Housing Hurting Red lights Major proposals Jordan lays a major pain How Seabrook are dying quietly on Knicks in NBA playoffs / I I can split atom^/18 ilanrliPHtpr Mpralh Monday, May 15, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price; 35 Cents Y Trucker Sovs share saved by new drug blame for By Maureen Leavitt Manchester Herald Dr. Jo.seph Hanna will tell you that Howard Pat Curtis was the ‘bad blood’ ideal heart attack victim. Ideal, that is. for treatment with a so-called wonder drug Bv Jim Abrams out in 1969, and have since been at available at Manchester Memor The Associated Press odds over the Soviet intervention ial Hospital. in Afghanistan, Moscow’s back In Ja n u a ry , when Curtis BEIJIN G — On the first day of ing of Vietnam’s involvement in thought he was .suffering from a historic summit disrupted by Cambodia and what China has indigestion, his co-worker be student protests, Mikhail S. Gor called Soviet “hegemonism.” came concerned and convinced bachev said today that the Soviet Both sides agree that Gorba Curtis to go to the hospital. It Union must share the blame for a chev’s meeting Tuesday with turned out Curtis was having a cold war that divided the two 84-year-old senior leader Deng heart attack. countries for three decades. Xiaoping will normalize govern Becau.se Curtis arrived at the "Very probably we are also ment and party ties and help spur hospital .soon after his attack, he responsible for that period to a economic, cultural and academic received the drug, known as a certain extent.” the Soviet leader contacts. tissue plasminogen activator told China’s President Yang But the summit got off to a (TPA). The drug dissolved a Shangkun. rocky start as up to 150,000 blood clot in his artery and China’s leaders moved the people, half of them students, restored blood flow to his heart in welcoming ceremony to the air occupied Tiananmen Square — less than an hour. port from a central Beijing China’s symbolic seat of power — As a result of the fast action, square to avoid a confrontation in a massive protest for a more Curtis’ heart suffered no damage with tens of thousands of rebel open and democratic society. lious students camped out on the The demonstrators, including because the flow of blood to the Palrlck Flynr/Manchester Herald heart resumed before any of the plaza for a third day. about 2,000 students in the third heart muscle began to die. A HEART SAVED — Howard Pat Curtis, tal. Hanna gave Curtis a life-saving heart In remarks broadcast on Chi day of a hunger strike, defied “ I tell you, .saving heart muscle 53, of East Hartford, left, sits with Dr. drug known as TPA when Curtis nese television, Gorbachev ex police orders to vacate the is extremely important,’’ said Joseph Hanna, chief of cardiology suffered a heart attack in January. pressed “sorrow and regret” for square, forcing authorities to Hanna, chief of cardiology servi services at Manchester Memorial Hospi- the bad blood of the past and said cancel a planned welcoming ces at the hospital. “Any time “this period has come to an end.” ceremony outside the Great Hall there is damage done, (to the . Gorbachev. 58, arrived today of the People next to the square. for the first Sino-Soviet summit Student leaders on Saturday heart) it will never be the sam e.” Physicians consider the first Good habits key to healthy heart since Nikita Khrushchev met delivered a letter containing 6,000 Mao Tse-tung in 1959 in acrimon signatures to the Soviet Embassy hour of a heart attack the "golden hour” hecau.se victims can be ious talks that contributed to requesting that Gorbachev ad Bv Maureen Leavitt disease so they don’t have to be surprised like rapidly deteriorating relations. dress students. treated and permanent heart Manchester Herald Curtis. damage can be avoided or kept to ’The two nations nearly went to It is estimated that about 1.5 million war after border fighting broke See SUMMIT, page 10 a minimum. Heart attack victim Howard Pat Curtis is not Americans will have heart attacks this year. Curtis, .53. who said he was the only person who was surprised to learn he According to Hanna, smoking is one of the never one to be sick is now taking was having an attack. leading causes of heart disease. In addition, better care of himself. He quit Heart disease is a silent illness and damage to overweight people, people who don’t exercise U.S. needn’t fear shift smoking, and he is watching his heart tissues can build up for years, according to and those with high blood pressure and diabetes diet and cholesterol intake more Dr. Joseph Hanna, chief of cardiology services are prime candidates for heart attacks. closely. at