Michel Delseny Élu Correspondant le 25 mars 1996 dans la section de Biologie intégrative Publications Articles dans revues à comité de lecture Papers in peer-reviewed journals 1 - M. DELSENY (1971) Aspects cytologiques du métabolisme des ARN au cours de la germination deVicia sativa. Rev. Gén. Bot., 78, 161-170. 2 - R. JULIEN and M. DELSENY (1972). Differential labelling of DNA in higher plants. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 48, 578-584. 3 - M. DELSENY, H. SARROUY-BALAT and R. JULIEN (1972). Différenciation des étioplastes et synthèse des acides ribonucléiques (ARNr) chez le Maïs. C.R. Acad. Sci., Serie D., 275, 2873-2876. 4 - H. SARROUY-BALAT, M. DELSENY and R. JULIEN (1973). Plant hormones and DNA synthesis : evidence for bacterial origin of rapidly labelled heavy satellite DNA. Plant Science Lett., 1, 287-292. 5 - M. DELSENY, A. GOT, R. JULIEN and Y. GUITTON (1973). Phosphorylation, "in vitro", de la thymidine par des extraits enzymatiques de radis et de bactéries contaminantes. C.R. Acad. Sci., 277, 2361-2364. 6 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART-PASCOT, H. BALAT and Y. GUITTON (1974). Détection de séquences polyriboadényliques dans les ARN de Radis. C.R. Acad. Sci., Série D., 278, 1225-1228. 7 - M. DELSENY (1974). DNA synthesis in Plants. Nature, 250, 792. 8 - A. FERRER, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1974). Mise en évidence d'une particule ribonucléoprotéique détachée par le KCl des ribosomes de Pois. Biochimie, 56, 469-471. 9 - M. DELSENY, M.T. PERALTA and Y. GUITTON (1975). Effects of Cordycepin on RNA metabolism in germinating seedlings. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 64, 1278-1285. 10 - M. DELSENY, A. GOT and Y. GUITTON (1976). Phosphorylation de la thymidine au cours de la germination du Radis par une nucléoside AMP- phosphotransférase synthétisée de novo : mise en evidence d'un décalage dans le temps entre la transcription du gène et son expression. Physiol. Vég., 14, 159-178. 11 - L. ASPART-PASCOT, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1976). Publications de Michel Delseny, Correspondant de l’Académie des sciences Occurence of nucleoside polyphosphates in rapidly-labelled RNA preparations from Radish seedlings. Planta, 131, 275-278. 12 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART-PASCOT and Y. GUITTON (1977). Effect of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximine on RNA synthesis in Radish seedlings. Biochimie, 59, 51-57. 13 - F. GRELLET, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1977). Histone content of germinating pea embryo chromatin decreases as DNA replicate. Nature, 267, 724-726. 14 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART and Y. GUITTON (1977). Disappearance of stored polyadenylic acid and mRNA during early germination of Radish (Raphanus sativus) embryo axes. Planta, 135, 125-128. 15 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART, A. GOT, R. COOKE and Y. GUITTON (1977). Early synthesis of polyadenylic acid, polyadenylated and ribosomal nucleic acids in germinating radish embryo axes. Physiol. Veg., l5, 413-428. 16 - M. DELSENY (1978). Isolement et caractérisation des ARNm d'eucaryotes : comparaison de la situation dans les cellules animales et végétales. L'Année Biologique, 17, 1-59. 17 - L. ASPART, R. COOKE, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1978). Effect of the protein synthesis initiation inhibitor MDMP on ribonucleic acid synthesis in radish seedlings. Biochem. J., 171, 607-6ll. 18 - A. FERRER, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1979). Isolation and characterisation of subribosomal ribonucleoprotein particles from radish seeds and seedlings. Plant Sci. Letters, 14, 3l-42. 