OCTOBER,1927 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 477 Ocean gales and storn~s,October, 1927-Continued - Voyage Position Rt time of Direc- Direction Direc- I lowest bnrometer Low- tion of and force tion of - I Gale est wind of wind wind Vessel ended ba- when at time of when Latitude rom- gde lowest gal e rpmm- To- Longitud eter began barometer ended I-- - __ __ NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN-Continued I 01 Inchea Steel Mariner, Am. S. S-- Kobe_____.__ Port Town- 1 4; 4N. 172 15 W 25 ______ Noon. 30. 29.09 ENE-. NNE.-.-. WNW N., 9______ NE.-N. send. Columbia Maru, Jap. Yokohama.. Benttle _______ 42 20 N. 158 21 E. 27 _.____Ra., 29 _.._ 29.4s NW..- NNE ...-. NNW NNE., 8.. 1 pt. 8. 8. I 1 MayebRshi Maru, Jap. _____do.___.__ San Francisco' 46 03 N. 146 53 M' 29 ______ 5p., 31 ___. 29.45 E--.-- sw.,i.... W----- 8E ., 8.-... 8W.-WSW. 8. 8. ! SOUTH PACIFIC OCEAN Sonoma, Am. 8. 6 .______Ban Francisc Bvdney ......1 30 3 8. 158 a2 E. 29. io SSW SSW.. 13.. S.----- HPW.. IL- steady. Sen Nazario, Br. 6.S ____ Buenos Aires Sin Pedro ....I 52 28 8. 70 10 W 29.48 NW ... WNW., 9 W..... WN W ., 10 WNW .-SW. SOUTH ATLANTIC OCEAN San Nazario, Br. 6. 6 ___.Buenos .\ires San Pedro .... 4i 00 8. 63 55 w 7 ____._.II3..8...__ 20.39 WNW---. WNW N.,8______ -______I NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN ward-that the American Steamer President Jefferson,in 50' N.,176' 25! E., reported a pressure reading of 28.Q7 By WILLISE. HWRD inches, which was the lowest for the month in connection with an extratropical storm. Strong wintry conditions visited the upper latitudes of Cyclonic offshots from the LOW in the gulf entered the the North Pacific Ocean in October, 1927. Snow and American Continent on the 6th, 8th) 12th) 16th) lSth, hail squalls occurred over the lower waters of the Gulf 20th, 23d, and 28th. of Alaska on the 14th and 15th, and exceptionally stormy Owing to the considerable cyclonic activity in middle weather prevailed north of the 40th parallel during a full and higher latitudes, the North Pacific HIGH was well third of the month. A glance at the "Gale and storm developed only during the first few days and a part of report" will show that heavy weather in the Temperate the last decade of the month, being pushed to the south- Zone began in earnest about the Sth, rose to a peak on tlie eastward and partly disintegrated during much of tme 19th to 21st, then declined somewhat until the 2Gtzh, intervening time. From the 24th to the 27th it waB after which, except for an isolated tropical gale, the ocean pushed hack from the California coast by an intruding experienced comparative quiet. Froni the 14th to the offshoot of the northern cyclone which had forced its 21st, and on the 26th, full storm to hurricane winds were way soutliward. The offshoot, however, became die encountered over great arep.s between the 135th meridian connected from the parent LOW, although it developed of west longitude and the 160th meridian east. On the sufficiently to cause gales of inaximum force 10 along 20th and 21st, the days of most widespread storm violence, the eastern half of the San Francisco-Honolulu route the gale-swept region stretched south of the Aleutian 011 t8he25th and 26th. Islands for a latitudinal width of more than 500 miles, Pressure data for several island and coast stations in between longitudes 155' W. and 170' E. In addition, west 1ongit.udes are given in the following table: on the 3d and 29th) hurricane velocities from typhoons were elsewhere experienced. Thus, in all, winds in TABLE1 .-Averages, departures, and eztremes oj atmospheric excess of force 10 me known to have occurred on 11 pressure uf sea level at indicated hours, North Pacijic Ocean, October, days this month on the open waters of the Pacific. Gales 199'7 of force 8 to 10 were further experienced by vessels sonie- - where the ocean on most other dates, escept the 4th in Depart- to the 7th, which was a period of quiet. Average ure Stations pressure from Highest Date Lowest Date Btwo;nletric pressures on the avernge were not abnor- normal mally low for the month except in the Gulf of Alaska, l- - where the principal concentration of the Aleutian cyclone Inrhts Inch Inrhce lay, with minor fluctuations, from the 6th until the 28th. Dutch Harbor 1 * ._______.29.70 +o. 01 30.42 m. St. Paul '..-__..____ ..