SWANBOURNE HOUSE SPRING TERM 2020 SWANBOURNE HOUSE Swanbourne, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK17 0HZ MAIN RECEPTION 01296 720264 ACCOUNTS 01296 722814 BOARDING 01296 722816 / 07732 600391 SURGERY 01296 722815 WEBSITE www.swanbourne.org GENERAL EMAIL [email protected] Registered Office: Swanbourne House School Trust Limited, Swanbourne, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK17 0HZ Registered Charity No: 310640, Registered in England No 984935 CHAIR OF GOVERNORS VICE-CHAIR OF GOVERNORS Mr P Rushforth, MA, BEd Mrs S Tyler, BA Jurisprudence (Oxon) Retired Headmaster Former Family Law Solicitor Area of support: Education Area of support: Safeguarding & & Governance Governance GOVERNORS Mr M Dear, BTh (Oxon), GDL Mr G Masters, BA, PGCE Director of Development, Senior Deputy Head, Felsted School Oundle School Area of support: Education, Boarding Area of support: Marketing & & Learning Support Development Mr M Rushton, MA (Cantab) Mrs N Dick-Cleland, MA (Oxon), GTP, Area of support: Finance & Investment QTS Mr J Sykes, BA, ACA Head of The Abbey Junior School Area of support: Finance (Reading) Area of support: Education Mr S Willis, BSc Area of support: Finance Mr S Jayawardena, BSc, MBA Area of support: Finance Mr A Land, MA (Cantab), PGCE Headmaster of Harrow Area of support: Education Correspondence address for all Governors: c/o Clerk to the Governors, Swanbourne House, Swanbourne, Milton Keynes MK17 0HZ 2 HEAD BOARDING Mrs J Thorpe, MA (Cantab) HEAD OF BOARDING [email protected] Mrs J Talkington, BA, PDCBE, CELTA [email protected] Mrs S Green Head’s PA [email protected] ASSISTANT HEAD OF BOARDING Mr A Kirk, H.D.E SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM Head of Outdoor Learning & Enrichment DEPUTY HEAD, DIRECTOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNING RESIDENT BOARDING TUTOR Mrs S Mitchell, MEd, PGCE, Dip TEFL, QTS Mr E Selby-Lowndes [email protected] Sport, Teaching Assistant PSB Director, English BOARDING TUTORS BURSAR Mrs R Bailey, BA (Hons), QTS Mrs K Hart, FCCA, IOSH Mr D Cheesewright, BA (Hons), QTS [email protected] Mr K Good, BSc, MSc Ms I Swain, MA (Cantab), PGCE, QTS ASSISTANT HEAD, DIRECTOR OF Miss R-J Walters, BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS OPERATIONS Mr J Wright, MA (Hons), PGCE Mr M Philips, BA (Hons) [email protected] CHILDREN’S SAFETY AND WELL-BEING Director of Music, Co-Director of the Arts DESIGNATED SAFEGUARDING LEAD, DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL CARE DIRECTOR OF PASTORAL CARE Mr S Bowen, BA (Hons) Mr S Bowen, BA (Hons) [email protected] [email protected] DSL SENIOR TUTORS Mr J Wright – Middle School HEAD OF LOWER SCHOOL Ms I Swain – Senior School Mrs R Nicoll, BA (Hons), QTS [email protected] INDEPENDENT SCHOOL COUNSELLOR Mrs J Rushton MARKETING & ADMISSIONS [email protected] DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS INDEPENDENT LISTENER FOR CHILDREN & MARKETING Revd. S Faulks TBC Miss F Armour, BSc (Hons) Marketing & Communications Officer [email protected] 2 3 MEDICAL STAFF Mr G R Thomas, BA (Hons), QTS Head of English Dr N Stewart, MBChB, RCGP, MBiochem Mr J Licqurish, BA, QTS School Doctor English, Library Co-ordinator, Sport Miss H Grace, RGN Mrs A Coats, BSc (Hons), QTS School Nurse English, Maths HEADS OF HOUSE