Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The Parthenon University Archives Summer 7-12-1962 The Parthenon, July 12, 1962 Marshall University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Marshall University, "The Parthenon, July 12, 1962" (1962). The Parthenon. 1553. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Parthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. he arthenon MARSHALL UNIVERSITY STUDENT NEWSPAPER Vol. 62 HUNTINGTON, W. VA. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1962 No. 2 1962-63 CULTURAL CALENDAR By LARRY ASCOUGH to the event with the presentation include: the second night of "The an hour, are better than or equal FORUMS Editor-In-Chief of the I.D. and activity cards. All Sou n d of Music", direct from to Artists Series at other colleges All Forums are presented in A thorough examination of the seats are reserved. three years on broadway; second and universities. Old Main Auditorium at 8 p.m. on schedules for the 1962-63 Artists The Artists Series, now in its night of Helen Hayes and Maurice No classes are held when con- the date announced. Students are Series, Convocations and Forums, 27th year, is still under the direc- Evans in "As We Like It," an vocations are being presented. admitted by presenting their I.D. shows promise of many delightful tion of its original manager, Pro- evening of Shakespeare; original Another important fact concern- cards. cultural events for students and fessor Baxter. It was inaugurated cast of the Broadway production ing these programs is that no A coffee hour is usually held the general public. Many 'out- in 1936 when the late Admiral "Turn of the Screw"; and famous tickets or identification cards are in the North Parlor of Old Main standing and distinguished per- Ric~ard E. Byrd presented movies pia~i~ts Ferrante and Teicher. In necessary to gain admission. following each Forum. Here stu­ sonalities will lend their talents of his adventures. addition to these, students may The first Convocation this year dents may meet the performers or to the Marshall cultural program, Since the Artists Series is per- als~ pick any two of the other will feature one of Marshall's new guests. according to Curtis Baxter, man- formed for stud~nts, faculty and series programs. vice Presidents, Dr. Harold The Forum schedule for the ager of the Artists Series and the general public, Professor Bax- The other programs mclude: Walker He will be followed by . g 1·11 feature such · · · rf director of the Forums and Con- ter tnes to contract pe ormers s an F rancisco· B a 11e t ·• ''RapsUUJa _.,, Jose Molina's· first American tour commrf season wJ d'th A d • - h , ta te R · " . R w Ch . pe ormers as u 1 n erson vocations. wh? ~ 111 Pease1 eac groups s · omma • o~er agner ora1 e , of "Bailes Espanoles," flamenco in "Medea" and Richard Dyer- ARTISTS SERIES Tlps is true of a~l of the cultural and the Pittsburgh Symphony singers, dancers and musicians. Bennett, folk singer. All Artists Series programs are events. Convocations and Forums Orchestra. Th t· . h t resented at the Keith Albee are also well varied. CONVOCATIONS he convoca ions wh· 111 t a 1sol dos Eric Johnston, president of the. P . d C t · h ' h sue peop1 e as ore es ra ea er . of Theatre beginning at 8:15 p.m. on The three events are _finance onvoca 10ns, w 1c are pr~: Vincent Lopez; Lisa Howard, Mot 1 on Picture Association the announced date Students may by the sale of season tickets to sented Thursdays at 11 a.m. m ABC TV' l't' d America will be here Oct g Irish · · · · · · d . · Old M · A d 't · b _ - s po 1 1ca1 an news re- , , obtam tickets from Mrs. Will com~umty residents, onat1~ns . am u I onum, are e orter· W. H. Auden oet· New U.N. delegate Frederick H. Bo- Mount secretaty-treasurer of the and m part by the student act1v- commg better every year, accord- P . • . • P • . t' Se • B d The will ity fee. ing to Professor Baxter.. He thinks York Strmg Sextet and many land, Nov. 29, as well as other A r t1s s r1es oar . Y . d ' l'ti be distributed several days prior The student numbers this year our Convocations, which only last others. outstan mg persona 1 es. Cultural Program SEPTEMBER 27 oaoBER 25 DECEMBER 3-4 FRRUARY 14 MARCH 26 CONVOCATION CONVOCATION ARTIS'l1S SERIES CONVOCATION FORUM Dr. Harold Walker Hurh Miller (Students-Second Nlrht) Lisa Howard Nila Marldoff Vice-President of Marshall Senior Director, Royal. Helen Hayes and Television News Reporter "My Di8eovU7 Of 1Amer1ea• Academy of Dramatic Art Maurice Evans Old Main Auditorium (London) "As We Like It' Old Main-Auditorium Old Main Auditorium Keith-Albee Theatre oa-oBER 4 Old Main Auditorium FEBRUARY 22 CONVOCATION DECEMB£R 6 ARTISTS SERIES MARCH 28 • Philip