PARTAN DA I LY II nin SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. 56 .4190." SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1968 No. 21 Today's World News 'We'd Do it Again Tomorrow,' At a Glance , compiled from Associated l'refis John Carlos Tells SJS Crowd WAsHINGTON -- President Johnson signed into law the most By SUE AMON it up. you'll never get another the action he and fellow athlete the total count? No. They wanted eomptehensive gun bill legislation Spartan Daily Staff Writer chance. And once you do some- Tommie Smith took at tne Olym- those medals in the count because passed by Congress in 30 years "We believe we were right. thing for your people, you feel pic Carnes when he spoke before of the power and prestige they yesterday, but HUBERT H. HUMPHREY still was not satis- We'd do it again tomorrow. A beautiful inside." an estimated 1,500 students at SJS bring. Now the United States is fied with the scope ... a+ SJS Friday of the new bill. chance to do something for your John Carlos, expelled Black yesterday afternoon. ahead of Russia." people only comes once. If you pass Olympic track star, strengthened In a vvelcome home rally on James Edwards, USBA member, SAIGON - President Nguyen Seventh Street, sponsored by SJS talked about Black people and Van Thieu has said he will not United Black Students for Action America. "The only time Black oppose a Vice President Humphrey halt to the bombing in (UBSA), Carlos and Smith made people get recognition is when "there was good reason to believe their first public appearance in they go to another country and Hanoi would de-escalate the war. this country since their expulsion perform, when the White men say from the Games. jump and run. This is the only Will Visit SJS Friday BERKELEY About 200 stu- time they're considered an Amer- dents staged a sit-in in Sproul Hall "No one in the world knew what Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey will si-it SJS Friday we were going to do. Maybe two ican. But we can do things on our on the University of California own without the White man." and deliver a speech relating specifically to the students campus demanding college credit hours before the award ceremony, we sat down and figured out what 4 of Siti, according to Hal Lauth, Humphrey's campaign for the course where Eldridge UBSA SUPPORT Cleaver has just finished his third to do. We wanted to let the world coordinator. Mel VVhitfield, UBSA president, appearance as guest lecturer. know about the problems of Black The Vice President will speak to students and the public. people, but we didn't want to dis- urged Black students not to attend sup- at the SIS drill rich] at noon. OHIO "The Richard Nixon rupt the games." Carlos spoke to clas.ses yesterday afternoon in Carlos. "UBSA The 38th Vice President of the U.S., who has been a sup- Victory Express" rolled across the crowd about the controversial port of Smith and supports the action porter of the President's policies, has recently indicated he Ohio yesterday, with the Repub- action he and Smith took while completely Smith and Carlos. White lican nominee declaring it was time standing on the awards platform talcen by would like to "move away from the errors of the past." receiving their medals. people can't speak for us any- In a speech to the nation on Vietnam from Salt Lake to get down to the "nitty-gritty" in the presidential campaign, and Carlos told the students he will more," Whitfield said. 2 City, Utah, Humphrey declared, "I hate pledged that tity -.lamming Hubert Hurnphrcy at take the Olympic Committee to Carlos and Smith both criticized first priority as President shall be to end the war and obi every stop. court because "I want to show the press for its behavior toward.s tain an honorable peace." them that Black people aren't go- themselves and their wives. Carlos ing to be pushed commented, "Everyone has a job Humphrey, who first achieved prominence in the po- LOS ANGELES Superior around and shoved anymore. I'm going to try to do, but the press is going about y litical field in 19.15 when lie was elected mayor of Nlinne- Court Judge Herbert V. Walker denied a motion to supress evi- to nail them to the wall because it the wrong way." Alinnii-ota, has stated he would not undertake a apolis. dence the defense said was seized they're dead wrong." Addressing himself to members unilateral uithilrawal in Vietnam. nor %%mild he escalate illegally in the trial of Sirhan B. of the news media present in the the le%el of fighting going on there at the present time. Strhan. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy's 'NOT JUST MINE' audience Carlos said, "If you poke "We must seek to de-escalate," Humphrey has said at accused assassian. Smith spoke to the students me one more time, or poke my wife or grab my arm, I'm going sar' 1. is during his iampaign. about his gold medal. "When I won 1ROME The Vatican ruled that gold medal, it's not just mine. to break your neck." The Harris Poll indicates that Humphrey is trailing Re- yesterday the new wife of Aris- This medal is for all Blark Amer- Carlos and Smith were mobbed publican Richard M. Nixon by only fise points. but the totle Onassis, the former Jacque- ica. For the White people it's gold by newsmen when they arrived in Vice President commented. "This poll is only a challenge." line Kennedy, was subject to but it's changed color. since rYe &in *Jose Monday afternoon. As he campaigned iti Fort Worth, Texas. a state knoysn minor excommunication from the had it." Smith closed the rally with these has not in the past for its Democratic disunity, both conservative Church because Rome Sharply criticizing the United words to his Black brothers, "Be reeognized Onassis' 1960 Greek and liberal elements of the Democratic party welcomed States Olympic Committee, Smith cool, don't let nobody step on your Orthodox divorce. questioned, "They expelled us from toes. Step back. The conununity is Humphrey as he arrised at the Forth Worth airport. the village and the team, but did hanging. The schools are chang- In Texas he said. "Nly contest with 'Mr. Nixon is voters they take away our medals from ing. And the world must follow." %I:. money. We don't hase the money. but ysti've got the 'Man On Move' people," he declared. 47' Humphrey continued, "When Nixon returns to Texas Candidate Talks Photo by D,ene Kelly look for him under a hush because there is where you're TOMMIE SMITH speaks to an estimated 1;600 students at a going to find him." Today At 12:15 welcome home rally for him on Seventh Street yesterday. Listen- In the area of foreign affairs, specifically the nuclear ing attentively is James Edwards (left). Edwards, and SJS Bill Bradley, Republican candi- arm,- race., Humphrey has heen working for the ratification UBSA member, spoke in support of tne acrion Smith took at the 13th Dis- date for state senator, Olympic games when he received his gold medal in track. Ed- of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. This treaty would with students to- trict, will speak wards is the brother of Harry Edwards, former SJS instructor commit the existing nuclear nati llll not to distribute nu- day at 12:15 p.m. on Seventh in sociology. clear weapons to other countries. St reel Humphrey. in domestic affairs, was the original sponsor The senatorial candidate, de- the "man on the move," of Nledicare and put through many of the social reform scribed as has spent. 15 years in local, school Kennedy Johnson administrat legislar s during the .ind county government. In his speech at Utah. Humphrey said, "I want a moral Constitution Revision Bradley, a registered civil en- peace in this world ... I want to undertake a !less' strategy' I gineer, has been a Santa Clara for that peace. based not on American mithipottinee, but city administrator for 10 years a.s head on American leadership." ond is presently seming of the Mission City Street Depart- Primary Council Topic -- men t. He is a graduate of the Univer- Action on the completed revis- sented instead in a special election sity of Southern California School ions of the ASH Constitution will next month. USIA Spokesman Encourages of Civil Engineering and holds an take up the bulk of Student Coun- The extra time will he needed M.A. in political science and cil's agenda in its weekly meet. to discuss and act on the revisions public administration from SJS. ing this afternoon at 3:30 in the by Council and to give students Group Applications His visit to this campus is be- College Union. enough time to become aware of Minority ing sponsnred by the College Union The revisims, which were origi- the revisions, according to ASB Vice President Bill A spokesman for the United greater understanding in depth of Pmgram Board, the Toting Re- nally planned to he presented be- Langan. States Information Agency (USIA) American society, culture and in- publicans and the Political Science fore students in the Freshman Langan said among the changes may be pre. said the agency "welcomes and en- stitutions." Department. Elections, Oct. 29-30, discussed at Monciay night's ses- courages" applications from mem- sion of the Constitutional Revision bers of minority groups for the Committee was that of including Foreign Affairs Internship Pro- the ASB treasurer on the same gram.
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