High-Speed D-Link Wi-Fi Networks Launched at Multiple Ball Parks Just in Time for the World Baseball Classic™ Install Teams Set-Up Complex, Temporary, Wi-Fi and Wired Networks in less than 72 Hours Each CCustomerustomer PProfirofi lle:e: TToo ddetermineetermine tthehe bbestest nnationalational bbaseballaseball tteameam iinn tthehe wworld,orld, MMajorajor LLeagueeague BBaseballaseball aandnd tthehe MMajorajor LLeagueeague BBaseballaseball PPlayerslayers AAssociationssociation hhostedosted tthehe iinauguralnaugural 22006006 WWorldorld BBaseballaseball CClassic™lassic™ – aann 118-day8-day iinternationalnternational ttournament,ournament, ffeaturingeaturing 1166 nnationsations aandnd tterritories.erritories. TThehe eeventvent iincreasedncreased wworldwideorldwide eexposurexposure ooff tthehe ssportport aandnd sshowcasedhowcased tthehe ssuperstarsuperstars ooff ttodayoday aandnd ttomorrow.omorrow. TThehe ttournamentournament wwasas aann ooverwhelmingverwhelming ssuccess,uccess, ffansans aaroundround tthehe wworldorld llovedoved iit,t, aandnd tthehe iinternationalnternational mmediaedia aatete iitt uup.p. TThehe DDominicanominican RRepublic’sepublic’s DDavidavid OOrtizrtiz sslammedlammed a hhomeome rrunun ooutut ooff PPuertouerto RRico’sico’s HHiramiram BBithornithorn Julio Carbonell, World Baseball Classic Executive for IT, at the championship game in San Diego. SStadium.tadium. SShaironhairon MMartisartis ppitcheditched a nno-hittero-hitter fforor TThehe NNetherlands.etherlands. Challenge: Sports media coverage is a 24-hour, needed to connect to corporate VPNs, authenticating CCanada’sanada’s AAdamdam SSterntern hhitit aann always-connected business. At the World Baseball via the new hot spot gateways. They would also Classic, organized by Major League Baseball and need to accommodate non-wireless clients with iinside-the-parknside-the-park hhomer.omer. AAndnd the Major League Baseball Players Association, wired connections. JJapanapan ttookook tthehe ttitle,itle, bbeatingeating thousands of international media representatives CCubauba iinn a 110-60-6 tthriller.hriller. needed wireless access at the host stadiums in The World Baseball Classic-D-Link team started from North America. D-Link was engaged to provide a scratch at each location, taking IP addresses from solution at PETCO Park in San Diego, California; the existing local networks and setting up state-of- Angel Stadium of Anaheim in California; The Ballpark the-art Wi-Fi networks. Each stadium was different, at Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, of course, with different structural impediments and “We needed to make wireless Florida; and Chase Field in Phoenix, Arizona. space limitations. access available to media from around the world at each of our Existing connectivity and network capacity at each There were structural dead zones, unique venues. D-Link’s switches and venue couldn’t handle the increased user base mounting challenges, and weather and public the event needed to support. The stadiums had traffi c considerations. Tens of thousands of people access points met our needs networks for typical baseball season needs, but they attended each of the games, and the staff didn’t reliably and within budget.” would need to handle up to 700-1000 additional have the typical ceiling panel and networking closet users per venue for the World Baseball Classic events. luxuries of standard commercial offi ce spaces. -Julio Carbonell Access points needed to be mounted beyond the World Baseball Classic Executive The World Baseball Classic and D-Link had a small reach of curious fans and stadium employees for IT window of opportunity for installations. Switches, – hung from poles, rafters and the undersides of wireless access points and hot spots had to be set bleachers. up and secured at press boxes, dining areas, remote banquet tents, local hotels and mobile RV parking A majority of the journalists and staff at the event lots at the events. World Baseball Classic employees would have Microsoft Windows XP laptops, however PRODUCT FEATURES: some would be running Service Pack 1 (SP1) and D-Link supported the event by providing switches, even some older versions of Windows. The wireless fi rewalls, wireless access points, hot spot capabilities on SP1 and prior versions are not as gateways and installation manpower to get the easily confi gured as with XP SP2. Some of these networks up and running within 72 hours. In total, DSA-3200 — WIRELESS G PUBLIC/ laptops would have foreign language and non- the four stadiums used 50 DSA-3200 Wireless G PRIVATE HOT SPOT GATEWAY: alphabet characters, further complicating support. Public/Private Hot Spot Gateways, 20 DES-3010GA • 802.11G WIRELESS