UNIVERSITYUNIV E R S ITY OFO F WISCONSINW I S C O N - MADISON ATHLETICSATHTHLETICSLETICS FACILITIESFA FACFACIILLITIEITIESITIES MASTERM PLAN MAY,MAY, 20172017 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON | ATHLETIC FACILITIES MASTER PLAN 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS DIRECTORY 7 PARTICIPANTS 9 SECTION 1 | EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SECTION 4 | APPENDIX 1.01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 15 4.01 APPENDIX A - MEETING MINUTES 173 SECTION 2 | ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK 4.02 APPENDIX B - FACILITY ASSESSMENTS & DEFERRED MAINTENANCE 205 2.01 DRIVERS AND GOALS 23 4.03 APPENDIX C - COST ESTIMATES 233 2.02 DEMOGRAPHICS 27 4.04 APPENDIX E - REFERENCES 241 2.03 CAMPUS MASTER PLAN RELATIONSHIPS 31 2.04 ATHLETIC FACILITIES MASTER PLAN ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK x ON 3 | FACILITY ASSESSMENT & RECOMMENDATIONS 2.05 SECTION 3 | FACILITY ASSESSMENT & RECOMMENDATIONS 3.01 CAMP RANDALL STADIUM 45 3.02 FIELD HOUSE 75 3.03 KOHL CENTER 85 3.04 NIELSEN TENNIS STADIUM 109 3.05 MCCLIMON MEMORIAL TRACK & SOCCER STADIUM 119 3.06 KELLNER HALL 131 3.07 ATHLETICS OPERATIONS BUILDING 135 3.08 MCCLAIN FACILITY 139 3.09 PORTER BOATHOUSE 143 3.10 GOODMAN SOFTBALL COMPLEX 147 3.11 NICHOLAS-JOHNSON PAVILION 151 3.12 LABAHN ARENA 155 3.13 SOUTHEAST RECREATION FACILITY 159 3.14 UNIVERSITY RIDGE GOLF COURSE 167 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON | ATHLETIC FACILITIES MASTER PLAN 7 DIRECTORY PREPARED FOR: The Division of Intercollegiate Athle cs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison University of Wisconsin-Madison Kellner Hall 1440 Monroe Street Madison, Wisconsin 53711 PREPARED BY: HOK 300 West 22nd Street Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Berners-Schober Associates 310 Pine Street Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301 9 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON FACILITY PLANNING & MANAGEMENT ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT EXECUTIVE TEAM UW ATHLETICS COACHES ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT STAFF Bill Elvey Barry Alvarez Mick Byrne Barry Fox Assoc. Vice Chancellor for FP&M (former) Director of Athle cs Head Coach - Men’s/Women’s Track & Cross Country Director of Facili es Ann Hayes Walter Dickey Mark Johnson Todd Nelson Project Manager for FP&M Deputy Athle c Director Head Coach - Women’s Ice Hockey Assistant Athle c Director for Event Opera ons Gary Brown Jus n Doherty Tony Granato Chad Kimmel Director of Campus Planning & Landscape Architecture Senior Associate AD for External Rela ons Head Coach - Men’s Ice Hockey Assistant Athle c Director for Development Dan Okoli Terry Gawlik Bebe Bryans Brian Moore Director & Campus Architect for FP&M (former) Senior Associate AD for Sports Administra on/SWA Head Coach - Women’s Rowing Assistant Athle c Director of Ticket Opera ons Jason King Chris Clark Tim Taggart Senior Associate AD for Capital Projects Head Coach - Men’s Rowing Director of Food & Beverage Services Chris McIntosh Todd Oehrlein Eric Helland Associate AD for Business Development Head Coach - Women’s Golf Director of Strength & Condi oning Mario Morris Michael Burcin Mark Shook Associate AD for Business Opera ons Head Coach - Men’s Golf Director of Academic Services Marija Pientka Paula Wilkins Terry Schla er Senior Associate AD for Internal Opera ons Head Coach - Women’s Soccer Director of Equipment Jeff Schmidt John Trask Michael Gaspard Associate AD for Legal Aff airs Head Coach - Men’s Soccer General Manager of University Ridge Golf Course Ka e Smith Jonathan Tsipis Associate AD for Compliance Head Coach - Women’s Basketball Doug Tiedt Greg Gard Senior Associate AD for Student Services Head Coach - Men’s Basketball Bruce Van De Velde Paul Chryst Senior Associate Athle c Director Head Coach - Football Kelly Sheffi eld Head Coach - Volleyball Yve e Healy Head Coach - So ball Barry Davis Head Coach - Wrestling Whitney Hite Head Coach - Men’s & Women’s Swimming Danny Westerman Head Coach - Men’s Tennis Kelcy McKenna Head Coach - Women’s Tennis 11 CONSULTANT TEAM BERNERS-SCHOBER ASSOC., INC JP CULLEN KIMLEY-HORN Joe De laff Jeremy Shecterle Kevin White President Vice President Transporta on Planner Ian Griffi ths David Baran Brian Smalkoski Director - Project Manager Preconstruc on Services & Es ma ng Transporta on Engineer / Planner HOK LEGENDS GROUP SMITHGROUPJJR Nate Appleman Mike Ondrejko Jon Hoff man Senior Vice President President, Global Sales Campus Planner, Project Manager Director of Sports + Recrea on + Entertainment Mike Behan Tom Rogers Chris Devolder Vice President, Global Sales Landscape Architect Vice President and Sustainable Design Leader for Jay Lenhardt Bill Patek Sports + Recrea on + Entertainment Principle, CSL Landscape Architect Jeff Schaub Senior Project Designer Paul Joran Senior Design Professional WHITEFISH Phil Perkins Design Professional Alan Fish Partner Hannah Grammon Design Professional SECTION / 01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON | ATHLETIC FACILITIES MASTER15 PLAN 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROCESS INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES SUMMARY OF PROCESS This Athle cs Facili es Master Plan builds on the framework estab- The Athle c Facili es Master Plan consultant team was tasked with Star ng