LANCASTER MENNONITE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ’S BENEFIT AUCTION OF RARE , OUT -OF -PRINT , AND USED BOOKS FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 10, 2012, AT 6:30 P .M. TEL : (717) 393-9745; FAX : (717) 393-8751; EMAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE : http://www.lmhs.org/ The Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society will conduct an auction on February 10, 2012, at 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, one-half mile east of the intersection of Routes 30 and 462. The sale dates for the remainder of 2012 are April 13, June 8, September 14, October 12, and December 14 . The auction not only specializes in local and denominational history and genealogy of southeastern Pennsylvania, but also includes theological works and other types of material of interest to the nationwide constituency. Please refer to the last page of the catalog for book auction procedures. Individual catalogs are available from the Society for $8.00 ($4.00 for Society members) + $3.00 postage and handling. Persons who wish to be added to the mailing list for the rest of 2012 may do so by sending $20.00 ($12.00 for Society members) with name and address to the Society. Higher rates apply for subscribers outside of the United States. All subscriptions expire at the end of the calendar year. The catalog is also available for free on our web site at www.lmhs.org/auction.html . 1. Anabaptists & Postmodernity . Edited by Susan Biesecker-Mast and Gerald Biesecker-Mast. The C. Henry Smith Series, vol. 1. Telford, Pa.: Pandora Press U.S., 2000. 440pp (pb, bib, ind, vgc); Weaver, J. Denny. Keeping Salvation Ethical: Mennonite and Amish Atonement Theology in the Late Nineteenth Century . Studies in Anabaptist and Mennonite History, no. 35. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1997. 316pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc). 2. MacMaster, Richard K., and Donald R. Jacobs. A Gentle Wind of God: The Influence of the East Africa Revival . Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 2006. 403pp (pb, b/w ill, bib, ind, vgc); Jacobs, D., Consider Jesus: Daily Reflections on the Book of Hebrews , 2006. 367pp ( signed by author, pn); Showalter, R., On the Way with Jesus: A Passion for Mission , 2008. 149pp (pb, bib refs, back cover sl creased, gc); Dyck, P., Getting Home Before Dark: Stories of Wisdom for All Ages , 2000. 280pp (pb, bib, pn). 3. Kreider, C., The Rich and the Poor: A Christian Perspective on Global Economics , 1987. 168pp (pb, bib, ind, foxing on top edge, spine cover sl faded, gc); Sider, R., Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: A Biblical Study , 1978, c1977. 249, [4]pp (pb, bib refs, ind, foxing on edges, is, syp, gc); Medical Ethics, Human Choices: A Christian Perspective , ed. J. Rogers, 1988. 159pp (pb, bib, is, gc); Bioethics and the Beginning of Life: An Anabaptist Perspective , ed. R. Miller and B. Brubaker, 1990. 227pp (pb, b/w ill, bibs, ind, vgc). 4. Augsburger, M., The Peacemaker ; Augsburger, M., Soli Deo Gloria: A Daily Walk Through Romans ; Augsburger, D., Conflict Mediation Across Cultures ; Augsburger, D., Helping People Forgive ; Kreider, R., and R. Goossen, When Good People Quarrel ; Ruth, J., Forgiveness: A Legacy of the West Nickel Mines Amish School (all pb, gc to vgc). 5. Murphey, N., Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism: How Modern and Postmodern Philosophy Set the Theological Agenda ; Murphy, N., Reconciling Theology and Science: A Radical Reformation Perspective ; Theological Education on Five Continents: Anabaptist Perspectives , ed. N. Heisey and D. Schipani; Roth, J., Choosing Against War: A Christian View ; Yoder, J.H., The Priestly Kingdom: Social Ethics as Gospel ; Lederach, P., A Third Way: Conversations About Anabaptist/Mennonite Faith (all but first item pb, gc to vgc). 6. 10 Mennonite items: Weber Becker, A., Faith for the Journey: Youth Explore the Confession of Faith ; Bender, R., Education for Peoplehood: Essays on the Teaching Ministry of the Church ; Harder, L., The Pastor-People Partnership ; Versluis, P., Making Disciples in the Congregation ; Schmitt, A. and D., When a Congregation Cares ; Becker, P., Called to Care ; Becker, P., Called to Equip ; Jeschke, M., Believers Baptism for Children of the Church ; Harder, H., Guide to Faith ; Young, D., Servant Leadership for Church Renewal (all pb, gc to vgc). 7. Boers, A., The Rhythm of God’s Grace: Uncovering Morning and Evening Hours of Prayer ; Kreider, E., Communion Shapes Character ; Martin, R., Worship in the Early Church ; Delling, G., Worship in the New Testament ; The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America (1945); The Book of Worship for Church and Home with Orders for the Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies According to the Use of the Methodist Church (1952) (first 3 items pb, gc to vgc). 