30784 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 98 / Wednesday, May 20, 2020 / Notices (7) Diab, Hicham, June 11, 2019; Western persons listed above are prohibited from segment approximately 21.5 miles in District of Washington; 2:18–cr–00282; July participating directly or indirectly in length owned by Union Pacific Railroad 1976. activities regulated by the ITAR, Company (UP) extending from BNSF (8) El Mir, Nafez; June 11, 2019; Western including any brokering activities and milepost 1.4 (Midway Subdivision)/UP District of Washington; 2:18–cr–00282; November 1967. any export from or temporary import milepost 1.0 (on UP’s Altoona (9) Heubschmann, Andy Lloyd; December into the United States of defense Subdivision) at Westminster Junction to 17, 2019; Eastern District of Wisconsin; 1:19– articles, technical data, or defense milepost 2.5 at Bayport (on UP’s cr–00119; November 1959. services in all situations covered by the Stillwater Industrial Lead). The Line (10) Joseph, Junior Joel; April 12, 2019; ITAR. Specific case information may be traverses U.S. Postal Service Zip Codes Southern District of Florida; 9:18–cr–80139; obtained from the Office of the Clerk for 55003, 55042, 55082, 55101, 55103, February 1978. the U.S. District Courts mentioned 55104, 55106, 55108, 55114, 55117, (11) Peterson, John James; November 18, 55119, 55128, 55130, 55413, 55414, 2019; Southern District of Florida; 1:19–cr– above and by citing the court case 20442; February 1959. number where provided. 55418, 55421, and 55455. MNNR has certified that: (1) It has (12) Prezas, Julian; November 3, 2017; R. Clarke Cooper, Western District of Texas; 5:16–cr–00040; handled no local traffic over the Line for January 1980. Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Political- at least two years; (2) it has handled no (13) Rodriguez, Chris; October 18, 2019; Military Affairs, Department of State. overhead traffic over the Line for at least Eastern District of Virginia; 1:19–cr–00153; [FR Doc. 2020–10862 Filed 5–19–20; 8:45 am] two years (and thus there is none to be April 1962. BILLING CODE 4710–25–P rerouted over other lines); (3) no formal (14) Ruchtein, Sergio; October 29, 2019; complaint by a user of MNNR rail Eastern District of Pennsylvania; 2:19–cr– 00309; October 1967. service on the Line (or by a state or local (15) Saiag, Allexander (aka Saiag, SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD government entity acting on behalf of Alexandre); November 22, 2019; Eastern [Docket No. AB 882 (Sub-No. 4X)] such user) regarding cessation of service District of New York; 1:19–cr–00129; on the Line is pending either with the September 1986. Minnesota Commercial Railway Surface Transportation Board (Board) or (16) Saidi, Abdul Majid; March 15, 2019; Company—Discontinuance of with any U.S. District Court or has been Western District of Michigan; 1:17–cr–00263; Trackage Rights Exemption—in Anoka, decided in favor of such complainant March 1976. within the two-year period; and (4) the (17) Shapovalov, Michael (aka Mikhail Hennepin, Ramsey, and Washington Shapovalov); May 29, 2018; District of Counties, Minn. requirements at 49 CFR 1105.12 (newspaper publication) and 49 CFR Connecticut; 3:17–cr–00272; November 1986. Minnesota Commercial Railway (18) Sheng, Zimo; December 14, 2018; 1152.50(d)(1) (notice to governmental Eastern District of Wisconsin; 2:18–cr–00108; Company (MNNR) has filed a verified agencies) have been met. August 1989. notice of exemption under 49 CFR part As a condition to this exemption, any (19) Srivaranon, Apichart, April 15, 2019; 1152 subpart F—Exempt Abandonments employee adversely affected by the District of Maryland; 8:16–cr–00542; and Discontinuances of Service to discontinuance of service shall be February 24, 1985. discontinue trackage rights over protected under Oregon Short Line (20) Taylor, Maurice; July 22, 2019; approximately 36.1 miles of contiguous Railroad—Abandonment Portion Southern District of Mississippi; 3:18–cr– railroad lines, extending generally from Goshen Branch Between Firth & 00260; October 1985. BNSF Railway Company’s (BNSF) (21) Tishchenko, Oleg Mikhaylovich; June Ammon, in Bingham & Bonneville 21, 2019; District of Utah; 1:16–cr–00034; Northtown Yard in Minneapolis, Minn., Counties, Idaho, 360 I.C.C. 91 (1979). To April 1977. to Bayport, Minn. (the Line).1 The Line address whether this condition (22) Zamarron-Luna, Carlos Antonio; consists of: (1) A line segment adequately protects affected employees, October 19, 2019; Southern District of Texas; approximately 11.1 miles in length a petition for partial revocation under 7:18–cr–01043; March 1967. owned by BNSF extending from 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) must be filed. (23) Zuppone, Brunella; November 18, milepost 12.5 at Northtown Yard (on Provided no formal expression of 2019; Southern District of Florida; 1:19–cr– BNSF’s Staples Subdivision) to milepost intent to file an offer of financial 20442; May 1952. 