Qld Government Qld from Brisbane to the island (07) 3909 3333. 3909 (07) island the to Brisbane from ‘S’ with odd numbers. odd with ‘S’ Robert Ashdown © © Ashdown Robert track featuring scenic views, North Point beach and and beach Point North views, scenic featuring track Events Qld; (far right) right) (far Qld; Events barge your booking when Adventures Island Moreton • Road— Middle of south and numbers even with Road—‘N’ (right) © Tourism and and Tourism © (right) mulgumpincamping.net.au including the Tangalooma Wrecks, the Five Hills lookout lookout Hills Five the Wrecks, Tangalooma the including • Govt; Qld © Siebuhr give the operator the letter and number; north of Middle Middle of north number; and letter the operator the give Photos: (left) Leanne Leanne (left) Photos: advance from: advance section of Moreton Island. You’ll discover highlights highlights discover You’ll Island. Moreton of section need urgent medical assistance, call Triple Zero (000) and and (000) Zero Triple call assistance, medical urgent need south to Five Hills. Five to south Moreton Island. You can book camping up to six months in in months six to up camping book can You Island. Moreton Northern Island discovery drive drive discovery Island Northern covers the northern northern the covers Point beach looking looking beach Point along the eastern beach to work out your location. If you you If location. your out work to beach eastern the along (far right) North North right) (far Buy your camping and vehicle permits before visiting visiting before permits vehicle and camping your Buy Use the distance markers (yellow triangles) every 2km 2km every triangles) (yellow markers distance the Use (right) Blue Lagoon; Lagoon; Blue (right) time to explore. to time (Left) Ranger Peter; Peter; Ranger (Left) Permits don’t take any careless risks. risks. careless any take don’t Mount Tempest. Allow 6hrs to complete including stops and and stops including complete to 6hrs Allow Tempest. Mount Ranger Peter Ranger a great vantage point to spot shorebirds. spot to point vantage great a Stay alert, drive to conditions, stick to normal road rules and and rules road normal to stick conditions, to drive alert, Stay of Rous Battery—a WWII military defence base or climb up up climb or base defence military WWII Battery—a Rous of amitytrader.com amitytrader.com Bookings: (07) 3820 6557 3820 (07) Bookings: be a ranger on Moreton Island. Moreton on ranger a be Hills area and coastal swamps. Birdwatchers, this track offers offers track this Birdwatchers, swamps. coastal and area Hills From Victoria Point to Kooringal (holidays & peak times only). only). times peak & (holidays Kooringal to Point Victoria From challenging particularly after heavy rain and rough seas. seas. rough and rain heavy after particularly challenging resident shorebirds. Take a longer break to see the sights sights the see to break longer a Take shorebirds. resident special places and three reasons why I feel so lucky to to lucky so feel I why reasons three and places special sand dune and enjoy the views over Heath Island, the Five Five the Island, Heath over views the enjoy and dune sand Amity Trader Amity rocks, and very soft sand can make four-wheel driving more more driving four-wheel make can sand soft very and rocks, and Mirapool Lagoon—a sanctuary for migratory and and migratory for sanctuary Lagoon—a Mirapool and Moreton Island has to offer. to has Island Moreton towards the sun. These are just three of of three just are These sun. the towards Mulgumpin’s Mulgumpin’s Climb through low heath until you reach the top of a large large a of top the reach you until heath low through Climb but beaches have natural hazards. Washouts, exposed exposed Washouts, hazards. natural have beaches but popular sand tobogganing site, the Big and Little Sandhills Sandhills Little and Big the site, tobogganing sand popular adventure. Leave the mainland behind and explore all that that all explore and behind mainland the Leave adventure. Bookings: 1300 652 250 or (07) 3637 2000 3637 (07) or 250 652 1300 Bookings: twisted, bleaching roots reach like slender towers towers slender like reach roots bleaching twisted, Five Hills lookout track 1km return (30mins) return 1km track lookout Hills Five tangalooma.com Long stretches of beach sound like the perfect highway highway perfect the like sound beach of stretches Long the southern part of the island with stops at The Desert—a Desert—a The at stops with island the of part southern the guests and day trippers only. only. trippers day and guests Come for the day or take your time on an extended camping camping extended an on time your take or day the for Come petrified tree stumps. Felled by a raging storm their their storm raging a by Felled stumps. tree petrified Resort (daily). Pedestrian only transport. For Tangalooma Tangalooma For transport. only Pedestrian (daily). Resort Southern Island discovery drive drive discovery Island Southern is a circuit exploring exploring circuit a is Drive safely Drive In the