E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 No. 140 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was ceedings and announces to the House Hinote, and they have two daughters, called to order by the Speaker. his approval thereof. Kathryn and Elizabeth. f Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- f nal stands approved. PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f Dr. Ted Traylor, Olive Baptist PRO TEMPORE Church, Pensacola, Florida, offered the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. following prayer: The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman DONOVAN). The Chair will entertain up Lord, God, the great I am, we confess from California (Mr. LOWENTHAL) come to five requests for 1-minute speeches and acknowledge today that it all forward and lead the House in the on each side of the aisle. comes from You. You have made us and Pledge of Allegiance. f not we ourselves. Our very breath is Mr. LOWENTHAL led the Pledge of THE NUMBERS from You, and our sustenance, happi- Allegiance as follows: ness, and existence as a nation. Unto (Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania asked You we give thanks, Almighty God. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the and was given permission to address United States of America, and to the Repub- Thank You for this wonderful land lic for which it stands, one nation under God, the House for 1 minute and to revise called the United States of America. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. and extend his remarks.) Thank You for our liberty and all who Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Mr. defend it. Thank You for our rule of f Speaker, I have tried, through words, law and all who keep it, and we pray WELCOMING DR. TED TRAYLOR to demonstrate the severity of our Your safety on those that enforce it The SPEAKER. Without objection, country’s mental health crisis. Today I will try it again with numbers: this day. the gentleman from Florida (Mr. MIL- Lord, forgive us and deliver us from 67,130, the number of Americans who LER) is recognized for 1 minute. have died from mental health issues any sort of reliance on ourselves. For- There was no objection. since we passed the Helping Families give us when we become proud and self- Mr. MILLER of Florida. Mr. Speaker, in Mental Health Crisis Act; righteous with hearts as hard as stone. it is my honor to welcome to the House Thank You for Your forgiveness when 0.006 percent, the percentage of today Dr. Ted Traylor, who has been Americans who will suffer from addic- we call upon Your name. the pastor at Olive Baptist Church Lord, I would beg You today that tion and are able to get help. That is since 1990. His weekly radio and tele- You would send spiritual awakening in six out of every 1,000; vision ministry, ‘‘At the Heart of our Nation. I pray, God, that You 1,625, the number of Americans who Things,’’ reaches thousands of homes would bless America and that America have died by suicide since September 1, along the Gulf Coast and through would, indeed, bless You. the first day of Suicide Prevention And now, God of all wisdom, I bring weekly podcasts and streaming. Dr. Month. our Representatives before You. Re- Traylor’s bold and practical preaching A final question as we close the fresh each of them with Your mercy for brings people to a fresh understanding week. If the Senate adjourns without the day ahead. Cause truth and justice of God’s Word and challenges them to passing H.R. 2646 to be signed into law, to triumph over personal preference, become bondservants for Christ. what clumsy, beltway babble will be and direct every decision of this body. He is known for his uncompromising used to comfort the thousands of fami- I am keenly aware that they also have stand on Biblical issues and strong de- lies who will be told, ‘‘We just didn’t individual needs, and we pray that by fense of the Christian faith. He has have time’’? No words, no excuses work Your favor, You will help them as they preached extensively throughout the to bring someone back from the dead. carry their personal burdens as well as United States in conferences and reviv- Where there is no help, there is no the burden of a nation. als. Emanuel University in Oradea, Ro- hope. I ask all of this through the merits of mania, has honored him by placing his f name on the chair of Pastoral Leader- Jesus Christ, Your son and our Savior. TRANSPARENCY AROUND ENERGY Amen. ship. PRODUCTION f Dr. Traylor’s family is his proudest accomplishment. He has been married (Mr. LOWENTHAL asked and was THE JOURNAL to his beautiful wife, Liz, for 38 years. given permission to address the House