# S.I.C.C. Part of City University News Release from Bd. of Higher Ed. Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller's pen signed into history April 11, THE DOLPHIN 1961, The City University of New / York. The seven colleges under the jurisdiction of the Board of Higher Sfaten Island Community College Education were given university status by the Governor's approval of the bill which changes the name of The College of the City 401 VOL IV APRIL. 1961 No. 6 of New York to The City Univer- sity of New York. The seven are composed of four senior colleges, City, Hunter, Brooklyn, and Campus Queen to be Elected Student Attitude DebatedQueens , and three two-year com- munity colleges, Staten Island, Poor Motivation Cited Bronx, and Queensborough. To Be Crowned at Triumph of Vision Starlight Ball By Martl>a Matechack "This is a triumph of vision and Under the auspices of the DIS- of the good tradition of meeting By THOMAS BECKER CUSSION CLUB, a symposium the public's need in higher educa- On May "12, at the fashionable was held on Thursday, April 13. tion," Dr. Gustave G. Rosenberg, Meurot Olub on Staten Island, this The topic: What are the differ- chairman of the Board of Higjher year's Campus Queen of Staten ences in attitudes towards educa- Education, who was present at Island Conununity College will be tion and life between American the signing of the bill, said. named. The occasion will be the and foreign students? "The Governor, the Board of gala Starlight Ball sponsored by There were six speakers; three Regents, the officials of the State the Student Association. students, two instructors and a Education Department, Mayor guest speaker from the Ghana Robert F. Wagner and his assist- The Campus Queen Committee Information-Service. Mr. Goldwyn, ants, the presidents of the seven consists of Diane Costello, Sandra faculty advisor, acted as modera- Adersei Poim of Ghana colleges, and the Board of Higher Zappone, Judy Roche, and its ac- tor. Addresses Symposium. Education, all saw eye to eye on tivities are directed by JoAnn French Attitude the opportunity the city's colleges Dimino. Miss Dimino explained Representing France was Colette However, she added, "that a col- offer for rapid development of that on April 20 nominations will Who will be the Campus Queen? Birnbaum. Miss Birnbaum attend- lege education should be used to doctoral programs to prepare per- be held in the school lobby. Slips ed schools in Lyon and Bordeaux. construct a better world, rather sonnel for professional posts in in- of paper will be filled out and the She addressed herself to the dif- than increase the material desires dustry and government, and for candidette must be nominated by ference between French and of an individual." college teaching. Giving the col- at least ten students. The num- Peace Corps American students. Miss Birn- Student Not to Blame leges university status enables ber of nominees will then be nar- baum asserted the superiority of them to offer the Ph.D. degree, rowed down by all members of the Dr. Josef Garai, a man of many the French student. However, she facets and experiences spoke of once their programs are approved Student Association Campus oteerved that this sbperiority was by the Board of Regents. A modest i<^een Contest Committee, to se- the Israeli student. The Israeli not. d.ue to. greater m^tal oapa- appropriation from .the State is. "TlitiL tlnr' five jsemt-finaliirts;^^ ^^ iu.'.'wt'ivtu-.^i "!j,ij.i_ I I iiii. Wlitlfts,- but lathef tram- entire student body will ^lect the serious about his educatlGH be- 'Also IBIili fumii^ tions inherent in the student. "The Campus Queen from the five semi- itefterWorlil cause it is a matter of life and to be instituted immediately, which French' student regards education llnalists, by voting on ballot forms death to him. The students of the we greatly desire." Set As Goal as a privilege and an honor, while in the lobby on May 4. Universities are of the mental Chancellor's View the American believes it is the By Joanne Rigassio elite. The ones who fail would still Dr. John R. Everett, who will There is only one eligibility re- right of his heritage." The second be top students in the American be inaugurated as chancellor of quirement; the candidate must be On March 1st, President Ken- point brought forth by Miss Birn- colleges, according to Dr. Garai. The City University of New York a girl. nedy announced the establishment baum was that the American col- The Israeli student is not afraid on April 24, 1961, was present This will be the fourth annual of the Peace Corps. Organized on lege suffers from a lack of of political action; he has his own when the signing of the bill made