CROATIA We’re at the Doorstep of the EU An Interview with His Excellency Ivo Sanader, Prime Minister, Republic of Croatia EDITORS’ NOTE After earning a Ph.D. in cumstances, today Croatia is associated negotiating structure. The state delegation comparative literature and Romance with the European Union and it is negotiat- is headed by the minister of foreign affairs languages from the University of Inns- ing EU accession. My country is rightfully and European integration, while the negoti- bruck (Austria), Ivo Sanader began a cited as a leader in Southeast Europe, serv- ating team is being led by the chief negotia- successful career in publishing, serving ing as an example to our neighboring coun- tor, who is a career diplomat. The team as program editor and subsequently edi- tries. We remain determined to continue to consists of 13 negotiators and 35 heads of tor-in-chief at the publishing house Logos play this important role in the future. working groups for each chapter of the in Split. He proceeded to serve as general Regarding the pace of the negotia- negotiations. More than 1,000 people will manager of the Croatian National The- tions and the target date for EU member- participate in the negotiating process as atre in Split, and entered politics in 1992, ship, I have stated on many occasions that members of working groups. With a view to when he was elected a member of parlia- substance is more important than speed. ensuring the transparency of the process, ment in Croatia’s House of Representa- However, I am sure that we will strive to and in order to achieve an educational tives. Among other prominent political conduct quick and quality negotiations. It impact, the working groups include, positions, Sanader has served as minister would be great if Croatian citizens could besides government experts, people from of science and technology, deputy minis- ter of foreign affairs, and chief of staff to the president. In 2000, he was elected president of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and was reelected to that position in April 2002. He became prime minister of the Republic of Croatia in December 2003. Croatia reached a major milestone in its bid for European Union member- ship when accession negotiations commenced on October 3, 2005. Since then, there has been increased speculation about when Croatia will join the EU. Has the government set a target date for EU membership? Croatia has carried out a decisive reform policy in recent years. One result of this policy was that, last year, the EU issued a very positive report on Croatia’s readiness for the accession process, and soon after- ward Croatia was granted candidate status for EU membership. With the opening of accession negotiations in October 2005, Croatia is now literally at the doorstep of Prime Minister Sanader with U.S. President George Bush at the White House in July 2005. Sanader was among the prime the EU, negotiating the conditions for full- ministers and leaders of parties in the International Democratic Union (IDU) who were received by Bush. fledged membership. This is indeed a great success, particularly if you recall that no participate in the next elections for the different segments of society, like other EU candidate has achieved so much European Parliament in June 2009. academia, trade unions, nongovernmental in such a short period of time. The negotiation process is ex- organizations, and the business sector. All these achievements carry addi- pected to be quite complex in many Furthermore, I have initiated an tional weight against the background of areas. How prepared is Croatia for “Alliance for Europe,” in which all parlia- Croatia’s recent history. While the other these negotiations? Does public and mentary parties are participating. This transition countries during the ’90s were political support in the country mir- means that all relevant Croatian political initiating huge reforms that opened the ror the government’s ambitious forces support EU membership as Croa- doors of the European Union for them, plans for EU membership? tia’s main strategic goal. This consensus Croatia was fighting a war and securing its Croatia started accession negotiations will prevent the EU negotiation process independence. Notwithstanding these cir- on October 3, 2005, with a fully prepared from becoming part of an internal political VOLUME 29, NUMBER 2 POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. LEADERS 139 fight. In line with this approach of shared fourth cycle of the Member Action Plan, a with the forces of the member countries. responsibility, the president of the main program designed to prepare aspirant Therefore, it is a privilege for Croatia opposition party is heading the Croatian countries for future membership in the to participate in the International Security parliament’s national committee, which alliance, convinced that we have entered Assistance Force [ISAF] in Afghanistan, will be monitoring the negotiating pro- an advanced and mature stage of relations where NATO is assisting the Afghan gov- cess. The final