ABCD springer.com Springer Customized Book List Life Science FRANKFURT BOOKFAIR 2007 springer.com/booksellers Life Science 1 J. Abadia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas (CSIC), L.K. Abbott, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Aus- D.M. Adams, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA; R.W. Zaragoza, Spain; L.L. Barton, University of New Mexico, Albu- tralia; D.V. Murphy, The University of Western Australia, Crawley, Haynes, USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station, Portland, querque, NM, USA (Eds.) Australia (Eds.) OR, USA (Eds.) Iron Nutrition in Plants and Soil Biological Fertility Resource and Market Projections Rhizospheric Microorganisms A Key to Sustainable Land Use in Agriculture for Forest Policy Development Twenty-five Years of Experience with the US RPA Timber As- sessment Topics covered in this book include: plants as a This book presents a comprehensive scientific source of iron for animals and humans, iron translo- overview of the components and processes that un- cation in the plants, iron-stimulated activities that derpin the biological characteristics of soil fertility. It While focusing on a specific modeling system – the influence crop yield and fruit tree productivity, iron demonstrates the interdependence of soil biological US Timber Assessment models – the authors high- uptake by plants as influenced by microorganisms fertility with physical and chemical characteristics of light the general elements that might comprise a for- (i.e. free living soil microorganisms, symbiotic nitro- soil. The book highlights the enormous diversity of est-sector market model of any country or region. gen-fixing and pathogenic bacteria), the role of plant life in soil and the resulting effects that management Approaches to policy analysis are also general and hormones in iron transport, iron-metal competition of land can have on the contribution of this diverse equally applicable to both national and multi-nation- in phytoremediation, root zone activities involving community to soil fertility in an agricultural context. al forest policy development outside the US – par- interactions between minerals and organic matter, It is becoming more relevant to explore soil biolog- ticularly in relation to on-going efforts to formulate the role of microbial siderophores in rhizospheric ical processes in terms of their contribution to soil national programs of sustainable forestry. The text iron cycling, iron storage as phytoferritin, proteom- fertility. provides literature surveys on relevant modeling is- ic and metabolic studies associated with iron stress sues and policy concerns, and demonstrates the ap- response, methods for studying iron metabolism in- Features plication of the modeling system using a “base case” cluding stable isotopes, and the correction of iron Provides a comprehensive view of Soil Biology 50 year projection and a small set of scenarios to il- deficiency through the use of synthetic or natural Overview of plant-microbial symbioses, plant lustrate, for example, the effects of changes in public chelates. Additionally, chapters summarize the use pathology and roles of soil fauna and soil microor- harvest policies, global change, variations in invest- of Arabidopsis to enhance our understanding of the ganisms in general soil processes including both ments in silviculture, and globalization. It is aimed at complex activities associated with iron metabolism physical and chemical processes policy makers, model builders, researchers and grad- in plants. This book should [..] Contents uate students who are building or using forest sector Features Preface. 1. What is Soil biological Fertility? 2. Impact models, as well as at forest industry managers and Contains updated reviews of most relevant issues in- of Fauna on chemical Transformations in soil. 3. Im- analysts. volving Fe in plants Combines research on molecu- pact of Microorganisms on Chemical Transforma- Features lar biology with physiological studies of plant-iron tons in Soil. 4. Role of Fauna in Soil Physical Process- Exhaustive review of modelling methods Links theo- nutrition Molecular aspects of iron uptake and stor- es. 5. Contributions of Rhizosphere Interactions to ry with a quarter century of applied forecasting Case age in Arabidopsis Transmembrane movement and Soil Biological Fertility. 6. Contributions of Rhizobia studies illustrate use in major current policy issues translocation of iron in plants to Soil Nitrogen Fertility. 7. Contributions of Arbus- Illustrates the role economic analysis has played in cular Mycorrhizas to Soil Biological Fertility. 8. Rele- forest policy development Contents vance of Plant Root Pathogens to Soil Biological Fer- Dedication. Contributing Authors. Preface.- Status tility. 