SITREP Central America - Mexico 4 November 2018 - 5 January 2020 ASSISTED VOLUNTARY RETURN PROGRAM IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return Program aims to achieve the IOM has provided Voluntary Return Assistance to 2,131 people, 107 of voluntary, orderly and humane return of migrants who can not or which are unaccompanied migrant children and adolescents, and 338 are do not want to stay in their countries of transit or destination and accompanied migrant children and adolescents. wish to return voluntarily to their country of origin. In addition, since July 1 2019, IOM has opened the Voluntary Return Program Since November 4, 2018, IOM has provided Voluntary Return for those who desist or withdraw from the United States' "Migrant Protection Assistance in Mexico City, Tapachula, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Protocols (MMP)" process. In Mexico, specifically in Ciudad Juárez, Tijuana Monterrey, San Luis Potosi, Piedras Negras, Celaya, Matamoros and Matamoros, IOM has registered 1,360 Assisted Voluntary Return cases, Saltillo, Guadalajara and Guanajuato in Mexico, and Tecun Uman of which 636 involved accompanied minors. However, operations in the in Guatemala, to those migrants who migrated in organized north of the country (Mexicali, Nuevo Laredo, San Luis Río Colorado and massive groups (also known as caravans). At January 5, 2020, Nogales) are increasing, to date without any assisted return made. SUMMARY CHART Unaccompanied Accompanied Returns since Program Adults children children 30 December, 2019 Total Assisted Voluntary Return program in Mexico and 1,686 107 338 2 2,131 Guatemala In MPP 724 0 636 0 1,360 To t a l 2,410 107 974 2 3,491 RETURNS BY MONTH 600 500 487 400 385 385 300 266 215 211 194 193 200 176 136 144 102 91 80 81 100 78 82 64 37 29 0 NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 AVR MPP OPERATING LOCATIONS Tijuana Mexicali Juarez city San Luis Río Nogales Colorado Piedras Negras Nuevo Laredo Monterrey Matamoros Saltillo San Luis Potosi Guanajuato Guadalajara Celaya Mexico city Tlaxcala Puebla MMapap LegendLegend RRegistrationegister Poi npointt AVR Tapachula RRegistrationegister Poi npointt AVR AVR-MPP-MPP Tecún Úman SStartingtarting OperationsOperations underunder AVR-MPPAVR-MPP Inactive point 1 SITREP | Central America - Mexico | IOM Assisted Voluntary Return 4 November 2018 - 5 January 2020 ASSISTED VOLUNTARY RETURN PROGRAM IN MEXICO AND GUATEMALA En México, la gran mayoría de los casos se registran en la Ciudad En el caso de Guatemala, el Programa de Retorno Voluntario de México (42%) y en Tapachula (29%). El resto de los casos están ha operado desde la frontera con México en Tecún Umán por vía registrados en Tijuana (17%), Ciudad Juárez (5%), Monterrey (3%), terrestre solamente. El 84% de las personas migrantes registradas en Piedras Negras (1%), Guanajuato (1%), San Luis Potosí, Mexicali, Guatemala retornaron a Honduras y un 16% a El Salvador. Matamoros, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Celaya, Guadalajara y Saltillo (<1%). En cuanto a medios de transporte, el 81% de las personas han sido retornadas Todos los niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes no acompañados por medio de transporte terrestre, el 7% por medio de transporte aéreo registrados en México han sido beneficiados de un retorno voluntario (niños, niñas y adolescentes migrantes no acompañados) y el 12% ha utilizado asistido por vía aérea, debido a su alto estado de vulnerabilidad. de manera alterna la vía aérea y terrestre para efectuar su retorno asistido. TRANSPORTATION MODE Total voluntary Unaccompanied return assistances minors1 2,131 107 81% 12% 7% Ground Air/Ground Air 1Already included in the total voluntary return assistance. Tijuana Mexicali Juarez city 1 <1% Piedras Negras 66 217 5% 17 17% 1% Monterrey Matamoros Saltillo 37 2 3% 5 <1% <1% San Luis Potosí Guanajuato 10 1% Celaya 11 Guadalajara 1% 2 10 1 Tlaxcala <1% <1% <1% 1 Mexico city <1% 385 Puebla Map Legend 29% Registration point 547 Guatemala People assisted from the point of registration 42% Honduras Destination of the assisted people Tapachula El Salvador Returns from Mexico: 1,316 Nicaragua Mexico Guatemala Guatemala 86 7% 976 74% 686 Tecún Úman 84% 251 Honduras 19% 129 Honduras 16% 2 El Salvador <1% Nicaragua El Salvador Close-up of Returns from Mexico Returns from Guatemala: 815 2 SITREP | Central America - Mexico | IOM Assisted Voluntary Return 4 November 2018 - 5 January 2020 PROFILE OF ASSISTED PEOPLE NATIONALITIES Honduras El Salvador Guatemala Nicaragua Mexico 78% 18% 4% <1% <1% Most of the people who have been assisted are of Honduran (78%) or Salvadoran nationality (18%). Of these migrants, 76 per cent of migrants are men and 24 per cent are women, 77 per cent are concentrated between 18 and 45 years of age. EDUCATION GENDER AND AGE 76% 24% Primary school 55% High school 26% No education 14% Male Female Technical education 5% <1% 65 + <1% 1% 56 - 65 <1% At the time of their voluntary return, most migrants had an irregular migration status (86%) of which 64 per cent were