14 THE MORXD'C OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1917. down an average of better than 99. HI getting by hitting to Fletcher, who In all weifthts, for Everdingr, of this city, was among tossed him out at first. Officers Uniforms. IDAHO LINEUP IS those present and annihilated 3&L out SOX WIN WORLDS' The Giants, awake to the possibility GANDIL'S HIT AT of 400. of losing the game and the champion- OLIVE DRABS ship, charged the Chicago clan vicious- COMMERCE WILL PLAY TODAY ly in the succeeding session, but their best effort fell one run short of the PUZZLE TO AGGIES BASEBALL HONORS Sox' trio. RIGHT WINS Financiers Eleven Will Go to Ore- After Holke fanned. Rariden was TIE gon City passed to first base by Faber, and Wil- for Game. hoit, batting for Benton, also received The High School of Commerce is free passage to Gandil's post. With two scheduled to play a game with the on and one out the thousands began Expects Oregon City High School today at Ore- to root a rally, and the uproar was in Coach Pipal Attempt gon City. Zimmerman's Error and Poor deafening. Cowbells, horns and sirens Sox Player Drives 2 Runs Only three games are scheduled for Help led the thunderous chorus, while the MADE to ORDER at Surprise at Pendleton the Interscholastic League this week, Strategy Chicago stands fairly rocked with the in Fourth After E. Collins and as Commerce is not billed to take Game Saturday. part in any of them. Coach Campbell in Final Game. The 'White Sox were steady, despite Outruns Zimmerman. and Captain Rogoway decided that the the tumult, and Burns forced Wilhoit Oregon City game at second. Weaver to Collins. Captain would furnish valu- Herzog then came through with a able practice so that the financiers will screaming Hboif be in condition to meet Washington drive past J. Collins to 'the OFFICIALS NOT SELECTED High School next BENTON right field wall, scoring both Rariden week. FABER OUTHURLS and Burns. With the tying run on third KAUFF DISAPPOINTS FANS the din was terrific, for Benny Kauff, State Game Warden Out Hunting. was seen striding to the plate swing- Carl Shoemaker, state game warden, ing three bats viciously. He failed to is expected to return from a 10 days' meet the emergency, however, his ef- Corvallis Boys Peppery Bunch, but hunting trip in Eastern Oregon Kauff Disappoints When He Is en- fort being a high foul fly which Gandil Giant First baseman Fails to Put Inexperienced Only Two of Wednesday. Mr. Shoemaker was out able to "Come Through" With gathered in, leaving Herzog stranded. Over Hit Which Would Have Tied Tailoring for big game and all reports reaching That was the finish of he Giants' Last Year Men on Defense. his office are to the effect that hunt- Hit Which Would Have Tied offense, but the Chicago club added a Scores New York Fights Hard ing in the Eastern part of the state final run in the ninth as a margin of Xcnman Over Weight. was never year. Score Attendance 3 3,9 6 9. safety should the home club start a Until Last of Ninth. better than this belated rally. Weaver opened with a-- single to left, took second on Faber's sacrifice, and gives that scored on Lelbold's single to center. BY JAMES J. RICHARDSON. FIVE BOOTS ON TONIGHT THrst PagO NEW Oct. 13. Continued From Faber In Fine Form. TORK. John Collins, Is the University of Idaho preparing the thirty-od- d thousand spectators opening the final game of the world look The pitchers' analysis shows that series for the White Sox today, was distinguished to spring a surprise on the Oregon Ag- present that for the season at least in a of 113 deliveries served gies in their first intercollegiate foot- tne pennant-winnin- g club of the Amer- Faber total thrown out at first. Mc.Mullln hoisted ALL BOXERS OX CARD SAID TO BE ican League is 24 strikes, 40 balls and 12 foul strikes. a foul fly to Rariden. Captain Eddie ball contest next Saturday at the better than that which There were six fouls, 24 field outs, one Kound-u- p grounds in .Pendleton? IX GOOD won the six months' race in the senior Collins' reply to the crowd when they that makes the CONDITIO. organization. hit batter and six hits also registered "booed" as stepped plate This seems to be the belief of Head off Faber, him he to the a Coach Joseph Pipal, of the Aggies, who That the championship should be de- the six hits netting nine was a rattling single to center field. r cided in the inning was In bases. Benton and Perritt between He was on bag as was a Portland visitor yesterday. Seattle Fishter Is Obtained by Pro- fourth up 126 balls, which 35 left the Jackson successful, man. "We have endeavored on a number of keeping with the feature and factor them threw of rolled out. Herzog to Holke. moter Evan, to Go Agalut Call-fornl- nn play throughout the series. The Chi- were strikes. 