N K r r' T . The News of All 18 Pages Today The Township Two Sections N. J.. FRIDAY, MAY 10. 1020 P&ICE THREE CENTS XI, No. 9 1 2nd Ward Republcan Mysterious Blast Wrecks House - Cripples Telephone Exchange ^ Eat Too Much Club To Meet Monday Advise of Cycle Expert At Rotary Luncheon Much Interest In What May Gives Account of Experience Transpire At Big Gathering While He Was A Profession- Called By President—Coun-j nl Rider. Men To Speak, ty Frank Cramer, who for seventeen ^ wry important mooting of the •. l>'iiri hcM the National Bicycle ,,,,,,,,I \Vnrd Republican Club is i:impioii«hip. told the Rotary Club . i^terdny of his cycling experience* |,lt,.,l for Monday niRht nt S (.'dork; ,'. ,|,i. Parish House in KiiiR George's .md (ruining. Ho id president of the Kiwt Orange Rotary Club and i» Na- '.,<! in Fords. The mee-tinu has been "iiul Arbiter of bicycling, holding .,'][,.il liy President Eric Schuster and if same relation to cycling as Judge ,','i comity candidates have been in •andis does to baseball. !t, ,1 tn attend. James Wiffht. pres- Having won honors as an amateur I,.,,( ,,f the Woodbridfre Republicans ,Mr. I'rnmer turntd profaatonal to ,ii l,r niio "f tne principal speakers j-'jirn money with his ability. He re- ,• ,|1(, (.veiling. tired in l!»22 nt the ajre of 42. He 'it js expected that most of the it ill fcvla 'perfectly capable of riding ,mty candidates will make luldrcss- bns loM hui former quick "come co'ncorning local issues. A very !>:n-k" after ewrtlon. rpc attendance is expected on nc- As bicycle arbiter he finds it neces- ,',.nit. of an interesting situation sary tn keep the sport clean in order \'l,ich 1ms develope d in the ward. Al-, to keep public confidence. Ya.fv two men are known to be in Not to over-eat is th<» nyort nece«- '.,'„ primary race for nomination for! »iry factor in training, stated Mr. ... ,,,!iers of, the Township committee. ! 'rnmer. Regularity in sleeping and ,,„. of these Is Ainer Christensen of •iiting is important. When in train- . ,, West End Republican Club; an-1 iivr he ate egi»s, toast and coffee for .',., ,• is John A. Haasey a prominent 'irenkfiuit. soup at noon, and a sub- i•, publican of Iselin. Both of these -t.uitial 1mi-ill at night but always left e well known and regarded a ihe tjil'l. with n fooling that he could n ;ir s eat ni'.ro. He said that ninety per i;,,|i(bites who would receive strong cent i>f tlu' people eat too much. I'.ut th« Second Ward Club has, as Tonight -,\x r.:;io the. Rotary Club , • announced no candidate and has will piny the I.ions Cluh lit baseball , .iicd no choice in retard to those on ill.' l':\ii<h House field and expect .inly in the race. Thc?iuilt is that :.i enenco the Fords Lions Club Mon- ,•!, interest is felt in Republican Iny night. I.enn McF.lroy is in charge v-i aa to whether some new can- the Imsi'kill team. Howling will :,v will pitch his hat in the rin« I-,, he engnged iii tonight by two •• day night with the support of the <-.tm< of the Rotary Club. .I. J. Liv- ,n<| WHrd Cluh. There is also iin'i">il and Barroti Sohoder are to- h interest in whatever may conic night's captains. •uht regarding a candidate, for I,;idie-' Night of the Rotary Club will be hold next Thursday night at I'raft-smnn's Club. However the regular dinner meeting will be held Thursday noon, as \JSUal. Visitors yesterday were. 'Fred Sunshine Class Swift. Klmer Birdafcll, John McMan- us, and Ted Van Wert, of East Or- ange: Oscar Barr and George Crane, Holds May Frolic of South Amboy, and Colby Dill, .Harry I'onard and Goorge Gordon \(,vel and Enjoyable Program \ of Perth Amboy. Richard Krohne Carried Out In Presbyterian WHS the guest of II. \V. Kelly. Sunday School. A successful May Frolic was given ! Study Club Elects the Sunshine Class, of the 1're.s- ;<rian church, on Friday night in. basement of the Sunday school, Officers For Year , rh had been decorated to resem- i ;i forest. The lloor was covered • Mrs. J. J. Livingood Is Named !i pine needles and branches of • . had been placed about the • ; President—Interesting P»- ii. Signs appropriate to the for- pers Read By Member*. had been nailed to the trees, i I"ne opening number was a song ^ The annual election of officers of the class, "We're Here For Fun," the Tuesday Study Club was held on .\ed by a grand march led by Tuesday at the dub meeting «t th* Erie, Straight. home of Mrs. John Serena, of Elite* i,auieti were played and there wag beth. The following officers wer« inunity singing. Th« class then elected: I*resident, Mrs. J. J. Livin,- : !n <1 to the Sunday school where good. ,lr.; Vice President, Mrs. F. F. M:iy pole had been erected with u |Anness; Secretary, Mrs. Stanley Pot- i y of apple blossoms. ter; Treasurer, Mrs. Madeleine Du- M: . Ernest Abbott was crowned val. .