vi Preface Quartahl Reuicu: and Current Legal Problems, Butterworths, Pty Ltd, publishers of the [ournal of Contract Law, the University of Toronto Press, publishers of the Unh'ersity of To rOil to Law [ourna! and the Editorial Committees of the Cambridge Law lou mill, the Canadian [ournal Contents of Law and [urisprudence (formerly the University of Western Ontario Law Revieio), and of Current Legal Problems for permission to use works originally published in those journals. /sbbreuiatious Over the years participants in the Oxford BCL Restitution class IX Table of Cases have provided enthusiasm and perceptive questioning (often from a X Commonwealth perspective) which has helped me to clarify and Table of Statutes xxviii develop my thoughts. Faculty and students at the National University 1. What Can Restitution Do For You? of Singapore, Osgoode Hall Law School, the University of Western 1 Australia and the University of Virginia, institutions at which I have 2. Benefit, Reliance, and the Structure of Unjust Enrichment 21 been fortunate enough to teach, also contributed to my understanding of a subject which can sometimes appear elusive. Merton College and 3. Discharge for Breach: Instalments, Deposits, and Other the Faculty of Law at Oxford have provided supportive and stimulating Payments Due Before Completion 45 environments in which to work and my Merton colleague, John Barton, has patiently dealt with many questions. I am also indebted to many 4. Gap-filling and Risk-reversal 78 others who commented on drafts of the articles on which these essays 5. Duress, Restitution, and Contract Renegotiation are based, but primarily to Peter Birks who, first as a teacher and later as -I- 95 a colleague, stimulated my interest in this subject and who also found ....f.. 6. Mistaken Payments in the Law of Restitution 137 time to read and comment on the new material in Essays 5 and 9 and the postscripts to Essays 6 and 7. 7. Unrequested Payment of Another's Debt 177 Finally, this book is dedicated to Charlotte, Sam and Hannah whose patient tolerance of my preoccupation with its subject was far greater 8. The Nature of Waiver of Tort 206 than I was entitled to expect. Merton Coilege J.B. 9. Unfinished Business: Integrating Equity 244 Oxford Index 259 12 November 1990 The k~.II,lifli number of m courts are the T'hcre I" \ igol juJgl;" and ac can do to ,)'''I~ Contents in the U K .10' the first on th lii!ht on the .... EDITOR'S PREFACE ix and equity • .II THE CONTRIBUTORS xiii recent landm TABtE OF CASES xiv Peter Birks TABLE 011 LEGISLATION xxxi in (he Lnivei TABLE OF INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS xxxv oulsCollcg 10 Ilu LJTT 0 I. Equity's Identification Rules 1 edited man) David Hayton ran gin!! fron He was mad 2. The Legal and Moral Limits of Common Law Tracing 23 1995 and is:! Paul Matthews 3. Tracing, Mixing and Laundering 73 Stephen Moriarty 4. Tracing the Proceeds of Crime: an Inequitable Solution? 95 Helen Norman 5. The Involuntary Launderer: The Banker's Liability for Deposits of the Proceeds of Crime 115 Simon Gleeson 6. Change of Position 135 Richard Nolan 7· After Change of Position: Good Faith Exchange in the Modem Law of Restitution 191 Kit Barker 8. Total Failure of Consideration and Counter-Restitution: Two Issues or One? 217 Ewan McKendrick 9· The Nature of Ministerial Receipt 243 William Swadling 10. Passing On 261 Francis Rose II. Overview: Tracing, Claiming and Defences 289 Peter Birks INDEX 349 Contents LIST 01, CONTRIUU'I OI~S xv fABLE OF CASES xvii TABLEOFSTATUTES xxxiii l. The Law of Restitution: The Past and the Future Gareth Jones 1 2. Mistake and the Role of the 'Submission to an Honest Claim' SHe Arrowsmith 17 3. Public Authorities, Ultra Vires, and Restitution Andrew Burrows 39 4. Payment of Debts Charged upon Property Richard Sutton 71 5. In Defence of Free Acceptance Peter Birks 105 6. Frustration, Restitution, and Loss Apportionment Ewan McKendrick 147 7. Restitution and Illegal Transactions Brice Dickson 171 8. Restitution as Part of Contract Law S. M. Waddams 197 9. Property and Unjust Enrichment Roy Goode 215 10. Valid, Voidable, Qualified, and Non-Existing Obligations: ....." An Alternative Perspective on the Law of Restitution Daniel Friedmann 247 11. Should There Be Legislative Development of the Law of Restitution? Jack Beatson 279 303 INDEX This worl ofe Fellc schc Contents the I whi. Table of Cam A xxv TabL~ of Legislation oft! xlvii Roman Law foe, u List of Contributors mal lvii d~ and Introduction sdu Andrew Burrous and Alan Rodger ani uni I THE ENGLISH LAW OF UNJUST ENRICHMENT his allt AND RESTITUTION the 1. The Evolution of the Species 13 gen Francis Rose 1 eo'll General Concepts res' Absence of Basis: The New Scheme ern 2. Birksian 33 Andrew Burrows