![Pedigree of Cox of Derbyshire [Microform] / Compiled from Parish](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
f). cs 439 •0144 1889 ti & I W m ra COX & CQ.'S PREMISES, MARKET PLACE, DERBY. PEDIGREE j* OP COX OF DERBYSHIRE. COMPILED FROM PARISH REGISTERS, AND FROM OLD DOCUMENTS IN THE POSSESSION OF WILLIAM COX, Or BBAILSJORD. Abms —Argent, three Moor Cocks, Proper. Crbst— On a wreath a Game Cook, Proper, ducally crowned, Or. Motto— Vigilantiaprattat. BEMROSE & SONS, PRINTERS, DERBT; AND 29, OLD BAILEY, LONDON. 1889. in? Mm V, \ •^ $M j <l BRAILSFORD— RESIDENCE OF WM. COX, Esq. PEDIGREE OF COX OF DERBYSHIRE. —•• npHE earliest record which can be found of the Coxes of J- Brailsford, is in an old Brailsford" Parish Register, in which is an entry to the effect that William Cox the Sohool­ master was buried May 18, 1712." This partly corroborates the testimony of William Cox, of Culland, w,ho left an old document, a fac simile of which is given, in which he states that his grandfather came to Brailsford as tutor to two of Lord Ferrers' sons. t Another part of his statement, that the tutor was one of three sons of William Cox, of Lea Grange, Leicestershire, does not agree with the pedigree (of which a copy is given), which William Cox, of Lea Grange, entered at the Herald's Visitation in 1683. In this pedigree it states that William Cox, of Lea Grange, had an only child, a daughter, Elizabeth, Itis wellknown that William Cox, of Cul­ land, often expressed the wish to re-purchase the Lea Grange estates, and the fact of his having a plan of sale of that property (see copy) proves that he had a great interest in it. The Shirleys of that day were near neighbours of the Leices­ tershire Coxes, and this is another significant fact. But the Probate Courts of Somerset House, Lichfield, Leicester, Bir­ mingham, and the Registers of Norton, .Orton, Merivale, •Bishop's and Nether Itchington, &c, have all been searched -for traces of the will of William Cox, of Lea Grange, or of the births of any children, but all without success. Unfortu­ nately, in three cases, some of the registers had disappeared. It seems to be very probable that Glover received the Cox •pedigree, for his History of Derbyshire, from William Cox, of Culland, who wrote his rough memo, in 1820, and Glover's -History was published iv 1838. William, of Culland, was a shrewd, clever man, and with persevering industry .he strove to retrieve his family's lost fortune. He brought up his sons to help him and each ' £' . barked. lake the inajtf.in:^^'B -,r., .j-' : sticks, he taught his ttlnlflrnh tnr r.; ' irJTWffr ¥f^^f^^^^j^jWßm 5 too, was a man much respected r\ ]:',:'''¦ .. engaged in ft flourishing trade in dAys~rthe^w|^S|^BHßH i\' inn, inthe Market Place, Derby, in 1768. and 4tt^i^dPm§W|H ¦?,/ the wine trade. In 1771, he pnrchasecl^ihjß '^J^^^^BHiß ;»;..