THE CENTRAL POST Serving South Brunswick, Franklin Townships VOI.. VII. NO. 7 Kly.NDALL PARK, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 196.7 Newsstand Price 10^ per copy Utilities Court Case Fire Hits Again Led Is Taken Printing By Greess By Pardun Company Aiilhorily Acts Nuisance Factor Warehouse Is To Block Deal Yet Fill proven; Gutted, Paper On Water Firm Plant To Go Up Supplies Lost Stanley Greess of Kendall Park A decision Friday by Superior The rear section of a one-story was re-elected chairman of the Court Judge Leon Gerofsky gave printing plant on U.S. Route 1 near South Brunswick Municipal Utili­ the Pardun Contracting Co. ot Monmouth Junction was completely ties Authority at its reorganiza­ North Brunswick the right to pro­ gutted by fire early Wednesday tion meeting held last Thursday, ceed with the construction of an morning. Feb. 18, Selected as vice chairm; asphalt products plant on Fresh Business Cards Inc., a subsidi­ was Nicholas W, Maul of Daytoi Ponds Road, near Dayton. ary of the Business Supplies Co. of America, lost an undetermined and a new member, David Breei The South Brunswick Zoning quantity of roil and flat paper stock was named secretary. All wei*e Board had refused the company a and other supplies which were elecied unanimously by the five building permit, contending that “ it man authority. stored In a warehouse section of I A GOLD PIN is prosenled to Leslie Harris of Ken­ had not been proven to the satis­ the brick and stucco structure. A Selected as attorney was David faction of the board that a major railroad car loaded with paper, M. Greene of Kendall Park. The dall Park by high school principal Walter Chesner. nuisance from gas, smoke, odoror standing on a siding next to the firm of Weber, Borelli and Malone Miss Harris won first place in homeinal<ing exam. obnoxious dust or vapor . will plant, was also damaged. was renamed as auditors. Consult­ not be occasioned by the activities The fire was reported to South ing engineers will be ElsonT. Kll- of the proposed plant.’’ Brunswick Township Police at 12:14 1am Associates, Inc. of Mlllburn. Opposition was made by the au­ Leslie Harris Scored Judge Gerofsky read a IG-page a.m., and volunteer fire crews opinion,'! which said, in effect, that were dispatched to the scene as thority to a proposed transfer of quickly as they were able to as­ ownership of thei Forsgate Water opponents had failed to prove the proposed plant’s operation would WiM semble. Eight companies In all Co. to Rossmoor Corp., the owner In Scholarship Exam responded to the call, from King­ of Leisure World. The water com­ produce a nuisance. The judge’s NEW TOWNSHIP ENGINEIHI Benjamin Carluccio, center, is shown some of actiqn allows the building permits | ston, Monmouth Junction, Cran- pany shares water sources with the li.imsinirg, V.i , Washington. D.C., Leslie Harris has been nan.ed originally issued by township! tlie many problems lie w ill I'licounter in Franklin by township manager Will­ bury, Princeton Junction, Little township, and has been granted ap­ ,ind New York City. Clintax of the South Brunswick High School’s building iaspector De Jean Fischer; iam W. Buekley, left, and aeting township engineer William M. Rimmey. Rocky Hill, Franklin Park and proval by Monroe Township’s Mu­ week-long tour will be the naming 1965 Betty Crocker Homemaker of to stand, unless the case is suc­ North Brunswick. nicipal Utilities Authority and Its of the Betty Crocker .Ml-Ameri­ Tomorrow. She scored highest in a cessfully appealed. Beiow-freezing temperatures township committee. It wishes to written homemaking examination can Homem.iker of Tojnorrow. To A preliminary nearing was con­ Franklin Township Adds Health Depl. hampered the firemen in their extend its services to Leisure taken by senior girls Dei . 1, and lie chosen on tlio basis of original ducted on the case on Feb. 5. work, and while the blaze was br­ World, the retirement village is now' eligible for state and nation­ test score and per.soiial observa­ Counsel for the zoning boat'd was ought under control by 4:30 a.m., scheduled to be located in Monroe al honors. tion .ind interviews during the tour, To Administer smouldering rolls of paper threat­ Township. she will recoivj' an incre.isc in her Malcolm Busch. Richard J. Casey Test papers of all school Home­ of Kingston served as attorney fot' New Municipal Engineer ened to burst into flame as late as The authority noted that a hear­ scholarship to $5,000. Second-, noon on Wednesday. Ashes from ing on the matter will be held at makers of Tomorrow in the state third- and fourth-place winners in three residents of Fresh Ponds Booster Shots are currently being judged. The The appointment of a new engi­ sei'vice to tlie township.'’ the fire were carried as far as the 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 26, the nation will h.ive their gr.uits Road, Clement Kubian, Richard “ Don’t wait, vaccinate!’’ This state’s highest-ranking girl will neer lot' Franklin Township lia.s Ml. Carluccio, who will move RCA Astro division in Hlghtstown, by the State Board of Utility Com­ raised to $4,0i'0, $3,000 and $2,000, Halasz and Roy Habendank, who will be the theme of a program receive a SI ,500 .scholarship from had opposed the issuance of the I'OOii announced In town.ship m.in- to the township with liLs wife, the A closed fire door prevented fire missioners. The local group ex­ respectively • iger William Buckley. former Clara l.u.sottl of Greens- pf booster immunization tobecon­ damage to printing presses in the pressed concern over the possibil­ General Mills, Inc., with the state The scholarship contest w.is ini­ permit. Pat dun was represented by He is, Benjamin Carlucci, 57, tiui'g. Pa., declared that “ Franklin ducted„ „ by the board of health In main part of the building, but some ity that South Brunswick’s water runner-up to he awarded a $500 tiated bv Gener.il Mills in 1954 Baruch S. .Seidman ot South River. educational grant. In .iddition, the a native of Newark, wlio has had Township offers a verv real d i a l - B r u n s w i c k Township, damage was caused by water. At supply might be diverted to serve to emph.isize the in.jxjrtaine of The company had obtained the 23 '.ears experience in municipal lenge to ati> engineer; I look for- township residents press time, cause of the blaze had the Leisure World village, Mr. sctux)l of the State Homemaker of homemaking as ,i careei . Ini luding as a public Service, the program Tomoriow will receive a com­ pet init to build last .April 24. On engineering. He also h.is ha.s 23 ward not only to meeting this chal- not been determined and the extent Greess said the authority wllldls-j tliis \ear's record enrollment of will be held on Saturday, April plete set of the F.ncyclopaedl.'i Bri- .May 13, tlie thiee residents ap­ years e' perience in nnitiicipal en- lenge, but to knowing tlie people of damages was unknown. cuss the problem with the town­ Kiure th.ati h.ili ,i million senior 24, from 1 to 4 p.m., In the South tannlca from Encjclopaedia Brl- pealed to the zoning boardandfour gineei'ing. He also has a diversi­ of Franklin and working with them Two volunteers were Injured. ship committee In an executive, girls in- iiiore than 14,000 high Brunswick High School. tannica, Iiu . public heat ings were conducted lie- fied background in both construc­ toward an even lirightei' future.’’ John Adams, of Kingston, was taken session. I scliools, the total number of ji.ir- tween June and .August. On Sept. tion and cimsultiition in matters Ml'. Carluccio is a registered Booster shots will be given for to Princeton Hospital by the Mon­ Several residents appeared at Later this spring, tl'.e State ticipaiits during the program's 11- 5, the zonei s ovei i uled the build­ I lose!', rel.ded to tlie miinicipal professional engineer and land diptheria, tetanus and smallpox. mouth Junction First Aid Squad. He Homeniaker of Tomorrow, togeth­ the meeting asking about the sew -, \ear histor'. stands at four mil­ ing insixjctoi ’s l ight to issue the segment of engineering. snrvejor in the state, and has Oral Sabin vaccine will be adminis­ was treated for electric shock and er with a school advisor, will erage plant odor problem, which lion. Scholarship grants exceed $1 permit, liy a 3-2 vote. In .innouiK ing the appointment, served Fa.st Orange as consulting tered for polio. released. An unidentified fireman join first-place winners ,ind ,id- million. is to be resolved this year by court f'dllowing this action thePai'dun ■Mr. Bin klev said iMi'. 'C.ii'luccio engineer. West Oi'.mge as assist- According to .Arthur R. Barto- also received medical attention at order. Mr. Greess stated he did visors from each of the 50 other Miss H.irris is the (laughter of Company took the matter to court, '.v.i' selccti '! fri'm. jover in .pj H- .'t,l n nnieij "Iicineer and if. lo/zl, health officer, It is hoped the scene. sf.iti-.- .Hill 'i." List! j( t . Coin:, not think there “would be an\ re­ .Ml. ..i,d .Mi..-. 5 5 "tiiii| H.irii.s rite companj'owhs an 89-acre tr?;t c .his ‘ Wc are vei .
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