The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- They have two children, Rachel and for 1 minute and to revise and extend ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Bennett. Rachel is married to Brad his remarks.) b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5503 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:30 Sep 16, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15SE7.000 H15SEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 15, 2016 Mr. LOWENTHAL. Mr. Speaker, al- Jonathan Edwards, 21; shells from Syria are landing in the most a quarter of the United States’ Alicia Norman, 20. Golan Heights; Hamas terrorists are energy-related greenhouse gas emis- Vallejo, California, February 11, 2013: stockpiling weapons in Gaza; Hezbollah sions are from fossil fuels that are pro- Oscar Garcia, 22 years old. fighters are gathering in Lebanon; and duced from our Federal lands and Jackson, Mississippi, March 7, 2013: ISIL is fighting for control of the waters. However, recent Government Ronald Williams, 33 years old; Sinai. Accountability Office reports show Kendra Hill, 28. Yet, surrounded by this chaos and that we don’t have very good data on New Port Richey, Florida, February 9, terror, Israel is still dedicated to de- much of these emissions, including the 2015: mocracy, liberty, and justice—the methane gas that is released that is Louis Wayne Lunceford, 44 years old; same ideals we live by as Americans. leaked, vented, and flared. Shane Newland, 42; This is why our relationship is so The first step on the path to reducing Justin Huckeby, 25. strong and why we must continue to carbon pollution is simply to know Fremont, Ohio, March 9, 2014: support Israel’s right to exist as a Jew- what we are dealing with: What are the Ramiro Sanchez, 28 years old; ish state. greenhouse gas emissions, and where Police Officer Jose Andy Chavez, 26; This aid agreement makes it crystal are they coming from? That is why I Daniel Ramirez, 25. clear to our enemies and allies that we am pleased to introduce a common- Douglasville, Georgia, February 7, 2015: are unwavering in our support for sense, bipartisan bill with my friends Latoya Andrews, 33 years old; Israel and will help defend them in the Climate Solutions Caucus and Joseph Terry Brown, 33; against all who threaten their sov- the congressional Safe Climate Caucus, Jeremiah Andrews, 9; ereignty. which would simply require the De- London Andrews, 7. f partment of the Interior to calculate f ZIKA REGISTRY PROGRAM FOR and publish, online, the amount of cli- CONGRATULATIONS TO HOWARD WOMEN AND INFANTS mate-damaging greenhouse gas pollu- AREA LIONS CLUB (Mr. BILIRAKIS asked and was given tion from oil, gas, and coal extracted (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania permission to address the House for 1 from our Federal lands and waters. minute and to revise and extend his re- I urge the chairman of the Com- asked and was given permission to ad- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- marks.) mittee on Natural Resources to move Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, yester- swiftly to hold a hearing on this bipar- vise and extend his remarks.) Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. day I introduced the pregnancy and in- tisan bill and provide the American fant Zika registry. This bill will estab- people with the transparency around Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratu- late the Howard Area Lions Club lo- lish a CDC registry program for preg- energy production that they deserve. nant women and will track infants up cated in Pennsylvania’s Fifth Congres- f to the age of 5 so that researchers can sional District. get a better understanding of the Zika PHYSICIAN SHORTAGES The Howard Area Lions Club recently impact. (Mr. HARDY asked and was given celebrated their 40th anniversary. The This registry will collect information permission to address the House for 1 club has consistently earned the rec- on pregnancy and infant outcomes fol- minute and to revise and extend his re- ognition as the largest Lions Club in lowing laboratory evidence of Zika marks.) Pennsylvania. There are probably virus infection during pregnancy. The Mr. HARDY. Mr. Speaker, a recent many factors that have led them to data collected will be used to update study in the American Medical Asso- this title, but none more significant recommendations for clinical care, to ciation found that, in the next 10 years, than their commitment to the Lions plan for services for pregnant women we could be facing a shortage of over Club motto, ‘‘We serve.’’ and families affected by the Zika virus, 100,000 physicians.
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