•' ••¦ Qn a little memo, of the purchase . ;^ro(crv~^^^^^H9 * t mouth under 30 years of age when Ipn^hased-tiidtH^tt^^nß^l t[~] estate." (Signed) "W.C., in his 82hd, yeft^':-^^^§^M^jH i^L \ ¦ Robert Peach. Until the above date, he hVe^.at^n^^^^ffilHHß v^- house (long since pulled down) in Srailsford, AnJ^^^Q^^^mfflßuß "¦''¦ elder children were born. Tn 17Q/f. hn r^^flfrfjt^^^S§Wßßlll ¦'.', property from the descendants of John Fort:o^l^|^^wH ¦'•-. manorial rights from Charles Upton. "^'V" - elder son, went toreside at Brailsford about 179S|:^i||^^nnRH :. the property from his fedier in 1810; Tn%/13te> fe-T^BB§HH :: .Derby, was built in 1809,* by William Cox ftn^^Hkfc^^^^Mßß Poyser, who married a Soresby. His "*^^^^^W^H educated, intellectual women, well riead :iPl^Pll^^^^HSH r. ¦,¦ works of the day, and very good French '^ohblfra^^^^m^flH -:';.; great interest in the education of the - - - 'P99^^^^^fiH ,"¦ around Culland and Brailsford \ and* -tn*)^w '*''-\\?=•".'"'- now who can remember with profit Flea^u^^^Rsn^Bßß Vf-:-: ¦ Mary's" Sunday Evening Services.' in\^ll^^^^^BmSH ~ ¦ "'­ .¦ ing of villaffers." Many of~ th6^x^milyr:oan.\renteSn^9i^^(^KJHj^B|Hß .-;/; Maria's" gentle, digmfr ajd com \ COPY OF PEDIGREEBY WILLIAMENTEREDCOX,ANDOFCERTIFIEDLEA GRANGE,AT THECOUNTYINHERALD'SVISITATIONLEICESTER.1683, Leicester, SPARKENHOHUNDRED. 1683.3dAugust, Mr.Threeto GoxbeMoorfoundalledgedCocks,inhisJustification.toArmesbebutnothing ThomasCountyQueenofCox,Eliz.,Warr.,of NetherobijtClerkcircaItohington,of arm.theI1625.intotheSusannadau.ofCrownCom.Warr.Cooper,"Warmington,= 2. John, slain inthe service Thomas Cox, of Nether Itohington, in=Judith, dau. and heir of 4.in8.Hanniball.JamesCoxslainthe ofthe DukeofVenice. com. Warr., obijt circa 1647, mtat.IcircaofWarwickFisher,Priory,obijt serviceofCh.theKingIst, 1626.an.oirca 60annor. atCropredy. 1. BichardI Cox, of=Anne, dau. of 4. WilliamI Cox, of=Frances, dau. of=William Stafford, of II2.3.JohnThomasdau.ofdyedCox,of=Alice, Huncote, in Com. inTrafordofFrance,house,Burden,Gayton, yLondon,e InnerobijtTemple,circa Coyse,Com.of Essex. in LeLeic,Grange,nowiniCom.ofGeorgeBuswell,living,Clipsnam, 1husband.Leic, 1681.incircaCom.Northampton,Warwick, 1646. ffitatis62,arm.1683,Northampt.,lining 1665.an.oircaobijt 2ndhusband. 1683. I John Cox, ofLondon. BichardoftheCox, ChancerieOffice. nowet.circaElizabeth,onlychild,livingunmarried, 19,1683, ExtractedLeicester, inBthfromtheHerald'sVisitationofandexamiuedtherewiththisCounty1683,day SignedWILL.COX. 1887.ofNovember, H.CHARLESATHILL, Bluemantle. I CULLAND HALL. Ancestors and Descendants of Edward Soresby Cox, of Brailsford. GENERATIONS D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K. William Cox, buried at= Brailsfoni, May 18, 1712. I — William Cox, bapd. at Brailsford, Elizabeth Morley, of Ednaston Mar. 1, 1709, buried at Brailsford, IHall, Brailsford, d. June, 1759, Nov. 9, 1750. buried at Brailsford. William, bapd. at Brailsford, =Mary, dau. of Gilbert Soresby, Sarah, bapd. at Brailsford, Elizabeth, bapd. at Brails- =James Lovatt, of St. Wer July 31, 1742, m. Feb. 26, 1762, iof Brailsford, d. Oct. 14, 1815, April 2, 1741, buried at ford, Feb. 20, 1745, m. July burgh's Parish, Derby, d. May 31, 1827, buried at buried at Brailsford. Brailsford, 1755. 