Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-8-2018 The BG News January 8, 2018 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 8, 2018" (2018). BG News (Student Newspaper). 9016. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/9016 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. bg Renovation news An independent student press serving Review the campus and surrounding community, A semester after renovations, faculty and students ESTABLISHED 1920 Bowling Green State University chime in on University and Moseley. | PAGE 18 Monday January 8, 2018 Volume 97, Issue 37 PHOTO BY VIKTORIIA YUSHKOVA Falcon Movies to look Hockey Communications forward to in dominates gets reboot 2018 Ferris State PAGE 4 PAGE 10 PAGE 14 t we get it. COLLEGE [email protected] www.bgsu.edu/sls 419-372-2951 STUDENT LEGAL SERVICES HAPPENS REAL LAWYERS | REAL RESULTS Net neutrality ruling aftermath By Stepha Poulin old teens went online daily. The internet has trality among young people, however. John Forum Editor evolved with younger people, and they utilize Herman, senior at Anthony Wayne High School the internet more than any other age group. has a different viewpoint. Net neutrality will continue to Their presence in online protests is seen in “I believe that net neutrality is good, make headlines in 2018. In early December, the FCC repealed an a variety of ways, including: sharing petitions, but Title II is not a good way to enforce it,” Obama-era ruling that enforced regulations for representatives’ phone numbers, text-message Herman said. Sixteen states are planning to net neutrality: the concept that internet ser- generated letters to Congress and the House Title II is a portion of the Communica- sue the FCC and adopt state vice providers must not discriminate the data and memes raising awareness. tions Act that regulates “common carriers.” laws about net neutrality. usage and browsing habits of internet users. Junior Mike Stram, visual communication Common carriers used to cover basic utilities, Overwhelmingly, internet users have voiced technology major, has used social media to like electricity. The 2015 ruling on net neutral- • California their distaste in the wake of its repeal, especial- raise awareness. ity added ISPs to the list of common carriers. • Delaware ly younger people. “I tried to get simplified information out “I think that there is a major misunder- Prior to the FCC’s vote, protests erupt- there for people to read so they could under- standing on what this repeal will do to the • Hawaii ed across many internet platforms, span- stand what net neutrality is and a little bit internet,” Herman said. “If the repeal goes • Illinois ning from popular social media sites to the about how it works,” Stram said. “Things like through, the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) • Iowa less-popular portions of the web-forum Facebook posts and just talking to your friends will still be allowed to regulate their rules for 4Chan. This call-to-action largely reached are great ways to spread information.” net neutrality.” • Kentucky young people, as they make up an ever-grow- However, net neutrality is hard to ex- FCC Chairman Ajit Pai has become the • Maine ing portion of internet users. plain, especially with character limits on so- punchline to a lot of jokes about net neutral- • Maryland Many young internet users oppose the cial media posts. Stram decided to simplify ity, essentially turning him into the “supervil- appeal of net neutrality, like senior multi-plat- what net neutrality encompasses by using lain” of the internet. His past employment at • North Carolina form journalism major Maxwell Hess. tangible examples. Verizon Wireless has led many to label him as • Oregon “I think net neutrality benefits the major- “Imagine information as a tollway. If you a ISP loyalist. • Mississippi ity of consumers and is a pain for internet ser- pay the fee you can go anywhere and as fast as A video response Pai filmed seemed to vice providers. It’s important, unless paying ex- your car can take you without extra charges,” mock several concerns internet users have • Massachusetts tra for the full internet experience isn’t an issue he said. “Without neutrality, the owners of the about net neutrality. In the video, he listed • Pennsylvania for you,” Hess said. “People should care about highway could charge you extra for using the seven things internet users can still do on the • Vermont net neutrality as long as they enjoy freedom of fast lane, charge you for going to certain exits internet following the repeal. Pai’s video has