University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1968 The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 5-10-1968 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 108, 5/10/ 1968 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1968 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 071, No 108, 5/10/1968." 71, 108 (1968). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1968/56 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1961 - 1970 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1968 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ~oron~cllbya~)----------------------~------------~:....... ~ ....................................... 11 . Thursday, May 9,1968 37~-7i'7 PageS NEW MEXICO LOBO t{n""i (OW Listen to KUNM 11'·71 ~ • I ()y Teachers Are Helped by KNME '¥-"-- EW EXICO By GIENNETTE DAWKINS hour-long documentary that ex- that commercial stations could versity to further their own edu­ Teachers beware-you too may amines crucial domestic and in- not alford to produce. cation. Krause, for example, got be repla~ed by a television set! ternational issues such as pover- "There are two ways for a his undergraduate degree . here, 'II@IPIJ Our Seventy-First Year of Editorial Freedom Yr;>u may not be replaced im- ty, civil rights, prejudice and non-commercial station to get spent some time in the Na"¥, mediately, but you're already be- world peace. money," said Krause, assistant then returned to UNM and IS · MOTORCYCLES VoL '11 ing supplemented by KNME-TV ESTABLISHED in 1958, the program m~&nager of the station. currently working on his masters GO WITH THE LEADER Friday, May 10, 1968 (Channel 5). station has the third highest "It can be a community station degree. No.l08 "Electromagnetic Waves," for viewership of 140 NET stations in which it sells what you might KRAUSE ALSO teaches Speech "-. / ' •, r . \ .fi example, is one of the programs in the nation, according to the call subscriptions, or they can be 265, a class in radio an~ tete­ GO ,_:s~;··. 1 ""(~\ that acts as a supplement to the American Research Bureau rat- financed by the school systems," vision. It gives students a VIew of university, and "TV Kindergar- ings. he said. Channel 5 is financed broadcasting production and in­ TRIUMPH ten" leads the list of those that As an affiliate of NET, Channel jointly by the Albuquerque school eludes a lab session in which stu­ 200 C.C .. TO 650 C.C. Poor Present Problems to add to the education of the :vre- 5 recently presented a recapitu- systems and UNM. dents act as directors, camera- Gove·rnors I school or early school child. lation of Senate foreign relations "NON-COMMERCIAL televi- men and talent. MOST OF these programs are meetings as one of the l.ive inter- sion is in a unique position be- C~annel 5 pres~nts 30 per ce~t ~· VIewed at home, but some of the conn·ections of the network. The cause it can say things commer- of Its schedule m color, but. It programs are brought directly station also gets :film and tape cial companies cannot," said doesn't have equipment for ong­ Economic Decline Five Stcte Heods~ into the schools. For example, distribution from the network. Krause. "Perspectives" illustrates inating color direct from its stu- four of Dr. George Fishbeck's NET provides the station with this weekly. For example, the dios. programs are used in the Albu- :five hours of new programming program recently showed some Plans for building a new sta­ querque elementary schools' sci- each week. Half of the regular loopholes in paying taxes. Other tion on the north University cam­ Must be Stopped Visit New Mexico ence classes. weekly NET schedule deals with topics for the program have been pus are in the final stages. The Forty per cent of KNME's public• affairs - foreign policy, "How to Buy a Used Car" and new station will have at least two Al schedule originates locally, in- politics, government, and social "Discount Stores." ' studios (the present has only eluding Joyce Marron's TV Kin- or economic problems. "The·re are many advantages one) and more color equipment. IWOFORS.PORF Soys Colvin Horn FORMERLY CUSHMAN MOTORS During U.S. Tour dergarten. It is presented nation- Krause described two primary to non-commercial stations," said New Mexico is suffering an eco­ wide by the National Educational functions of educational televis- Krause. They have a good chance By DAN BRUMBELOW Television network. ion. · for local production. All their 331-333 SAN PEDRO DR .. N.E. nomic decline and must :find prop­ er leadership to bring the State Education and understanding DICK KRAUS, director of the "ONE IS to serve the institu- programming does not come in Patronize were major problems of the New prog1·am, explained that TV Kin- tions in the formal situations - from the networks. "The pace is PHONE 265 .. 