7,1761. Brailsford. Margaret. =J..C. Lowell. Elizabeth Cox. =John Knill = = = Edward Soresby Cox, Elizabeth Nettleship, William Cox, bapd. at Brails- Rose Owens John. =Mary Eichardson. Thomas, bapd. at Brailsford, Anne Lloyd,dau. of the Eoger. =Frances Eichardson. Elizabeth. =John Smith. Mary,bapd. at Brails- Jane, bapd. at Brails- Hannah Maria, bapd. bapd. at Brailsford, of Gainsborough, died ford, Sep. 25, 1766, m. at Nor- (Widow). Nov. 6, 1770, d. July 12, 1842, Rev. Jno. Lloyd,of Pas- . ford, Nov. 3, 1772, d. ford, Nov.13, 1776, d. at Brailsford, April Aug. 25,1764, m. Sep. June 18,1865, aged 80, folk, Virginia, Jan. 6, 1801. buried atBrailsford. Lead Mer- ton, Co. Northampton, d. Jan. 30, 1839, buried March 22,1816, buried 21, 1779, d. Jan. I, 23 1813, d. March 17, buried at BraiJsford. Partner in firm of Cox & chant, Nun's Green, Derby. May 28, 1807, buried at at Brailsford (unmar- at Brailsford (unmar- 1874, buried at Brails­ 1846, buried at Brails Braddick, Merchants, Lon- Brailsford, aged 36 ried) ried) ford (unmarried). ford. Residence, Brails don ;sailed to America, 1793, ford. died about 1806. 1dau. died ininfancy. William,b. June 18, 1815, Mary, b. Aug.15,1816, =Thomas B. Horsfall, Charlotte Elizabeth, =Charles Horsfall, Anne, b. Sep. 20, =Henry Moore Mosse, Maria Jane, b.=Robert Hey, Catherine Helen, educated at Rugby, Corpus m.1847, d. 1862, buried ofLiverpool and Bel- b. Feb. 4, 1819, m. |of Liverpool, d. 1821, m.May, 1855, IRector of Heage, Der- Jan. 6, 1824, IVicar of Bel- died ininfancy, Christi College, Cantab., at Colton, Stafford- lamour, Rugeley, d. Sep. 25, 1839, d. Jan. May 26, 1847. d. May, 1868, buri- byshire, Clerk in Holy m. Sep. 23, per, d. Feb. 1, M.A., J.P.; Residence, shire. Dec. 22, 1878. 12, 1882, buried at Ed at Brailsford. Orders, d. Sep. 27, 1888, 1845. 18S5, buried at Brailsford (unmarried). Brailsford. buried at Brailsford. Belper. I till I I Day- i = I I I = Mary, ni. Oct.=Lightwood T. Jessie, m. Dec. =Francis Charles, b. June 2, Annie, d; in Charles Ed- j Edward Henry, b.=Maria Louisa William George, b Anne Sophia, b. John Montagu Robert, b. Aug.13,1846,= A1ice Lindley. Edward, b. Dec. William, b. Mar. Margaret Gray, Marian, b. Sep. John Hunter ! 19 1870. Birch, Lich- 17,1881. enport. 1849, educated at infancy ward, died in Mar. 27, 1856, edu- Cameron. June 1, 1859, educa- Oct. 28, 1857, m. Cadman, Vicar educated at Sedbergh 19, 1817, eduea- 7, 1852, educated b. Oct. 12, 1850' 2, 1854,' m. Feb. Civil Engi­ field. Trinity Coll., Cam- infancy. cated at Shrewsbury ted at King's School, a'b Heage, Aug. of St. Matthew's, and St. John's Coll., ted at Sedbergh, at St. Peter's, d. Dec. 3, 1867, 28, 1882. neer, Belper. bridge, d. April24, and Christ's Coll., Canterbury, and. C. 25,1886. Newington, Cautab, M.A.,Jun. Op., M.R.C.S., Lon- York, Mining buried at Belper. 1873, in Africa, Cambridge, M. A.; C. Coll., Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Vicar of St. Andrew's, don, d. Jan. 31, Engineer, d. buried at Santa Vicar of Woburn M.A.;Curate of Alve- Orders. Derby, m. Oct. 12, 1881. 1882, buried at June 24, 1886, Isabel, Fernando Sands, m. May 7, church, Redditch. Chaddesden Hill buried at St. Po, W. Africa. 1884. Cemetery, Peter's, Belper. Root. Lindley, Sybil Mary Alice, Derby. b. May 7, 1883. "b. Oct. 4, 1885. Francis Henry, Ewwen Field Came- Helen Margaret, b = = Charlotte Elizabeth, Charles D. Egerton Mary Ellen, m. Aug. William B.Higgins. b. Feb. 10, 1885. Ron b.Feb. 8,1887. Oct. 14, 1888 Residence, m. June 21, 1866, at j Parks Smith, Lieut. 12, 1868, at Duffield. Duffield = Alice = =FrederickDavies R.A. Bank Wood. Elizabeth, b. Woodforde Bea- Maud, b. Claude Heaton Ethel, b.
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