expression online.” or even block exits entirely if they don’t like 30,000 dislikes and 2,000 likes on YouTube, and • Virginia According to the Pew Research Center, 86 where they go.” the comments show a small sample of the in- • Washington percent of 18 to 29-year-old adults used the in- There are varying opinions about net neu- ternet’s opinions about Pai. ternet in 2016, and 92 percent of 13 to 17-year- Great Selection n Close to Campus n Better Prices JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. — RENTALS— “I went to John Newlove Real Estate, I found a great house for me and my friends. It had everything we needed.” HONEST, FRIENDLY & TRUSTWORTHY 319 E. Wooster St. | 419.354.2260 | www.johnnewloverealestate.com BG NEWS January 8, 2018 | PAGE 3 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL , 1045 N. Main St. Bowling Green [email protected] • www.meccabg.com 419.353.5800 High Pointe Village-721 High St NEWLY RENOVATED!. SOME ARE READY FOR A JANUARY MOVE IN 2 Bedrooms Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal Air Conditioning Common Laundry Area CHECK US OUT ON Close to BGSU Shuttle FACEBOOK OR YOUTUBE BG NEWS January 8, 2018 | PAGE 4 BGTHE PLACE SUTO GO FOR APPAREL & GIFTS Welcome back to campus from the We look forward to being your trusted source for local news throughout the semester. Pick up the 1616 E. WOOSTER ST. SUITE 17 paper every Monday ACROSS FROM DOYT PERRY STADIUM and Thursday or 4199626000 WWW.ELITECA.COM check us out online at bgfalconmeida.com. PROMO CODE: JAN20 Excludes other specials or off ers Expires 1/31/18 FORUM January 8, 2018 | PAGE 5 PEOPLEON How to beat procrastination THESTREET By Stepha Poulin it just got more stressful as my courses got What was the most exciting Forum Editor harder, and none of us need any added stress in our lives, with college students ex- thing you did over break? periencing some of the highest stress levels Every semester, I usually say something like Stepha Poulin in history. this to myself, “I’m going to leave procrasti- It’s still hard to get motivated with nation behind, and I’m going to do every- Forum Editor this in mind, but behavioral changes take thing early this semester!” time. We aren’t robots, so it’s not as simple It might start off well, but it usually as changing a code in our programming. If “Went to the goes downhill a few weeks into the semes- you made a New Year’s resolution related to Eastern Michigan ter. It’s apparent my procrastination prob- “If you made a New procrastination, I suggest setting a simpler vs. BG basketball lem needs a new approach. goal to start with. That way, you don’t get g am e .” After ruminating over the issue over Year’s resolution related bummed if you mess up. break (not procrastinating), I came to one Phillippa Lally and colleagues from conclusion: my goal to stop procrastinating to procrastination, I University College London recruited 96 is too broad. I need to look at what causes people who were interested in forming a me to procrastinate and why I keep coming suggest setting a new habit. Here were their findings: back to it. Then, I need to adjust my behav- “Although the average was 66 days, RYAN MITCHELL ior one step at a time. simpler goal to start there was marked variation in how long Freshman, Sports Management I ruled out that watching Netflix all day habits took to form, anywhere from 18 provided me with any sort of reward. If any- with.” days up to 254 days in the habits examined thing, it makes me feel like a scrub at the in this study. As you’d imagine, drinking a end of the day. It might give me some brief daily glass of water became automatic very satisfaction, but at the end of the day, it just watching a show while waiting to finish an quickly, but doing 50 sit-ups before break- “Got to see friends adds onto the stress of looming deadlines. assignment or story makes it difficult to fast required more dedication.” The stress of procrastination is what even enjoy it. Setting broad goals is why many of us and family.” really makes me want to make a change. It Admittedly, at the start of my college give up on a set goal. A dream can seem feels so much better when I get something career, it was pretty fun to procrastinate impossible to achieve, but the baby steps done and then reward myself. Conversely, (don’t let that fool you, though). However, are often easily accomplishable. MAKAYLA SIMS Look forward to the New Year Freshman, Criminal Justice By Vik Scanlon These things are so easily over-looked Guest Columnist when stress is present.
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