45 bans, 15 foul strikes, the Giants, was an easy occasions to get some word from Idaho fouls, 19 putouts seven For Burns regarding lineup for in of cago club scored its winning run in five field and out, Collins to Gandil, and Herzog sent their tentative Place Dundee. this inning during the first game and hits for a total of seven bases. Each a sizzling Saturday's game, but to date we have team had seven runners left on single into left field. Kauff received no information at said Pete Mltchie vs. Alex Trambltaa. collected five in the second contest in the swung so hard in trying to connect all' Jack Wagner vs. Roscoe Taylor. the same period. The Giants scored bases. Faber had four strikeouts, Ben- with one of curves Pipal. Charley Moy v.. Joe the only runs in ton and each three. Faber's that hia bat "1 learned on good authority Gorman. of the battle the fourth Perritt slipped from his hands and flew al- this Jimmy Moscow vs. Johnny Yost. inning of the third game and the first After the game, which consumed two most to the Giants' morning that Idaho has most of last Paisy White vs. Kid Hall. of the five runs in the fourth inning hours and 18 minutes, both teams made bench. Then he year's squad back again and that they or the fourth game, which was a a rush for their dressing rooms and struck out. Zimmerman flied to Jack- are planning to spring a surprise, not The above bouts will be presented at way son. Fnces! et shutout in favor or Tew Tork. The half across the diamond Manager only on the Aggies, but the entire con- the Eleventh-stre- Playhouse, under scoring of Saturday proved an excep- McGraw, of the losers, overtook and Chicago got another single in the ference teams. Of course this is not the auspices of th.e Pacific Athletic tion, but today the Sox reverted to shook hands with Manager Rowland second inning. After Felsch had very pleasing news to us at Corvallis, Club, tonight. Bobby Evans has an- their original system, and, aided by while the fans gathered around. There struck out Gandil shot a base hit into who have but two of last year's men in nounced that all of the boxers on the mlsplays by the Giants, closed the se- were shouts of better luck next time, center field and took second on ?3CUc?60, the lineup Bissett and Newman. card are in the best of condition. ries with a decisive victory. away Weaver's out, Herzog to Holke. He Pete Mitchie, the battling; Dane, who but the two team leaders hurried got no Crowd Biggest of Series. without any further ceremony and one further.vas Zimmerman made a BInsett FaM. has never been defeated, will meet a leaning toward, pretty pickup of Schalk's grounder and "Idaho will find that the Aggies are Alex Trambitas in the main event, The largest assemblage of specta- fan with statistics tossed out the little catcher. liXOOXafl-- te won r three-minu- tors to witness any game pres- recalled that McGraw had but The which is scheduled to go six of the er. TaJlosr peppery willing 'Near-Hom- a and bunch, who will ent interleague combat was on hand one world series out of five, his victory Holke Makes battle them every inch of the way, even rounds. Mitchie and Trambitas coming attempt against the SONS they are inexperienced. Little has are on edge for tonight's bout and have when the rival clubs grappled. Accord- in his first In New York's half of the second Oscar M. Smith, Manager. if a large following, who they can ing to the official figures, 33.969 per- Philadelphia Aathletics in 1905, when Fletcher rolled a slow bounder toward W been said of the work of Bissett, last think McGinnity win. and will be on hand to back their sons paid admission . to the Polo Christy Mathewson and Joe first which Schalk managed to gather 108 Third St., Near Washington. year's captain, who is playing right Grounds, their totalling pitched shutout ball. in and shoot to ahead of the run- year. game favorite. There has been more inter- contributions Na- first end for us this In the Mitchie-Trambit- as $73,348. Of sum According to plans of easy Col- Bis- est in the match this the stockholders the the ner.
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