![FY 2076/077 Df ;"Lrs[T Kmd{X ?Sf]Laa/0F](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
df ;"lrs[t kmd{x?sf] laa/0f FY 2076/077 SN Vendor name Address Contact Number 1 ;fwf/0f 5kfO{ ;DaGwL sfo{ 1 United Auto Printers Sitapaila, Kathmandu 014034576/ 9860977965 National Man Sarowar 2 Printing Press Baneshwor, Kathmandu 015172077/ 9851058347 3 Canvas Trade Concern Bansbari, Kathmandu 9851066760 4 Surya Deep chhapakhana Khushibu, Kathmandu 014263400/ 9841940437 5 Om Shiva Printing Press Dhalko, Kathmandu 014253240/ 9851060178 Print Preview Offset 6 Press P.Ltd Bagbazar, Kathmandu 9851071283 7 Sama Printers Pvt.Ltd Bhaisepati, Lalitpur 9802096134 Sakchhyam Printers 8 service Pvt.Ltd Dillibazar, Kathmandu 9841121965/ 014438771 9 Dreamworks printers Bagbazar, Kathmandu 9851005177 10 A-roll pvt ltd Baluwatar, kathmandu 9851139378 11 The print cloud pvt.ltd Chasel,lalitpur 015551961/9851200179 Orchid business 12 &marketing pvt .ltd Anamnagar,kathmandu 9851033561 Mission printers and 13 media pvt.ltd Chabahil kathmandu 9851239225 14 M.S printing solution kathmandu 014108110/9851096126 15 Auto printing press kritipur,kathmandu 014331011 16 Yojan printers Bramahatol,kathmandu 9851090925 17 Jeevan printers Bramahatol,kathmandu 9851090925 18 Think Center Media P.Ltd Anamnagar, Kathmandu 9841560569 Palikhe & Gurung 19 Entrepreneurs Samakhusi,Kathmandu 01-4389395/9851164139 20 Unique Printing house Newroad, Kathmandu 9841257275 21 Mitrata Chapakhana Golmadi, Bhaktapur 9813331200 22 Grishma Graphics Pvt.Ltd Bagbazar, Kathmandu 9851097604 23 Bar Code Nepal Inc .P.Ltd Anamnagar,Kathmandu 01-5705083/01-5705267 d;nGb -:6]zg/L_ ;fdfg cfk'lt{ 2 Address Contact no 1 Muktinath Trade concern Putalisadak, Kathmandu 014241599/ 9851043019 2 Chandiko General Trading Concern Baneshwor, Kathmandu 015172077/ 9851058347 3 Aadhikhola Jankalyan Suppliers Putalisadak, Kathmandu 9841971782 4 Dashing Traders Kamalpokhari, kathmandu 014011574/014011575 5 New Trishakti Suppliers Ratopol ,kathmandu 9851148422 6 Ozone International Jorpati,kathmandu 014424217/9851180850 7 Teeka Traders Anamnagar, kathmandu 15707179 df ;"lrs[t kmd{x?sf] laa/0f FY 2076/077 8 New Nepal National Enterprises Anamnagar, kathmandu 9851046216 9 Swaran Business & Suppliers Anamnagar, kathmandu 9802285180 10 Zinnia International NewBaneshwor 14437691 11 Manakamana Stationary Center Pako Newroad, 014220074/9849405066 12 Gadimai Suppliers Hetauda 9845030491 13 Pash Enterprises Kalimati , kathmandu 9841313797 3 s'l/o/ ;]jf -/fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o_ Address Contact no. 1 Trishakti Air Express Bijulibazar, Kathmandu 9851155504 2 Worldwide Express P.Ltd Dhobighat 9851009017 3 Kourtier Couriers P.ltd Dhobighat 9851110038/015554516 4 Sky Net Worldwide express Nepal Sinamangal 9801231235/9861123804 5 Yeti TNT Express Pvt.Ltd Thapagaun,Kathmandu 9851095599/01-5244650 4 sDKo'6/ tyf sDKo'6/hGo pks/0fx? cfk'lt Address Contact no. 1 E-Machine Suppliers New Road, Kathmandu 9851060989 2 New Rehan International Kupondole, Lalitpur 9851112171/ 9841513395 3 Globe Computer Trade Dillibazar, Kathmandu 014429629/9841625887 4 Max International Putalisadak, Kathmandu 9841724135/ 014415786 5 Printronix Computing Solution New Road, Kathmandu 9851045997/ 