1.4 at Westminster Junction, Minn. (on assistance (OFA) 3 to subsidize As noted above, at the end of the BNSF’s Midway Subdivision); (2) a line continued rail service has been three-year period following the date of segment approximately 3.5 miles in received, this exemption will be this notice, the above named persons/ length owned by BNSF extending from effective on June 19, 2020, unless stayed entities remain debarred unless export milepost 11.4 at University (on BNSF’s pending reconsideration. Petitions to privileges are reinstated. Debarred Staples Subdivision) to milepost 7.9 at stay that do not involve environmental persons are generally ineligible to Park Junction, Minn. (on BNSF’s St. issues must be filed by May 29, 2020, participate in activity regulated under Paul Subdivision); 2 and (3) a line and formal expressions of intent to file the ITAR (see e.g., sections 120.1(c) and an OFA to subsidize continued rail (d), and 127.11(a)). Also, under Section 1 These trackage rights were acquired by MNNR service under 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(2) 4 127.1(d) of the ITAR, any person who as part of a larger bundle of trackage rights from must be filed by June 1, 2020.5 Petitions has knowledge that another person is Burlington Northern Railroad Company, for which MNNR obtained authority in 1990. Minn. subject to debarment or is otherwise Commercial Ry.—Trackage Rights Exemption— ‘‘Northtown Yard (milepost 12.5) and Park Junction ineligible may not, without disclosure to Burlington N. R.R., FD 31603 (ICC served Feb. 26, (milepost 7.9), approximately 4.6 miles’’). and written approval from the 1990). In 2005, MNNR obtained authority to 3 Persons interested in submitting an OFA to Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, discontinue trackage rights over one of the line subsidize continued rail service must first file a segments for which it had acquired trackage rights. formal expression of intent to file an offer, participate, directly or indirectly, in any Minn. Commercial Ry.—Discontinuance of indicating the intent to file an OFA for subsidy and ITAR-controlled transaction where such Trackage Rights Exemption—in Wash. Cty., Minn, demonstrating that they are preliminarily ineligible person may obtain benefit AB 882 (Sub-No. 2X) (STB served Dec. 13, 2005). financially responsible. See 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(2)(i). 4 therefrom or have a direct or indirect 2 MNNR states that a discrepancy in the milepost The filing fee for OFAs can be found at 49 CFR description for this segment appears to have existed 1002.2(f)(25). interest therein. since its original filings in Docket No. FD 31603. 5 Because this is a discontinuance proceeding and This notice is provided for purposes See also Minnesota Commercial Railway, FD 31603, not an abandonment, interim trail use/rail banking of making the public aware that the slip op. at 1 (describing trackage rights between and public use conditions are not appropriate. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:51 May 19, 2020 Jkt 250001 PO 00000 Frm 00103 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\20MYN1.SGM 20MYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 98 / Wednesday, May 20, 2020 / Notices 30785 to reopen must be filed by June 9, 2020, Dated: April 27, 2020. notice (DOT/ALL–14 FDMS), which can with the Surface Transportation Board, Joseph J. Hoagland, be reviewed at http://www.dot.gov/ 395 E Street SW, Washington, DC Vice President, Tennessee Valley Authority. privacy. 20423–0001. [FR Doc. 2020–10858 Filed 5–19–20; 8:45 am] Docket: Background documents or A copy of any petition filed with the BILLING CODE 8120–08–P comments received may be read at Board should be sent to MNNR’s http://www.regulations.gov at any time. representative, Robert A. Wimbish, Follow the online instructions for Fletcher & Sippel LLC, 29 North Wacker DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION accessing the docket or go to the Docket Drive, Suite 800, Chicago, IL 60606– Operations in Room W12–140 of the 3208. Federal Aviation Administration West Building Ground Floor at 1200 If the verified notice contains false or New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC misleading information, the exemption [Summary Notice No. 2020–20] 20590–0001, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., is void ab initio. Petition for Exemption; Summary of Monday through Friday, except Federal Board decisions and notices are Petition Received; Embry Riddle holidays. available at www.stb.gov. Aeronautical University FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Decided: May 14, 2020. Linda Lane (202) 267–7280, Office of AGENCY: By the Board, Allison C. Davis, Director, Federal Aviation Rulemaking, Federal Aviation Office of Proceedings. Administration (FAA), Department of Administration, 800 Independence Brendetta Jones, Transportation (DOT). Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591. Clearance Clerk. ACTION: Notice. This notice is published pursuant to 14 CFR 11.85.
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