V •• and dining. While Dicki THE EVENING STAR, Washington, O. C. I papers,! B-28 tnrasDAT, pecembis is. iass ] : Haymes has signed the SUNDAY, DEC. 18th making it possible for Rita Hay-1 f LAST * DAYS 8:30 : worth to come back to the Statea, p.m. THE PASSING SHOW Wjmmß divorcee. Every new 5. Hurok PrtstMtE -JBj j a . em-; •'AaBBKf. | ploye hired at Walt Eftsney’s! | 6th Big Weekr | w issF' janitor, gets AI«CM(UOH ! studio, even a /to | E “Tremendous' technicolor This Says Why | meet Walt the first day, no | Film [ matter how busy he is. O'NEILL, NINE | XJSf 4.H •ST 3-SS6Q j «PEERCE i 21: 15th aU/afiL'Did*t£4(42• NABIIS It looks like Jennifer Jones S MUMPHsev FNeomc a IIWIS ml "Tascanimt Favorite Temar" ¦ pl “Marjorie ¦ Ufeta/w ¦ m j for Herman Wouk’s | JBOQART MARCH S WASHINGTON HEBREW Men Turn to Crime Momlngstar" when the best "OlfIPUl" CONGREGATION appears the screen. By seller on ALFRED HITCHCOCK S Massachusetts Ave. & Macomb St. N*W. JAY CABMODY There’s a lot of new Interest in Benefit: New Temple Fund Wittingly or otherwise, “The Good Die Young.” new Mse- I Jennifer since she won the THE TROUBLE All Admissions Tax-Deductible Arthur Theater attraction, is an apt illustration of England’s dis- | COMPO Audience Award Poll: Tickets: and agreement with Hollywood on how to make a crime film. for best actress of the year. | WITH HARRY $2 $3 picture, made, postal 8- PaLa TECHNKXMjOH tale ot The adroitly deals with the holdup of a Terry served as hostess by dramatically young Moore | I rfffltftß* wan four assorted types of men. Its con- m for fur designer A1 Tettelbaum’s SUPER MUSIC CITY kern, however, is far less with the actual crime than with the 'limUr I Only” fur show in forces dlffer- I "For Men 1350 r ST. N.W. that drive this .so ; Houston, Tex. A crowd of 350 group ‘THE GOOD On TOUNO." s Kornulu. -1 eat of humans to commit • Production, directed by Lewie Ollbort. : turned up and screenplay br Vernon Harris and Mr. illTexas oilmen ' , Gilbert, from the novel ot the sane iv ] l Tarry removed their necktie* as With the aid of a star-packed I name by Richard Macaulay, director of JfR | they I photography. Jack Asher, aimed In Lon- ¦ 1 arrived and replaced them international cast. “The Good -1 don. Eneland. At the MacArthur. mink ties. One millionaire Hl-LOT s'* HOL?DAY” goes I with SI ’’HOLIDAY'•MB* 51 Die Young” exhaustively The Caal [ offered to buy Terry a black 3| FOB HENRIETTA” Into the whyness of this unlikely• Joe Haleer Richard Basehart Joan ColUne mink coat, but she declined. , Mary Halier _ mist behaviour by the quartet played ‘ Mary’s Mother Preda Jackson *oo* Harvey. | Mike Morsan Stanley Baker iby Laurence Richard Rene Ray Gar son comes horns MilesAneela Morsan Lawrence Greer Basehart, Ireland, Itavenscourt .. Harvey John and I Miles’ Robert Morley from City 'Stanley Father « this week New York Baker. It makes ar- ’ ’ Eve Margaret Leith ton to decide on her next picture. ! Jestingly L Mary - - Gloria Graham* clear that each has a ’ Eddie Blaine John Ireland Greer called to tell me that—- TICKETS NOW FOR Lee Patterson reason, but not a Justification, , PUm Star . “ Dalrymple offered me a for his fateful Pott Office Girl .. Patricia MeCarron Jean EXTRA HOLIDAY SHOWS adventure into 1 sorrows William the chance to do ‘Reunion in Vi- their since Dae. 24 - criminality. enna,’ did as my first Men. Moviegoers which I Tuas, accustomed to the : manner of men have been taking See GRAHAM. Page B-29 i slambeng action of Hollywood pictures type may | their sorrows since William the Sot, Dac. 31 | Men .Jen. 2 of the same ’ Conquerer. tediously 11:30 p.m. | 2AS p.m. find this one unevent- wooo M PERSON-NOW! interesting, j ful. It should be searching series of however, to those willing look It is a 9MB SATUSOAT | :** to • portraits that Director Lewis j TODAY‘i'sHOWS*; Into • the motivations of desperate gets his four male ¦ 2:00 4 0:30 p.m. men. 1 Gilbert from ** * * principals in "The Good Die ! . Young.” The most effective of dc , TK* NCW. Th* 2nd J A Richard Macauley novel, of Imt wh ¦ PtnOTTATIOt a r these are the work of Basehart CDftUMA the same title, is the inspiration only re- \ NAYOC COOK Of the MacArthur’s 1 as the GI who wants to film. , turn home with his English wife. It deals with four men of ; and of Baker as the boxer who ‘TSoiHr Beretofore unsullied records, all tricks IKNAtIHTITOM SAHAIAWHIIN Sao33®o| Os 1 kept himself clear of the them war veterans, whose ! of his trade. single interest in common is a cast, 1 The of the with " Studio women IF WERE A BELL SHE'D RING I*vsF fW Vo** AVBMUIAT MMTM STMfT need for money. SHE ll>eas*- fa*™ TMKATWg less to do, make themselves (Jean »MWraWt MWB UW Basehart’s man, in- Love comes to Sergt. Sara Brown Simmons), as she Mil •* the first ’ highly useful to the film. J liMMKM THE ORIGINAL (Marlon Brando) inCJBHM:!