19 - L. ASPART, R. COOKE and M. DELSENY (1979). Stability of polyadenylic and polyadenylated RNA in radish (Raphanus sativus) seedlings. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 564, 43-54. 20 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART, R. COOKE, F. GRELLET et P. PENON (1979). Restriction analysis of radish nuclear genes coding for rRNA : evidence for heterogeneity. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 91, 540-547. 21 - L. ASPART, R. COOKE, N. MICHAUX-FERRIERE and M. DELSENY (1980). Ribosomal RNA synthesis in imbibing radish (Raphanus sativus) embryo axes: a biochemical and cytological study. Planta, 148, 17-23. 22 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART, R. COOKE and A. GOT (1981). Les gènes nucléaires codant pour les ARN ribosomiques de Radis. Physiol. Vég., 18, 373-388. 23 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART and R. COOKE (1981). Studies on ribonucleic acids during radish seed germination : a search for potential regulatory mechanisms. Israel J. Botany., 29, 246-258. 24 - GRELLET, R. COOKE, M. TEISSERE, M. DELSENY, J. XECH and P. PENON (1981). Electron microscopic mapping of wheat germ RNA polymerase II binding sites on cloned CaMV DNA. Nucleic Acids Res., 9, 3927-3939. 25 - M. DELSENY and R. HULL (1983). Isolation and characterization of faithful and altered clones of the genomes of cauliflower mosaic virus isolates Cabb B-JI, CM4-184, and Bari I. Plasmid, 9, 31-41. 26 - L. ASPART, A. GOT, M. DELSENY, B. MOCQUOT and A. PRADET (1983). Adaptation of ribonucleic acid metabolism to anoxia in Rice embryos. Plant Physiol., 72, 115-121. 27 - M. DELSENY, R. COOKE and P. PENON (1983). Sequences heterogeneity in radish nuclear ribosomal RNA genes. Plant Sci. Letters, 30, 107-111. Publications de Michel Delseny, Correspondant de l’Académie des sciences 28 - M. DELSENY, M. LAROCHE and P. PENON (1983). Detection of sequences with Z-DNA forming potential in higher plants. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 116, 113-120. 29 - M. DELSENY (1983). Characterization of nuclear genes coding for ribosomal RNA in Radish. Cruciferae Newsletters, 8, 6-7. 30 - M. LAROCHE, L. ASPART, M. DELSENY and P. PENON (1984). Characterization of Radish storage proteins. Plant Physiol., 74, 484-493. 31 - M. LAROCHE-RAYNAL, L. ASPART, M. DELSENY and P. PENON (1984). Characterization of Radish mRNA at three developmental stages. Plant Sci. Letters, 35, 139-146. 32 - M. DELSENY, M. LAROCHE and P. PENON (1984). Methylation pattern of radish (Raphanus sativus) nuclear ribosomal RNA genes. Plant Physiol.,76, 627- 632. 33 - A. OLMEDILLA, D. DELCASSO and M. DELSENY (1984). Methylation pattern of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes from rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Sci. Letters., 37, 123-127. 34 - A. OLMEDILLA, D. DELCASSO, A.M. CAUWET and M. DELSENY (1985). Variability in giant fennel (Ferula communis, Umbelliferae) ribosomal RNA nuclear genes. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 150, 263-274. 35 - F. TCHANG, M. LAROCHE-RAYNAL, C. VERGNOLLE, C. DEMANDRE, D.DOUADY, M. GROSBOIS, F. GUERBETTE, M. DELSENY and J.C. KADER (1985). "In vitro" synthesis of a plant phospholipid transfer protein : a study by high performance liquid chromatography. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 133, 75-81. 