E2110 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks December 4, 2000 Watchdog of the Treasury Award from the native language proficiency faculty that en- ratified the Convention met for a two-day con- United Conservatives of Ohio, has received couraged them to enhance their profes- ference in Rome this fall. Lamberto Dini, the the Guardian of Small Business Award, was sionalism, resulting in the highest student pro- Italian Foreign Minister, opened the con- named the 1990 Vocational Education Legis- ficiency scores. Language proficiency is an ference. He praised the achievements of the lator of the Year, was awarded the State 4±H equally important aspect of post-Cold War convention, but lamented the continuing Alumni Award, and was twice honored with military readiness. Also, Col. Devlin initiated a abuses of human rights: ``In too many coun- the Ohio State Bar Association's Distinguished culture of ``customer service'' among the fac- tries the dignity of too many individuals con- Service Award. He was named by the Associ- ulty and staff at the installation, through such tinues to be stamped on and despoiled, too ated Builders and Contractors as Legislator of means as pay increases based on merit and often amid general indifference.'' The dele- the Year in 1992, Legislator of the Year by the student performance. gates met not only to celebrate the achieve- Ohio Association of Local School Superintend- Mr. Speaker, I have the unique distinction ments of the past, but also to discuss many ents in 1995, and in 1996, he was recognized among my colleagues of representing the current human rights issues. The importance as the Outstanding Legislator by the United former Fort Ord, the largest closed military of the Convention was further highlighted by Conservatives of Ohio. base in the nation. As the Installation Com- the presence of delegates from the United I would also like to recognize his wife, mander who oversaw the closure of a military States and Japan, neither of whom are mem- Libby, and their two teenage sons, Matthew community that once housed 29,000 residents, bers of the convention. and Ryan, for supporting Senator Cupp's ef- Colonel Devlin and I had the opportunity to The vision set out in the Convention re- forts in the Ohio Senate. work closely together, and I can truly attest to mains an unfinished project. Across the Euro- Mr. Speaker, Senator Robert R. Cupp is an his leadership qualities, commitment to duty, pean continent, discrimination against vulner- asset to the State of Ohio and his constitu- attention to detail and willingness to go above able groups and individuals leads to mistreat- ents. I ask my colleagues in the 106th Con- and beyond the call of duty to ensure the ment or torture, especially ethnic, religious and gress to join me in commending him for his smoothest possible transition to civilian use of racial minorities, refugees and asylum seek- sixteen years of service and to wish him and the nation's largest piece of military real es- ers. Much work has been done by The Euro- his family the best in all of his future endeav- tate. While some of the most difficult chal- pean Committee for the Prevention of Torture, ors. lenges of closing the former Ford Ord are be- a body set up in 1987 within the Council of f hind us, I regret that I am losing a close asso- Europe; nevertheless, the fact that many ciate as the next phase of economic revitaliza- human rights abusers are able to act with im- HONORING U.S. ARMY COLONEL tion occurs on the Monterey Peninsula. punity and escape justice continues to be a DANIEL DEVLIN Webster's Dictionary defines friend as ``a serious problem. Recently, human rights have person whom one knows, likes and trust.'' been violated on a large scale in Bosnia, HON. SAM FARR Colonel Dan Devlin has truly been a friend to Kosovo and Chechnya; the onus is on Euro- OF CALIFORNIA all residents of the Monterey Peninsula, and I pean nations to improve intervention and rapid IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES am proud to call him my friend. I know all response methods in order to prevent such present today join me in wishing Colonel Monday, December 4, 2000 violations of human rights occurring in the fu- Devlin and his family a richly deserved retire- ture. The countries of Europe should rest as- Mr. FARR of California. Mr. Speaker, I wish ment. sured that the United States will stand with our today to honor a true patriot, soldier and cit- f European friends in their efforts to achieve the izen. U.S. Army Colonel Daniel Devlin, who 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE EURO- goals of the Convention. has helped shape thousands of young soldiers PEAN CONVENTION ON HUMAN f as the Installation Commander at the Defense RIGHTS Language Institute, Foreign Language Center PERSONAL EXPLANATION and Presidio of Monterey, will be retiring from the Army after 31 years of service to his coun- HON. TOM