located in Mexico 4% 46 - 55 1% and 36 per cent in Guatemala. The predominant educational level is primary level (54%), comprised 12% 36 - 45 3% 21 per cent women and 79 per cent men. At the secondary level (27%), 22 per cent are women and 78 per cent are men. Fourteen 19% 26 - 35 5% per cent has no education, 62 per cent of them are children under 5 years of age, while 38 per cent are adults who did not have access 27% 18 - 25 7% to basic education (16% women, 84% men). In addition, the agricultural sector is the area in which most 7% 13 - 17 2% people have worked in their countries of origin (25%), followed by construction sector (17%) and various occupations (16%). The 6% 0 - 13 6% various occupations include activities related to tourism, mechanics, safety, forestry, mining, among others, are mentioned. In the agricultural sector, those with primary education (67%) MIGRATION STATUS are followed by secondary education (18%). In the construction sector, people mainly have primary education (60%) and secondary Regular 14% education (24%). In the various occupations sector people mainly have primary education (46%) and secondary education (39%). Irregular 86% OCCUPATION SECTOR 25% 17% 17% 11% Agriculture, livestock, Construction Various Commerce forestry, hunting occupations and fishing X 10% 8% 6% 6% Students Unpaid Transportation Manufacturing domestic services and industry 3 SITREP | Central America - Mexico | IOM Assisted Voluntary Return 4 November 2018 - 5 January 2020 REASONS FOR MIGRATING Better conditions In the following graph, three categories are used to summarize the main reasons for migration. 75% The need for improving their living conditions has been identified as the main reason for the mobilization of these migrants, as many of 4% 8% them referred to conditions of unemployment and inequality in their 1% countries of origin. Family Violence and Secondly, violence and insecurity is another important cause for reunification insecurity migration; many of them mentioned being threatened by gang 1% members. Finally, some people specified that their reason for 5% 6% migrating is their desire to find relatives in the destination country. CHALLENGES FACED IN TRANSIT RELATIONSHIP WITH THOSE WHO TRAVEL AND REASONS FOR RETURNING From the total of migrants who reported having faced related 3% insecurity situations during their journey, abuse and violence were the most common challenges reported: Friends 58% 39% Family Alone 22% 21% 17% 11% 8% Violence Abuse Treat Tricks Fraud The following chart shows the kinship among the migrants. The data shows that most migrants are travelling with first-degree relatives, meaning parents, siblings and children (39%), followed by migrants that are travelling alone (58%), and a smaller percentage of migrants 6% 6% 3% 3% 3% (3%) who reported to be traveling with friends or acquaintances. Kidnapping Coercion Other Thefts Exploitation Of migrants travelling with family members, 31 per cent are minors between 0 and17 years of age, and 22 per cent are under 13 years of age. Seven per cent of surveyed migrants in Mexico had already requested or started an application for the regularization of their HEALTH CONDITION migratory status. However, all of them decided to return to their country of origin and reported the following reasons for leaving Mexico: (36%) abandonment of the application, (19%) scarcity of Lack of medication financial resources, (17%) family reunification, (12%) problems 1% with third parties, (7%) Sick relative, (7%) identity document stolen, (1%) process denied, and (1%) homelessness ². Limb injuries 2% Muscle disorders 2% INTENTIONS IN THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Unspecified 2% Infection/s 3% Fatigue 3% Respiratory diseases 13% 59% 19% 12% 9% 1% Healthy 74% Working Reunite Return Study Healthcare with family to home The majority of migrants self-identified as healthy, however, at the time of the screening process it was revealed that approximately 15 per cent suffered from respiratory diseases, as well as from infections and affectations in muscles and extremities. The survey allowed IOM staff to assess that migrants had suffered from specific health conditions during the journey, such as anxiety, nervousness, dehydration and burns. 2 Considering that data has been collected starting from March 2019, the representativeness of the following information is equal to 27% of the total amount of registered returns. 4 SITREP | Central America - Mexico | IOM Assisted Voluntary Return 4 November 2018 - 5 January 2020 MIGRANTS WHO WITHDREW FROM THE “MIGRANT PROTECTION PROTOCOLS (MPP)” OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The Assisted Voluntary Return Program implemented in the northern of component of the program is to provide participants with reliable information Mexico, aims at advising and assisting migrants who desist from adhering on the consequences of abandoning the MPP related process and to refer to the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) of the United States.
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