West Virginia Directory of Radio

West Virginia Directory of Radio

West Virginia Directory of Radio WCIR -FM-Co -owned with WIWS. June 1971: 103.7 mhz; 5 kw. 1,485 WHIS(AM)- June 27, 1929: 1440 khz; 5 kw-D, 500 w -N. TL N37 16 (304) 473 -8104. Fax: (304) 472 -2571. Web Site: www.wvwc.edu/c92. ft. TL: N37 56 51 W81 18 32. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. E -mail: 33 W81 15 06. Stereo. 900 Bluefield Ave. (24701). (304) 327 -7114. Licensee: West Virginia Wesleyan College. Format: Classic rock, 103dr13103cir.com. Web Site: www.103cir.com. Net: Unistar. Rep: Fax: (304) 325 -7850. Licensee: Monterey Licenses LLC. Group progsv, div. Target aud: 12 -25; high school & college audience. Spec Katz & Powell. Wash airy: Borsari & Paxson. Format: CHR. News owner: Triad Broadcasting Co. LLC (acq 7- 18 -00; grpsl) Format: prog: Black 4 hrs, class 2 hrs, jazz 8 hrs, relg 4 hrs, blues 2 hrs wkly. staff: 2; news progmg 2 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. News/talk. Target aud: 35 plus; upper income, leaders of the *Craig Guido, gen mgr. community. Michael R. Shott, CEO & pres; Sandra Frazier, gen mgr; Tammy Clemons, nati sls mgr & rgnt sls mgr; Danny Clemons, prom WJLS -FM- Nov 6, 1946: 99.5 mhz; 34 kw. 1,050 ft. TL: N37 35 23 dir & adv mgr, Larry McKade, news dir; Keith Bowman, chief of engrg. Charles Town W81 06 51. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 99, WJLS Bldg., 102 N. Kanawha St. (25802). Box AB (25802). (304) 253 -7311. (304) WMRE(AM)- May 28, 1962: 1550 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. TL: N39 16 23 252 -5656. Fax: (304) 253 -3466. E-mail: [email protected]. Web Site: WHAJ(FM) --Co -owned with WHIS. Apr 23,1963:104.5 mhz; 100 kw. W77 51 56. Hrs opn: Sunrise -sunset. Box 325A, Rt. 1 (25414). (304) www.wjls.com. Licensee: Personality Stations Inc. Net: CNN. Rep: 1,200 ft. IL: N37 15 21 W81 10 55. Stereo. Net: ABC/C. Format: 725.0402. Web Site: www.wxvafm.com. Licensee: Heritage Savalli; Dome, Rgnl Reps. Wash atty: Pepper & Corazzini. Format: Adult contemp. Target aud: 25 -54. *Jay Patrick, progmg mgr; Larry Broadcasting Co. (acq 9 -9 -82; $400,000; FTR: 9-27-82) *Net: AP. Country. News staff: one; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. McKay, pub affrs dir. Rep: Roslin. Format: Adult standards. News staff: 2. Target aud: Lynn O'Brien, pres; William A. O'Brien, VP & gen mgr; Rod O'Dell, 25-54; adults. Spec prog: Relg. *Charles R. Weimer, gen mgr; Jim sls dir; Stephanie Ellison, mktg dir; Dave Willis, mus dir; Bob Cannon, WKEZ(AM)- May 18, 1948: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N37 15 57 W81 Richardson, chief of opns & chief of engrg. news dir; Katy Thornley, pub affrs Marlow, of dir; Charles chief engrg. 11 20. Hm opn: 24. 