing Arms ..... 5-68 5.19Flexibility Influence Coefficients Across Rigidizing Arms ................... 5-69 List of Figures 1.1 AAP Wet Workshop Configuration ........... 1-1 1.2 Skylab CSM Axial DockingConfiguration ....... 1-3 1.3 CSM Radial Docking Configuration .......... 1-3 1.4 SkylabConfiguration 3.1 .............. 1-6 1.5 SkylabConfiguration 1.2 .............. 1-7 1.6 Nonlinear1.6 Force-Deflection Relationship ....... 1-8 1.7Skylab A OrbitalConfiguration (Configuration 6) Test Setup Modal Survey Tests ............ 1-10 1.8 Skylab Component Systems .............. 1-12 1.9 FAS/IU/OWS ..................... 1-13 1.9a OWS SolarArray System ............... 1-14 1.10 MDA/STS/MDA Model .................. 1-16 1.10aAirlock Module ................... 1-17 1.10b MDA ......................... 1-18 1.11 Axially Docked CSM ................. 1-20 vi i .Pa gg 1. lla ApolloDocking Pr.obe Assembly ............ 1-21 1.12 Deployed ATM .................... 1-23 1.12a ApolloTelescope Mount ............... 1-24 1.12b ATM RackModel ................... 1-25 1.12c Flow Chart for Developing AT" Rack Flight LoadsModel ..................... 1-26 1.12d SL ATM Retained GimbalRing Assemble Structural Model .................. 1-27 1.12e GRA RollerEffective Spring Rates .......... 1-28 1.12f SL ATM CanisterStructural Model .......... 1-29 1.12g Undeployed DA Model ................. 1-30 1.13 Graphic Summary of Model Evolution ......... 1-32 2.1 Chronologyof Modal AnalysisMethodology ...... 2-3 2.2 Chronologyof Docking Response Methodology ..... 2-7 2.3 Chronologyof Eigensolution Sensitivity to . Parametric Model Perturbations ........... 2-8 3.1 AcousticalNoise Limits Acceptable for ContinuousExposure ................. 3-14 3.2 Location of MDA and STS NoiseSources ........ 3-23 3.3 Locationof MDA and STS NoiseSources ........ 3-24 3.4 Locationof AM/STS NoiseSources .......... 3-25 3.5 Location of AM/STS NoiseSources .......... 3-26 3.6 Locationof OWS NoiseSources ............ 3-27 3.7 Location of Noise Sources in OWS Forward Compartment ..................... 3-28 3.8 Location ofNoise Sources in OWS Forward Compartment ..................... 3-29 viii 3.9 Location of Noise Sources in Experiment Compartment . 3-30 3.10 Location of NoiseSources in OWS Wardroom Compartment . 3- 3 1 3.11 Estimated MDA/STS Reverberation Times at AtmosphericPressures of 14.7 and 5.0 PSIA . 3-41 3.12 Estimated AM Reverberation Times at Atmospheric Pressures of14.7 and 5.0 PSIA . 3-42 3.13 Estimated OWS Reverbera tion Times at Atmospheric Pressures of 14.7and 5.0 PSIA . 3-43 3.14 MeasurementLocations inthe OWS Aft Compartment . 3-44 3.15 Measurement Locations in the OWS Forward Compartment . 3-45 3.16 MeasurementLocation inthe STS/AM . 3-46 3.17 MeasurementLocation inthe MDA . 3-47 3.18 Comparison of Predictedand Measured SPL's in MDA/STS at 5.0 PSIA . 3-49 3.19 Comparis,on of Predictedand Measured SPL's in AM at 5.0 PSIA . 3-50
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