leg pU' 3. Three Enrichment Issues 49 Robert Stevens Am 4. Some Thoughts on Change of Position 65 Co Gareth Jones 5. The Role of Fault in the Law of Restirution 83 Lo Graham Virgo in 6. Subrogation: Persistent Misunderst:andings 105 Charles Mitchell 7. Tracing 119 Lionel Smith 8. Gain-Based Damages and Compensation 141 James Edelman Some Particular Unjust Factors 9. Unlawful Statutes and Mistake of Law: Is There a Smile on the Face of Schrodinger's Cat? 163 Jack Beatson 10. The Further Travails of Duress 181 Ewan McKendrick Contents Contents xxiii This lOUI 23. work 11. Undue Influence: Beyond Impaired Consent and Wrongdoing The Rornanizarion of Spain: The Contribution of City Laws in ofCi the Light of the Lex Irnitana towards a Rdational Analysis 201 439 FeUo [osepl: Georg Wolf Mindy C/;m- Wishart schol Absent Parties and Bloody-Minded Judges 12. Unjust Enrichment, Discharge for Breach, and the Primacy 24. 455 the II Ernest Metzger whic of Contract 223 As Gerard McMetL 25. 'You Never Can Tell with Bees': Good Advice from Pooh for oftn Students of the Lex Aquilia 475 focu Property, Insolvency, and Restitution Arianna Pretto-Sakmann map 13. Resulting Trusts 247 26. Late Arrivals: The Appendix in Justinian's Digest Reconsidered 497 dre\\ Rabm Chambers T01'lY Honore and. 14. [one: V Jones: Property or Unjust Enrichment? 265 27. Logic and Experience in Roman Law 513 scho Peter Mi/lat David Johnston an it univ 15. Unjust Delivery 277 28. Unjust Enrichment: The Tenant's Tale 525 rusv William Swadlillg Eltjo Schrage aUt} 16. The Avoidance ofTransacrions in Insolvency Proceedings and thel Rescitutionary Defences 299 IV LEGAL HISTORY gene Roy Goode n 29. Bezoar-Stones, Gall-Stones, and Gem-Stones: A Chapter in cove the History of the Tort of Deceit 545 resti II THE COMPARATIVE LAW OF UNJUST John Baker enri ENRICHMENT AND RESTITUTION 30. Denials Ancient and Modern, with some Roman Footnotes 561 lega 17. Resrimrion mer Termination for Breach of Contract German Jeffrey Hackney pup Law after me Reform of 2002 323 31. Rumford Market and the Genesis of Fiduciary Obligations 577 &inhard Zimmm1UJnll And Joshua Gazier Cor 18. No Basis: A Comparative View 343 32. Slavery and the Roman Law of Evidence in Eighteenth-Century and Sonja Meier Scotland 599 19. Unjust Enrichment as Absence of Basis: Can English Law Cope? 363 John W Cairns Lor Gerhard Dannmumn 33. Sir William Jones and the Nature of Law 619 inC 20. The Fallacy of'Restirucion for Wrongs' David Ibbetson Thomas Krebs 379 21. Peter Birks and Scots Enrichment Law Hector MacQ;uen 401 The Publications of Peter Birks 1969-2005 641 Compiled by Eric Descheemaeker [II ROMAN LAW Index 653 22. What did Damnum Iniuria Actually Mean' Alan Rodger . 421 PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS OF The-Law of Unjust Enrichment • EDITED BY Robert Chambers Charles Mitchell ~ James Penner OXFORD 1 d o OXFORD V NIV81l.SlTY PIl.8SS CI G~.lt CI,,,.nd<lll!lt reer, Oxford OX2 6DI' Contents t1 Oxford Univ<rsll)' Press i, ~dCI,mmetll 01 rhe Utllversit)'ofOxfor.i,. It tUnl\('$(h.lJnh~rsit,..,ohJ"'tivtOr(,cdkll"" III research. scholarship, fi and <due.llion bv publhhinl\ worldwide ill tl 0, 1~lf\1New York List of Contributors VII AucklJnd DpeTown OJre.S.I.,m, HO~lg K~II!1. K,t.",.d~i IX u Kual~ Lumpur ~hdrid Melbau",. Me~.co C.ty Nairobi Table of Cases P New Delhi ,It,tlll\h,ri 1Jil'(i Toronto Ta!Jle of Legislation XIX f \\'itlt olliers in .o\tgen(itIJ Allstria Bruzll Chile Czech Republic France Greece P GuatemalJ Hutll\axy lraly J.pJn Pol••nd Ponug.1 Singapore S<lU(IlKo~J SWi(1trlJnd Thailand Turkey Ukrulne VIetnam PART I INTRODUCTION n OxfOrd is a ~gl5t.red rrude mark 01'0. ford Universit y Press o in thO UK an d in certain orher couru ries 1. J ntroducrion 3 Published in (he United Stutes Robert Chambers, Charles Mitchell, a1tdjames Penner by Oxford University Press lnc., New York e e The~'<rJJ Contributors. 2009 The moral rights 01the authors have bee II asserted PART II NORMATIVE FOUNDATIONS Crewn copyright nw<ri.J1 is reproduced under Cia ss Licence NumbaCOI POOOOH8 wuh rhe permission ofOPSI 2. Correctively Unjust Enrichment 31 and the Queen's Printer for Scotland Ernest j Weinrib Da(;J~ rigbt Oaford UniversilY Press (maker) Firs(pubh.hcl1009 3. Restitution's Realism 54 All righrsreserv<d. No PJr[ of rhis publicauon may be reproduced, Hanoch Dagan .. ored iflarelriC!Y.llsYSlem.or rransmirted, in any form or by any rneans, 81 wirhou[rM prior permission in writingofOxford Universiry Press, 4. The Normative Foundations of Unjust Enrichment orasC!Xp~Y permined by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate Dennis KLimehuk ~fogll1phia righ,sorganiZJtion. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the abo".
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