in October 2015, the master plan consultant team was provid- lished by both the 2007 Athle c Facili es Master Plan and the 2015 addressing the needs for each of the 23 varsity sport teams. More- ed with a tour of all Athle cs managed and u lized facili es, prac ce Campus Master Plan which addresses the overall organiza on of the over, the consultant team was challenged to cra a vision well be- areas and fi elds. In addi on, informa on was provided regarding on- campus and its systems. This Athle cs Facili es Master Plan docu- yond facili es and consider the organiza onal structure of the en re going design and/or construc on projects developed by other archi- ments the following: department. To best illustrate the proposed recommenda ons, this tects and contractors. • Planning process document provides conceptual plans and diagrams for all suggested facility updates and improvements. Changes to venues and fi elds are A series of face-to-face interviews were conducted with nearly 60 Ath- • Key issues iden fi ed through engagement with University stake- listed in the wri en por on of each venue chapter. le cs coaches; administrators, including Athle c Director Barry Alvrez holders and his Execu ve Staff ; department heads and staff members. The informa on gathered through these interviews has been included in • Program needs for each Wisconsin Athle cs sport this document in Sec on 4, Appendix A. A detailed assessment of each • Strategies for long-term program accommoda on athle c building has been conducted so that short, medium, and long- term improvements can be priori zed (See appendix b). Throughout the 12-month process the suggested improvements and changes have To insure UW student-athletes are supported and challenged and Wis- been shared with the Division of Facili es Planning & Management. consin fans, students and alumni enjoy the greatest game day expe- riences, the University of Wisconsin Athle c Department manages a The Athle c Facili es Master Planning process consisted of the follow- mul -year vision for the University’s athle c facili es. The Master Plan ing phases of work: addresses possible areas of improvement for all 23 varsity sport teams and ensures the highest quality facili es consistent with department • Informa on gathering and research - Exis ng facility survey and values which promote academic and athle c excellence, personal analysis growth, and social responsibility. • Peer review In addi on to enhancements for all athle c venues and fi elds, the Ath- le cs Facili es Master Plan serves as a complement to the University • Design explora on and collabora on of Wisconsin Campus Master Plan. It echoes the University’s commit- • Master Plan refi nement and recommenda ons ments to leverage its unique se ng, preserve open spaces and main- tain a pedestrian and bicycle-friendly campus. The en re process revolved around regular touch points with the Core Group, Senior Athle cs Staff and other prominent cons tuents The University of Wisconsin-Madison and the UW Athle c Depart- ment recognize the importance of working with our adjacent neigh- The University also shared a dra of the Athle c Facili es Master Plan bors in any development project on campus. As recommenda ons with the on-campus shared governance Campus Planning Commi ee from this Athle c Facili es Master Plan are implemented, the univer- and the Athle c Board, along with the two UW-City Joint Campus Area sity and the Athle c Department will con nue close coordina on with Commi ees (Joint West and Joint Southeast), and the Regent Neigh- the local neighborhood associa ons to minimize impact to the resi- borhood Associa on Board for their input and comments. dents around the campus. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON | ATHLETIC FACILITIES MASTER PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ATHLETIC FACILITIES MAP UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON | ATHLETIC FACILITIES MASTER17 PLAN 17 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMPREHENSIVE BUILDING ASSESSMENT Before looking towards the future, FIELDHOUSE and inventory of the current condi- UW ATHLETICS on of all athle c facili es was a crit- CAPITAL INVESTMENT SUMMARY-2016 FUTURE REPAIRS - ical component to the master plan. GOOD TRADE/ITEM HIGH PRIORITY BUDGET 3 TO 10 COMMENTS/DESCRIPTION CONDITION This assessment set a baseline and YEARS holis c view of the state of the UW Fieldhouse- Built 1928, Partial Remodel 1980, 2003, 2016 facili es and helps provide frame- PLUMBING Grease Inteceptor None - concession stands do not have grease operations work for future capital investments. Domestic Water Heater None - water from stadium system Water softner None - soft water from stadium system The following components were ex- Drain Tile Ejector None - low water table amined for each facility: Sanitary Piping $50,000.00 Potiential issue with sanitary line in SW corner has drop in it. Storm Piping • Plumbing Hot/Recirc Water Piping Cold Water Piping Cold water from kellner hall system Faucets • Fire Protec on Sinks/Urinals/Toilets Volleyball new 2016, shares toilets with stadium Site Storm Drainage Water Fountains • HVAC (3) units, ADA FIRE PROTECTION Controls • Electrical Piping This is required based on the 1998 letter to Athletics noting that all internal spaces and storage areas would be sprinklered.
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