FROM THE DIRECTOR d1rectly engaged m production 1mpr0\ 1ng \\ater quahty, but also agnculture. The population has about ho\\ '"e can budd a already become more urban and roadmap to a better future for our many rural areas continue to state by recogniLing the Impor­ suffer economically. tance ofprotecttng and improving Yet there are some interest­ our natural resources. ing trends beginning to evolve. A In h1s Condit1on of the State recent report on land prices address last winter. Gov. Tom md1cate that values on farmland Vd ack la1d out an amb1t1ous plan 1n ..,outhem Iowa have mcreascd ofellminatmg all1mpa1red \\aters by a much a 20 percent, but not 111 the state by 'JQ I 0. The gover­ becau e of agnculture. The boost nor ha taken a "1se step toward ,.., a result of people ,.,Jiling to 1m prO\ mg the future ofiO\\ a by 1m e..,t s1g111 ftcant money for recogn1zmg the Importance of recreatiOnal pur mts. ha\ mg a clean en\ Ironment. The Water Quality I recently attended a confer­ ta k of attractmg and retaining ence ''here the concept of a talented "orkcrs m lo,.,a be­ Summit: Building a "ne\'v economy" was discussed. come that much more difficult Better Future for The prcm1se of this concept IS ""hen there 1s a perceptwn that that the number of highly edu­ our \\ater quality 1s poor. Iowa cated, h1ghly paid people who are The Governor's Water Governor Vilsack has called not t1ed to a pecific area for ummit will begm a long overdue for a summit to address '"'atcr the1r careers i growing. In other dialogue on '"'hat can be done to quality 1 ues m lov,a. We are \\Ords, the e people can II\ e 1mpro\e \\ atcr quality in Iowa. fortunate to ha' e th1 focused any'' here to do their '' ork. There" Ill be . orne that try to attentiOn on a natural resource \\ hy can't th1 type of portray th1s effort a the em iron­ concern so cnt1cal to our future. gro'' th occur 1n Io'' a? I belle' e ment 'er us agnculture or the But th1s proces 1s about so \\'C can attract the e type of em 1ronment agam teconomic much more than sc1entlfic people. Io" a ha what I call de\ elopment. I can assure you it mea urements and modelmg of "front porch appeal.'' It's a place 1s not. 'anous cenarios affectmg '' ater '"'here chtldren recei\'e a fir t­ Th1 1 real!} the beginning of quality. It is about a diSCUSSIOn or class education in a clean, safe a process of ho" all of us the very future of the state of en v 1ronment and parents can contnbute to" ater quality Iow a en vi ronmenta lly, economi­ actually spend more time with problem and ho\\ all of us can cally and socially. It's about who their children rather than stuck in be part of the solution. It's also we are and who we want to be. traffic. The opportunity to expand about how we can all benefit by Already there is discussion outdoor recreational opportunities impro\ ing water quality for within economic development continue to grow and the solution ourselves and for future genera­ circles about the direction Iowa is to v.atcr quality challenges go tion . heading. While agriculture'' ill hand-in-hand with meeting their always be a critically important demand. * * * mgredient in the state's econom1c By no'"'· many of you are pie. it wiJilikelycontinue to probably wondering what all of become a smaller slice at least th1s has to do with water. The Director 's Message in terms of the number of people upcoming Water Summit is about cont. on page 5 - - FRONT COVER: WHITETAIL DEER AT SUNSET BY ROGER A. HILL BACK COVER: LEDGES STATE PARK, lt also BOONE COUNTY BY TV SMEDES Features . :or our THE TABLE IS SET •or- f by Terry Little, Willie Suchy, Todd Bogenschutz, ·ovmg Guy Zenner, Ron Andrews, Todd Gosselink Look out hunters! This year has the makings for one state' of the best hunting seasons in a long time. See what )ffi DNR biologists have to say. ~ plan raters WHY MORE DOES? by Willie Suchy rver­ Exactly how do biologists caJculate antlerless quotas )Ward each year? It's much more scientific than some a b\ ' might think, including a lot of number crunching and of computer modeling. ~ The mg A BUM RAP? by Todd Gosselink and Bill Bunger cult When it comes to crop damage, are turkeys really !hat the culprits? A closer look at the crime scene may reveal some other suspects. erdue Departments TAGGING ALONG ON FISHERIES e to 2 MANAGEMENT va. by Jim Wahl to E Pa r k s P r o f i I e Fish tags and tagging methods vary widely, but they mon­ arc valuable tools to biologists trying to manage , e fi shery resources. me IJI Conservation 101 IOWA: BEAUTIFUL LAND OU It 2 Although our name implies it might, Iowa rarely makes the top ten list of scenic destinations. One .ingof K ids' Corner------ might wonder why as some notable Iowans share their fa vorite spots from around our beautiful state. can m Conservation Update FEDERAL GRANTS GIVE WINGS TO also 3 WILDLIFE DIVERSITY PROGRAM 1t by by Douglas C. Harr Warden's Diary New federal grants breathe life into the DNR 's nera- wildlife diversity program, which is responsible for the conservation of Iowa's "nongame" species. THE RETURN OF THE OSPREY 4 by Lowell Washburn It was history-in-the-making this summer at Spirit Lake Middle School's outdoor classroom. Iowa's first wi ld osprey chick in more than a century was banded. - Make your life a little bit simpler ... Save yourself time by ordering or renewing your subscription to the Iowa Conservationist on-line with just a few simple clicks. Visit www.iowadnr.com and pi click on the magazine cover, or type in the web address below. While you're at it, order a subscription for a friend. Don't want to subscribe on-line? Mail your order to: Iowa Conservationist, Dept. of Natural Resources, 502 E. 9th Street, Des Moines, lA 50319-0034. Subscription rates for the Conservationistare $12 for one year, $18 for two years and $24 for three years . order your sa n subscription to the Conservationist on-linel www. iowadn r. com/conservation isV Director=s Message participatmg company. The cont. f rom page 3 program has also conserved 354 mi ll ion gallons of water, de­ While we re on the topic of creased energy use by 11 million economic development and the kWh, reduced solid waste by environment, I would be com­ 16,600 tons, decreased hazardous pletely remiss ifi failed to waste by 42,380 gallons and htghlightthe Iowa Pollution reduced air emissions by 192 Prevention Intern Program tons. coordinated by the DNR. And, perhaps most important This program, which matches of all, the program has helped college students with Iowa retain some of the brilliant young companies to help reduce pollu­ minds who came up with these tion in industrial settings, has solutions, here in Iowa. recently received two national honors for leadership and innova­ tion 111 protecting the environment. Through the work of the intems in thi s program, companies have saved more than $5.4 million with an average of $98,000 per Jeffrey R. 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The DNR' top wildlife biologi ls eem to think so. By Terry W Little + Willie uchy + Todd Bogen chutz + Guy Zenner + Ron Andrew + Todd Go elink + Photo by Roger A.
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