Publications De Michel Delseny, Correspondant De L'académie Des

Publications De Michel Delseny, Correspondant De L'académie Des

Michel Delseny Élu Correspondant le 25 mars 1996 dans la section de Biologie intégrative Publications Articles dans revues à comité de lecture Papers in peer-reviewed journals 1 - M. DELSENY (1971) Aspects cytologiques du métabolisme des ARN au cours de la germination deVicia sativa. Rev. Gén. Bot., 78, 161-170. 2 - R. JULIEN and M. DELSENY (1972). Differential labelling of DNA in higher plants. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 48, 578-584. 3 - M. DELSENY, H. SARROUY-BALAT and R. JULIEN (1972). Différenciation des étioplastes et synthèse des acides ribonucléiques (ARNr) chez le Maïs. C.R. Acad. Sci., Serie D., 275, 2873-2876. 4 - H. SARROUY-BALAT, M. DELSENY and R. JULIEN (1973). Plant hormones and DNA synthesis : evidence for bacterial origin of rapidly labelled heavy satellite DNA. Plant Science Lett., 1, 287-292. 5 - M. DELSENY, A. GOT, R. JULIEN and Y. GUITTON (1973). Phosphorylation, "in vitro", de la thymidine par des extraits enzymatiques de radis et de bactéries contaminantes. C.R. Acad. Sci., 277, 2361-2364. 6 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART-PASCOT, H. BALAT and Y. GUITTON (1974). Détection de séquences polyriboadényliques dans les ARN de Radis. C.R. Acad. Sci., Série D., 278, 1225-1228. 7 - M. DELSENY (1974). DNA synthesis in Plants. Nature, 250, 792. 8 - A. FERRER, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1974). Mise en évidence d'une particule ribonucléoprotéique détachée par le KCl des ribosomes de Pois. Biochimie, 56, 469-471. 9 - M. DELSENY, M.T. PERALTA and Y. GUITTON (1975). Effects of Cordycepin on RNA metabolism in germinating seedlings. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 64, 1278-1285. 10 - M. DELSENY, A. GOT and Y. GUITTON (1976). Phosphorylation de la thymidine au cours de la germination du Radis par une nucléoside AMP- phosphotransférase synthétisée de novo : mise en evidence d'un décalage dans le temps entre la transcription du gène et son expression. Physiol. Vég., 14, 159-178. 11 - L. ASPART-PASCOT, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1976). Publications de Michel Delseny, Correspondant de l’Académie des sciences Occurence of nucleoside polyphosphates in rapidly-labelled RNA preparations from Radish seedlings. Planta, 131, 275-278. 12 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART-PASCOT and Y. GUITTON (1977). Effect of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximine on RNA synthesis in Radish seedlings. Biochimie, 59, 51-57. 13 - F. GRELLET, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1977). Histone content of germinating pea embryo chromatin decreases as DNA replicate. Nature, 267, 724-726. 14 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART and Y. GUITTON (1977). Disappearance of stored polyadenylic acid and mRNA during early germination of Radish (Raphanus sativus) embryo axes. Planta, 135, 125-128. 15 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART, A. GOT, R. COOKE and Y. GUITTON (1977). Early synthesis of polyadenylic acid, polyadenylated and ribosomal nucleic acids in germinating radish embryo axes. Physiol. Veg., l5, 413-428. 16 - M. DELSENY (1978). Isolement et caractérisation des ARNm d'eucaryotes : comparaison de la situation dans les cellules animales et végétales. L'Année Biologique, 17, 1-59. 