
VOL. XVI. CRANBURY, N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1901. ' NO. 38. —" SCIENTIFIC AND' INDUSTRIAL.' , ' LIFE'S "SEASONS. crowd until Dutch Chnrlev nn.f_Ntck_ MONTANA-CITY SHIFTING THE, NEWS EPITOMIZED BANNER YEAR FOR TRADE .MAL'AEIA ANtTMOSODlTO 1 NEWS OF tHE. STATE" 3Toutn-~.il "tHa Time for joy; to wake, at Bolhnd'filn'rtcirfornmol^'h'un_,-•--.- huntt nftor The cause of the much- dawn •* poisonous* qualifier!.or nrspniqal wall PBEil BEEF BABBBD TTARTIINCITON ITEMS. white tall In Hell's "ennyrm. Thnt wuis A Portion of Bulls Has -Moved It With breast untroubled by a single care, when, ChnrJey'H pony made tlio first MODERN SCIENQE HOLDS THfilRSYcT papers lias boon shown by_ an Italian The Kpcrelnry of the Tronsury pur- lommor.co of the* UnitcdT Statos ij " Several Important changes Uavc been - Whence upringa a lovejy bird, of prom- •PEST LARGELY RESPONSIBLE, _ lufldcin the New ,TerRey"llB)i and gifmo- kick of tho series. , ' • . chemist to bp dup to the evolution of n the Soulhwactl, cliaseil Jl.000.000 short-term' four per ; . Boating; All Reoords gns, which Is formed under the Infill* British Army -Will Use- None" But laws this year. Thenfiw docs not pro- •" • • From whose bright petals cornea a pcr- • "The boys camp back with two or> cent, bonds nt §Lin.r>'r>. vide any closed season for yellow • lumQ rare— f three" white mils In the wagon.they TJi#-Ami>zlnc; Story of Ilio lcclaUon *J«- cnop of a pnrtlrirfnr mold that thriven Home-Bred Product. -. Pcofes«or Ernnk Eenton. of Hie Agrl- Ftopc'n faddcsii flon-cr, which of God's t.Trcn IMnlitrln nn.V Crrtnil. Mosquito* tin nrspulc and develops on arsenical Tr«vlts or the Strrrt Ilnll^nT I.tnf'riiiihrd In .Favor of "Auifrnca St. perch, nnd It will be unlawful to put. ^ lovo A-an born.. liarl took nlongan'somcthln' pise Hint Plllturnl Department, was lined J10 for liluce, use or maintain In any of tho wun-long nn' hcTty done up In-nn ohl In "N"OIT Told l'or tllp Klrst TlB.o 'lij papery. - - - ' 111 trentlng'n boj*. ... 87o"b,000,t)00 In Floeal l:ntomolof;liit 1,. o. llonnr.l. waters of •tbe^filiUc..Julia.bl4o<l-flj'-l>tck- ft ill the tinrdof innocence and truth; -tnrpoleon. When tho follss crowded l>lnln I Flicnomennii., A cir'citlnr wns sent to^ievflipnpers-by rnirlDe to III Clone Jrcl, perch, pike, pike-perch, black ' ~ • Of blcascil Inlet which never knows a FAR-REACHING EFFECT FEARED 'roun4,an'~nolcp(I-wliiit It wuz Nick-nn' L. O. Hovt-iird, chief entomologist of Thp Chinese nre not FO far bcbinJ us the Poslofflcp Depnrtnipnt. nsklug nld bass or trout any set line or set llqM. tear, ' .... Chnrley Jest netcil nhy" nn' wouldn'.t- .tin' United stntPB Uepnrtnient ot In cjipckfnirnrruse. ol'pri'vllegcs" of sec- • rWt,to use upon the lino.tor taking of , Of little troirtilcii which soon dti^ppcnr, In the-pnicllce orniedlclnp ns has been Bultc. Mon.—A portion 01 Dullc. lip. ond class maH mutter. Wnsliingtoii. 4X- C—At the cloflb'or Of ^lcasurcs-whicii incrcnm* with every Batlafy none ot 'era exceptln' Dug. Agi-lrnltui'p, ti'lta In tlio' Century the !. Whllp the yellow physlclnnH ' -tish In such "water auy contrivance " •" *. yenr- , . .» , .