The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1981-1990 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 11-18-1983 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1983-11-18 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1983-11-18" (1983). The Voice: 1981-1990. 72. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1981-1990/72 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1981-1990 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE VOICE VOLUME C WOOSTER. OHIO. FRIDAY. NOVEUBER It. ItSS NUXXCZH 19 Voice Year America's Oldest Weetly College Newspaper, Founded On November 13, 1C23, Celebrates Anniversary Prof Resigns; Russian Dept. Questionable Ichabod's 41 m : : By ' . -- ... Emily Drags "fc-.-.."--- . ..-- j mimmH,BW ' wl i. nmyi .i !.' .. Last week. Professor Joel Wilkin- Campaign son. Chairman of the Russian Studies Department, announced his $2800 resignation effective December 31. Gets non-teachi- ng "He accepted a posi- . J anew ..tt-- t lilltZl'i .' Jtll Ml '. tion .at another association" com- mented Don Harvard, Vice Presi- " r-- L-- " I. v,Jt.-4-. ,l.IlilIWair.iSeS wiai)iw dent of Academic Affairs. This By Dob Sandfbrd occurrence has only furthered the Ichabod's was the site last week- debate that Is In progress as to the end of The College's first-ev- er 24 role Russian Studies should play in hour dance marathon. The mara- -- the curriculum at Wooster. Profes- . - ' :"1 wii.tn AT t rrV-i- jit' thon was part of a College-wid- e t 4. MVbtM zzzz p..i: r tr.rj, i f sor of history Dan Calhoun, an avid cooperative to raise money ora. win. m m jp w "-- n . supporter of the program, effort I has A TUK Vr . I illi : for the purhcase of a ventilation Ii,. M . ? . 1b moved that the faculty should rec- .'" ! - aat tin -- "ir system in Ichabod's. CwCTJi. tfctw k ft mrTirrr ommend the dissolving of Russian The idea was originally proposed Studies. This was done in an effort last spring by Hal Closson, the to provoke response to the issue. Director of Lowry Center. He saw. According to Harvard, "We are it as a feasible way for the students getting In contact with people who and the College community to work --win be able to fin the spot" The together for a common goal. This students are "upset he Is leaving, fall, a committee of students was but understand his Justifications for the move.. Freshman Stein put together and they began to . jam jrfiT v n..4jiMKL - Laura work out the details for the mara- aitSx jxr sUted'Kussian is a diZkult lan- thon. The first issue of The Voice.' printed November 13. 1883. See story on page 4. Photograph by Ifarc lCmer. guage to learn and I hope the next By November 11. 43 students professor will be as competent aa were signed up and ready to test Windnsm. Dean of Faculty. Vivi- their endurance. The dancing start- and eager to work with a computer an Hbliiday. stressedThe CoSe? e ed at 4:00 p.m. last Friday and 24 terminal when It comes to career Is doing everything possible to L3 hours later, an amazing 20 dancers Case Revamps planning. the position by second semester. were still dancing. These 43 people CPPS Is looking at the System We are sifting through those appli- were able to raise 31.225 through Interactive Guidance and Informa- cants who are Interested and qualif- 88 sponsors, who pledged a certain tion (SIGI) designed by the Educa- ied.- - ,.. ' Career Placement Dis- amount for each hour danced. tional Testing Service and the . The Educational Policy Commit- by It was not only the students and By DouglasChSeott cover Program the American tee has approved the maintenance their sponsors that made this week- College Testing Program. of elementary Russian and some end successful It was also people What are you doing after gradua dents' interviewing skills. Viewing Both programs will be available comparative literature courses like Howard Raber, the Director of tion? This, which torments every a videotape of his own mock inter- on campus In the near future. without maintaining an independ- Food Service, who allowed the dan- student at some point in their view, a student ean pick out his During this trial period, students ent unitythe Russian Studies De- cers to be served meals at the college career, is being confronted weaknesses and strengths. The val- will have the opportunity to try out partment. Commented - HolU marathon. People like Lee Culp, by the Career Planning and Place- ue of this visual critique would the ' programs for themselves. A day."With less than a full-tim- e the College's Registrar, who al- ment Service (CPPS). surely