900 Bluefield Ave. (24701). (304) 327 -7114. (304) 324 -2665. Fax: (304) 325 -7850. Licensee: Monterey Licenses LLC. WPM-FM-Co -owned with WMRE. Aug 28, 1966: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. WJLS(AM)- Mar 5, 1939: 560 khz; 4.5 kw -D, 470 w -N, DA -N. TL: Group owner: Thad Broadcasting Co. LLC (acq 7 -18-00; grpsl) 300 ft. TL: N39 16 23 W77 51 56. Stereo. Hrs opn: 5 AM- midnight. N37 45 32 W81 11 12. Hrs opn: 24. (304)253-7311. Net: CNN. Rep: Format: Adult standards. Target aud: 40 plus. Spec prog: Relg 5 hrs Format: Country. Dome, Rgnl reps. Format: Relg, southern gospel. News staff: one; wkly. Michael R. Shoff, CEO & pres; Sandy Frazier, gen mgr; Rich news progmg 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Sports 3 hrs Ughrwokd, gen sls mgr; Tammy Clemons, nati sis mgr & rgnl sls mgr; wkly. Sandi Smith, progmg dir: Gary Hosey, mus dir. Danny Clemons, adv mgr; Larry McKay, news dir & pub affrs dir; Keith Charleston Bowman, engrg mgr. WOAY(AM) -See Oak Hill WBES(AM)- Nov 4, 1946: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N38 21 26 W81 40 WPIB(FM)- September 1995: 90.9 mhz; 740 w horiz, 700 w vert. 05. (CP: COL: Dunbar. TL: N38 23 08 W81 42 51). Box 871 (25323). 1,102 ft. TL: N37 15 26 W81 10 43. Box 889, Blacksburg, VA (24063). (304) 744 -7020. Fax: (304) 744 -8562. Licensee: Bristol Broadcasting WVPB(FM)- May 1, 1974: 91.7 mhz; 10.5 kw. 917 ft. TL: N37 53 46 (540) 961 -2377. Licensee: Positive Alternative Radio Inc. Group Inc. W80 59 21. Stereo. Hm opn: 24. 600 Capitol St., Charleston (25301). Co. (group owner; acq 8-90; grpsl) Net: AP. Rep: Katz. Format: owner: Baker Family Stations (Positive Radio Group) (acq 4-22 -92) Adult contemp. Target aud: 18-49. Pete Ninenger, pres; Mike (304) 556-4900. Fax: (304) 556 -4981. Licensee: West Virginia Net: USA. Format: Adult contemp, contemp Christian. Vemon H. Robbinson, gen mgr; Mark gen mgr; Educational Broadcasting Authority. *Net: NPR, PRI. Format: News, Goodwin, sis Jeff Whitehead, Baker, pres; Edward A. Baker, opns VP. progmg dir; Randy Justice, chief of engrg. class, jazz. News staff: 2. Spec grog: Mountain Stage 2 hrs, children one hr wkly. *Rita Ray, gen mgr; Peggy Dorsey, dev mgr; Marilyn DiVita, rgnl sis mgr; Laura Harkin, mus dir, Jim Wallace, news dir; Bridgeport WVSR- FM-Co-owned with WBES. September 1964: 102.7 mhz; 50 Francis Fisher, chief of engrg. kw. 403 ft. TL: N38 21 26 W81 40 05. Stereo. Web Site: www.electdc102.com. Format: Adult contemp. WDCI(FM)- June 29, 1991: 104.1 mhz; 3 kw. 328 ft. TL: N39 17 59 WWNR(AM)- Aug 9, 1946: 620 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 w -N, DA -N. TL: W80 17 30. (CP: 2.45 kw, ant 518 ft.). Stereo. Hm opn: 24. Box 360 N37 47 18 W81 14 18. Stereo. Hm opn: 5 AM- midnight. 118 Philpot (26330). (304) 842 -8644. Fax: (304) 842 -8653. Licensee: WDCI Radio WCAW(AM)- 1946: 680 khz; 50 kw -D, 250 w -N, DA -2. TL: N38 19 Ln., Beaver (25813). (304) 252 -6452. Fax: (304) 255 -1044. E -mail: Inc. (acq 8-18-98; $405,000) Net: Jones Satellite Audio. Dome. 15 W81 36 31. Hrs opn: 24. 