1958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 6913 Carl Aubrey Gruel Daniel H: Jenkins, of Pennsylvania, to be less than the highest will every satisfy Frank Reichard Grundman United States attorney for the middle dis­ our souls. Charles Jayhue Helpingstine trict of Pennsylvania, term of 4 years. Rex Earl Henderson Louis Gorman Whitcomb, of Vermont, to Hear us for the sake of our blessed Christopher Michael Holland be United States attorney for the district of Lord. Amen. John Curtis !kens Vermont, term of 4 years. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Ira Bernard Jacobson Duncan Wilmer Daugherty, of West Vir­ terday was read an-d approved. Robert Bruce Jamieson ginia, to be United States attorney for the Emlyn Lewis Jones, Jr. southern district of West Virginia, term of / Wallace Francis Kelley 4 years. Nell Forrest Kendall George Edward Rapp, of Wisconsin, to be MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Thomas Robert Klein United States attorney for the western dis­ A message from the Senate by Mr. Alexander Robb Larzelere trict of Wisconsin, term of 4 years. Everett John Lecourt, Jr. McGown, one of its clerks, announced James Danehy Martin UNITED STATES MARSHALS that the Senate has passed without Richard Gordon Matheson Claire A. Wilder, of Alaska, to be United amendment a joint resolution of the George Peter Mitchell States mar::hal for division No. 1, district of House of the following title: Gerald Karl Mohlenbrok Alaska, term of 4 years. Thomas Stephen Monnone Fred S Williamson, of Alaska, to be United H. J. Res. 588. Joint resolution, making ad­ David Alan Naus vance procurement appropriations for the States marshal for division No. 3, district fiscal year 1958, and for other purposes. Robert Theodore Nelson of Alaslt:a, term of 4 ye!lrs. Michael Joseph O'Brien Albert Fuller Dorsh, Jr., of Alaska, to be The message also announced that the Robert Smith Palmer, Jr. United States marshal for divsion No. 4, Senate had passed, with amendments in Alfred Franklin Parker district of Alaska, term of 4 years. which 'the concurrence of the House is William Alden Parker Eugene Levi Kemper, of Kansas, to be Walter Edward Peterson, Jr. United States marshal for the district of requested, a bill of the House of the fol­ Bert Thomas Potter Kansas, term of 4 years. lowing title: Henry Calhoun Rayburn Rupert Hugo Newcomb, of Mississippi, to H. R.l1767. An act making appropriations Ronald Duncan Rosie be United States marshal for the southern for the Department of Agriculture and Farm Kenneth Melvin Roughgarden district of Mississippi, term of 4 years. Credit Administration for the fiscal year end· Thomas Richard Schiller Louis 0. Aleksich, of Montana, to be United ing June 30, 1959, and for other purposes. Robert Martin Schissler States marshal for the district of Montana, The message also announced that the Francis Ferreira Silvia term of 4 years. Melvin LeRoy Sites Senate insists upon its amendments to Stevens Humphreys Smith William Raab, of Nebraska, to be United the foregoing bill, and requests a con­ Howard Edson Snow States marshal for the district of Nebraska, term of 4 years. ference with the House on the disagree­ John Charles Spence ing votes of the two Houses thereon, and James Owen Sullivah Cedric E. Stewart, of Nevada, to be United Richard Alan Sutherland States marshal for the district of Nevada, appoints Mr. RUSSE)LL, Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. Larry Edwin Telfer term of 4 years. HILL, Mr. ROBERTSON, Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. Robert Stephen Tuneski Joseph Stockinger, of New York, to be YOUNG, Mr. MUNDT, and Mr. DWORSHAK to Jon Clifford Uithol United States marshal for _the eastern dis­ be the conferees on the part of the Roger Oscar Walther trict of New York, term of 4 years. Senate. Robert Edwin Warakomsky J. Bradbury German, Jr., _of New York, James Watt to be United States marshal for the northern Robert John Watterson district of New York, term of 4 years. TEMPORARY UNEMPLOYMEN~ John Robert Wells, Jr. George M. Glasser, of New York, to be BENEFITS David Albert White United States marshal for the western dis· Robert Caldwell Williams trict of New York, term of 4 years. Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ Stuart Alan Yoffe B. Ray Cohoon, of North Carolina, to be mous consent that the ·Committee on UNITED STATES DISTRICT' JUDGES United States marshal for the eastern district Ways and Means may have until mid­ of North Carolina, term of 4 years. Edwin D. Steel, Jr., of Delaware, to be night tomorrow, Wednesday, April23, to United States district judge for the district Dewey Howard Perry, of Vermont, to be file the report, including any minority of Delaware. United States marshal for the district of views, on the bill H. R. 12065, to author­ Mendon Morrill, of New Jersey, to be Vermont, term of 4 years. Ray H. Schoonover, of Wisconsin, to be ize temporary unemployment benefits United States district judge for the district for individuals who exhaust their Fed­ of New Jersey. United States marshal for the western dis­ trict of Wisconsin, term of 4 years. eral rights under existing compensation UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS laws, and for individuals who were em­ William T. Plummer, of Alaska, to be •• ..... II ployed in noncovered employment. United States attorney for the division No. 3, district of Alaska, term of 4 years. