50¢ February 17, 2008 Volume 82, No. 07 www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Planning a wedding? Special supplement shares Lent means following Jesus church teachings Center Section Supplement BY CINDY WOODEN AND DON CLEMMER FORT WAYNE, VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Lent is a time for the practice of authentic religion and turning back to the person of Jesus Christ, with whom forgive- Meet Brother Roy ness is found, Bishop John M. D’Arcy said in his Ash Wednesday homily on Feb. 6 at the Cathedral of the Black Faithful series continues Immaculate Conception. The Gospel reading was the Page 5 admonition by Jesus not to make a public show of reli- gion. “This beautiful Gospel can be described as authentic religion,” Bishop D’Arcy said, “religion of the heart.” Authentic religion has to be from the heart, the Hospitality at St. bishop noted, saying it must be between a person and God, a God who is clearly revealed in the person of Mary’s Jesus Christ, especially Christ on the cross. A sacred space for those need- “Repentence is turning toward a person, toward someone,” said the bishop. ing human contact He spoke of how St. Paul was first dedicated to scrupulous observation of external religion, a burden Page 10 for him, before feeling purified and lifted up by the love of another, the person of Jesus Christ. “You could say he personalized redemption,” Bishop D’Arcy said of St. Paul’s conversion, noting that Paul was moved to write, “He delivered himself DON CLEMMER Vices and Virtues up for me, even for me.” Father James Stoyle, right, distributes ashes alongside Bishop John M. D’Arcy during Ash Lenten series continues Following Jesus was also the message of Pope Wednesday Mass at Fort Wayne’s Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Feb. 6. Ash Benedict XVI, who said to enter into Lent is to get seri- Wednesday marks the start of Lent for Catholics and many Western Christians. Page 16 ous about taking responsibility for one’s own sinful- ness and about following Jesus, especially in caring for the poor. ers, on society or on God, but recognizing week. Lent, the pope said, is “a time of particular com- one’s own responsibility,” he said. The pope had met Feb. 9 with members of mitment in the spiritual battle against the evil present The only effective way to face sin is to be the Italian federation of directors of retreats Diocesan offices and in the world, in each of us and around us.” serious about following Jesus, who con- and spiritual exercises. Pope Benedict spoke about the meaning of Lent at quered sin through his suffering, death and He said that while there are a growing Cathedral Bookstore his Feb. 10 midday Angelus prayer, just a few hours resurrection, the pope said. number of initiatives that offer people a spiri- closed Feb. 18 for before beginning a weeklong retreat with his closest “The way of the cross is, in fact, the only tual experience, not enough people take the aides. During the week, all papal audiences are can- path that leads to the victory of love over multiple days necessary to enter into the deep President’s Day celed. hatred, sharing over selfishness, peace over silence and prayer, Scripture reading and spir- The pope said Lent is a time “to look evil in the face violence,” he said. itual direction that spiritual exercises offer. and prepare to battle against its effects and especially Pope Benedict ended his short talk by Time, quiet and guidance are needed to against its causes, to the point of the ultimate cause, promising to remember the sick in his help a person progress in the process of “the which is Satan.” prayers during the retreat and by thanking purification of heart, the conversion of life “It means not blaming the problem of evil on oth- those who would pray for him during the (and) the following of Christ,” he said. RITE OF ELECTION Stir up the gift of God 2nd Timothy 1 workshop offers teens relationship, dating tips Casey, once a popular high school cheer- BY DIANE FREEBY leader who still felt a great emptiness in her life. After going on a mission trip in her SOUTH BEND — “Why don’t you take a teens, she decided to take a year to get to year and just date God?” know God better. That meant some radical That was one of the challenges given to changes. about 30 young people who gathered for the “I got rid of posters and music that didn’t fourth annual 2nd Timothy 1 Conference, glorify God,” recalled Casey. “I knew I held Feb. 2 at Holy Cross College in South couldn’t live with one foot in the world and Bend. one foot with God. It was all or nothing. I lost The conference, geared for high school many friends, and my mom worried I was and college students, was led by a dynamic involved with a cult. But since that time, I’ve young married couple from Fort Worth, been able to become a light for my family.” TESS STEFFEN Texas. Joel and Casey Johnson shared their Like Casey, Joel Johnson had parents who Bishop John M. D’Arcy signs the Book of backgrounds as children of broken homes, divorced. But it was his mother who made and the amazing story of how they each were him attend a Christian camp when he was 14 the Elect at the Rite of Election held at drawn to Christ in their teens. But it was the years old. That was the turning point in Joel’s story of their courtship that helped to illus- life. the Cathedral of the Immaculate trate the value of not only waiting to date, but “My eyes were opened,” he said. “I just Conception on Feb. 10. The rite will be how important it is to include God in your got it ... that one day I’d have to stand before relationship. God and give an account of my life.” celebrated at St. Matthew Cathredral, “I tried a lot of the things my friends told South Bend, on Feb. 17. me, and it never filled the void,” explained TIMOTHY, PAGE 20 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 17, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Devoted to reform and renewal Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 of the Office of Bishop PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy refuse to listen to his subjects whose wel- his own light well into his ninth decade. EDITOR: Tim Johnson fare he promotes as of his very own chil- I find myself, even after 33 years as a ASSISTANT EDITOR: Don Clemmer dren and whom he urges to collaborate bishop, asking Christ to help me to under- STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad readily with him. Destined to render an stand this office. What is it? I ask him also account for their souls to God (cf. Heb. to give me grace and light to live it, as I Editorial Department NEWS 13:17), by prayer, preaching and all good should. Through his grace, I see more clear- PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES works of charity he should be solicitous ly my shortcomings and failures but I know FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, both for their welfare and for that too of his mercy and love is greater than all this. I Ann Carey, Michelle Castleman, Elmer BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY those who do not belong to the unique do not know how anyone could live this life J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie flock, but whom he should regard as without a strong sense of his mercy and for- Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane entrusted to him in the Lord. giveness. Freeby, Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC, Thirty-three years This turn away from the bishop, as kind of a CEO or corporate leader, as some Jennifer Murray, Jennifer Ochstein We have just celebrated the beautiful might have seen it, to communion with Speaking of Vatican II and Deb Wagner feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. This is the 150th anniversary of the “beautiful Lady” Christ and leadership after the heart of One of the great gifts of that council, Christ was one of the great insights of the which took place while I was a young Business Department who said to Bernadette Soubirous: “I am council. priest, is the emphasis on the word of God BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice the Immaculate Conception.” We are blessed in having the shrine of Our Lady of and on preaching. The council opened up AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber the Scriptures. In my first 10 years as a BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol Lourdes in this diocese at the University of The arrival of a model Notre Dame. And it is my hope as I write priest, we read the Scripture on the same [email protected] Only three short years after I was made a these words that I can spend a few minutes Sunday every year. Now there are three bishop, there came on the scene a man from Advertising Sales there late in the evening of this feast. readings and much more of the Scriptures Poland, or as an observer is said to have are covered through three cycles for Sunday Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) The visions took place next to the Gave exclaimed not long after his inauguration: Mass. (260) 456-2824 River in France between Feb.
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