WEATHER Per *J Fair today awl toalgbt. High today, M. Low tonight. 48. Part- SHadyiidz 14MH0 ly dandy lemorrow with • Ufa of M. See page 2. iMUtfl Dttnr. Mondur thremli •atma u Meosl CUM Kttut RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1959 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOLUME LXXXII NO. 61 at UM POM OIDCI at 11*4 auk. M. outer tli* Act «l Kates S. UK. Coiieil H«a S Day Double Sessions Seek New School Legislation, Labor Leaders Irked, Seen for Regional County Official Tells MatawanWant New Strike Laws FREEHOLD - Site location for, MATAWAN — County School Rap Handling an additional high school, and Superintendent Earl B. Garrison plant for complete double ses- last night called on the Matawan sions for next year will be an- school dUtrict to Join with other Of Steel Crisis;! nounced In the near future, It consolidated districts in the state was nude known at latt night's to press for new legislation "as Regional Board of Education the best, easiest and fastest way" Workers Back meeting. to solve the school problem here. Board president Vincent Foy The occasion was a meeting in WASHINGTON (AP) «- (Freehold Township) reported the high school attended by the AFL-CIO leaders, sharply that the board has been studying Borough Council, the Township critical of President Eisen- for several months possible loca- Committee, the Board of Educa- hower's handling of, tht tion* for additional facilities to tion, the Cltiiens Committee for steel strike, mapped pliii the present school, which now Better Matawan Borough Schools houses 1,(96 students. Next year's (which favor* division of the dis- today to. get Congress to iswsjp projected enrollment is 2,100. trict), and the Citizen* Council present' laws for dealing wHh Mr. Foy said the board con- for Better Schools (which opposes national emergency strikes. separation.) sidered several sites, the princi- The most caustic' pal difficulty being to find one Atthaagh the Meeting lad against- Eisenhower came large enough owned by a single bee* called by Bereagh Coun- Emil Matey, secretory-treasurer owner. cil "tO «pJfM "M)*"*"" *» of the Auto Worker*. He chart- Expansion Study Garrison report caaeonjlag sep- ed the President used the Taffc The board has been studying aration, ae member of the bar* Hartley law to end she Hfdey school expansion possibilities OBgh goveraug hee> aekei a steel strike as "a political payoff ojeastioa er made a censsseac. since a dtiiens' committee re- The session turned out to be a to steel companies." . ^ ported last year the need for ad- debate between Mr. Garrison, The White House decline* h> ditional school facilities at a new who defended his report, and the comment on Maze/a speech, site. Citizens Committee. msde to the AFL-CIO Industrial No specific township site has In summarizing the discussion, Union Department. • been officially discussed, but Mr. Garrison conceded that speculation is that a Howell Town- Both Gawg* Meaay, AFU' there are certain financial school CIO ffiillaai, mi WaUss" ship location is most probable, costs inequities between the bor- Rerther, AaseUalsa ' •"••' since it has the largest popula- ough and township," although, be tion in the regional district, and said, "a few individuals have Is the largest in area. blown certain figures all out of the Further evidence of the need proportion:" la this asset strike Is a for aditional space was Indicated He said the problem Bes la by Superintendent Robert B. the fact that unfer present state AMERICAN Lit)ACY—Among recipients of Bank of America stoek for tho people MILLS OPIRATINft — Smoke and haie fill the Mononcja- They said it bore out labor's Norris's recommendation to the of the small Italian village of San Marco d'Urri is its youngest citizen, ll-month- law, school eperatioa costs must board for complete double ses- be divided on a tax ratable hela Valley at the Jones ft LaugMin Steel Corporation's charges' that the Taf t-Hartley act sions for next year. old Ortotta Paraxxo, hold by her mother. Auriello Gandini, tho bank's Italian di- Pittsburgh plant gets back into operation after record is a slave labor statute that cart Action was postponed on this rector, 'gives the child a certificate for 25 sharos. Gift to all 214 of tha town's in- "Your best, easiest, and fastest be used to make men wofl llo-day steel strike. IAP Wirephoto) against their will. T matter because the board voted,to habitants was made by sons ofItalian immigrant Laopoldo Pietro Saturno, who died way to solve your problem here," discuss detail* of this with Dr. the county official suggested, "is The union group itself, claim* Norris in an executive session. in 1919 aftar building a fortune in real estate In Reno, Nev. (AP Photo by radio) to get the law changed so that ing to represent seven million Wants Men