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Jack D. H. Hays, o:( Arizona, to be United HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the request· of the gentleman from States attorney for the district of Arizona, Arkansas? term of 4 years. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1958 There was no objection. Harlington Wood, Jr., of Illinois, to be United States attorney for the southern dis­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. trict of Illinois, term of 4 years. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, J. Leonard Walker, of Kentucky, to be . D. D., offered the following prayer: PERMISSION TO SELECT COMMIT­ United States attorney for the western dis­ TEE ON ASTRONAUTICS TO SIT trict of Kentucky, term of 4 years. Daniel 6:10: Daniel kneeled upon his Thomas Ramage Ethridge, of Mississippi, knees three times a day and prayed, the DURING SESSION OF HOUSE to be United States attorney for the northern windows in his chamber being open Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask district of Mississippi, term of 4 years. toward Jerusalem. unanimous consent that the Select Com­ Robert E. Hauberg, of Mississippi, to be Almighty God, may we enter upon this mittee on Astronautics and Space Ex­ United States attorney for the southern dis­ ploration may be permitted to sit during trict of Mississippi, term of 4 years. new day, refreshed in body and spirit, Maurice Paul Bois, of New Hampshire, to and ready to accept the challenge of the general debate in the House for the re­ be United States attorney for the district of most arduous task and the heaviest re­ mainder of the week. New Hampshire, term of 4 years. sponsibility. Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, reserving Theodore F. Bowes, of New York, to be Inspire us daily to open the windows the right to object, will the gentleman United States attorney for the northern dis­ of our souls toward Thee and may our tell us what is the subject this after­ trict of New York, term of 4 years. whole life be filled with the splendor of James E. Holshouser, of North Carolina, noon? to be United States attorney for the middle Thy presence and peace and a sense of Mr. McCORMACK. Of the select com­ district of North Carolina, term of 4 years. · Thy divine grace and glory. mittee? Sumner Canary, of Ohio, to be United Grant that we may cultivate a larger Mr. MARTIN. Yes. States attorney for the northern district of capacity for all that is noblest and best Mr. McCORMACK. We are still in Ohio, term of 4 years. Clarence Edwin Luckey, of Oregon, to be and may we never be tempted to lower outer space. United States attorney for the district of the lofty standards of life which Thou Mr. MARTIN. I realize the subtleties Oregon, term of 4 years. hast ordained, for we know that nothing of the gentleman's statement, but I am 6914 ,CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - .HOUSE April 22 interested in knowing who is going to be tors of the Air Force Academy beginning porations, to those doing business in the there. tomorrow and ending on Sunday. county or in neighboring counties. Mr. McCORMACK. We have had Dr. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to The bill passed by the Senate is identi­ Vryden this morning. I cannot give the the request of the gentleman from Kan­ cal to the House bill except for two minor gentleman the names now, but there are sas? changes. 3 or 4 other witnesses. There was no objection. Section 2 of the House bill provides Mr. MARTIN. Mr. Speaker, I with­ that where advertising of star routes is draw my reservation of objection. required by law, the route shall be ad­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to INCREASING CIVIL SERVICE RE­ vertised for bids for at least 20 days ex­ the request of the gentleman from Mas­ TIREMENT ANNUITIES cept where public exigencies require a sachusetts? Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask shorter period. The Senate amendment There was no objection. unanimous consent to take from the requires such advertising for a period of Speaker's table the bill <S. 72) to in­ at least 30 days except where public exigencies require a shorter period. THE STORY OF FREE ENTERPRISE crease annuities payable to certain an­ nuitants from the civil service retire­ Second, this section, as. passed by the Mr.
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