•J CRIME EXPOSE in this ®14.; traduced, is a former GI in especially Margaret Leighton as makes clear to Bky Masterson J RESERVID SCATS NOW ON SAIC England to rescue his attractive 1 scene in "Guys and Dolls.” The mammoth and lusty Samuel S MAILORDERS FILLEDPROMPTLY the rich boy’s wife; Joan Collins FAREWELL OHH AM TO Pu J young wife from the clutches | • f of as the girl in Basehart’s life:; JBoldwyn fllmusical continues on its merry way at Keith’s APPEARANCE! PHILLIPS H. LORD . p a mother who threatens to com- ' and Rene Ray as the prize- Theater, now in its fifth week. I PHONE RESERVATIONS S mit suicide if the daughter goes fighter’s loving spouse. : ACCEPTED ME. to America. -1 TRAPP FAMILY 0-4425/ 0000 *CMCRJUU STARTS TODAY! Ireland is an Air Force ser- MIDWEEK MEMOS: You can 6VT CIRTWKATU* geant SINGERS Sahrs Tsar 6Ht Probl—n. who has deserted in a 1 do your Christmas shopping panicky attempt (Dlikandtme after *e /ran to redeem his 1 well, some of it—at Washington tti enmt etotei marriage to a pretty, promiscuous offices Most elab- English girl plays parts 1 theater box HOLLYWOOD CONSTITUTION HALL who bit -1 orate of the gifts available is o*fetjb ta movies and is willing to take a subscription to the four plays TUES N DEC. 20—8530 P.M. gay 1 to amoral short cut to stardom. left in the Theater Guild’s series. By SHI ILAH GRAHAM A Chrlatma* Prasram iMI many ways, tb. nUn fu.llr In a more in- the “The Boy Friend” AVAILABLE teresting 1 next two GOOD BBAT* character is the one . 88.38. ! and “A Quiet Place.” . Bess * •• , & tl.t*. fI.SS. 18.38. 83.38 played by Baker. This is a medi- Davis Schreiner's office thought HBK ¦ HATES CONCEBT BUBEAU prise fighter NA. ocre who has taken up this gift idea 20 years ago. ! 11*8 O SI. IMF. 8-7181 years battering 1 (Campbell.! Itola*.7 Plasa 13 of to save a has found it popular ever since. Hedy Resumes Film Career thousand pounds, which the . The movie houses also offer Hedy Lamarr, who can have filmed some TV shows ahead so courts take from him as bail for ’ books of tickets, usually 5 or LAST DAY a worthless brother-in-law who anything she wants from her that he can perform in Las Vegas Films of More Than Routine Merit DRIVE-IN THEATERS 1 10 to the book. millionaire mate. Howard Lee, December 20. .VJStDOUI FEATUtff "THE BLACKBOARD JUNGLE”—Schoolteacher Glenn Ford has fled the country. This year, Stanley Warner; MtWI These merely nice guys providing the cars, Jewels, .etc., 0000 1 1 W WH ' TI finds delinquency rampant in the classroom. ITP am, BIVn are houses have come up with an: touching story of Opera BVf eaught desperate are in his name, has decided she • ; Gene Nelson and Piper Laurie "INTERRUPTED MELODY”—The up in situa- innovation in this field. ... It polio. they prefers merchandise in her own talking picket Star Marjorie Lawrence’* battle with DllVi-IR TROaIOT tions until fall under the is selling both adult and 1 are about a white special chil-ijname. Which is why she is re- a "REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE”—The young and their spell of Harvey. He is the most dren’s tickets in any number fence around little cottage. intelligent and complex of the suming her movie career. Gene la teaching Piper to dance, problems. .UrHng the late James Dean. d'V.'i. 7ST from one to 100. ... The tickets Audrey Hepburn captivates as a princess I four, the handsome spoiled The Jerry Lewises expect the and they'll make sweet musicals “ROMAN HOLIDAY”— Arffnlun b!ta“ Gl!i' are especially printed, decorated girl, they've incognito night on the town. baby together. my • enjoying a will be a and ... And New York j Ulb .Htl M.TUM an ISsto-fTi^.J2L husband of rich and beautiful in color, with space for the: fAe/r Hope and decided on Marla as the name spies tell me Jean Pierre Au-i "WILD WOMEN" . "THE SEVEN LITTLE FOYS”—Bob at his funniest ever j young woman who. like you. has donor’s name. I backstage biography. ~wT-rtrnTrf~1 ! for her. Patti is sewing tiny gar- mont and Bella Darvi wining in a comic and sentimental .
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