An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership Utiui Dttir. Uimitr IkmiM Tri«»». win** u Stem* Clut ItttUf RED BANK. N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1960 7c PER COPY **oi<i£ VOLUME 82, NO. 125 •I U» fM OtfiM ittri Buk. K. J.. uadtr Ite Att al Muck *, Itn. Cardinal Contest County Ready inac To Match Bid Set ZACRED, Yugoslavia (AP) - The body of Alojiija Cardinal Candidates Stepinac lay in atatc today in For Park Site the little pariah church of Kru Demos ic, denied burial in hit cathedral To Petition;: RED BANK - Joseph C, Irwin, at Zagreb. ' director of the county Board of Yugoslavia'* Communist govera- Map, County Court Freenoiden, yesterday uid theDemocratic ment refuse1 d permission for the county "Is prepared to purchase" cardinal's body to' be moved to the 24-acre tract in Wall Town- Zagreb, seat of his archdiocese. KEYPORT - A petition ahlp owned by the New Jersey Split Looms Krasic, his native village, was Fray will be filed in County Highway Authority, where the Communist* kept him confined as a paroled prisoner. NEW SHREWSBURY - Look Court asking that Tuag- The parcel wu one of 11 of-In Freehold The funeral will be held Sat- day's school election here fered for sale yesterday by the : for a sliding Democratic prim' authority. FREEHOLD - A maverick urday. ' •; ' •. I ary here in April. All signs be declared null and void. Democratic,party appears to be •• Park tile ', • '' i Cardinal Stepuac, 11-year-old point that way. It will be filed en behalf-of a in the making here to cliallenge spiritual leader of YugoaUvia'sL alx-candidate slate which lost.mt. Mr. Irwin announced last week the leadership of party leader]seven million' Roman Catholics, Robert L. Davidson. 14 River- that the county wants to take died at. 1 p: m. yesterday after edge Rd.. director of the Newelection, Mrs. Norman J. Carrie, the Wall Township land for useHarry Sagotsky. spokesman for the group inform- This speculation followed a par- five years of Communist Iraprls- Shrewsbury Industrial Congress as a county park. and, in 1$M, a man favored by ed The Register last nlghtTr ••", High bidder for the 24-acre * me?wu1denled on?ftSS collaboration with me NuU and COURTY1YOUN* PARMBt-George Rue, Imfaysto'wn. right, receives plaque aa many to run for council" »s a Mrs. Currie, one of the aV tract was Stephen B. Grossman, Monmouth County's outstanding Young Farmer at Freehold Junior Chamber of Republican, lut night put a feated candidates^ is the wifsTat Deal Park, Ocean Township, who c^^man -;^"?$.«*»AST' Commarea dinner lair night in the American, Hotel, Freehold, from Anthony Smith, Dmofrtt!" hit firmly on his Mayor Norman J. Currie, aaat- offered $15,035. Under the law, Church authorities laid an au- head in deciding to make the torney. •'•»-: a municipality or governing body When asked about the postops- y showed die cause of death Joycee president. George Siver, Jr., county 4-H Club agent, chairmen of Jeycaes i960 race. She cited three counta on which receives priority for a parcel be- sibility Mr. Sagotsky said. "It the slate will contend the elec- waa a lung embolus, or blood award committee, is in center. Francis L. Casper, MM ing sold by the Highway Author- looks, if they are going to form clot, coupled with a weak heart. tion wu iUegal. > ' -- ity If it matches the highest bid. a new club, u it the dub is Sycamore Ave., secretary of The cardinal's personal physic- the Plaaatag Beard, eke sali I.That the candidates were not Mr. Irwin said the freeholders being organized with Republican ian said the prelate waa in good ':. Today . .. notified prior to the election, as anticipated the $15,000 bid u the backing." a reporter he wu geasg as Jsas required in state law, of >me price tag for the properly. In Washliigton Plan SI9,000Project printed form of the ballot and The authority received high and women's clubs voted Both men uld they would run thereby deprived of their right bids totaling $37,081 for the 11 to endorae Councilman DeWftt In New York, Francla Cardinal By faeAssseisM Prase on the organisation ticket beaded to inspect the ballot prior to me parcela it offered for public sale. Lott in this year's primary, and SpllSpellmam n uyy s be will offer al ' treaxienc - sttsennowcr ' npius by Mayor Karl K. Baron, who elecUon. withheld support of Democratic' At Municipal Beach will be out for second-term ho This was the first public sale mass FebFb . 