LOS ;HERALD ANGELES . SUNDAY 5 FAITHFUL COUNTY AND CITY OFFICIALS knowledge of assures that tha western hops obtainable and the best malt municipal financewill always be safe- are used In making beer by this com- funds OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE LIBRARY Recently the has doubled guarded, and no man holds to a greater Fiany. concernbeen the de- extent the confidence of the whole com- ts capacity, so great has leiFamlliarWitli Hose Closei to munity Ho mand for its superior class of goods. recognizes the Importance and of the position, he Where there were eighty men employed responsibility as In plant a ago, there are la unremitting In his attention to his the few months house duties. Evorybody knows "Uncle Billy" now over ahundred. The new brew Goyenraentai Workman either by sight or reputation; has a capacity of 600 barrels every twenty- they have to bo he is. four hours, and Itmay be equipped later don't told who to turn that His name Is spread on the pageß of Los on out Just dolble amount of -'; Angeles' history as "the grand old beer In the bottling worka the latest man." and most Improved washing machinery, Public HON. pasteurizing machinery, etc., has been add- Affairs BEN E. WARD ed, SO' that everything Is thoroughly up Hon. Ben E. Ward, the present asses- i to date In every particular. The bottling sor of Loa Angelea county, haa long ; a capacity bottling postofflce thoroughly equipped HON. L. H. VALENTINE figured prominently in the political and works have of re-125 and barrela of beer In eight hours. The modern hotels. \u25a0 \u25a0j.-ipw. There are few positions In tha federal business life of this section. Without frigerating machinery haa a combined The facilities for reaching Venice are service which require such thorough fear or favor he has gone about in capacity of eighty tons, operated by a 100 perfect. The Los Angeles-Pacific Elec- knowledge of the law as that of United the conscientious dinchargo of his horse power compound condensing engine trlo railroad tracks pass the'borders of Btates attorney, and for a district like duties, ever proving faithful to the and a 50 horse power compound condens- the city on the south and west,- and Southern California, where the officials trust reposed In him by the voters and ing engine. The cold storage has a ca- there Is a station at Windward avenue are constantly coming In contact with taxpayers of Los Angeles county. pacity of 18,000 barrels of beer. It is one for the accommodation of passengers. subjects of other nations, the duties are Mr,Ward Is one of our most progres- of the fln«st storage plants In the west, This marvelous new city must be made all the more difficult. Hence It Is sive citizens. He never loses an op- being equipped with all of the latest de- seen to be appreciated. It ia a bust- that the Washington authorities were portunity that willIn anywise aid in vices. The Los Angeles Brewing company ling,booming, reality. Less than a year, careful In their selection, when a vacancy the upbuilding and uplifting of tho pride themselves on producing only pure ago the site was a tide flat and barren became due here in 1901, and In the ap- whole community. He has a circle of and wholesome bsers. They employ only sand dune. Today where the minarets pointment of Hon. L. H. Valentine to friends that extends from ono end of experienced men and pay them good of three-story brick buildings pierce that responsible place no mistake was the state to the other. His election as wages. Pure artesian water Is used for the Bky the stillness was broken- only made. Mr. Valentino was first appointed assessor of this county two and a half all purposes. of the products of thin by of the goose not States attorney by President Mo- years ago by vary large majority Onemeeting big sale Is the honk wild KlnleyUnited a concern that Is a the longer ago than a few years. Numer- September 4, 1901. Later he was is a certain indication of his personal Mission Malt Tonic. P. Max Kuehnrlch, ous elegant and expensive buildings reappolnted by President Roosevelt, De- popularity, and there Is no discount president, treasurer and general manager and public works have already been cember 17, 1901. Mr. Valentine was born on his financial and business standing. of the Los Angeles Brewing company; W. erected or are now In course. of build- at Placervllle, and graduated In the law He possesses the qualifications for a Wright, secretary, and Theodore Nay. ing, and army men has been from Hastings college, which has stnce and competent assessor, as shown S. president, citizens of a small ofin 'excavating University §oody many vice are well known employed for months become a part of the of Cal- of his