be felt in the student's ac- Continued on Page 3 on Page 18 lowed all dancers and workers to Jim Case, new director of CPPS. tual employment interviews. have a runner go through registra- brings a strong background in ca- Use of taped typical interviews tion for them. Ed Runser was reer planning : to Wooster. Com- would give students additional in- particularly generous, donating menting on the role of CPPS Case formation about the true nature of $100 worth of buttons. And there states, "Traditionally, the student's an interview. The goal of these Peto Concerned With .was President Copeland, whose view of CPPS has been Just a place tapes is. once again, to increase 1500 worth of assistance can hardly to help find a Job after graduation students' effectiveness in the inter- go unnoticed. When that is added to or help in placement into graduate view setting. - the 8400 from the "Cage Rats" schools. " ' ' - CPPS is also channeling some of Threat Of Measles (former Wooster students who orig- "We still want to concentrate on this innovative energy into commu- inally built Ichabod's). and the $875 these employment related areas, nication with the employment com- - By Tom Hetriek -- the "Auction for Coolness raised but feel the need to expand into munity. Case points out. that al- After an outbreak of measles at ed before 12 months of age or from expan- Informed 7. (an SGA undertaking headed by other areas as well" These though The College has other lfidwestern universities last 1883-188- it is possible that the Dan Green), the total comes to sionary goals include a : general students of-th-e importance of a year. The College Is taking preven- Immunisation was not totally effec- ' -. 82.800. With this money, the stu- - revamping of the center in terms of liberal arts education at Wooster. tive' steps to assure this does not tive. - - - ;- - - . done to notify dents can probably , look forward to literature and equipment. more could be the happen at Wooster in the. near The Student Health Service is a ventilation system in Ichabod's CPPS is hoping to obtain audio employment world of the rigorous future. now asking for the help of students this year. visual equipment; to enhance stu- - Wooster Independent Study and its Randolph Peto, Director of The to obtain the exact medical records other educational merits. This idea Student Health Service, is spear- dealing with immunization. Peto is already in the works, as papers heading a state-wid- e effort to keep explained that The College "has not and pamphlets are being prepared the illness from slowing down stu- acquired adequate medleal for their future circulation to the in coming months. ANDRKWS LIBRARY HOURS FOR THANKSGIVING BRXAK: dents the records' for most students. This is employment community. Peto explained that the recent because students, in most cases, Wednesday, November 23, 8 a.m.-- 5 p.m. Hoping to tap into, the recent concerns over measles Is due to the Thursday, 24, CLOSED filled out the medical forms Incom- November computer erase, CPPS is exploring time period in which the present pletely when entering Friday. 25, 8 a.m.-- 5 p.m. as freshmen. November the possibility of obtaining a com- age group of students was vaccinat- To provide information, Saturday, November 28. 8 a.m.-- 5 p.m. the the puter base program in career and ed, and the inadequate medical ? 1-- health service only needs each Sunday. November 27, 10 p.m. life planning. Career advisors are records available on campus. Peto student to fhid the month, day, and finding are willing that students said that if a student was vaccinat . v.:;;.QD8tftaaid on Page 12 . Pfe2 THE WOOSTER VOICE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER IS. 1S33 The Spoilage Of Marlboro Country to As early as 1604 James I spoke of "a custome lothsome Ns irriQV I the eye. hateful to the Nose, harmefull to the braine, lib Arst. 'dangerous to the Lungs, and in the black stinking fume tht thereof, neerest the horible Stigian smoak of the pit that is IWADIM6 bottomelesse." IfACER IS Mi . Dear King James is long dead and buried, but unfortun- ately the vile action of which he spoke is alive and well. No. adultery does not make your eyes water and your, throat burn. That' of which we speak is the insertion of a small, primitive object into the oral cavity, the aggressive inhaling of its contents, and the cool, prolonged discharge of tar and nicotine (often very comical), which ultimately produces the slow decimation of the huraan anatomy everyone's.
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