Manchester Memorial Hospital. People who have a history of heart disease or He said he is feeling fine now, in Sino-Soviet relations Fortunately Curtis received a blood thinning heart attacks are also at risk. and he is looking forward to drug called TPA, which stopped his heart Heart disease develops when substances in the returning soon to his job as a beer attack, and prevented his heart from suffering blood, like fats, collect in the intima, or inner By Susanne M. Schafer Bialer said at a recent luncheon damage due to the lack of oxygen. The Associated Press hosted in Washington by the See WONDER DRUG, page 10 Hanna says he wants people to be aware of the See PREVENTION, page 10 East-West Forum. WASHINGTON - The Bush Bialer predicted that economic administration can’t afford to be cooperation between China and complacent about warming rela the Soviet Union will grow tions between the Soviet Union extensively now that their 30-year Ailing Lassow will challenge Landers and China, but neither must it rift has been healed. fear the shift is taking place at “ Economic cooperation is in Washington’s expense, say ana the interest of both countries,” he Bv Andrew Yurkovsky Lassow. his brother, said today. He is the only candidate to the district from thedistrict,” she lysts of Sino-Soviet ties. said. Manchester Herald Elizabeth Sadloski. Lassow’s come forward to challenge Land said. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorba And, he noted, Chinese officials campaign manager, said that ers. who is completing his first She referred to efforts in 1986 to chev’s four-day pilgrimage to have taken pains to let the United Former Eighth District Presi Lassow, who has a history of term as district president. Both consolidate the district into the Beijing, which begins today, is States know that renewed Sino- dent Gordon B. Lassow will health problems, would be ready Lassow and Landers are Demo town and to current budget unlikely to result in a renewal of Soviet links will not come at the challenge Thomas E. Landers for to take over as president in July. crats, but political affiliation problems. She said that Lassow the 1950s military alliance of expense of the expanding U.S.- the district presidency on May 24, “ This would make a big im generally plays no role in district might work to bring taxes down. communist giants, says Seweryn China relationship. Lassow’s campaign manager provement.” she said of the elections. She said that Lassow would be Bialer, a Soviet specialist and An invitation to U.S. warships said today. in better health after the surgery to visit Shanghai, delayed until a surgery. Sadloski said that Lassow de professor of international rela Lassoit underwent open-heart Lassow, 53, an owner of Ells than he was when he last served tions at Columbia University. day after Gorbachev tours the surgery on Friday for a quadru cided to run because of his as district director. worth & Lassow. 262 Oakland St., interest in the district. “ I don’t think it’s a (military) port city, is designed as “ reassu ple bypass and was at St. Francis served as district president from A news release announcing alliance. ... but it is a summit of rance for America, because the Hospital and Medical Center in 1977 to 1984. He stepped down as a “He saved the district from the major significance, because both Hartford this morning. Jeffrey district director in 1987. town, and now we’ve got to save See LASSOW, page 10 countries need each other again. ” See RELATIONS, page 10 Bolton to vote tonight 1 on $8.2 million budget By Andrew J. Davis the recent two-room addition at Manchester Herald Bolton Elementary School and the replacement of oil tanks. CLOWNING BOLTON — Residents at to This year’s school board is AROUND — Joe $4,565,283. The general town night’s Annual Town Meeting will Wysocki of Ver- decide whether to approve an $8.2 budget is $2,385,976.50. Selectman Douglas T. Cheney, non, left, and Bill million budget for 1989-90. The $5,142,520 Board of Educa a Republican, said he expected Glanville of Hart- tion budget and $3,083,177 town the budget to be passed tonight. ford make a toy budget will be voted on at 8 at the “ I think it will be. I haven’t Community Hall. The town heard any large noise from the balloon animal for budget includes capital improve town or townsfolk.” he said. Neil O’Connor, 3, ments such as bonding money for If the budget is passed, the tax of Manchester. rate would rise from 42.5 mills to The clowns, from 47.2 mills, a 4,7-mill increase, said Elna Dimock, clerk to the the Shriners Hos- TODAY Board of Finance.
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