mocum sum ED 126,343 CE, 007.479 TITLi FiremantlavalRateTraiang.Manuil and Nonresident Career Course. INSTITUTION Naval Education andTraining. Command Pensacola, Fla.' 'REPORT NO NAVEDXRA-10520-E PUB DATE 76 NOTE 248p.; Photographs will not reproduce in microfiche AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent'of Documents, W.S. government Printing Office, Washington, D.00.20402/(Stock Number 0502-LP-052-6010) EBBS PRICE MP-$0.83 HC-$12.71 Plus Postage* 'DESCRIPTORS, *Engineering;.*Engineering TeOhniciAns; Engines; *Equipment Maintenance; Fluid,tower Education; Hydraulics; *Job Training; Manuals; *Occupatidnal Information;'Ocean Engineering; *Study Guides IDENTIFIERS *Navy ABSTRACT. , The Rate Training Manual and the Nonresident Career CoUrs0 OWNRCO-was prepared to assist the firemanapprentice to gdalify and to advance to fireman intheNavy. The Manual is designed foVi.ndividual study and. provides subject matter that'relates directly the occupational qualifications of the fireman rating. Fireman is one of the lower ratings in the eng4sering department, which is organized for the efficient operationiMMAntenance,and repair.of the ship's propulsion plant, auxiliaty,Michinery, and .piping systems. The areas covered inclmdell(1),administrativeand operational functions of the engineering departMent;(2) various laws. t.andjAlenomena of nature related to ongineeringfundamentals;(3) TprinciVles and types of ship propulsion; (4) areas ofoperation in basic steam cycles;(5) operating principles. of boilers; (6) components of 'the steam ;turbines and reductiongears; (7) location °Eind'function of auxiliary machinery and equipment;(8) measurement% instruments;-.(9) pumps, valves, and piping; (101 diffeient shipboard elettrical eqmipment; (11) internal combustion engines.;and (12) engineerihg watches and duties. A glossary of engineeringterms and the metric system are appended and an index is-imcluded.A series of six assignments is provided in the NRCC to assist thestudent through the training manuals (Author/BC) **************************i******************************************** * Documents acgeed by ERIC include many informal unpublished * * materials,not ava lable from othersources.,ERIC makesevery effort * * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items ofmarginal. * *'reproducibility are often encountered and-thisaffects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * *viathe.BRIcDocumentReproduction Service (EDRS).,EDES is not * * responsible for the quality' of the original document. Reproductions* * supplied by BURS are the best that can be made from .the original. * *********************************************************************** O JUL 0 1 FIREMAN 1976 NAVAL EDUCATION ANDTRAINING COMMAND RATE TRAINING MANUAL AND NONRESIDENT CAREERCOURSE U S OEFARTMENT OF HEALTH. EOUCATION IL WELFARE NAVEDTRA 10520-E NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO- DUCED E RACILY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN. ATINr, IT POINTS Or VIEW OR OPINIONS STA TEO DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE- SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION POSITION OP POLICY 1111 PREFACE This Rate Training. Manual.arid the 'Nonresident CareerCourse (RTM/NRCC) has been prepared to assistthe Firemen Apprentice toqualify and, to advance to Fireman.Study of this training manualshould be combined with practical experience,with study and review of other applicable Rate Training Manuals,and with study ofmanufacturers' tecloical manuals, NavShipsTechnical Manual, and other material. applicable Cr Designed for individual study andnot formal classfoom instruction; the RTM provides subject matterthat relates directly to the occupational qualifications of the Fireman rating. TheNRCC provides the usualway of satisfying the requirements for completingthe RTM, -The set of assignments in the NRCC includes learning objectivesand supporting items designedto lead students through the RTM. As one of the Rate TrainingManuals, Flreinani and the NRCC has been prepared by the Naval Education andTraining Progam Development Center, Pensacola, Florida, for theChief of Naval Education andTraining. Information providedby numerous manufacturers,publishers,and associationsis gratefullk acknowledged. Technicatiassistancehas been provided by the Naval Sea SystemsCommand, Servi0 School Command, San Diego, and the Service School Command,Great Lakds. Stock Ordel3ing -No. Revised 1976* 0502-1.14,2-6010 Published by NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAININGSUPPORT COMMAND o UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C.: .1916 THE UNITED STATES NAVY 'GUARDIAN OF OUR COUNTRY The United States Navy is responsible for maintaining control of the sea and is a 'ready force on watch at home and overseas, capable of strong action to preserve the peace or, of instant offensive