014262665 6 C.D.S Trading Dillibazar, Kathmandu 014417226/ 9841583095 7 The City Enterprises Dillibazar, Kathmandu 014417226/ 9851068609 8 Dynamics Suppliers Dillibazar, Kathmandu 014417226/ 9851068609 9 Silver Crest Networks Pvt.Ltd Kupondole, Lalitpur 015180074/ 015180015 10 Riddhi Trade Links Pvt.Ltd Kantipath, Kathmandu 9851039801 11 Computer Networks Associates Naxal, Kathmandu 14443653 12 NEA Suppliers Pvt.Ltd Kupondole, Lalitpur 9849097653 13 Comtech Nepal Pvt.Ltd Putalisadak, Kathmandu 014427221/ 9851118749 14 Netfiniti Pvt. Ltd Gairidhara, Kathmandu 14430101 15 Enet Trade Group New Road, Kathmandu 014252442/ 9855056309 16 MultiSys p .ltd Lajimpat,Kathmandu 014437153/9841979597 17 Integrated Solution p.ltd Baluwatar,Kathmandu 014414251/9841337676 18 Star Office International Putalisadak, Kathmandu 014433357/9851239909 19 Future Tech Trade Pvt.Ltd Newroad,Kathmandu 014224595/9804028360 20 Generation Next Communication Durbarmarg ,kathmandu 21 CrossWeb Office Automation Newplaza,kathmandu 014444531/09851051003 22 Elitenetwork & Communication NagPokhari,Kathmandu 23 Green IT Solutions Pvt .Ltd Kalanki ,Kathmandu 015234472 24 Astral Computers Nepal Pvt . Ltd Gyaneshowr ,kathmandu 014438798 25 Operating System Nepal Gaurighat, kathmandu 014248317/9801835379 26 Namaste Infotech Pvt .Ltd Anamnagar, kathmandu 014770157/9801835383 27 Matrix Office System Pvt.Ltd Putalisadak, Kathmandu 014242931/9863695217 df ;"lrs[t kmd{x?sf] laa/0f FY 2076/077 28 Pioneer Trading Madyapur Thimi 9851189658/014228713 29 Aavira Trade Concern Pvt .Ltd Putalisadak, kathmandu 014012572/9851062958 Institute Of Information Mid Baneshwor 30 Development Kathmandu 014487099/014490518 31 Nepa International Pvt.Ltd Putalisadak ,kathmandu 014012675/014012676 32 Subisu Cablenet Pvt.Ltd Baluwatar,Kathmandu 9801158355 33 U-Soft Computer Technosys Tebahal,Newroad ,Ktm 015713668, 98510107516 34 Bar Code Nepal 35 I Base Technologies Putalisadak ,kathmandu 9851142140/014418707 36 Tech One Global Nepal ,Bishalnagar 9801056455 37 Megatech Trade Group Ghantaghar, Kathmandu 9801122661 38 Guru Ganesh General Suppliers Minbhawan,Kathmandu 9841264889 39 Grantha Network Pvt .Ltd Batishputali,Kathmandu 01-4012678 41 Mercantile Office System P.Ltd Durbarmarg ,kathmandu 9841471997 42 Star Automation Trading Concern Putalisadak, Kathmandu 9851043391 New Baneshwor, 43 Southern Asia Business House Kathmandu 9851212121 44 Eagle Tech Nepal Minbhawan , Kathmandu 9801062186, 01-4106849 45 Passion Security Solution P.ltd Tripureshwor ,Kathmandu 01-4100650,9801811277 46 Lead Enterprises Pvt .Ltd Tangal ,Kathmandu 01-443480/ 9851142845 47 Sky Nepal Pvt. Ltd Thapathali ,Kathmandu 01-4239399, 9851162611 48 Baba Infotech & General Traders Dhumbarahi ,Kathmandu 01-4426105/ 9802064100 49 Sathi Trading International P.Ltd Newroad ,Kathmandu 9851046794/01-4228134 50 Computer Gallary Pvt.Ltd Putalisadak ,kKathmandu 9851048376,01-4413600 51 JB Digital Trading Putalisadak ,kathmandu 01-4427193/9863034484 52 Cypher Technology Pvt .Ltd Pulchowk ,Lalitpur 01-5010764 53 Multi Trading Pvt.Ltd Bagbazar ,Kathmandu 01-4250200/01-4218943 54 BigTech Office System Sundhara ,Kathmandu 01-4221499/9851161262 55 Smart Office International P.Ltd Putalisadak,Kathmandu 9851217566/ 01-4421022 56 