Prepare for Op Sail '76 u, ,_, tJr.;\15~\\IGi&i~ 8 color poster $3 Welcome aboard to Operation Sail 1976, 230 sailing ships from 30 nations pay tribute to America's Bicentennial. Fly your colors, a tie, scarf or ship's burgee and join in the celebration . Lapel Button • $2 Operation Saill9'16 Scarf $10 ~ i . Program $3 . ' ~~ For information on Commemorative medals and a portfolio of signed litho prints of the tall ships write to: Op Sail '76, P. 0. Box 76, Bowling Green Sta., N.Y. 10004 A portion of the proceeds helps support Op Sail '76. -OpSai1'76--- --------­ P.O. Box 76, Bowling Green Sta_, N.Y. 10004 0 Enclosed is S to order item(s) __________________ ----- plus 50 cents handling Name -------------------- - Address ____________ ________ City, State. Zip ----------------- Let all the Peoples Flatbush Avenue Dutch Reformed Church Brooklyn The Bible St. John's Lodge On the morning of April 30, 1789, the church bells Praise What God Requires throughout New York City-the Nation's first Capital under Lord, who may live in your temple? the Constitution-summoned the people to prayer in antici­ Who may stay on Zion, your sacred hill? pation of the Inauguration of George Washington as the President of the United States. The man who obeys God in everything, In a solemn ceremony on the balcony of Federal Hall (on You and always does what is right; the site of the present Federal Hall at Broad and Wall whose words are true and sincere, Streets), George Washington took the oath of office. With and who does not slander others. his right hand resting on the Bible of St. John's Lodge, he He does no wrong to his friends said in a clear and distinct voice, "I swear, so help me God." 0 Lord and does not spread rumors about his neighbors. At the close of the Inauguration, the President. together He despises those whom God rejects, with members of both houses of Congress and a large but honors those who obey the Lord. crowd of spectators, proceeded on foot to St. Paul's Chapel He always does what he promises, on Broadway where the Te Deum was sung and the no matter how much it may cost him. Church's prayers were said by the Right Reverend Samuel Provoost, the first Bishop of New York and one of the Chap­ He makes loans without charging interest and cannot be bribed to testify against lains of Congress. the innocent. The first President of the United States was inaugurated at a time when the nation was fully conscious of the cost of its freedom and sensed it had a special destiny in the his­ He who does these things will never fail. tory of nations. In these present days of national celebra­ -Psalm 15 tion and reappraisal "nations are terrified" and "king­ doms are shaken," people can seek God as their "shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble" (from Friends Meeting House Queens Psalm 46). This Selection of Holy Scripture in Today's English Version consisting of Psalms 15, 46, 95.1-7,96.9-13 and 111.1-4, 7·10 is part of the Old Testament of the Bible. The American Bible Society is one of 100 national Bible Society offices through­ out the world whose goal is to reach every person with a copy of Scripture in a language he can understand and at a price he can readily afford. In pursuit of this goal the American Bible Society has distributed more than one and one­ half billion Scriptures since its founding in 1816. If you are interested in sharing the Word of God with others, support this vital ministry with your prayers and your gifts. If you would like to order additional copies of this Selection (order number 06979), please write to: American Bible Society, 1865 Broadway, New T.M. York, N. Y. 10023. Published for The New York City Bicentennial Corporation by the American Bible Society Auxiliary material by the New York City Bicentennial Corporation NewYOrk Citg Scripture text by the American Bible Society Photos courtesy of Jack Lipkins Photo of the Washington Inaugural Bible by permission of St. John's Lodge No. One, AYM Bicentennial · Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York Scripture text: Copyright © American Bible Society 1970. atte Eng. Sel. TEV 860P ABS-197~·150,000·0·1·06979 . A Song of Praise ... ~ ~~~~~~~ Jl6!11'~.,~~--r Come, let us praise the Lord! Let us sing for joy to our protector and Savior! ,.1· ' 1 1~~:,-~~1. § Let us come before him with thanksgiv­ llJ 7 1. ing, , ) ~ . , ~-; F 1. ti G ri and sing joyful songs of praise! 