Campus Queen Contest. The con- a temporary basis, "tke Corps will thoroughness in curricula. This de- opinions and will fight for them. The City University an actuality, test has been held annually since be financed by unallocated foreign ficiency is caused by the demands Dr. Garai stated, "my heart and pointed out that the New the school was founded in 1956. aid funds. -At the same time he of an increasing student body, aches when American students are York State Labor Department had Some of the past winners includ- announced the formation of the therefore, leaving no time or space called dumb-bells. Education is a reported that by 1970 there would ed Barbara Clarkson in 1959, and Corps, the President asked Con- for concentration. Miss Birnbaum's question of motivation. If the stu- be more than 450,000 vacancies in Diane Costello in 1960. gress for legislation which would final point dealt with the contrast- dent is only motivated by material professional jobs in New York Each semi-finalist will receive a establish the Peace Corps as a ing kinds of student-teacher rela- things, it is a reflection on the State alone which would have to trophy and a bouquet of flowers, permanent program under the di- tionships and the teachers role in instructors and it is their duty to be filled by new and highly trained and the winner, crowned by last rection of the State Department. society. Members of the teaching year's winner, Diane Costello, will correct this condition." people. Purpose of Corps profession in France are vested receive a trophy and bouquet of Puerto Kioo The purpose of this organization with respect and prestige. The "Creation of The City Univer- American Beauty roses. Student Carlos Martinez was sity," Dr. Everett said, "enables is to supply a force of trained student has an impersonal rela- born in San Juan. He said that the colleges to help fill the desper- men and women to work in coun- tionship with his teacher. In the the Puerto Rican people try hard ate lack of sufficient numbers of tries overseas that are in need of United States the reverse is true. SICCOn Exhibition to get an education, and that col- college teachers, chemists, physi- technical and educational assist- College for the Elite? Public Invited te Open House lege students are dedicated and cists, economists, and other essen- ance. Members of the Peace Corps Mr. Maurice Richter, a profes- By Joanne Rigassio bent on improving their living tial scientists and scholars." would be sent by the U. S. govern- sor in the Math-Science depart- On May 5th the annual Spring standards. ment to work at small salaries and ment, is known for his extensive Degree Granting Scope event of Open House will take (Continued on Page 4) live among the people of the travels and his interest in com- The city's colleges are one of place. Invitations have been sent country. The self - satisfaction parative education. Mr. Richter the six largest master's degree out to invite parents, x^esidents of gained from working in the cause stated, "the American college stu- granting institutions in the coun- Staten Island and students from PRHS Seniors of peace and the experience the dent is extrinsic rather than in- try. All four of the senior colleges, other schools to visit SICC and trinsic." He asserted that our stu- City, Hunter, Bi-ooklyn, and acquaint the public with its individual would undergo working in a foreign country on a profes- dents lack knowledge of the world Visit S.l.C.C. Queens, offer master's degrees in work. Doors will be open to visi- around them, and are neither in- On Tuesday, March 2S, fourteen Education and in the Teacher tors from 4:00 to 9:30 P.M. sional level, would be adequate compensation for his endeavors. terested in political issues or social senioi's from Port Richmond High Education Program. The latter Departmental Exhibits ideals. School visited SICC. The meeting includes many specialties in the Accent on Youth Each department is in the Mr. Richter believes that for the was held to explain to these stu- preparation of teachers. Queens Young people between the ages process of preparing exhibits for American college student a degree dents the requirements necessary College offers its graduate work of 21 and 30 are being asked to Open House. There will be exhib- is a work permit whereas for the to enter SICC and to introduce in Education only. its on each floor plus e.xhibits in volunteer. Questionnaires have European it is the mark of a well them to various activities of the been sent out to colleges, post In addition City College offers all the laboratories. Chemistry, balanced and well informed per- school.
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