Information operational costs will be placed labor union members, adopted a Mr. Foy stated that the board The Other Side on a per-pupil basis, aa it is in of Registered resolution criticizing the govern, did not want to act until all de- Meyner Asks a regional district." ment'a action as an attempt at tails and possible effects had been Mr. Garrison added, "This strikebreaking. v studied. He cited as examples bus shouldn't be hard." He said he "This ishMethM WM hapseei schedules,, cafeteria, teacher Confirmation Plan Board Favors already has talked to a number stately after the strike he* schedule*, and athletics and extra of legislator* about the possibil< Voters Cast Ballots ity. gaa to ahKh the laiaatiy la Its eurricuiar activities. FREEHOLD — Official figures in last Tuesday's general election, The freshman class at the high Of Labrecque "AH the ether eoaaaHdatad K Route 35 Widening dbtriets la the state want the released by the Monmouth County with 101,565 votes cut out. of a school has been on double ses- Approval Would. Board of Elections yesterday possible 144.SW. sions the last two yean. show that 70 per cent of all re- EATONTOWN — The Planning Board went on tJasul costs.) Yea sheets get State Sen. Richard R. Stout The .Supreme Court upheld Sat- In other business, it was an- Bring Court Vp record last night in ftvor of the Rt .35 improvement gistered voters in the county voted polled the largest vote of any can-urday the TafMtartJey law la> nounced that Bertram Birch, thsc go to the lunctioa which me adntiatora. To Full Strength pl»« that ii being foufht by Red Bank and Shrewsbury didate, M,«4§. Hi* Democratic tsajUme Freehold merchant. Is Edward W. Carrie and Donald opponent, Thomas-J. Smith, re- tiqui ha*obtahled more than two establishingfitShat lota fund. weeks earlier or* Its ceatontioa The board toe* Mrs. the T. Day, members of the Cttitens Gtizensliip ceived 40,135. earned a'Mor- was Committee, took a'«Um view of Assemblyman Alfred N. the nation's 5eUtt'and nafetjr CDonaell of Marlboro as a secre- rlstown man for the state Super "We *a't think the Highway were threatened, , • tary at a salary of $3,900 per year. the suggestion,Both cxpresstd Beadlestm won ever Ms oppon- tor Court and said he hoped the Department's present piaa is thedoubt that the Legislature would Papers Given ents by the largest majority, Arthur J.qoJdberg. Steehrork- Dr. Norris announced that Senate would make up its mind To Receive right solution for the region," era Union genera) counsel, told school will be closed Thursday go along with a change in the 53,314, against Democrats Louis to confirm his earlier appoint- said Board Chairman Leo J. Car-law. Collichlo and Eugene J. Bedeg £* delegates organized labor and Friday for the teachers' con- ment of Theodore J. Labrecque 'but it's a lot better than To 91 Persons must - be ready with positive vention. Fair Haven "We don't want to have to de- who polled 37,497 and 37,419 re- of Red Bank to the same body. stopping the Rt 35 relief route (Continued on Page 2) FREEHOLD — County Judge spectively. His margin over his recommendation* for changing Morris County Judge Nelson K. from Wall Township sere in Eat- John C. Giordano presided yes- closest Democratic rival was 15,- the national emergency strike MinU, 52, was nominated for the Building Bids ontown and dumping all that traf- terday when 91 persons became 787. provisions when Congress recon- Murder Trial, vacancy in the $22,000-a-year post fic into our narrow Main St" naturalized citizens. vene* In January. FAIR HAVEN - Construction Ask $25,000 Mr. Beadleston's Republican "I don't think that in this day created by the resignation of Su- bids for a proposed borough hall The candidates for citizenship running-mate, Clifton T. Barka- perior Court Judge William A. were presented to Judge Gior- and age we can quarrel with as OfKeansburg and library will be received by Mr. Cartin_g expresse. d the fear For Armory low, received 52,208, which was proposition that the public h> Hegarty. the Mayor and Council Dec. 14 that the objections of tho two dano by James J. Tunney, fed- 14,799 votes better than the near- The governor said he will send eral examiner. Miss Mary Col- est Democrat. Independents Nor- (ContinuedonPageS) it S p. m. neighboring boroughs might lead Man Begins the nomination to the state Sen- to the abandonment of the road Heating Job county naturalization clerk, man C. Hansen and Caspar Ped detec- ate Nov. 33. He said confirmation The governing body, at its administered the oath. Each of one received 1,767 and 976 votes, i BALTIMORE (AP)-A del widening project and leave Eat TRENTON - A $25,000 appro- of MinU and Labrecque would meeting last night, voted to re- the new citizen* was presented respectively.
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