1111 Virginia St. E. (25301). (304) wwnrOnetphase.net. Licensee: Dynastar Communications Inc. (acq Wash airy: William D. Silva. Format: Soft adult contemp. Target aud: 342 -8131. Fax: (304) 344-4745. Licensee: West Virginia Radio Corp. 6 -1 -94; $82,000; FTR: 3-27-95) Net: USA. Rep: Katz. Wash atty: 25 -54. Bruce Wallace, pres; Michelle Elmore. gen mgr; Trela of Charleston. (acq 7- 14 -93; $1.1 million with co-located FM; FTR: Pepper & Corazzini. Format: News/talk. News staff: 2; news progmg Jackson, dev mgr, mktg mgr, prom mgr & adv mgr; John Smith, 8 -9-93) Net: ABC. Rep: Banner. Format: Nostalgia, lite adult 35 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Junior high school football, progmg mgr; Hank Vest, chief of engrg. contemp, hits of the 505, 605, 70s, 80s & 905. News staff: one. Target Carolina Panthers, Charlotte Hornets, Virginia Tech. Hugh Caperton, aud: 25 -54. Dale Miller, CEO & pres; John Raese, chmn; Harvey pres; Jay Quesenberry gen mgr, stn mgr & opns mgr; Shane Sothern, Buckhannon Kercheval, opus VP; Rick Johnson, opns dir, progmg dir & pub affrs gen sis mgr & prom dir; Shannon Daniels, progmg dir, news dir & pub dir; Noel Richardson, engrg dir & chief of engrg. affrs dir: Larry Leech. chief or engrg. WBRB(FM)- Listing foilows WBUC. WVAF(FM) -Co -owned with WCAW. Feb 1, 1965: 99.9 mhz; 50 kw. 490 ft. TL: N38 19 15 W81 36 31. Stereo. Format: Adult contemp. Berkeley Springs 11 WBTQ(FM)- 1984: 93.5 mhz; 16 kw. 417 h. TL: 1438 58 W80 01 Target aud: Female skew. John Halford, gen sls mgr; Kidd Conley, 58. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 228 Randolph Ave., Elkins (26241). (304) asst music dir; Bill Shahan, pub affrs dir. WCST(AM)- Sept 7, 1958: 1010 khz; 250 w -D, 17 w -N. TL: N39 37 472-1400. Fax: (304) 472 -1740. Licensee: Elkins Radio Corp. Group 00 W78 1303. 1010 Radio Station Rd. (25411). (304) 258 -1010. Fax: owner: McGraw Group Stations (acq 1996; $205,000) Net: CNN, WCHS(AM)- Sept 15, 1927: 580 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. TL: N38 21 49 (304) 258-1976. Licensee: Capper Broadcasting Co. Net: ABC/E. Jones Satellite Audio. Rep: RgnI Reps.; Dome. Format: Good time W81 46 05. 1111 Virginia St. E. (25301). (304) 342.8131. Fax: (304) Format: Country. *Emmett Capper, pres; Mike Fagan, gen mgr, gen oldies. News staff: one; news progmg 3 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-49. 344 -4745. Web Site: www.wepm.com. Licensee: West Virginia Radio sis mgr, prom mgr, adv mgr & progmg mgr; Virgil Ruppenthal, mus dir; Dick McGraw, CEO & chief of engrg; Karen McGraw, pres; Harry Corp. of Charleston. (acq 6 -1 -92; $1.74 million with co-located FM; Fran Little, chief of engrg. Elliott, CFO; Ralph Bennett, gen sls mgr; Todd Elliott, opns VP, mktg FIR: 6-22-92) Net: CBS. Rep: McGavren Guild. Format: News/talk, VP. prom VP & progmg VP; Charles Skidmore, mus dir; Nancy Boyce, sports. News staff: 2. Target aud: 25 -54. Dale Miller, CEO & pres; news dir; Jane Birdsong, pub affrs dir. Rates: $25; 20; 23; 18. WDHC(FM)-Co-owned with WCST. December 1965: 93.5 mhz; 3 kw. John Raese, chmn; Harvey Kercheval, opns VP; Rick Johnson, opns 80 ft. TL: N39 37 01 W78 13 00. Stereo. Hm opn: 6 AM- midnight.

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