•..n of the May," and Rev. Ab- Mrs. A. R. Bergen and Mrs. Hamp- was-crowned "King," hy Mrs. Those photos taken early Monday morning show several ton Cutter were appointed to take '•'. .-.Nil Anness. After the ceremonies The rear of the. homo of Ross Fer- charge* of the programs and Mrs. king" and "queen" reviewed Explosion In William Street Damaged Windows For Tworari) fnci<d the .side of the harness views of the dahiage done by William Street Explosion. Upper Claude Decker and Mrs. Samuel Pot- r "subjects" as they executed a Blocks In All Directions, Endangered Many Lives and Was shop. There was u. .space of several rigiit shows view of wrecked garage across street from explo- ter will take charge of the music. ilt May pole exercise.while Mr. Followed Instantly By a Fire That Consumed House Where feet of garden and a driveway inter- Two interesting papers were read . Mrs. William Baker sang "In vening but the explosion wrecked the j stem scene; Upper left shows Chief of Police Jatrick J. Murphy, by Mrs. H. A. Tappen and Mrs. S. • Shade of the Old Apple Tree." Blast Occurred—Buildings Close To Scene Are Badly rear of the Ferraro house badly. The (Captain James Walsh and County Detective McDermott dis- E. Potter, respectively. Mrs. Tap- \ May walk through th« woods Damaged—Two Telephone Operators, Two Boys and arear rooms were filled with broken pen's paper was on "Manitoba, God's ,.ud and attractive favors, were glass and the wreckage of window cussing blast near scene; Middle left shows child asleep in bed Prairie," which was described as a ••• .sited to the guests. A box pic- Man Are Slightly Injured—Police Immediately. Begin frames while furniture, was tossed in damaged Ferraro house; Middle right shows damage in kit- prairie cove-red with fields of wav- Uincheon was then served. Mrs. Probe And Have Worked Steadily At It Since—Solution about and damaged. It is considered ing grain. The soil i& extremely fer- ..i.im Baker then sang the solo i miraculous that no one was injured chen of Ferraro house; Lower left shows side view of wreck of tile and yields the finest grades of ••• "f "Hmilei" with the audience I Of Problem Said To Be Near—Some Form of Revenge Is in the Ferraro home. harness shop with telephone building in background. Lower wheat. • :.k' in the chorus. Mrs. Edwin 1 The rear of the home and store The northern part of Manitoha is "••r was the accompanist. The pro- i Hinted At As Cause. building of Mrs. George Molnar was right was taken from rear of harness shop and shows wreck- in the Hudson Bay district where . •,'.•!. dosed with the singing of "'Till Monday afternoon. Peter Mitchell, a badly damaged. The. house fronts on age of harness shop. muny fur bearing animals are trap- Again."- \ Many lives were endangered, one former officer in the Foreign Legion New street at the corner of William ped for trade in Europe and Amer ica. M: Klna Bergh was general! building was totally demolisheihdd andd of France who has been in the airstreet. A rear extention was nearly ! Mrs. S. E. Potter read a paper on iin. She was assisted by the j WVeral others were damaged and the service and has. had wide experience opposite the Csanyi shop. In this ex- the explosion. Chief of Police Mur- ing- Games, Mrs. Erie Straight; | telephone exchange was put out ofwith bombs in Europe and Africa | the "Canadian National Parks." telephone exchange s p 11 tention the Molnar boys, George, phy, Captain Walsh and several ofti-* 5j There are many national parks in MisseMi s Daisy Madden anandd j busines business bby aan explosioexplosion iin T^iT^ """ gave it as his opinion that an ether aged 10 and Charles, aged 8, were cers assigned to special duty on the Uwrcnce; May pole, Mrs. ! street.at 2:37 o'clock Monday morn bomb caused tho explosion. He waa Canada which are extremely beauti- sleeping, and in an adjoining room case have been working on it since. ful. They are much enjoyed by tour- Annessund Mrs, Albert The-r- inn.gs. Besided s thhe heavh y damagd e dondee at the scene soon after the explosion Louis Horvath a boarder was asleep. Besides the local men, the detectives '•'• larnto buildings in the immediate vicin- und said ho noted a strong odor of The man and the two boys were- cut Returned Minister ists us well as the Canadians, the ether.
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