Imkejjen assoċjati ma’ Żmien il-Franċiżi Skema tal-marki għall-power point 1. Għaliex Napuljun ried juri lilu nnifsu qrib in-nies u mhux bħala wieħed ipprivileġġat bħal Kavallieri. (1) 2. Bieb il-Bombi kien jikkonsisti f’mina waħda u s-swar kienu jaslu sal-bieb innifsu. (2) 3. Il-Maltin irnexxielhom jidħlu l-Imdina mill-mina ta’ Despuig. (1) 4. Għax il-Banca Giuratale kien il-post fejn kienu jiltaqgħu l-uffiċjali tal- università tal-Imdina. (1) 5. Il-Franċiżi ħarġu għall-għarried min wara s-swar tal-Kottonera sabiex jattakkaw u jisirqu kemm jifilfu ikel mir-raħal ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, iżda l-Maltin kien lesti għalihom u ma ħallewhomx. Balla fil-ħajt ta’ waħda mid-dar f’Ħaż Żabbar baqgħet tfakkar din il-ġrajja. (3) 6. Napuljun qatta’ l-ġranet tiegħu f’Malta fil-Banca Giuratale u f’Palazzo Parisio fi Triq Merkanti, l-Belt Valletta. (2) 7. F’dan ir-razzett, Ċensu Borg Braret kellu l-kwartier-ġenerali tiegħu waqt l- imblokk. (1) 8. Quddiem il-Knisja ta’ Ġieżu fir-Rabat u quddiem il-Knisja tal-Karmnu fl- Imdina. (2) 9. Palazzo Dorell kien il-kwartier-ġenerali tal-Ġeneral Graham li kien inkarigat mit-truppi Ingliżi stazzjonati f’Malta matul l-imblokk. (2) 10. Żagħżugħ Malti nqatel mill-Franċiżi waqt li kien qed iniżżel il-bandiera Franċiża u jtella’ l-bandiera bajda u ħamra ta’ Malta fuq is-sur tal-Imdina. (1) 11. Dawn il-binjiet intużaw sabiex il-Maltin jilqgħu fihom il-morda b’epidemija tal-influwenza li laqtet lil Malta fix-xitwa tal-1799. (1) 12. Tweġibiet tajbin: il-post fejn kien inqatlu Dun Mikiel Xerri u sħabu mill- Franċiżi; fejn il-Franċiżi fakkru l-waqgħa tal-Bastilja fl-1789; fejn saret iċ- ċerimonja uffiċjali meta l-Franċiżi ċedew Malta lill-Ingliżi. (3) (Total: 20 marka) Places associated with the French in Malta Marking scheme for the power point 1. Because Napoleon wanted to portray himself as being close to the people and note as a privileged person like the Knights. (1) 2. Porte de Bombes then consisted of one gate and the fortification walls reached up to the gate itself. (2) 3. The Maltese managed to get inside Mdina from the Despuig tunnelled gate. (1) 4. The Banca Giuratale had been the place where the officials of the università met under the Knights. (1) 5. The French made a sortie from the Cotonera Lines aiming to grab provisions from the village of Żabbar, but the Maltese knew about this and they managed to repulse the attack. A canon ball fired by the French remained stuck in one of the wall of a residential house at Żabbar to the present-day. (3) 6. Napoleon spent his days in Malta at the Banca Giuratale and at Palazzo Parisio, both in Merchants’ Street, Valletta. (2) 7. This was the farmhouse where Ċensu Borg Braret kept his headquarters during the French blockade. (1) 8. In front of the Church of Jesus at Rabat an din front of the Carmelite Church at Mdina. (2) 9. Palazzo Dorell was used as the headquarters of General Graham who was in charge of the British troops sent to assist the Maltese during the blockade. (2) 10. A Maltese youth was killed by the French garrison at Mdina when he was hoisting down the French tricolor to replace it with the flag of the Maltese national colours. (1) 11. These buildings were used to house the hundreds of Maltese patients hit by the influenza epidemic that hit the islands during the winter of 1799. (1) 12. Correct answers: it was the place where Dun Mikiel Scerri and his followers were executed by the French; the place where the French authorities commemorated the fall of the Bastille on 14th July; the place where the official ceremony of the capitulation of the French to the British was held. (3) (Total: 20 marks) .
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