Third Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Services Sector Development Program (RRP CAM 50101) Social Safeguards Due Diligence Report July 2019 CAM: Third Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Services Sector Development Program Prepared by the Ministry of Rural Development for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 24 June 2019) Currency Unit - Riels (R) R 1.00 - 0.000245942 US$1.00 - Riels 4066 NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This social safeguard due diligence report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 A. Project Description .............................................................................................. 1 B. Representative Sub-projects Assessed as part of Advanced Actions .................. 3 1. Proposed Water Supply Improvements for Batch 1 ................................. 3 2. Proposed Sanitation Improvements for Batch 1 ....................................... 6 C. RWSSSP3 Batch 1a Sub-projects .....................................................................13 1. Banteay Meanchey – Mongkol Borei district - Sambuor commune .........13 2. Battambang – Bavel District - Prey Khpos Commune .............................13 3. Kampong Chhnang – Samakki Meanchey district - Peam Commune .....13 4. Kampong Speu - Phnom Sruoch district - Tang Samroang Commune ...14 5. Kampong Thom – Baray District - Chhuk Khsach Commune ..................14 6. Kampot – Chhuk District - Lbeuk Commune ...........................................15 7. Pursat – Phnom Kravanh District - Samroang Commune .......................15 8. Siem Reap – Chi Kraeng District - Lveaeng Ruessei Commune ............16 D. RWSSSP3 Batch 1b Sub-projects .....................................................................17 1. Banteay Meanchey – Thmar Poiuk District, Phum Thmei Commune ......17 2. Battambang – Koas Krala District - Hab Commune ................................17 3. Battambang – Koas Krala District - Koas Krala Commune .....................17 4. Kampong Chhnang – Tuek Phos District - Tang Krasang Commune .....17 5. Kampong Thom – Santuk District - Ti Pou Commune.............................18 6. Pursat - Krakor District - Ansa Chambak Commune ...............................18 7. Siem Reap – Soutr Nikom District - Samraong Commune ......................18 II. DUE DILIGENCE ON LAND ACQUISITION AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT ..19 A. Objective of Due Diligence .................................................................................19 B. Methodology ......................................................................................................19 C. Civil Works .........................................................................................................19 D. Field Work and Impact Screening ......................................................................20 III. CONSULTATIONS, PARTICIPATION, AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ................24 A. Consultation and Participation............................................................................24 B. Pictures of Community Consultations and Information Disclosure ......................26 IV. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM .........................................................................29 V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................30 Appendixes Appendix 1: Involuntary Resettlement Impact Screening Checklists ......................................... 31 Appendix 2: List of Participants for Consultation Meetings and Capacity Development Events 63 Appendix 3: Sample list of participants ...................................................................................... 70 List of Tables Table 1: Summary of the Involuntary Resettlement Impact Assessment of the Sub-projects under Batch 1a ...................................................................................................................... 21 Table 2: Summary of the Involuntary Resettlement Impact Assessment of the Sub-projects under Batch 1b ...................................................................................................................... 23 Table 3: Summary of Issues and Concerns Raised in the Public Consultations ........................ 24 List of Figures Figure 1: Map of the Project Target Provinces ............................................................................ 1 Figure 2: Sample Community Ponds Proposed for Rehabilitation ............................................... 4 Figure 3: Sample drilled wells proposed for rehabilitation ............................................................ 5 Figure 4: Rehabilitation of dug well ............................................................................................. 5 Figure 5: Rain water jars for households ..................................................................................... 6 Figure 6: Sample household latrines ........................................................................................... 7 Figure 7: Typical Design Drawing of Drilled Well Platform ........................................................... 8 Figure 8: Typical General Plan of Community Pond .................................................................... 8 Figure 9: Cross Section Design of Community Pond ................................................................... 9 Figure 10: Detailed design of rainwater jars ................................................................................ 9 Figure 11: Detailed Design of Public Rainwater Tank (Polyethylene Tank) ............................... 10 Figure 12: Detailed Design of Small Pipe Water Supply System and Elevated Tanks ............... 11 Figure 13: Typical Design for a Household Latrine .................................................................... 12 Figure 14: Typical Design for a Public Latrine ........................................................................... 12 Figure 15: Location of the Batch 1 Sub-projects ........................................................................ 16 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AHs affected households COBP country operations business plan CPF Community participation framework DRWS Department of Rural Water Supply EA executing agency EMP environmental management plan GDR General Department of Resettlement GRM grievance redress mechanism IR Involuntary Resettlement IRC inter-ministerial resettlement committee LAR land acquisition and involuntary resettlement MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance MRD Ministry of Rural Development PCU project coordination unit PDRD Provincial Department of Rural Development PPT Provincial Project Team RGC Royal Government of Cambodia RWSSP2 Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project RWSSSP3 Third Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project SPS safeguard policy statement SOP standard operation procedures VDC Village development committee DEFINITION OF TERMS Affected Household Any household physically and/or economically affected as a result of land acquisition and involuntary resettlement. Household means all persons living and eating together as a single social unit. They are also referred to as Project Affected Households. Compensation Refers to payment in cash or in kind for an asset or resource that is acquired or affected by a Project at the time the asset needs to be replaced. All compensation is based on the principle of replacement cost, which is the method of valuing assets to replace the loss at current market rates, plus any transaction costs such as administrative charges, taxes, registration and titling costs. Consultation A process that (i) begins early in the project preparation stage and is carried out at different stages of the project and land acquisition and involuntary resettlement cycle; (ii) provides timely disclosure of relevant and adequate information in Khmer Language that is understandable and readily accessible to affected people; (iii) is undertaken in an atmosphere free of intimidation or coercion with due regard to cultural norms; and (iv) is gender inclusive and responsive, and tailored to the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. Displaced Persons Any person, household or entity that is physically displaced (relocation, loss of residential land or loss of shelter) and/or economically displaced (loss of land, assets, access to assets, income sources or means of livelihood) as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas. They are also referred to as APs or Affected Households. Economic Displacement Refers to loss of land, assets, access to assets, income sources, or means of livelihood as a result of (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas. Entitlement
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