36 - F. GRELLET, D. DELCASSO, F. PANABIERES and M. DELSENY (1986). Organization and evolution of a higher plant alphoïd-like satellite DNA sequence. J. Mol. Biol., 187, 495- 507. 37 - M. LAROCHE-RAYNAL and M. DELSENY (1986). Identification and characterization of the mRNA for major storage proteins from radish. Eur. J. Biochem.,157, 321-327 . 38 - A.M. CAUWET-MARC and M. DELSENY (1986). Expression de la variabilité à travers l'ADN nucléaire chez Ferula communis (Umbelliferae). Candollea, 41, 63-64. 39 - L. MEZA-BASSO, M. ALBERDI, M. RAYNAL, M.L. FERRERO-CADINANOS and M. DELSENY (1986). Changes in protein synthesis in Rapeseed (Brassica napus) seedlings during a low temperature treatment. Plant Physiol., 82, 733-738. 40 - B. RICARD, B. MOCQUOT, A. FOURNIER, M. DELSENY and A. PRADET (1986). Expression of Alcohol deshydrogenase gene in rice embryos under anoxia. Plant Mol. Biol., 7, 321- 329. 41 - A. ROSAS, M. ALBERDI, M. DELSENY and L. MEZA-BASSO (1986). A cryoprotective polypeptide isolated from Nothofagus dombeyi seedlings. Phytochemistry, 25, 2497- 2500. 42 - F. VEDEL and M. DELSENY (1987). Repetitivity and variability of higher plant genomes. Plant Physiol. and Biochem., 25, 191-210. 43 - M. RAYNAL, L. ASPART, P. THIS and M. DELSENY (1988). Biosynthesis of cruciferin polypeptides in immature radish seeds. Plant Physiol. and Biochem., 25, 439- 444. 44 - M. DELSENY, F. GRELLET, D. TREMOUSAYGUE, M. RAYNAL and F. PANABIERES (1987). Publications de Michel Delseny, Correspondant de l’Académie des sciences Structure, évolution et expression de l'ADN nucléaire des plantes supérieures. Bull. Soc.Fr. Bot. - Actualités Botaniques - 135, 23-38. 45 - P. THIS, D. GOFFNER, M. RAYNAL, Y. CHARTIER and M. DELSENY (1988) Characterization of major storage proteins of sunflower and their accumulation. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 26, 125-132. 46 - D. TREMOUSAYGUE, F. GRELLET, M. DELSENY, R. DELOURME and M. RENARD (1988). The large spacer of a nuclear ribosomal RNA gene from radish : organization and use as a probe in rapeseed breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet., 75, 298-304. 47 - D. DELCASSO-TREMOUSAYGUE, F. GRELLET, F. PANABIERES, E. ANANIEV and M. DELSENY (1988). Structural and transcriptional characterization of the external spacer of a ribosomal RNA nuclear gene from a higher plant. Eur. J. Biochem., 172, 767-776. 48 - D. DELCASSO-TREMOUSAYGUE, F. PANABIERES, F. GRELLET, E. ANANIEV and M. DELSENY (1988). 5' end mapping of radish 18S ribosomal RNA and of its precursor within the rDNA repeat unit. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 26, 271-279. 49 - F. TCHANG, P. THIS, V. STIEFEL, V. ARONDEL, M.D. MORCH, M. PAGES, P. PUIGDOMENECH, F. GRELLET, M. DELSENY, P. BOUILLON, J.C. HUET, F. GUERBETTE, F. BAUVAIS-CANTE, H.DURANTON, J.C. PERNOLLET and J.C. KADER (1988). Phospholipid transfer protein : full length cDNA and amino-acid sequence in maïze. J. Biol. Chem., 263, 16849-16855. 50 - D . RUMEAU, D. MAZAU, F. PANABIERES, M. DELSENY and M.T. ESQUERRE-TUGAYE (1988). Accumulation of hydroxyproline rich glycoprotein mRNA in infected or ethylene treated melon plants. Physiol. and Mol. Plant Pathol., 33, 419-428. 51 - F. GRELLET, D. TREMOUSAYGUE and M. DELSENY (1989). Isolation and characterization of a tandemly repeated DNA sequence from the Crucifer Sisymbrium irio. Ind J. Biochem. Biophys., 25, 483-484. 52 - F. GRELLET, D. DELCASSO-TREMOUSAYGUE and M. DELSENY (1989). Isolation and characterization of an unusual repeated sequence from the ribosomal intergenic spacer of the crucifer Sisymbrium irio. Plant Mol. Biol., 12, 695-706.
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