CONNECTIVITY FOR Managed 8-Port 10/100 Switches, 106 DES-3226L PUBLIC ACCESS. Solution: The World Baseball Classic looked to D- Managed 24-Port 10/100 Switches, 80 DWL-2200AP • SUPPORTS UP TO 50 ONLINE USERS Link for a complete wireless and wired solution. “We High Speed 2.4GHz (802.11g) Wireless 108Mbps* SIMULTANEOUSLY. needed to make wireless access available to media Access Points (with Power over Ethernet), 4 DWL- • KEEPS PRIVATE NETWORK SECURE. from around the world at each of our venues,” said 2700AP Outdoor 2.4GHz (802.11g) Wireless Access Julio Carbonell, World Baseball Classic Executive Points, 20 DSS-8+ 8-Port 10/100 Desktop Switches, for IT. “D-Link’s switches and access points met our 3 DFL-700 and 1 DFL-1100 VPN Firewalls. needs reliably and within budget.” At the stadiums, there could be no overlap of radio DES-3226L — MANAGED 24-PORT The D-Link and World Baseball Classic technical cells, so each AP needed power output minimization. 10/100 SWITCH: teams installed switches and hot spot gateways Roaming was facilitated by using similar BSSIDs. • HIGH PERFORMANCE SWITCHING. at hotel locations and switches and Access Points • INVESTMENT PROTECTION. (APs) at the stadiums. Cliff Harewood, World “The built-in fi rewall functionality on the hot spot • ADVANCED STANDARDS BASED Baseball Classic Infrastructure Architect, said the gateways was nice,” said Harewood. “We used ENTERPRISE FEATURES. hot spot solution at the hotels helped them keep these at hotel locations where players, media and costs under control. World Baseball Classic employees needed access to open connectivity and private VPNs. It allowed “For our particular situation, the D-Link solution was people to connect without having a physical DMZ in better than anything offered by other vendors,” said the environment. Outside traffi c never touched the Harewood. “We could spend around $500 per hot internal network.” spot and just add another one without having to add both access points and controllers. It gave us a lot Journalists and media personnel from all over the DWL-2200AP — HIGH SPEED 2.4GHZ of fl exibility – which was important because of time world easily transmitted their stories, photos and WIRELESS 108MBPS* ACCESS POINT: and space constraints.” videos home for publication. On-site support staff • INTEGRATED POE. helped non-SP2 laptop users and foreign character • ALSO WORK AS POINT-TO-POINT The cost of a D-Link DSA-3200 Wireless G Public/ versions of Windows connect. BRIDGE, POINT-TO-MULTIPOINT BRIDGE, Private Hot Spot Gateway is comparable to the REPEATER. cost of an AP from other vendors, said Harewood. Each stadium install took two to three days. The • INCREASED SECURITY WITH 802.1X Yet those APs require controllers that cost close to Florida site took one day. Usually, installations AND WPA. $3000. “With D-Link, we could start small and grow of this magnitude take a week and a half. Easily without having to forklift or add controllers,” said confi gurable equipment, motivated staff and Harewood. deadline pressures kept the pace moving, however. DFL-700 — DESKTOP VPN FIREWALL: D-Link and World Baseball Classic staff initially “The D-Link support staff was very helpful and • HIGH PERFORMANCE FIREWALL WITH performed site surveys to understand the layouts experienced,” said Harewood. “They came up with NAT. and limitations at the venues. Wireless access was creative solutions on the fl y, and made my life backed up by local switches, so if a user didn’t easy by getting the deployment done quickly and have wireless capability they could easily jack into professionally.” the physical network.The on-site teams installed multiple access points and hot spot gateways in DFL-1100 — RACKMOUNT VPN focused areas. Pressboxes, for example would serve FIREWALL: 75 to 100 users. • HIGH PERFORMANCE FIREWALL WITH NAT. * MAXIMUM WIRELESS SIGNAL RATE DERIVED FROM IEEE STANDARD 802.11G SPECIFICATIONS. ACTUAL DATA THROUGHPUT WILL VARY. NETWORK CONDITIONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS LOWER ACTUAL DATA THROUGHPUT RATE. Call or visit the web address below for more D-Link and the D-Link logo and are trademarks or registered trademarks of D-Link Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United information on the complete line of business products: States and other countries. Copyright © 2003 - 2007. All Rights Reserved. All other company or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Copyright© 2007 D-Link Corporation/D-Link Systems, www.dlink.com Inc. All Rights Reserved. 17595 Mt. Herrmann Street, Fountain Valley, CA92708 • www.dlink.com 877.528.7789 For more D-Link Case Studies visit:www.dlink.com/casestudy 2.
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