~_._ 29.71 +o. 05 30.19 7th. The mean pressure at Icodiak, the center of the disturb- Kodiali 1 2 ___________.____29.39 -0. a0 30.36 14th. ance, 29.39 inches, which is 0.20 inch below the hlidway 1 2- _____________~ 29.95 -a 10 30.22 Pth. was nonolulu a---- - - - __ - - __ - 30.03 4-0.03 30.15 kit. normal. The lowest daily reading here WRS 28.14 inches, Juneau'_._____._________~ 29.68 -0.18 30.24 16th. Tatoosh Island * 4 __.._____29.97 -0. (JF, 30.35 16th. on the 14th)on which date and the one following occurred San Francisco 8 4__________ 29.07 -0. a3 30.15 sm. the strongest gales in the gulf. On the 16th and 17th a Pan Diogo 8 4- - ___________ 29.93 0.00 30.10 31st. center secondary to the niain LOW fornied near to - 40' 1 For 30 days. 9 P. IU.observations only. 8 A. m. and p. m. observations. 45' N., 135' to 140' W., and on both dates this position 4 Corrected to ?&hour mean. 8 On otber dates. was near the scene of wind forces rising to 11 and 12. On the 18th to 21st ressures, in addition to being low Several typhoons occurred in the Far East during over the Alaskan GuP f, were very low far to the west- October. These are discussed in the immediately follow- ward, where an intense cyclone had deTeloped and was ing article by Rev. Jose Coronas, of the Philippine traveling eastward toward tlie pririiary storm center. Weather Bureau, and it is necessary to supplement his It was on the 10th, in the niidst of the violent gales of report by only a few additional facts. The "first Pacific this storiii--then definitely joining the LOW to the east- typhoon," noted as moving E. by N. on October 1, Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:14 AM UTC 478 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW OCTOBER,1927 seems to have attained great violence on the 2d and 3d. The approximate position of the center at 6 a. m. of The Japanese steamer Shinyo Maru encountered a the 2d to 5th was as follows: southwest wind, force 12, lowest pressure 29.26 inches, October 2, 6 a. m., 140' 10' longitude E. 10' 45' latitude N. in connection with this storm on the early morning of October 3, 6 a. m., 135' 00' longitude E. 11' 00' latitude N. the 3d, in 33' N., 151' E., and reported receiving a October 4, 6 a. ni., 129' 30' longitude E. 11' 20' latitude N. typhoon warning which had been issued at 6 p. ni. of October 5, 6 a. m.,123' 30' longitude E., 11' 55' latitude N. the 2d by the Tokyo Observatory to the effect that the From the north of Capiz there was an inclination storm center was then located at 33' N., 154' E., lowest of the track to WNW., and the center passed near to pressure 27.95 inches. the north of Tourane, Indo-China, in the afternoon of Father Coronas notes the " third Pacific typhoon" as October 7. being north of the Bonins (Ogasawara) at noon of the Considerable damage was done by this storm in the 28th. Further information given by the American Provinces of Saniar, Masbate, Capiz, Iloilo, and Rom- steamer President Grant shows that the storm continued blon. Some small boats were wrecked to the north of to the eastward and on the 29th was blowing a northeast Clapiz with a good number of victims. hurricane in 30' N., 150' 42' E., lowest observed pressure, Typhoon of southern Luzon, October 9.-The first part 29.13 inches. of the track of this typhoon is at present rather indefinite One depression is noted on the Mexican weather maps owing to lack of observation from Yap, Western Caro- as appearing off the Mexican coast south of Acapulco lines. It would seem that it was formed on October 4 on the 19th and 20th. The wind circulation near 15' to 6 to the south of Guam near 145' lon itude E. and N., 100' to 105' W., was cyclonic, and the seas were 9' latitude N. It probably moved WNG, on the 6th, heavy and confused, but no gales were reported there 7th, and niorning of the 8th. In the afternoon it took by our observers. Strong northeast gales of the norther a decidedly westerly direction and touched the northern- type, however, occurred on the 18th in-the Gulf of Te- most coast of Camarines Norte in the morning of the huantepec, as well as northeast winds of force 7 on the 9th. At 3 p. 111. the center was situated over the coast 19th. of Luzon practically to the east of Manila, very near At Honolulu trade winds prevailed except on the 19th) Infanta, and passed close to the south of Manila at about when there was a mild kona.
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