. Thursday, March 1 1 , 2004 Volume 33, issue 7 ber http://etcetera.humberc.on.ca Dialiiig up the Dawg ChampicHis! Snoop gives us the Ladies' volleyball team caps off perfect season lowdown on his new rote v^ith tfirilling championship victray. in Starsky and Hutch. seeArts,pg. 21 see Sports, pg. 25 Scandal fallout threatens $1 .4M Hum ber program Tighter rules force college to compete for federal funding to run Rexdale employment centre By Chris MacKinnon Humber must now compete with other bidders for the Human A Humber College program that Resources Development Canada helps new Canadians and unem- contract. ployed people find jobs is in limbo "In the current environment, this month because of recent changes nothing is safe. |The Liberals) are to how the federal government looking at making new rules and awards large contracts. making sure they are squeaky clean. The college has learned Ottawa Some of those rules are making it dif- will not automatically renew funding ficult for us," she said. this year for a Rexdale job finding The centre, used by more than club Humber operates on Albion 8,000 job seekers each year, employs Road. nine staff in Humber's Government HRDC spokesperson Christina and Community Relations depart- Canas told the EtCetera that the ment. Those jobs are in jeopardy if agency's two-year, $1.36-million some other company lands the next deal with Humber expires March 3 1 deal with HRDC. The facility has relied on an The rule changes are fallout from uncontested annual flow of federal an auditor-general's report released dollars to survive since 1996. last month that badly damaged the The program's director. Lois Liberals. It showed the government Willson, said the changes are part of misspent millions in public money in new rules in the wake of the Liberal what has become known as the spon- sponsorship scandal and mean sorship scandal. Now, all HRDC contracts valued at more than half a million dollars INSIDE must go to tender. That includes the one for the program run out of Humber's Rexdale Community Employment Centre. uncover illegal Cops HRDC has put Humber on notice knife sales pg. 2 that it will make a decision about a new three-year contract by the end of June. That gives senior administrators HSF campaigns are at Humber only weeks to put togeth- er detailed proposal showing why undenway. ...pg.3 a Humber is better suited than others to Oava Boytngton continue providing the service. "It's hard to know [what will hap- pen]. There are other players in campus life candidate Joey Svec gets airborne on a trampoline First R-rated video High on life: VP Toronto that also provide to his campaign. Students can vote online during HSF elections March game comes to Tuesday promote 16-18. Darec Rogers is also running for the campus life position. Canada.. pg.7 ...Continued on pg. 2 In Focus spotlights local International Women's Day celebrations. See pages 8,9 ««'« . • » « « 4 < < « 4 .•«>» » ««;«?«< «•••»» 4 « « 4 « « » J " PG. 2 NEWS Thursday, March 1 1, 2004 Raid results in seizure of 11,000 illegal weapons Knives, replica cross- trade in knives when a concerned cit- guns and izen came forward to police. bows among weapons found. Undercover officers then approached the stores in question and wlmc able to buy some knives at a low cost. of 22 Division Major Crime Unit said By Natasha Marshall "Some of Ihe knives were origi- the knives seized were not made lor nally sold for %}0 but they would everyday use. but for more sinister Police seized ll.(M)() illegal knives, mark llieiu down to 'i>2-'i," said reasons. replieu guns anil eaissbows lasi week Deganis. "l can't see any other purpose for ill what otTieials say is The exact locations .ind probably ihe largest heisl identities of the people in ol' ils kind ever in Toronin. question cannot be released The weapons, wliieh "I can't see any other pur at this time as the investiga- consisted mostly of knives, tion is still in process. But were valued at $25(),0()() pose for these weapons officials confirmed the and were being sold in live shops fall within 22 other than fighting. stores in southern Division, which is bordered Etobicoke. Eight people by Eglinton Ave. W.. the were arrested. Humber River, Lake these weapons other than fighting. Police said the knives are consid- Ontario and the Missis.sauga- Obviously they're made for killing," ered illegal because some had brass Etobicoke border. said Deganis. knuckles attached to them, which The eight people involved were Police say the knives were smug- could easily cause harm and some arrested at night on Wednesday gled into Canada from the United were switchblades. March 3 and have been charged with