Hansen 1 Rorer Warner Chorale CONVOCATION "My Name Is Aram" NOVEMBER 8-9-10 FORUM Dr. Richard McLuaathaa Cleveland Amory Keith-Albee Theatre Director, Utica Art Mueam Old Main Auditorium UNIVERSITY THEATRE Social Historian PLAY Old Main Auditorium (To Be Announced) Old Main Auditorium FEBRUARY 24-25-26 oaOBIR 9 Life Planning Week FORUM Old Main Auditorium Eric Johnston JANUARY 17-18-19 APRI 1 President, Motion Picture UNIVERSITY THEATRE A.RTISTS SERIES PLAY ~latlon of America FEBRUARY 28 Plttsburrh Symphony (To Be Announced)· Orchestra Old Main Auditorium NOVEMBER 15 CONVOCATION CONVOCATION Old Main Auditorium Dorian Quintet Randy Weston Quartet Chamber Music Keith-Albee Theatr• oaoBER 11 Jass Pianist Old Main Auditorium CONYOCATION JANUARY 24 Vincent Lopes Old Main Auditorium APRIL 8 Orchestra Leader, Pianist, FORUM MARCH 1 ARTIS'tS SERIES Aathor Art Wilson Color Fl.Im, "Berlin, FORUM <Student Number) Island City" Captain lrvlnr Johnson Ferrante and Teicher Old Main Auditorium NOVEMBER 17 Color Film, "Yankee Salls FORUM Old Main Auditorium Scandinavia" Keith-Albee Theatre Judith Andel'SOll Old Main Auditoriu'T' oaOBER 18 Medea FEBRUARY 5 CONVOCATION Jose Molina Old Main Auditorium FORUM APRI 14 "Balles Espanoles,. Kenneth Richter MARCH 7 .. Award-Winnlnr Film, CONVOCATION "Britain" CONVOCATION Old Matn Auditorium W. H. Auden New York Strin&' Sextet Poet NOVEMBER 20 Old Main Auditorium Old Main Auditorium Old Main Auditorium GOOBER 18 ARTISTS S~RIES FORUM Roumanian National Richard Dyer-Bennett Folk Ensemble FEBRUARY 7 Twentieth Cent111'7 "Rapsodla Romlna" CONVOCATION MARCH 14 APRIL 16 Troubadoar Gerald Moore ARTIS'l1S SERIES FORUM Keith-Albee Theatre Pianist, Wit "San Francisco Ballet" Harrison Salisbury Old Main Auditorium New Yor'k Times Old Main Auditorium Keith-Albee Theatre Correspondent oaom 22-23 Old Main Auditorium ARTISTS SERIES NOVEMBER 29 FEBRUARY 11 MARCH 21-22-23 , (Stadents-Second Nirht> FORUM ARTIStiS SERIES UNIVERSITY THEATRE Broadwa7 Play Frederick B. Boland (Student Number) PLAY '4Tbe Souad Of Maslc" Irish United Nations Deler~te "Tum Of The Screw" (To Be Annollftced) MAY 11-12 Keith-Albee Theatre Old Main Auditorium Keith-Albee Theatre Old Main Auditorium Parent's Week End PAGE TWO THE PARTHENON THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1962 Series Features Ferrante, Teicher By FRAN ALLRED "As Yau Like It." The play marks the first time Managing Editor Miss Hayes "\d Mr. Evans have appeared together The piano team of Ferrante and Teicher and in two decac. !S. The script for this special produc­ the opera, "The Turn of the Screw," will be in­ tion is by Marchette Chure and Ernestine Perrie. cluded as student performances. during the 27th February 11-Benjamiri Britten's Opera based season of the Artists Series. on the tale by Henry James will star Patricia A Broadway musical, a Roumanian folk dance Neway in the role she created. The Broadway cast company, a Shakespeare play, a choral group, a will perform, including Janice Martin, winner of ballet company and a symphony orchestra will the 1961 Metropolitan Opera auditions. make up the complete schedule. February 22--Tbe Roger Wagner Chorale of Student activity cards may be used again this 24 voices wiU perform. This group has recorded year to obtain tickets for four special student extensively in a series of best-selling albums . presentations. Students will then be allowed ranging from folk songs, sea chanties and Christ­ tickets for two of the remaining programs. mas carols to the great cantatas and madrigals All Artists Series programs will be presented of Bach, Montverdi, Palestrina and Vaughan Wil­ at 8:30 p.m. at the Keith Albee Theatre. liams. It has reached miJJions of viewers on Rodgers and Hammerstein's "The Sound of major television shows. Music" and Shakespeare's drama "As We Like J~• presented by Helen Hayes and Maurice March 14-The San Francisco Banet, directed Evans will be performed on two eveninp. Stu• by Lew. Christensen, will bring its own orchestra dents will attend the second performances. in addition to the 80 member ballet company. The dednle bas been announced by Curtis Better known amonJ the dancers with the com­ Baxter, manager of the Artist Series and direc• pany are Jocelyn Vonmer, Sany Bailey, Fiona tor of Forums and Convocations. Fuerstner, Virginia Johnson, Roderick Drew and October 23-"The Sound of Music" come~ to Kent Stowen. Huntington after three years on Broadway. The April 1-The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, production concerns the famous Trapp family and conducted by William Steinberg, will return to was the last production of Richard Rodgers and Huntington.
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