action/to Win in war. It is upon the maintenance of this control that our country' glorious future depends; the United States Navy exists to make it so. WE SERVE WITH HONOR Tradition, valor, and victory are the Navy's heritage from theigtist. T.o these may be added dedication, discipline, and vigilance as thewathhwords of the present and the future. N Athome orondiStant stations we serve with'prideeconfident in the respett our country, our shipmates, and our families. Our responsibilities sober us; our adversities strengthen us. Service to God and Country is our special privilege. We serve with honor. THE FUTURE OF THE NAVY The Navy will always employ new weapons, new techniqueS, and grotter power to protect and defend the United'States on the sea,'under the Seaj and in the Now and in the future,' control of the sea gives the United States her greatest advantage for the maintenance of peace and for victory in war. , Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are thekeynotes of the new Navy.The roots of the Nally lie u a -strong belief in the future, in continued dedicatiorito our tasks, and In reflection onour, heritage from the past. Never have our opportunities and our responsibilities beengreateil: CONTENTS CHAPTER Page 1, Prepafinglor Advancement 1 2. Engineering Department IV4 4 i 3 Engineering Fundamentals, .' 4 ." 17 '4, 'Ship Propulsion . ..., .. 31 5 Basic Steam Cycles . { ...f. .. .. 48 , v 6. Boilers . le . .4 .1. , 56 IeductioI 7. Steam Turbines and h Gears 72 8. Auxiliary Machinery and Equipment 88 9. InstruMents ' ... .... .. .... .. .. 4 4 4 : 100 10. Pimps, Valves, and Piping..,. 116 1 1 . Shipboard Electiical Equipment..... ,. 143 itti . 12. Internal Combustion Engines . 156 13. Engineering Watch4.... 171 APPENDIX I, GlossaryEngineeri4 Terms 177 II The Metric System . 1.0 INDEX 193 Occippational Standards . * .. '197 Noniesident CarPer Course followSOccupational Stdards ....... 'CREDITS- The illustrations indicated below are included in this edition of Fireman through thecourtesy of the designated . companies, Diu rs, and associations, Permission to 'use these illustrations is gratefully acowledgect Permission to reproduce these illustrations and other materials in . this Publication should be obtained from the source. Source Figure Babcock & Wilcox Company 6-16C Buffalo Meter CoMpany 9-16, 9-17 Cooper-Bessemer Corporation 4-12 Crane CompanY 10-15 Ciosby Valve & Gage Corripany 9-6 General Electric Company 7-14, 7-15, 1.2, 11-3 General, Motors Corporation 12-6 Detroit Diesel Engine Division 4-13 Electro-Motive Division 4-8 James Go Biddle' Company 9-21, 9-22 Jones Motorola Company 9-20 Manning, 'Maxwell & Moore, Inc. 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 94, 9-5 U.S, Naval 1nStitute 54, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 741, 7-12, 7-13, 7-16, 8-5, 8-6, 8-7, 8-8, 9-7, 9-8, 9-11, 9-12, 9-13, 9-23, 10-9, 10-16, 10-17, 10-24, 10-27, 10-28, 10-29, 10-31 Westinghouse Electric Corporation 5-3, 7-10, 9-19 1V PREPARING FOR ADV Study of this training manual willstart yoU distillinplants, and on your way to earning one of the Engineering mpressots. You will be requireto perfOrm entive corrective and Hull ratings, (See fig. M.)This training mainte 'ante in accord manual is one of several which will, ith th-M system. help you (For, ad itionalinformatioOn thisstem, :refer meet thetechnicalrequirementsfor to BaseMilitary Acquirements, NAVEDTRA advancement. 10954- Chapter 16.) YoU will also' stand As a member of the engineering department security and fire watches in engineeringspaces, aboard ship, you know thatyou are assigned to act asboat engineer, take part in drills,and the heart of the ship. It is throughyour efforts perfo the duties'," of damage control repair e eortsit f every other member ot,the arty te ephone-talker andmessenger. .. ePattment thatur ship beconies 'alive and is You .may ask yourself the question,"flovi le to meet its .'comitments anywhere on the 'am I ev r going to learnto do all these jobs?" In oceans of the world, 'the. beginning, you Will workwith the iietty officer Who is responsible for seeingthat a specific job 'is done properly.He will show you RATE OF FIREMAN exactly how to performevery detail of each operation. Then he will haveYou' do the job A Fireman" is basicallyan engineering trainee\under his supervision, Finally, whenhe has who must performa wide variety-ottasks. Some N.Jconfidence in you and your abilityto do the of these tasksmay seem quitennnecessatY job, he will giveyou the opportunity to perform although there is avery distinct reason for the on your Own. This general procedure' willbe tasks you will be required toperform. The observed thronghoutyour entire period as a reason, even though it sometimes may be 'striker, I unclear, is to increase the operational ickliness
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