Digital Networks Solution Maharajgunj, Kathmandu 01-4371311 57 Total Enterprises Balaju,Kathmandu 01-4351623/9841720144 58 Inspire UP Traders Anamnagar, kathmandu 9851232296 59 Gadgets & Gizmos Traders P.Ltd Nagpokhari, kathmandu 9851142446 60 Hi Tech I.T Solution P.Ltd Kapan, Kathmandu 9851249642 61 Prabidhi Solutions Thencho, Lalitpur 9851142446 62 Nex Gen IT Solutions P.ltd Baluwatar,Kathmandu 01-4417612 63 Methods Consult P.Ltd Kalanki, Kathmandu 9841499483 sDKo'6/ tyf sDKo'6/hGo pks/0fx? 5 dd{t ;DalGw sfo{ Address Contact No. 1 New Rehan International Kupondole, Lalitpur 9851112171/ 9841513395 df ;"lrs[t kmd{x?sf] laa/0f FY 2076/077 2 Globe Computer Trade Dillibazar, Kathmandu 014429629/9841625887 New Baneshwor, 3 P.K Stationery & Suppliers Kathmandu 9851063482 CrossWeb Office Automation Pvt 4 .Ltd Newplaza,kathmandu 01-4444531/9851051003 Elitenetwork & Communication 5 Pvt.Ltd NagPokhari,Kathmandu 01-4429026/9810304440 6 Green IT Solutions Pvt .Ltd Kalanki ,Kathmandu 01-5234472 7 Thakral One Nepal Pvt.Ltd Gyaneshowr ,kathmandu 01-4439614 8 U-Soft Computer Techno sys Tebahal,Newroad 01-5713668/9851017516 9 Smart Office International P.Ltd Putalisadak,Kathmandu 9851217566/ 01-4421022 10 ItLinx Pvt.Ltd Kupondole, Lalitpur 01-5520622/01-5520623 6 ljB'tLo clkm; pks/0f cfk'lt{ Address Contact No. 1 Techno Trade Pvt.Ltd New Plaza, Kathmandu 9851087991/ 014425299 2 NEA Suppliers Pvt.Ltd Kupondole, Lalitpur 9849097653 3 Team Nepal Air Conditioning Kupondole, Lalitpur 015010507/ 9841624152 Kathmandu Equipment Repair and 4 traders Babarmahal, kathmandu 015705132/ 9860107733 5 NCAT system & solution Pvt.Ltd Gairidhara, Kathmandu 014004771/ 9801050246 New Baneshwor, 6 Pixel Multi-Tech Pvt.ltd Kathmandu 9851203221/ 9851138281 7 Dos Trading Pvt.Ltd Tangal, Kathmandu 0144439520 8 Somnath Baba Suppliers Pvt.Ltd Pulchowk, Lalitpur 9847510690 9 Key Concept Nepal Pvt.Ltd NewRoad ,Kathmandu 01-4238256/01-4238330 10 Mama Bhanja Traders Pvt .Ltd Tripureshwor,Kathmandu 01-4117262/9851099658 11 Multisys Pvt.Ltd Lajimpat,Kathmandu 01-4437153/9841979597 Budhalinkantha 12 Airotech Industries Pvt .Ltd ,Kathmandu 01-4002500/9851071941 13 CrossWeb Office Automation NewPlaza ,Kathmandu 01-4444531/9851051003 14 Etech International Pvt .Ltd Kathmandu 01-4016520/9843649658 Madhyapur Thimi 15 Pioneer Trading ,Kathmandu 9851189658/01-4228713 16 Krishna Corporation Basantapur,Kathmandu 01-4232195/9851037852 17 U -Soft Computer Technosys Tebahal,NewRoad 01-5713668/9851017516 18 Shree Kedar Electricals & Suppliers Bhotabahal,Kathmandu 9851114709 19 Guru Ganesh General Suppliers MinBhawan ,Kathmandu 9841264889 20 Neo-Tech Engineering Pvt .Ltd Koteshwor,Kathmandu 01-5199733/9851199002 21 LG Technology Nepal Pvt .Ltd Naxal,Kathmandu 9808165430 22 Lead Enterprises Pvt.Ltd Tangal, Kathmandu 01-4434800/9851142845 23 Workipedia Enterprises Pvt .Ltd Chhetrapati,Kathmandu 9841727748/01-4442422 24 Raj Trading Concern MitraPark ,Kathmandu 01-4493132/9841466338 df ;"lrs[t kmd{x?sf] laa/0f FY 2076/077 25 M.A.W Engineering P.ltd Tripureshwor,Kathmandu 01-4268253 26 MS Suppliers Pvt.Ltd. ljB'tLo clkm; pks/0f -h:t}M h]g]/]6/, EPABXtyf ljB'tLo pks/0fx? cflb_ 7 dd{t sfo{ Address Contact no. New Baneshwor,
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