States and some are better known as Officers .say the knives are used an undi-sclosed number of counts of "morning stars," "fantasy blades," or by gangs or young offenders who do possession and trafficking in prohib- Deadly blades: Oet. Sgt. Larry Oeganls shows two of "flick knives." not have easy access to guns. ited weapons. Police found out about the illegal the knives seized in the largest raid of its kind in Toronto. Detective Constable Larry Deganis Humber job centre may lose funds continuedfrom page I said. Employees at the job centre are Gataveckas said Ottawa's deci- members of the same union that rep- employment resources." Willson sion not to again rubberstamp the resents the college's other 420 sup- said. deal after a routine annual applica- port staff workers. But Humber's VP Business tion process was out of her depart- OPSEU local 465 President Helen Development, Kris Gataveckas, said ment's hands. Hrynkiw said although .some staff are the long-standing relationship "They obviously don't want the in limbo, most members have faith in between Humber and HRDC will auditor general to create another the ability of administrators to save work in her department's favour. kafuftle, so they are taking measures jobs and secure another deal with "Humber is known among the to improve. We're not overreacting HRDC. HRDC regional directors and we but we're not underreacting either," "I don't think there are going to have an excellent reputation. We she said. 'There is no panic going be any problems. There's probably know based on our talks with [them] on." just a little more pressure this year If Excellence rewarded: Amy ward, Adam Booth and that Humber is a very high quality As of press time, the HRDC worse comes to worst, there is a pro- Camilie Roy were recognized for their contribution by the provider of these services. I think it's director for the Toronto region, Pat cedure in place for accommodating Ontario Community Newspaper Association. high probability Humber will win the Walcott, had not returned phone calls tho.se people," Hrynkiw said. request for propo.sal," Gataveckas from the EtCetera. The Rexdale Community Employment Centre is the biggest of Etcetera nets four awards the centres operated by Humber and the photo "had strong emotion and the only one that has come under By Kermin Bhot Oshawa man shot she gets full marks for her sense of tighter guidelines so far. spontaneity." The college is also responsible for The EtCetera took home four com- Another award winner that night seven other Toronto-area job centres munity newspaper awards at a cere- was third year journalism .student in Etobicoke, cries each valued at between $250,000 and mony last Saturday. Camilie Roy, winning third place for $300,000. Those contracts are below The EtCetera placed second in Student Writing. She won the award the new benchmark and are consid- the General Excellence category for her article on Humber student among college and university news- for help ignored ered safe until at least 2005. Alex Anderson's tragic death after a "I think it's more 'wait and see papers and third for the Online night terror incident. Judge Ron right' now. This is something Ottawa Edition. Adam Booth, the online edi- Wassink praised the story and said help. tor, said he feels awesome winning By Kermin Bhot has decided and I can see it from a the article drew him in. Detective Sergeant Les Stasiak public perception perspective. It's a the award. "This story gripped me, and again Police have have made no arrests or said that none of the neighbors challenge," Willson .said. "It is personally very flattering was a piece that could have been a found a motive for the shooting of a helped the victim and the friend he and reassuring to win. The EtCetera simple obituary, but instead was 22-year-old Oshawa man in an apart- was visiting took off after the shoot- has always won an award and it's turned into a story on the possible ment building near Islington and ing. nice to know I was able to fill those case of the student's death, complete Rexdale. It was only when the victim left big shoes." Booth said. The EtCetera with quotations from his mother," At around 1;.^0 a.m. on Sunday the building and was spotted near his Got News? can be viewed online at Wassink said. March 7, the victim was visiting his car. that police were called. He was etcetera, hwnberc. on.ca. Roy said she feels great winning friend at 6 Auburndale Court, when taken to Sunnybrook Hospital and is tiumbernewsi Amy Ward, currently in her sec- the award. "I am honoured to be rec- he was shot three times in the head, recovering there.
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