LANTOS HON. HEATHER WILSON OF CALIFORNIA try. OF NEW MEXICO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Colonel Devlin began his service as an IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Armor Second Lieutenant in 1969, having Monday, December 4, 2000 Monday, December 4, 2000 graduated as a Distinguished Military Grad- Mr. LANTOS. Mr. Speaker, this fall, the Mrs. WILSON. Mr. Speaker, I regret that I uate from North Dakota State University. After countries of Europe celebrated in Rome the missed the votes on Monday, November 13, service in various assignments from 1969± 50th anniversary of the signing of the Euro- 2000, on S. 2594 and S. 1972. I was delayed 1976, he was selected for Soviet/East Euro- pean Convention on Human Rights. pean Foreign Officer training, and attended ci- As a result of the horrendous atrocities and due to flight problems. Had I been present I would have voted vilian schools, the U.S. Army Russian Institute, suffering during World War II, the countries of ``yea'' on S. 2594, a bill to authorize the Sec- and Command and General Staff College. Europe, in an effort to create greater unity, or- retary of the Interior to contract with the From 1983±88 he served in the 66th Military ganized the Hague Congress on May 7, 1948, Mancos Water Conservancy District to use the Intelligence Group/Brigade with various as- remembered as the ``Congress of Europe.'' Mancos Project facilities for impounding, stor- signments, and from 1988±90 he commanded Several months later, five foreign ministers age, diverting, and carriage of nonproject the 6th Psychological Operations Battalion met in Brussels to set up the Council of Eu- water for the purpose of irrigation, domestic, (Airborne) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. rope, consisting of a ministerial committee and municipal, industrial, and any other beneficial During Operation Desert Shield and Desert a consulting body. The Convention for the Storm, Colonel Devlin served as the Deputy purposes. Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Had I been present I would have voted Commander, 4th Psychological Operations Freedoms (the European Convention on Group in Saudi Arabia, then as a liaison offi- ``yea'' on S. 1972, a bill to direct the Secretary Human Rights) was drawn up within the of Agriculture to convey to the town of Dolo- cer to the American Embassy in Cairo, and fi- newly-formed Council of Europe and signed nally as a liaison officer to the Joint Special res, Colorado, the current site of the Joe on November 4, 1950. The Convention en- Rowell Park. Operations Command. In June of 1992, Colo- tered into force in September 1953. f nel Devlin was assigned to the Pentagon as The Convention was set up to take the first Chief of Psychological Operations and Civil Af- steps for the collective enforcement of certain HONORING GENERAL ANTHONY fairs for the Joint Staff. rights enshrined in the United Nations Uni- ZINNI My close association with Colonel Devlin versal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948. began in February of 1996, when he came to These rights range from protecting freedom of HON. JOSEPH M. HOEFFEL Monterey to begin his tenure as Installation thought to the right to a fair trial. The first OF PENNSYLVANIA Commander of the Defense Language Insti- country to ratify the convention was the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tute and Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC), Kingdom, which approved the document on the premier foreign language school for the March 8, 1951. Thus far, 41 countries have Monday, December 4, 2000 Department of Defense. His tenure at DLIFLC ratified the Convention, which currently pro- Mr. HOEFFEL. Mr. Speaker, today I con- has resulted in a stronger and more vibrant tects the rights of over 800 million people. gratulate General Anthony Zinni on receiving academic and military institution. He created a To mark the anniversary of the Convention, the Montgomery County Chamber of Com- teaching environment for DLI's highly qualified ministers from all of the countries which have merce Outstanding Citizen Award. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E2111 Gen. Zinni is a native of Conshohocken in tolerance with tolerance and kindness. He was IN RECOGNITION OF STATE REP- Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and retired always an honest broker. He never questioned RESENTATIVE GENE KREBS FOR in July after 39 years of service in the Marine or impugned his opponents' motives. He was HIS SERVICE TO OHIO Corps. The General joined the Marine Corps unwavering in his beliefs. And, he never aban- in 1961 after graduating from Villanova Univer- doned principle for temporary political gain. HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR Sid left us a strong legacy of achievement sity with a degree in economics.
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