6531 from the depths of economic de­ Lobo Aclverfisers pression. This was the main topic Mexico poor presented to a travel­ dergarten began its nationwide' to program to the schools and perhaps slower" said Krause ing Republican task force during scheduling when an exchange provide a useful tool," he said. "but the progr~mming is not.'l presented by Calvin Horn, demo­ with a Columbus, Ohio, station Educational TV's other func- The stations are not dollar ori- cratic eandidate for governor over a :platform hearing yesterday in mushroomed throughout the coun- tion is to provide a public service ented, and they are not interested K UN M, Thursday night in a the Union Ballroom. try. different from anything viewers in whether the program is going speech sponsored by Student Four Republican governors on the task force arrived at the Sun~ Cha:.;tnel ? also ~ttempt~ to ed- can get elsewhere. "We can go to to sell a product. Lobby. ucate Its VIewers m public mat- the smaller groups of people," he The staff of Channel 5 consists HORN EMPHASIZED that port Wednesday and were joined ters such as "How to Buy Auto- said. Krause gave "Playing the of regularly employed television graduates of New Mexico's uni­ by New Mexico's Governor David mobile Insurance," and "How to Guitar" as an example of a pro- personnel but a few students are versities are moving elsewhere Cargo for yesterday's meeting OJI, Pay Your Income Taxes.'' gram that is of interest to a lim- employed: Some KNME staffers for employment. campus. "NET Journal" is a weekly ited number of people and one take courses offered at the uni- "Sixty per cent of the gradua­ Composing the task force were ting seniors leave New Mexico to John Chafee, Rhode Island; John seek employment elsewhere," he A. Love, Colorado; Raymond Sha­ said. fer, Pennsylvania, and Norbert • Horn also cited that five per Tieman, Nebraska. WANT ADS q~ cent of New Mexico's working GOVERNOR Shafer, chairman HOUSE OF HALLMARK force is out of work and some of the group, called the platform PERSONALS FOR SALE communities have unemployment hearing in an attempt to find a SPEND SUMMER FREE at a pilar ranch· AUTO INSURANCE too higb1 Call offers the largest selection of equal to that of the Depression. blueprint for action in forming ero. Unimproved but picturesque adobe Farmer's today. 12 months to pay. 299- the Republican platform for the house., artistic :setting, with trout Jake. 2296. 5/22 MOTHER'S .DAY CARDS "One such example is Rio Ar­ No pay and no work-turn water on and in this area, riba county in northern New Mex­ upcoming elections. oft". Write Box 5011, Santa Fe, New Mex- 1962 CHEVROLET Impala S.S. 425 H.P., Witnesses representing differ­ 4 Speed, Just Rebuilt Engine. Good ico which has an unemployment HELP WANTED Looking-. 299-6001. 5/13 rate of 17.9 ;per cent of the pop­ ent interests in New Mexico spoke WEDDING INVITATIONS before the task force. By means 1963 PORSHE. Very clean. Many extras. ulation," he said. STANDING LEFT to right are governors John Tiemann of Nebraska, were present in the Union EDUCATION IS CHANGING, World's 3633 Noon N.E. 298-7163. 5/13 and all paper goods of questions and answers the gov­ largest education ilrm has developed a to HORN ALSO said the key is­ Chafee of Rhode Island; John Love, Colorado; ballroom yesterday heading discussions on the ernors hoped to decide what "Pro­ program learning system and is now hir­ TWO BEDROOM ADOBE (UNH area). for 1he bride be to ing college students £oT full time summer It'a a world of its oyn 1 Rustie, charm.. sue in this year's election is Raymond Shafer, Pennsylvania; and Dave Cargo formation of a new Republican platform. (Photo grams a-re needed in the New employment to present thia aystem to ing, with patios and gardens, you"ll be 3501 lomas Blvd. NE 255-4989 find the proper leaden for the of New Mexico. AU, including governor Norbert by Sherman) Mexico area. various individuals in New Mexico and captivated. Beautiful fireplace. dining. West Texas. Interested Students v1case room. Mexican tile bathroom, perfect Before a crowd that increased call between II and 1 at 268-0620. 5-22. tor a couple I $14,000, ca Bruce Caird and decreased as classes began:. 2Gii-8571 or evenings 247-3048. Caird­ Norris Reaty. 5/9 the problems and needs of New SERVICES Mexicans were brought to light. IDGH-POWERED TUTORING in Eeo· '64 CORVETTE Sting- Ray. 327 CIL in. The crowd averaged more th~n nomics and Spanish by univcnJity pro~ 300 hp, AM-FM, 2 tops.
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