8. Christian Ethics: Sources of the Living Tradition , ed. W. Beach and H.R. Niebuhr; Miller, C., Spirit, Word, and Story ; Shawchuck, N., and R. Heuser, Leading the Congregation: Caring for Yourself While Serving Others ; Keyser, L., A System of General Ethics (4th ed., rev.); White, R.E.O., Biblical Ethics ; Cartwright, M., Practices, Politics, and Performance: Toward a Communal Hermeneutic for Christian Ethics ; Noyce, G., Pastoral Ethics: Professional Responsibilities of the Clergy ; Noyce, G., The Minister as Moral Counselor ; Bondi, R., Leading God’s People: Ethics for the Practice of Ministry (first 2 items dj, last 5 items pb, gc to vgc). 9. Thomas, M., Transforming Conflict in Your Church: A Practical Guide ; Meyer, A., and D. Sutter, “Pastor- Growing-People-Growing”: A Manual for Leaders Who Provide Oversight for Pastors and Congregations ; Hocker, J., and W. Wilmot, Interpersonal Conflict (4th ed.); Hudson, J., Evaluating Ministry: Principles and Processes for Clergy and Congregations ; Mead, L., Transforming Congregations for the Future ; Lindgren, A., and N. Shawchuck, Management for Your Church ; Campbell, T., The Gift of Administration (all pb, gc to vgc). 10. Yancey, P., What’s So Amazing About Grace? , 1997. 292pp (dj, bib refs, sis, gc); Yancey, P., Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference? , 2006. 351pp (dj, bib refs, is, gc); Metaxas, E., Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy: A Righteous Gentile Vs. the Third Reich , 2010. xvi, 591pp (dj, b/w ill, bib, ind, is, gc); Foster, R., Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith, 1998. xvi, [i], 424pp (dj, bib refs, ind, syp, is, gc). Page 2 February 10. 2012 11. Belleville, L., [et al.], Two Views on Women in Ministry , rev. ed., 2005. 359pp (pb, ind, is, gc); Women in Travail and Transition: A New Pastoral Care , ed. M. Glaz and J. Moessner, 1991. 225pp (pb, bib refs, vgc); Grenz, S., and D. Kjesbo, Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry , 1995. 284pp (pb, bib, ind, is, gc); Browning, D., [et al.], From Culture Wars to Common Ground: Religion and the American Family Debate , 1997. xi, 399pp (pb, bib refs, ind, vgc). 12. Hian, C., The Making of a Leader: A Guidebook for Present & Future Leaders ; Armstrong, R., The Pastor as Evangelist ; Buttrick, D., Homiletic: Moves and Structures ; Russell, K., In Search of the Church: New Testament Images for Tomorrow’s Congregations ; Dudley, C., Basic Steps Toward Community Ministry; Grenz, S., Revisioning Evangelical Theology: A Fresh Agenda for the 21st Century ; Lindgren, A., and N. Shawchuck, Management for Your Church ; National Conference of Catholic Bishops, The Challenge of Peace; God’s Promise and Our Response (1983) (all pb, gc to vgc). 13. 6 items by Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Cost of Discipleship , rev. and unabridged ed., 1961, c1959. 285pp (dj, ind, syp, gc); Prisoner for God: Letters and Papers from Prison , ed. E. Bethge, 1960, c1953. 190pp (dj, sl foxing on edges, syp, gc); Ethics , ed. E. Bethge, 1961, c1955. xii, 340pp (dj, ind, foxing, is, syp, gc); Creation and Fall: A Theological Interpretation of Genesis 1-3, 1964, c1959. 96pp (pb, is, syp, covers sl soiled, gc); Temptation , 1963, first pub 1955. 47pp (pb, sl yellowed pp and covers, gc); The Extraordinariness of the Christian Life: A Bible Study on the Sermon on the Mount , 2nd ed., 1964, c1959. 108pp (pb, sl foxing on edges, syp, gc). 14. 4 items by John Wesley: Explanatory Notes upon the New Testament , 1952. 1054, [1]pp (ind, foxing, caif, syp, gc); Sermons on Several Occasions , 1st series, 1954, first pub 1944. xii, 596pp (dj, spine title: Forty-Four Sermons, ind, syp, gc); John Wesley’s Theology: A Collection from His Works , ed. R. Burtner and R. Chiles, 1982, c1954. 302pp (pb, bib, ind, vgc); Through the Year with Wesley: An Anthology, comp. and ed. F. Gill, 1983, first pub. 1954. 188pp (pb, vgc); McConnell, F., John Wesley [biography], 1939. 355pp (ind, foxing on edges, syp, gc). 15. Crooks, George R. The Life of Bishop Matthew Simpson of the Methodist Episcopal Church . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1890. xii, [i], 522pp (half bound, marbled covers, gilt edges, b/w ill, ind, syp, spine cover torn, front cover detached, mc); Ritual of the United Methodist Church: The General Services and Occasional Offices of the Church Adopted by the General Conference, 1964 . Nashville, Tenn.: United Methodist Pub. House, 1964. 128pp (softcover, w/ribbon, vgc). 16. Sandmel, Samuel. Judaism and Christian Beginnings . New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. xvii, 510pp (dj, map, bib, ind, vgc); Great Religions of the World . Edited by Merle Severy. [Washington, D.C.]: National Geographic Society, 1971. 420pp (dj, many ill, ind, stis, gc); Latourette, Kenneth Scott. A History of Christianity . New York: Harper & Brothers, 1953. xxvii, 1516pp (maps, bibs, ind, foxing, caif, stis, ps, syp, gc). 17. The New Testament in the Original Greek .
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