* Vandexvort, who. rnu tHo Beulsse Bu- iiniiizing story of tin* rolntion licbveen TI14." nrltUl.-ri'orcrnnirnl Han Fxf1<nli><l llpved* to.'pmhrncp the lnrgci pnit of Llic Inst fiscal jear persons who were having more than three hooks or morc- t nt lu (heir knowlcdijp of (lip li'lc bill upnii wlildi nlfor llu>!.'.iui. President" McKmiey appointed Colo- Cifc'ii blithesome hours ore found in days gle. They, ton!; Dug to one Hide nn' "llivlnt-ln. ui\d CiTrfllfli "Mosiittltos.ft All llrr.f i:xri<f)t |l(ittt(..][rrii Frotntli/ nel Wallace !•'» Ilamlolph chief of the ntei-CHtcd lu nnd who unOc.rstnud.thc thau one burr of three hooka attached" .'"". of youth. rind 'tliercforo nmnnnt to Annj .Conlrncl. — Slilrnco Pnrkrrt cnndn mlnrn nro fltunt< 1. tins'nindO 1" flicrefo.'The principal changes to tho whispered to hlin an' then, unloaded As plain ns this slory in. thp tilling^ 'nothing tin mirKi-on*'. In tlloir t"i-nt- Artillery Corps of the urniy.' ^Igiiltlcniice of llgurps .showing large the' tnrpolcon bundle nt Doe Hntha-- Think Tl.nl TI.U Slop Will Srrlnu.lj M'ry pprcpptlblo movement soutliwnnl aws'are n^ follows: , ' ITanhbod brings real for .vork; tlie health .of nil the ?iipK,iiml the rounillng out niciit of 'roinjlion allini'lll.s tl'py are during Ibe past fo« tlnyp. ^1 the fon| ^V^otlatlonf" are In progress for a linporia nud exporis were, amazed to •Six .days are added to tlie open nca-' and strength' - way's drug store, .Doc comlu' out to Cilpiilt* llunlnrsK—MIIII^nK nt Stnk«. new Jithmlan cnnnl treaty between By which, like Midsn, he turns all lo Help 'em pack It In. of nil tliP-rietnllH luivo taken yenu of -In i'mo cases prnclicnMy abreast of nf Annconiln 'mil tlic sllilp. pushed Hie the United Stntes nnd Oii..t Britain. nd Hint* HIP commerce of the United <on tor'snipe, undjt n6w includes tho" pnlierit work, llcfori- Lnvcriin's orlg- most ndvnnCLiI practico in this tracks of life slrppt rnllwny line nboul Suites hnd amounted to tin: prodigious months ot Marchand April, and from gold, ^Vashlnirton. n. C.—'ni" Dr-p.-irt- r "Next dny the Bugle came out nn' ' T - - A stntuo of 'General, John A. Lognn otnl of $2Jl-I,-42-l.2G0. nud'tlull the ex- August 25 to December'31 Inclusive.' " .Or finds in Learning's haunts a wealth lunl discovery oC the pnrnslto. b'ccniuo couulry..." 'BIX Inches -for n tllstanrp of^ nbout nod wn8-un.velled, addresses being made untold . '..".- there wm a Jul nn' nckoralc account generally known, an Aniexlcnn" physl- inrnLnr Agrlciiljure lins.recelveiL • ^lir. frel nlnnc thp rnnd. As therp. arc nn- cpfis of exports over Imports -was Twenty-ono days are also ndded to"- Of treasures whtch'arc neither bought by President McKlnloy nnd Scnntor of lion- Hick nn" Chnrley had dlikjver*- c-liiii. Dr. A.. P. A. • King, of Wnsh- pntrji from n^iiroililiient p.iolilntr com- Ini-Bi.'hulhiliigs In-lirnt.pnrt of tbp city- Depew. "• _ nearly J."i!,"i.000.000. or. only slightly Ibe, open scrison. for woodedek, and _ nor sold, - , • oil n petrified man while they'wuz out General Lnssprre. who^lias arrived pnuy nf riilcagrt announcing that U helow, the excess of exports shown lu Iheso birds may .now be. hunted during But'ivhich he' hopes to make his own at IURIOU, proponndcil the iden that mn-' no jlMmncp- wns done except to tin The 'Spnnjcl] J,\'nr Clnlms CommlB- IBM. "when the)" ran to nearly $610.