21 fof r ththe latlt e cardln-dl lnews conference. NeSseclsg of lands in Monmouth County by ir^inted_Coundl«an Frank;£.],, to . Y., high Weeden. The chib unanimously N SENATE ors. 2. That the ballot was prtated the authority. - • school named by the New York Already in the field fa Lea without Wank apacea between the voted to support Democratic archdiocese tor the Yugoslav pre- Considers minor tegtslstlon. Middletown Proposes Bond Sale Laads Net Needed Councilman Michael Merola. Hodax. M Glenwood Dr.. whocandidate groupings, u required The lands were deemed no late. Appropriations Subcommittees made a strong lt failing bid forby state law. longer necessary for use by the The archdiocese was proud, hear witnesses on annual money For Ideal Beach Bathhouse council in 19». With the other The slste contends that ac- authority. Mr. Weeden wu appointed to Cardinal Spettman aaid, to" have bills for Interior and Labor De- two men bracketed with Mayor cording to the statutes there must In addition to his high bid onthe council in January to take "raised a living monument" to partments. MIDDLETOWN- An ordinance! Baron, Mr. Hodax will have to be the same number of blank the 24-acre Wall Township Prop- the place of Mr. Sagotsky, who a man who became "a symbol Foreign Relations Committee paving the way for the construc- of resistance to dieUtorshlp." carry out something of a U spaces between the term cate- erty, Mr, Grossman wu high bid- resigned. At the Tuesday meet- bears witnesses on impact of Heart Attack tion of a $»,0W bathhouse a eagle stud, u time moves gories as the number of board der on six other parcels offered ing, Mr. Weeden waa asked Pope John XXIII offered his world-wide economic problems Ideal Beach, East Keansburg, toward the primary. But Mr. Ho- daily maw today tor Cardinal on international relations. wu introduced by the Townshl; posts to be filled in a given .cate- by the Authority, which operates whether he would support a "cap- T dax already hu shown voters gory, to prevent confusion as in the Garden State Parkway. able resident Democratic" bor- ,StepJnae. , . Commerce Aviation Subcom* Is Fatal To Committee last night. Pope John aaid the mass In Usmittee continues hearing on pro- here that he's a scrapper. which candidates are running for A spokesman for the authority ough attorney in preference to The measure authoriies the sali Beyead that, word wu ks the various' terms. said the agency has 30 daya in a "Republican„ non-resident* private chapel. Only a few mem- government backing of $11,000 la bonds to finance bers of Us Vatican household at- new air cargo fleet Truck Driver epea elrttdatlea bare last stab! There were twelve candidates which to accept or reject the Support wu withheld until he the project tut mesa fear win aet be the In the local election, six of whom bids. states, his position on the mat-tended. HOUSE OCEAN TOWNSHIP - William The township already has ap- ter. Another mass for the Yugoslav E. Gerwer, 47. of Seventh St, easy Demacrata tryiag far s vied for three three-year terms, There were a total of 3D bid- Meets for routine session. propriated $1,000 In the proposed (See ELECTION, Pg. »•'*• ders. Two were rejected and one Mayor Barton Callahan stated primate was offered in St. Pe- Belford, suffered a fatal heart budget to swe,.as a down! pay (See DEMOS. Pg. 3) ter's baallice by Eugene Cardinal Commerce .Committee con- attack yesterday while driving : was withdrawn. The remaining at the meeting that it might tinues heariaas on regulation of ment on the, project";;. .;:,,:,.: 35 wen held for study. - Tisserant, dean of the College of a truck on Sunset ave. The munldpal:pesch Jsoperat' 1 be a good idea if a new Dem' leaser additives in foodstuffs. tt Acres ocratic party were formed in]Cardinals. As he slumped over the wheel, ed by the Recitation Commis- Mr. Grossman, a partner, in anthe borough, the truck' went out of control sion. The building would be a Borough Supervisor Aibury Park accounting firm, of- Political observm predict that and jumped a curb and came siagle-story.ctader block strue- fered a total of W.M5 on seven if a new ehib .(a formed it will » a halt on the Iswa at 1303 If w«H house comfort tracta totaling about 63 acres. •round " Chamber Confident Sunset Ave. stations and places to change • Tile' other high. >blddera,' blda Or,»Dc«aid Borne, who lives Post to be Created and Coundlmen othes.-.;:..; ;•'' • ,, . ..:.';..*•• in fte SMigbborhood, pronounced and ioalioaa are: and Carl M, Vandervoer. Refreshment facilities also ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Mr. Grostman, $| J7S, lor a tri- when the Of Borough's Futurea*^astw>;aeed.K.O •:—-' ^ will be provided. Officials slid The post of borough supervisor angular tract of I.I acres ap- Democratic ehibe endorsed Mr. Mr. Gerwer wu drivingi truck the refreshmiwt concession prob- weuM be created under terms proxirrlatelyW feet north of Lo-Sagotsky for borough 'attorney, for the Mallard Trucking Co.. ably would be, leased by the Juror Says of, u 'ordinance introduced by cust Grove Rd., New Shrews- RED BANK-Directors of the resolution would indicate therel Jersey City.
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