result is a considerable with NATO, and determined to be entirely ernment in bringing security and stability strengthening of Croatia’s negotiating prepared and ready to start accession to the country. Croatia seeks to provide a power, since the negotiating team repre- talks as soon as the alliance decides it is tangible contribution to the alliance. This sents the whole of Croatian society. prepared for further enlargement. Croatia is the rationale behind Croatia’s decision After negotiating and implementing very much wishes to see this happen to triple its military contingent in 2006, to the association agreement with the EU, sooner rather than later. a total of 150 troops. Currently, Croatian we started accession negotiations with Croatia bases its bid as a credible and troops are deployed in Kabul, while there both sides knowing each other quite well. capable future ally on its fulfillment of all is also a civilian component in the Ger- By regularly aligning our laws with those general political, economic, social, and man-led Provincial Reconstruction Team of the European Union, Croatia has security criteria, as well as on its contribu- in Feyzabad, in the north of the country. You recently met with President George W. Bush in Washington, DC. How would you categorize Croatia’s relationship with the United States and the Bush administration? The partnership between Croatia and the United States is excellent, and it is advancing in a number of areas of mutual interest. My meeting with President Bush was an important step forward in Croatia’s relations with the United States in many respects. I had an opportunity to outline Croatia’s enduring interests in contributing to the transatlantic community, notably by joining the European Union and NATO, and to stress Croatia’s desire to further deepen and expand the partnership with the United States. Personally, I am very encour- aged by President Bush’s remarks at the NATO summit in Brussels in February 2005, referring specifically to Croatia’s NATO agenda. Croatia shares with the United States the belief that a Europe whole, free, Prime Minister Sanader meets with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in Santa Monica in July 2005 for talks about cooperation between Croatia and California. already achieved a high level of legal har- monization with the European Union. Considerable work is still in front of us, but we approach this with optimism. We stand ready to contribute to the success of a united Europe, together with Croatia’s participation. Since the opening of the accession negotiations, public support for EU membership among Croatian citizens has been over 60 percent. With the start of EU accession negotiations, the issue of NATO membership has once again ap- peared in the spotlight. What are the prospects for Croatia’s entry into LEADERS Magazine President, International, Patrick J. Gillis, interviews Prime Minister Sanader at the Prime Minister’s NATO and what actions are being office in Zagreb. taken to accelerate the process? Membership in the EU and NATO are tion to countering common security threats and at peace is the key to enduring stability two strategic goals of the Croatian govern- – international terrorism and the prolifera- and economic development on the Euro- ment, aimed at the overall integration of tion of weapons of mass destruction, as well pean continent. In addition, President the country into the Euro-Atlantic com- as organized crime and human trafficking. Bush’s commitment to keep NATO’s door munity of democracies. The roads leading Participation in NATO operations is open is a vital factor in this vision of Europe to membership in these two organizations of special importance in this process, as it and global peace and prosperity. are complementary and mutually reinforc- provides an opportunity to share the At the global level, Croatia has ing. With that in mind, it is perfectly clear allies’ burdens, while at the same time worked closely with the United States in a that the start of EU accession negotiations enabling members of the Croatian armed number of areas, including the global war will reinforce Croatia’s bid for NATO forces to work side by side with their col- on terrorism. Croatia has also helped stabi- membership as well. leagues from the alliance, and in this way lize Afghanistan and Iraq through various This autumn Croatia started its learn and prepare to be fully interoperable assistance programs, including participa- 140 LEADERS POSTED WITH PERMISSION. COPYRIGHT © LEADERS MAGAZINE, INC. VOLUME 29, NUMBER 2 tion in ISAF and the training of Iraqi secu- ments in privatization, our general focus further close the income gap. During the rity forces in Jordan. We are also exploring will now be on attracting export-oriented past 10 years, the Croatian economy grew avenues to further assist Iraq through our greenfield investments, high technology, at an average of 4.2 percent per year, plac- expertise in forensics and in the identifica- and high-value-added services.
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