- length. • . • on their hunt. It Beonjed thnt Cliar- Inrla.lK trnnmnittcil by mosqultos. H4o lit I-'rnnce ,from Chlnn, where be com- i«f Up«n.flilrlppil-tiint the n -Ish rnllrojd trnrks. nnd'but fnr ihplr ills- Ihe months 'of July, October, Novem- ' ley's pony hnd kicked up agalnRt d the "French aitHlery. peny.s tde slon held Its first meetlng-and adopted Oop.OOO. The report for the fiscal year- ber and December. paper,' rend before, tliu P'lillosopulral. ( nvcrniucnl hns exdudpil nil bppf. PX- placenipiit llip Rllde wmtld uot lmve rules of procedure. drawing to a ylos>i! promises to beat tjis task it is to hold the sturdy plow: suthln white nri' Chnrley got off. to nee gnvd the l'rcuch gunners the IIPPII nntirrd." Flickers and hlgfabolders' may bo To btu'ld tbo ships whicb cut the biliowy Society of Wnsbingtoii. .was a uins- first real opportunity of testing the eppt linme-bri-il, from HIP British Army Clinrles n. Flint trKil'flefl-be.fore the tbe totals of either of the recent great Killed. ; They may be hunted lawfully w1mt.it -ivuz nn' fouqd wlmt looked tcrly one. nml Hiinumirlzod lu mi nil- rtarv, and Hie excess of exports will. ro&in; • HkA a rann'o shoulder Mnde ,Btlckln' effort o( incllnlti! 'pdclis. It wns very 'ontrarlF. Tills; It' l~, strlpil. Is to bp Industrial Commission in regnrd -io luring tbe'months of September and : To guide witb steady hnpa the impatient mlrnble way tlie nrguinents fnvorliig Opologlsts nnd splpntiflc -.men P.IV'the* effect ot great comblnjitlons "c It" Is cxpi'cted. reach quite 5700.000,000. October: • , ,. train;. * . ' . out of the ground. Ho called Nick nil' deailjy. Nothing In the'world equals' 'ffiTtlrv.Tune'fni'Xl. Secn-tn'ry Elny thnt thp- pntlrp rnnge of -mounlnlin • such n theory; and the jong-detnyed it, anil nil the jillfcd. troopi-ivorcr capital. Farmers and frultgrowcrninay catch' Or furnish from h;s cvcr-activc'brain they both went to ox,korvattn' "With han rfttllnHo -Ainlw«nilor riioatp -/rti nbnut Hutt« In constantly moving, nml. With the figures of March now' ac- rabbits In . box traps on their own The booh, the- pupil, scans with earnest their picket pins nnd -dlsuntcrrccT this proof uowjcojues as a triumphant vin- amnr.ed at tliu terrible nnturc 'of tho •psslble. It Is seen thnt lhe-expurl» for- brow.- dication of the views of this eminent inqiriry Into the renpop fo thp onlpr of thnt thp sliding, procpsi--.which ban" Vn'n'ds'durlng (he months of November,' remarkable npcclmcnt which our explosive. • '• — Ihe nrlliHh Oovprnmpnl. ThN action -been going on fnr ngpB nnd hns OUU'AriOPTED ISLAWI>5. nlue mouths reached $1.110*170.728.
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