recent official acts In Los Angeles and stand high in the busi- and pushing construction of the many ifornia. He came to Los Angeles in the which he has saved the county an Im- eommuunlty. Their offices are at the maturing enterprises and attractions. eighties and commenced practice. Mr. amount of money. Mr. Ward ness street. has always regarded mense many brewery, 1920-2026 East Main The excavation of the canal system Valentine been as has lived in this county for alone has involved the .removal of a one of the foremost members of the local years. He has watched tho city grow half of million cubic yards of sand bar. He takes an active part In politics, Into a largo and prosperous municipal- a swimming and his good judgment and fore- ity something few years ago that and soil. The still water sight proven valuable keenhis from a "VENICE OF AMERICA" provides accommodation for 5000 have to party was little more than a country village, §00lathers. In many campaigns. and he has kept in close touch with of America," the in property values, im- "Venice the wonder, increase coast city of the western continent, HON. GEORGE L. M'KEEBY provement work, etc., so that he Is yeara experience before him and States army, serving his country board of pui.lla works and the sewer DREAMLAND CITY OF THE planned and brought existence by eminently fitted to perform the had of hla United faithfully General Nelson This fact is ample evi- THE Into One of California's brightest young duties who, although he has served In pres- well and under committee. alone the genius of Abbot Klnney, has a of his Important charge. ent charge but a few months, wllll "de- A. Miles, Lieutenant Gatewood, Major dence of his ability as a public official BEACHEB Individuality its men is George L. McKeeby, assistant not his claim and all own. It liver the goods" and beautify the thor- Cruse, Lieutenant Rucker and others, and shows that the man and is infusing: new Interest in coast life United States attorney for the southern HON. THEODORE SUMMERLAND oughfares of our city that during many of the Indian uprisings politics was first recognized. people district. Mr. McKeeby has worked his In a manner and will attract thousands of willfind commendation all over the coun- along the frontier. K'o was stationed from distant lands, for at Venice will own way to the front. He was born The honorable and dignified position in Arizona for long time, and HON. 8. Abbot Kinney's Creation— Beauties In Ventura county, coming to Los An- of president of the city council of Loa try. a on sev- W. HILLER be found allof the comforts and amuse- geles In his early youth graduating You don't have to tell any Angeleno eral occasions distinguished himself . Although been in the publlo City, ments of Italy and and the south, of and Angeles is woll and ably filled by Hon. Jim Hanley is; he has been among his comrades. When he has ser- and Wonders of the Italian lrom the local high school in 1892. Theodore Summerland, the genial rep- who serv- he left the vice but a few months, S. W. Hiller, the France, with the added attraction lof ing the public too long and well. Nine regular service he was made chief of amiable from Third ward, Canals, Lagoons, the incomparable of When the Spanish-American war broke resentative of the Fourth ward. Since years supervisor, a rec- scouts. councilman the With Its Miles of climate Southern out Mr. McKeeby, with the patriotic his elevation to this responsible posi- as a county with. ' has made a record that he should justly California. ord aa clean as a string, to use the old Mr. Healy came to Los Angeles some given to Etc., Transplanted to Pacific and in the glor- spirit of a true American boy, enlisted tion Councilman Summerland haa man- years ago, and for a good portion feel proud of. He la not a man Coast Come to Venice bask — phrase, glvon him a reputation that was blowing trumpeta anything of ious sunshine of Southern In the California heavy artillery and the the choice of his many otherhave publio servants might well time faithful and tho of or California given second lieutenancy. He ifestedcolleagues Inwisdomplacingof him there by his of the one of the sort, but goes about quietly and you willhave health, pleasure, w»s a envy. trusted employes of the city street de- that best he Where by tvaH sent to the Philippines, and while unflinching devotion to the duties of his Hla elevation to councilman earnestly, doing his duty as knows the Klnney happiness and contentment the sea- there first lieutenant In the recent municipal campaign, when how, and In his acta Mention name of Abbot side, yet withineasy of 'the waa promoted to Important office.
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