1 ~~ I • ~ 1. r! ... ·1....1. , ....... For the Lord is a mighty God, a mighty king over all the gods. .!1 t ~ . ·. ~-- .. He rules over the whole earth, L from the deepest caves to the highest . ,· .f~ Iii ljiilI ~ II I ~ iii hills. b.•. He rules over the sea, which he made; ·. ~~, "'· rm ~ ... .. - ~ ,. ,.~" I . ,, .. .:.--""~ ,,.,.. the land also, which he himself formed. ' . ... Come let us bow down and worship him; Bialystoker Synagogue Manhattan let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Manhattan He is our God ; we are the people he looks after, the flock for which he provides. - Psalm 95.1-7 God the Supreme King God Is with Us Bow down before the Holy One when he God is our shelter and strength, In Praise of the Lord appears; always ready to help in times of trouble. Praise the Lord! tremble before him, all the earth! So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken With all my heart I will thank the Lord, Say to all the nations, " The Lord is king! and mountains fall into the ocean in the meeting of his people. The earth is set firmly in place and can­ depths; How wonderful are the things the Lord not be moved ; even if the seas roar and rage, does! he will judge all peoples with justice." and the hills are shaken by the violence. All who are pleased with them want to Be glad, earth and sky! understand them. Roar, sea, and all the creatures in you ; There is a river that brings joy to the city All he does is full of honor and majesty; be glad, fields, and everything in you! of God, · his righteousness is eternal. Then the trees in the woods will shout for to the sacred house of the Most High. joy before the Lord, God lives in the city, and it will never be The Lord does not let us forget his won­ because he comes to rule the earth. destroyed; · derful actions; He will rule all peoples of the world at early dawn he will come to its help. ~ he is kind and merciful. with justice and fairness. Nations are terrified, kingdoms are - Psalm 111.1-4 shaken; Psalm 96.9-1 3 God roars out, and the earth dissolves. The Lord Almighty is with us; In all he does he is faithful and just; the God of Jacob is our refuge! all his commandments are dependable. St. Paul 's Chapel, Tri nity Parish Manhattan They last for all time; Come, see what the Lord has done! they were given in truth and righteous­ See what amazing things he has done ness. on earth! He brought salvation to his people, He stops wars all over the world; and made an eternal covenant with he breaks bows, destroys spears, them. and sets shields on fire! Holy and mighty is he! He says, "Stop your fighting, and know The way to become wise is to fear the that I am God, Lord; supreme among the nations, supreme he gives sound judgment to all who over the world!" obey his commands. He is to be praised forever! The Lord Almighty is with us ; - Psalm 111.7-10 the God of Jacob is our refuge! -Psalm 46 10 identify the ships: Beefeater®salutes the 'Iail Ships All kinds of ships are in Op Sail. Below are shown the of Operation Saill976 The basic rigs, by which you can identify each ship (rig and length of ship are given in the ship listing inside). From the far corners of the world, tall-masted sail training ships are gathering in the United States to celebrate our nation's two-hundredth birthday. Beefeater. 44 ~ 4M These ships are not merely for show. They sail to Full-rigged Ship Bark 4-masted Bark Barkentine provide training in the disciplines and loyalties of • deep water navigation under sail. These things Guide to the 4j 41 4li 4 were important in the founding of America. Brig Brigantine Topsail Schooner Schooner Sail training today fosters international understand­ ing and cooperation, in ways particularly appro­ priate on the Bicentennial of the United States, a 1al1Ships. 4!Jj nation of nations, settled by people from many JL ~ A lands. Ketch Yawl Bermuda Rig Gaff Rig Sloop Cutter Prince Philip of England has saluted Operation Sail of as "a wonderful demonstration of that brother­ hood among seamen which has existed ever since Where to see the ships: men have challenged the oceans". We salute that sentiment and the hardy voyagers Operation .; NEWPORT, RJ. About June 23- July 1. taking part in Operation Sail, and the Great Tall Ships '76 Eisenhower House, Fort Adams State Republic whose founding they honor. Park, Newport, R.I. Saill976. NEW YORK, N.Y. July 4-7. Op Sail '76, One World Trade Center 72N.
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