valley of a sand blow stands a sculpted city of of city sculpted a stands blow sand a of valley the In European ones. European flowering heathland. flowering From Pinkenba (Brisbane River northside) to Tangalooma Tangalooma to northside) River (Brisbane Pinkenba From compare Moreton Bay’s indigenous placenames with their their with placenames indigenous Bay’s Moreton compare Cool off in Blue Lagoon, a freshwater oasis set amid amid set oasis freshwater a Lagoon, Blue in off Cool either side of high tide. high of side either Tangalooma passenger launch passenger Tangalooma that live there. live that stops and time to explore. to time and stops and people indigenous island’s the about Learn way. the Remember to check the tides and avoid beach travel 2hrs 2hrs travel beach avoid and tides the check to Remember and carpet pythons hunt the frogs and bandicoots bandicoots and frogs the hunt pythons carpet and moving individual sand grains. sand individual moving Bookings: (07) 3909 3333 3909 (07) Bookings: climbing Mount Tempest. Allow 6hrs to complete including including complete to 6hrs Allow Tempest. Mount climbing along seats at scenery the in take and breath your Catch suggested routes or create your own self-guided journey. journey. self-guided own your create or routes suggested of elkhorn and crow’s nest ferns grow as tall as a man man a as tall as grow ferns nest crow’s and elkhorn of over thousands of years by currents and prevailing winds winds prevailing and currents by years of thousands over moretonislandadventures.com.au Have a refreshing dip in picturesque Blue Lagoon before before Lagoon Blue picturesque in dip refreshing a Have Moreton Bay and, on a clear day, the Glass House Mountains. Mountains. House Glass the day, clear a on and, Bay Moreton In a small patch of embryonic rainforest a community community a rainforest embryonic of patch small a In Moreton Island’s sights in your 4WD. You can try our two two our try can You 4WD. your in sights Island’s Moreton Pedestrian and vehicle transport. transport. vehicle and Pedestrian among the sand dunes. Stroll over vast sand blows created created blows sand vast over Stroll dunes. sand the among lighthouse and wander through the information centre. centre. information the through wander and lighthouse will be rewarded with 360 degree views of the island, island, the of views degree 360 with rewarded be will With more than 70km of sandy beaches, why not explore explore not why beaches, sandy of 70km than more With Tangalooma Wrecks Tangalooma defence in World War II, and imagine being a soldier living living soldier a being imagine and II, War World in defence left three uneaten sand crabs atop a small midden. midden. small a atop crabs sand uneaten three left Moreton, explore the rocky headland, see the historic historic the see headland, rocky the explore Moreton, you Tempest Mount of summit the to climb slow a After to southside) River (Brisbane Island Whyte From Scenic touring Scenic is an old camp where the Quandamooka people have have people Quandamooka the where camp old an is Wander through the ruins of Rous Battery, a frontline frontline a Battery, Rous of ruins the through Wander headland, the lighthouse and Champagne Pools. Visit Cape Cape Visit Pools. Champagne and lighthouse the headland, MICAT Mount Tempest lookout 2.2km return (2hrs) (2hrs) return 2.2km lookout Tempest Mount biggest and oldest bloodwood tree. Under the tree tree the Under tree. bloodwood oldest and biggest the Glass House Mountains. House Glass the er ransfers tr Ferry On the side of a ridge next to a swamp is the island’s island’s the is swamp a to next ridge a of side the On Photo: Leanne Siebuhr © Qld Govt Qld © Siebuhr Leanne Photo: about the island and its fascinating past. fascinating its and island the about be rewarded with panoramic views out over the bay as far as as far as bay the over out views panoramic with rewarded be shelter in most weather conditions. conditions. weather most in shelter back, pop into the information centre and discover more more discover and centre information the into pop back, dune, Mount Tempest towering 280m above sea level, and and level, sea above 280m towering Tempest Mount dune, around seaways and land the with Mulgumpin. south of Big Sandhills are popular anchorage sites offering offering sites anchorage popular are Sandhills Big of south operation, and the families who lived here. Before heading heading Before here. lived who families the and operation, Climb the southern hemisphere’s tallest vegetated sand sand vegetated tallest hemisphere’s southern the Climb Quandamooka people maintain a continuous connection connection continuous a maintain people Quandamooka For boaties, the Tangalooma Wrecks and western beach beach western and Wrecks Tangalooma the boaties, For with insights into the island geology, whaling, lighthouse lighthouse whaling, geology, island the into insights with known as cungen zungun people, people of the dugong.
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