17 - L. ASPART, R. COOKE, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1978). Effect of the protein synthesis initiation inhibitor MDMP on ribonucleic acid synthesis in radish seedlings. Biochem. J., 171, 607-6ll. 18 - A. FERRER, M. DELSENY and Y. GUITTON (1979). Isolation and characterisation of subribosomal ribonucleoprotein particles from radish seeds and seedlings. Plant Sci. Letters, 14, 3l-42. 19 - L. ASPART, R. COOKE and M. DELSENY (1979). Stability of polyadenylic and polyadenylated RNA in radish (Raphanus sativus) seedlings. Biochim. Biophys. Acta., 564, 43-54. 20 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART, R. COOKE, F. GRELLET et P. PENON (1979). Restriction analysis of radish nuclear genes coding for rRNA : evidence for heterogeneity. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 91, 540-547. 21 - L. ASPART, R. COOKE, N. MICHAUX-FERRIERE and M. DELSENY (1980). Ribosomal RNA synthesis in imbibing radish (Raphanus sativus) embryo axes: a biochemical and cytological study. Planta, 148, 17-23. 22 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART, R. COOKE and A. GOT (1981). Les gènes nucléaires codant pour les ARN ribosomiques de Radis. Physiol. Vég., 18, 373-388. 23 - M. DELSENY, L. ASPART and R. COOKE (1981). Studies on ribonucleic acids during radish seed germination : a search for potential regulatory mechanisms. Israel J. Botany., 29, 246-258. 24 - GRELLET, R. COOKE, M. TEISSERE, M. DELSENY, J. XECH and P. PENON (1981). Electron microscopic mapping of wheat germ RNA polymerase II binding sites on cloned CaMV DNA. Nucleic Acids Res., 9, 3927-3939. 25 - M. DELSENY and R. HULL (1983). Isolation and characterization of faithful and altered clones of the genomes of cauliflower mosaic virus isolates Cabb B-JI, CM4-184, and Bari I. Plasmid, 9, 31-41. 26 - L. ASPART, A. GOT, M. DELSENY, B. MOCQUOT and A. PRADET (1983). Adaptation of ribonucleic acid metabolism to anoxia in Rice embryos. Plant Physiol., 72, 115-121. 27 - M. DELSENY, R. COOKE and P. PENON (1983). Sequences heterogeneity in radish nuclear ribosomal RNA genes. Plant Sci. Letters, 30, 107-111. Publications de Michel Delseny, Correspondant de l’Académie des sciences 28 - M. DELSENY, M. LAROCHE and P. PENON (1983). Detection of sequences with Z-DNA forming potential in higher plants. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 116, 113-120. 29 - M. DELSENY (1983). Characterization of nuclear genes coding for ribosomal RNA in Radish. Cruciferae Newsletters, 8, 6-7. 30 - M. LAROCHE, L. ASPART, M. DELSENY and P. PENON (1984). Characterization of Radish storage proteins. Plant Physiol., 74, 484-493. 31 - M. LAROCHE-RAYNAL, L. ASPART, M. DELSENY and P. PENON (1984). Characterization of Radish mRNA at three developmental stages. Plant Sci. Letters, 35, 139-146. 32 - M. DELSENY, M. LAROCHE and P. PENON (1984). Methylation pattern of radish (Raphanus sativus) nuclear ribosomal RNA genes. Plant Physiol.,76, 627- 632. 33 - A. OLMEDILLA, D. DELCASSO and M. DELSENY (1984). Methylation pattern of nuclear ribosomal RNA genes from rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Sci. Letters., 37, 123-127. 34 - A. OLMEDILLA, D. DELCASSO, A.M. CAUWET and M. DELSENY (1985). Variability in giant fennel (Ferula communis, Umbelliferae) ribosomal RNA nuclear genes. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 150, 263-274. 35 - F. TCHANG, M. LAROCHE-RAYNAL, C. VERGNOLLE, C. DEMANDRE, D.DOUADY, M. GROSBOIS, F. GUERBETTE, M. DELSENY and J.C. KADER (1985). "In vitro" synthesis of a plant phospholipid transfer protein : a study by high performance liquid chromatography. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 133, 75-81. 