9. Relevance of Interactions amongst Soil Mi- Contents and Future Developments Involving Plant Iron in croorganisms to Soil Biological Fertility. 10. Manag- 1. The challenge of developing models to support Animal and Human Nutrition.- Iron Nutrition in ing the Soil [..] forest sector policy analysis. 2. Methodological con- Field Crops.- Iron Nutrition of Fruit Tree Crops.- siderations in developing the Timber Assessment Iron Deficiency, Fruit Yield and Fruit Quality.- Syn- Fields of interest Projection System. 3. Solid wood—Timber Assess- thetic Iron Chelates to Correct Iron Deficiency in Soil Science & Conservation; Plant Sciences ment Market model. 4. North American Pulp and Plants.- Heavy Metals Competing with Iron under Paper model (NAPAP). 5. Methods for projecting ar- Conditions Involving Phytoremediation.- Plant-Soil Target groups eas of private timberland and forest cover types. 6. Relationship: Role of Humic Substances in Iron Nu- Agricultural and environmental research scientists, Timber inventory and management—ATLAS. 7. Ex- trition.- Microbial Siderophores Siderophores in the agricultural extension officers, university students, ogenous assumptions–framing the base case and sce- Plant Rhizosphere.- The Metabolism of Iron by Ni- leading farmers narios. 8. Model solution, validation and control. 9. trogen-Fixing Rhizospheric Bacteria.- [..] Type of publication Base case projection. 10. Evolving views of the future Fields of interest Contributed volume of the U.S. forest sector. 11. The impact of [..] Life Sciences, general; Plant Sciences; Plant Biochem- Fields of interest istry; Cell Biology; Tree Biology; Microbiology Due September 2007 Forestry; Environmental Management Target groups Target groups Graduate students of agronomy and plant nutrition, 2007. XII, 268 p. Softcover Researchers in industry and public agencies, policy plant physiologists, microbiologists 69,95 € analysts in legislatures, public agencies, private in- ISBN 978-1-4020-6618-4 Type of publication dustry, private forest land owners (particularly the Contributed volume rapidly growing TIMO groups focusing on land asset values) Due August 2007 Type of publication Contributed volume 2007. XVIII, 477 p. Softcover Due September 2007 54,95 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6623-8 2007. XXII, 594 p. (Managing Forest Ecosystems, Vol. 14) Hard- cover 164,95 € ISBN 978-1-4020-6308-4 2 Life Science springer.com/booksellers J. Adams, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA A. Aguilera, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain; R. Rothstein, Columbia V.U. Ahmad, HEJ Research Institute, Karachi, Pakistan; A. Basha, University, New York, NY, USA (Eds.) Lake Forest, IL, USA (Eds.) Vegetation-Climate Interaction Molecular Genetics of Spectroscopic Data of Steroid How Vegetation Makes the Global Environment Recombination Glycosides Volume 6 This book offers a readable and accessible account of the way in which the world's plant life partly controls Genetic recombination is an important process in- volved in shaping the genetic make up of progeny. its own environment. Starting from the broad pat- Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides serves as Increasingly, it has become evident that recombina- terns in vegetation which have classically been seen an essential reference guide containing spectroscop- tion is a DNA repair pathway crucial during DNA as a passive response to climate, the authors build up ic, physical and biological activity data of over 3500 replication in vegetatively growing cells. It plays a from the local scale - with microclimates produced steroid glycosides, offering the structures and the da- critical role in preserving the integrity of the genome by plants - to the regional and global scale. The in- ta of the naturally occurring glycosides of steroids. by mediating the repair of DNA damage, which can fluence of plants (both on land and in the ocean) in All compounds are arranged according to the struc- occur during normal cellular metabolism as a result making clouds, haze and rain are considered, along ture of the aglycone, and, in its own class, according of oxidative stress, transcription, replication fork with plant effects on the composition of greenhouse to the increasing molecular weight, making Spectro- stalling or breakdown, or after the exposure to DNA gases in the earth's atmosphere. Broad global feed- scopic Data of Steroid Glycosides extremely useful damaging agents. Until recently, much of our knowl- backs that either stabilize or destabilize the earth's for the structure elucidation of new natural products, edge on the mechanisms of genetic recombination environment will be explored, in the context of envi- particularly glycosides. Spectroscopic Data of Steroid has come from studies of prokaryotic and simple eu- ronmental change in the recent geological
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