Miss H Radley, BA (Hons) English, Maths, Music Cottesloe - Mr J Wright MATHS Evans - Mr J Licqurish Mrs L Becker, LLB, QTS Jameson - Mrs E Kirk Head of Maths Stanley-Price - Mr A Kirk Mrs A Coats, BSc (Hons), QTS LEARNING SUPPORT English, Maths BEd (Hons), QTS Mrs J Mitchener, BEd (Hons), QTS Mr J Toyer, National Award for Special Education Maths Needs Coordination Miss H Radley, BA (Hons) SENDCo English, Maths, Music Mrs J Elmrabti, PGCE, QTS Mr B Baxter, Dip. Primary Teaching (SA) Learning Support Teacher Maths Assistant Mrs M Jochimsen, Cert Ed, QTS Mrs S Smith Head of English as an Additional Maths Assistant Language SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Mrs A Lewis, BEd (Hons), QTS Mr J Seddon, BSc (Hons), PGCE, QTS (Maternity Leave) Head of Science & Technology Learning Support Teacher Mrs S Gunning, BSc (Hons), PGCE Mrs H Atkinson, BA (Hons), QTS Science (Maternity Cover) Learning Support Teacher Mr D Cheesewright, BA (Hons), QTS Design & Technology Mrs J Mehra, BEd, PGCE, QTS Learning Support Teacher Mrs D Hughes, BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS Computing TEACHING STAFF ANCIENT AND MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES ENGLISH Mrs S Mitchell, MEd, PGCE, Dip TEFL, QTS Mr J Wright, MA (Hons), PGCE Deputy Head, Director of Teaching Joint Head of A&MFL, French and Learning Ms I Swain, MA (Cantab), PGCE, QTS [email protected] Joint Head of A&MFL, Latin, PSB Director, English Ancient Greek 4 Mrs G Grimble, Licenses Francaises, Mr K Good, BSc Sports & Exercise, MSc PGCE, QTS Psychology French Sport HUMANITIES Mrs C Donley Mrs K Markey, BSc (Hons), PGCE Games Administrator Head of Humanities, Geography, SPORTS COACHES Exceptionally Able & Achievement Mrs L Bright, ASA L2 Co-ordinator, Sport Swimming Mr A Macpherson MA, BA (Hons), Netball Coaches from Saracens Mavericks, PGCE, QTS MK Netters and MK Dons Netball Religious Studies, Philosophy & Ethics, Sport LOWER SCHOOL STAFF Mrs H Martin MA (Hons), PGDE History, PSHE Mrs R Nicoll, BA (Hons), QTS Head of Lower School RGN Miss H Grace, [email protected] PSHE Miss S North, BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS Mrs J Talkington, BA, PDCBE, CELTA Head of EYFS, Form Tutor 4s PSHE Mr K Becker, BA (Hons), QTS THE ARTS Head of Key Stage 1, Form Tutor 6s Mr M Phillips, BA (Hons) Assistant Head Mrs S Jameson, BSc (Hons), PGCE, QTS Director of Music, Co-Director of the Arts Head of Lower Key Stage 2, Form Tutor 7s Miss R-J Walters, BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS Head of Drama, Co-Director of the Arts Mrs R Bailey, BA (Hons), QTS Form Tutor 7s, Sport Miss H Radley, BA (Hons) English, Maths, Music Mrs L Bird, BA (Hons), PGCE Form Tutor 6s Ms G Davey, BA (Hons), QTS Art Mrs E Chapman, BA (Hons) PGCE, QTS Form Tutor 4s, Lower School SPORT Music Assistant Mr P Burton-Pye Mrs S Glover, BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS Director of Sport Form Tutor 6s Mr G Thomas, BSc (Hons), PGCE, QTS Mrs E Kirk, BA (Hons), QTS Sport, Sports Grounds Liaison Form Tutor 5s Mrs M Bond, BSc (Hons), QTS Miss F Page, BA (Hons), PGCE, QTS Sport Form Tutor 8s, Sport Miss M Levermore, BA (Hons), MSc, Mrs T Keay, BA (Hons), QTS PGCE Form Tutor 8s Sport 4 5 Miss A Palk, BA(Hons), PGCE, QTS Mrs M Griffin, MA Senior Form Tutor 3s, Forest School/ Piano Outdoor Learning Mr S Kitchen, FLCM, LLCM Miss K Pethybridge, BA (Hons), PGCE Brass Form Tutor 3s Mrs J Lloyd, LRAM Mrs C Webb, BEd (Hons), QTS Flute Form Tutor 5s Mrs L Morton, BSc (Hons) Music, PGCE Miss M Bryce, OCF L3 Upper Strings Teaching Assistant Mr W Scott Mrs D Edmondson Guitar Teaching Assistant, Breakfast Club Ms K Sharp, GRNCM Mrs N Gayler, NCFE 2 Woodwind 1:1 Learning Assistant Mrs M Smith Mrs A Howes, NVQ3 Cello Teaching Assistant Mr R Weeks, LRAM Miss A Kavanagh, BTech3 Percussion Nursery Teaching Assistant Miss E Langley, NVQ3, Cache L3 Dip in ADMINISTRATIVE/SUPPORT STAFF Childcare Teaching Assistant Mrs E Holmes Deputy Head’s PA Miss S Mehra, BA (Hons) [email protected] Teaching Assistant, Cabin Club Mrs H Licqurish, FD Mrs C Nurden HR Assistant Teaching Assistant Mrs E Hudson Mrs J Smith, Primary Paediatric First Receptionist Aider Teaching Assistant, Cabin Club Mr G Wood, BSc (Hons), Cert ICT, Cert Ed Admin Support Mrs S Wood Teaching Assistant ACCOUNTS Mrs L Hawes PERIPATETIC MUSIC STAFF Accounts Manager Mrs J Flitney Miss A Barlow, MA, BA (Hons) Accounts Assistant Singing, Musical Theatre, IT Mrs D Cotton Mr J Sapwell Piano Senior IT Technician Mrs M Descrettes, ARCM, ALCM Piano 6 CONNECT CATERING Mr P Humphrey Chef Manager, Connect Catering [email protected] SITE MANAGEMENT & GROUNDS Mr D Harris Head of Maintenance Mr M Lea-James Head of Grounds Ms D Attwell Gardener Mr M Deane Caretaker Mr T Poulton Gardener Mr M White Domestic Supervisor Mr V White Maintenance Assistant LABORATORY TECHNICIAN Mrs A Evatt ART & DT TECHNICIAN Mr S Talkington, BTEC Foundation Art, Diploma - Illustration JUNIOR STAFF Miss K McEvoy Miss L Hayne Miss J Keohane Miss J Penman-Saint Mr W Morrish Mr M Pratt 6 7 FORWARD DATES SUMMER TERM 2020 (please note change to national May Bank Holiday for VE Day Anniversary) Wednesday 15th April 6:00pm Term begins for boarders Thursday 16th April 8:00am Term begins Thursday 7th May 12:30pm Exeat begins (NO Cabin Club for 3s-6s) Sunday 10th May 7:00pm Exeat ends for boarders Monday 11th May 8:00am Exeat ends Friday 22nd May 3:30pm Lower School (3s-6s) Half term begins Friday 22nd May 4:40pm 7s - TY Half term begins Sunday 31st May 7:00pm Half term ends for boarders Monday 1st June 8:00am Half term ends Friday 12th June 12:30pm Exeat begins (NO Cabin Club for 3s-6s) Sunday 14th June 7:00pm Exeat ends for boarders Monday 15th June 8:00am Exeat ends Friday 3rd July 3:30pm Lower School (3s-6s) Term ends Saturday 4th July 12 noon 7s - TY Term ends after Speech Day AUTUMN TERM 2020 Thursday 3rd September 6:00pm Term begins for boarders Friday 4th September 8:00am Term begins Friday 25th September 12:30pm Exeat begins (NO Cabin Club for 3s-6s) Sunday 27th September 7:00pm Exeat ends for boarders Monday 28th September 8:00am Exeat ends Friday 16th October 3:30pm Lower School (3s-6s) Half term begins Friday 16th October 4:40pm 7s - TY Half term begins Sunday 1st November 7:00pm Half term ends for boarders Monday 2nd November 8:00am Half term ends Friday 20th November 12:30pm Exeat begins (NO Cabin Club for 3s-6s) Sunday 22nd November 7:00pm Exeat ends for boarders Monday 23rd November 8:00am Exeat ends Friday 11th December 3:30pm Lower School (3s-8s) Term ends Friday 11th December
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