36 - F. GRELLET, D. DELCASSO, F. PANABIERES and M. DELSENY (1986). Organization and evolution of a higher plant alphoïd-like satellite DNA sequence. J. Mol. Biol., 187, 495- 507. 37 - M. LAROCHE-RAYNAL and M. DELSENY (1986). Identification and characterization of the mRNA for major storage proteins from radish. Eur. J. Biochem.,157, 321-327 . 38 - A.M. CAUWET-MARC and M. DELSENY (1986). Expression de la variabilité à travers l'ADN nucléaire chez Ferula communis (Umbelliferae). Candollea, 41, 63-64. 39 - L. MEZA-BASSO, M. ALBERDI, M. RAYNAL, M.L. FERRERO-CADINANOS and M. DELSENY (1986). Changes in protein synthesis in Rapeseed (Brassica napus) seedlings during a low temperature treatment. Plant Physiol., 82, 733-738. 40 - B. RICARD, B. MOCQUOT, A. FOURNIER, M. DELSENY and A. PRADET (1986). Expression of Alcohol deshydrogenase gene in rice embryos under anoxia. Plant Mol. Biol., 7, 321- 329. 41 - A. ROSAS, M. ALBERDI, M. DELSENY and L. MEZA-BASSO (1986). A cryoprotective polypeptide isolated from Nothofagus dombeyi seedlings. Phytochemistry, 25, 2497- 2500. 42 - F. VEDEL and M. DELSENY (1987). Repetitivity and variability of higher plant genomes. Plant Physiol. and Biochem., 25, 191-210. 43 - M. RAYNAL, L. ASPART, P. THIS and M. DELSENY (1988). Biosynthesis of cruciferin polypeptides in immature radish seeds. Plant Physiol. and Biochem., 25, 439- 444. 44 - M. DELSENY, F. GRELLET, D. TREMOUSAYGUE, M. RAYNAL and F. PANABIERES (1987). Publications de Michel Delseny, Correspondant de l’Académie des sciences Structure, évolution et expression de l'ADN nucléaire des plantes supérieures. Bull. Soc.Fr. Bot. - Actualités Botaniques - 135, 23-38. 45 - P. THIS, D. GOFFNER, M. RAYNAL, Y. CHARTIER and M. DELSENY (1988) Characterization of major storage proteins of sunflower and their accumulation. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 26, 125-132. 46 - D. TREMOUSAYGUE, F. GRELLET, M. DELSENY, R. DELOURME and M. RENARD (1988). The large spacer of a nuclear ribosomal RNA gene from radish : organization and use as a probe in rapeseed breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet., 75, 298-304. 47 - D. DELCASSO-TREMOUSAYGUE, F. GRELLET, F. PANABIERES, E. ANANIEV and M. DELSENY (1988). Structural and transcriptional characterization of the external spacer of a ribosomal RNA nuclear gene from a higher plant. Eur. J. Biochem., 172, 767-776. 48 - D. DELCASSO-TREMOUSAYGUE, F. PANABIERES, F. GRELLET, E. ANANIEV and M. DELSENY (1988). 5' end mapping of radish 18S ribosomal RNA and of its precursor within the rDNA repeat unit. Plant Physiol. Biochem., 26, 271-279. 49 - F. TCHANG, P. THIS, V. STIEFEL, V. ARONDEL, M.D. MORCH, M. PAGES, P. PUIGDOMENECH, F. GRELLET, M. DELSENY, P. BOUILLON, J.C. HUET, F. GUERBETTE, F. BAUVAIS-CANTE, H.DURANTON, J.C. PERNOLLET and J.C. KADER (1988). Phospholipid transfer protein : full length cDNA and amino-acid sequence in maïze. J. Biol. Chem., 263, 16849-16855. 50 - D . RUMEAU, D. MAZAU, F. PANABIERES, M. DELSENY and M.T. ESQUERRE-TUGAYE (1988). Accumulation of hydroxyproline rich glycoprotein mRNA in infected or ethylene treated melon plants. Physiol. and Mol. Plant Pathol., 33, 419-428. 51 - F. GRELLET, D. TREMOUSAYGUE and M. DELSENY (1989). Isolation and characterization of a tandemly repeated DNA sequence from the Crucifer Sisymbrium irio. Ind J. Biochem. Biophys., 25, 483-484. 52 - F. GRELLET, D. DELCASSO-TREMOUSAYGUE and M. DELSENY (1989). Isolation and characterization of an unusual repeated sequence from the ribosomal intergenic spacer of the crucifer Sisymbrium irio. Plant Mol. Biol., 12, 695-706.

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