Transactions 1930

Transactions 1930

St. Albans and Hertfordshire architectural AND archaeological Society. TRANSACTIONS 1930. St. Albans: PRINTED BY GIBBS AND BAMFORTH, LTD., SPENCER STREET. 1931. BC.6611/TAH 436 2.9 CONTENTS. PAGE List of Officers and Council, 1930 5 List of Members (December, 1930) 6 Report for the year 1930 11 Obituary ... 14 The Preliminary Excavations of Verulamium, 1930. By Mrs. R. E. M. Wheeler, F.S.A 15 King James I and St. Albans Abbey. By the Rev. H. O. Cavalier, M.A 25 The Ramryge Chantry. By Ernest Woolley, F.S.A 31 The Romano-British Cemetery at The Grange, Welwyn, Herts. By W. Percival Westell, F.L.S., F.S.A.Scot., M.R.A.I 37 The Great Tower of St. Albans Abbey Church, with a description of repairs recently carried out among its ancient timbers. By John C. Rogers, A.R.I.B.A 56 Neolithic Site at Oxhey, near Watford. By Norman Davey, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E. 65 Notes 69 Statement of Accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1930 ... .. 72 THE ST. ALBANS AND HERTFORDSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. FOUNDED 1845. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL FOR 1930. Patrons. The Most Hon. The Marquess of Salisbury, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O., C.B. The Right Hon. The Earl of Verulam. The Right Rev. The Lord Bishop of St. Albans, D.D. President. The Rev. G. A. Guest, M.A., B.C.L., LL.Dd. Vice-Presidents. William Page, Esq., F.S.A. The Ven. Archdeacon The Hon. Kenneth F. Gibbs, D.D. The Very Rev. The Dean of St. Albans, M.A. Sir Edgar T. A. Wigram, Bart., M.A., A.R.I.B.A. A. J. B. Wace, Esq., m.a., f.s.a. Charles E. Jones, Esq. Ernest Woolley, Esq., f.s.a. Gerald R. Owst, Esq., M.A., D.LITT., Ph.D., F.R.HIST.S. Council. Miss F. Arnold. Miss H. M. M. Lane, B.A. Miss A. Bailey. F. W. Langton, Esq. G. S. C ampbell,Esq. Mrs. Markham. F. F. Harrison, Esq. H. O. Minty, Esq.,O.B.E., M.A. R. E. Hill, Esq. DirectorS. H.. West, Esq. Ernest Woolley, Esq., F.S.A. W. Hull, Esq. Mrs. Mure Whiting. Honorary Secretary. Charles e. Jones, Esq. Honorary Excursion Secretary. Miss K. P. Andrew. Honorary Treasurer. F. Mure Whiting, Esq. Honorary Librarian. Miss K. A. Jones. Honorary Auditor. N. P. Andrew, Esq. District Correspondents. Watford -A. Whitford Anderson, Esq., F.R. I.B.A Wehvyn—H. W Jones. Esq. THE ST. ALBANS AND HERTFORDSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. LIST OF MEMBERS (December, 1930). Marked * are Honorary Members § are Life Members. Adcock, Miss, Wilfords, Bricket Belcher, Miss P. M., Northcroft, Road, St. Albans. Marshal's Drive, St. Albans. Alexander, Mrs. W. D., Oakridge, Hall Place Gardens, St. Albans. Bevan, Rev. R. F., M.A., Wood Allan, Mrs. C. E., O.B.E., Avalon, Cottage, Knebworth. Hillside Road, St. Albans. Red Cottage, Townsend Avenue, Bodkin, Miss E. L. M., Francona, Allen, Vice-Admiral J. D., C.B., 14, Alma Road, St. Albans St. Albans. Bolton, G. R., F.L.A., Public Allen, Mrs., Red Cottage, Townsend Avenue, StLibrary. Albans, Watford. Anderson, A. Whitford, F.R.I.B.A., 40, St. John's Road, Sevenoaks. Botterill, Miss A., Poldhu, Towns- Andrew, N. P., South Lodge, Cun- end Avenue, St. Albans. ningham Hill, St. Albans. Andrew, Miss K. P., South Lodge. Brewer, Miss M. A., Hills Court, Cunningham Hill, St. Albans. Wellington Road, Watford. Andrew, Miss E. M. B., South Brightman, W. H., Cintra, Sand- Lodge, Cunningham Hill, St pit Lane, St. Albans. Albans. Andrews, H. C., M.A., F.S.A., Vic- Brightman, Mrs., Cintra, Sandpit Lane, St. Albans. toria and Albert Museum, Lon- don, S.W.7. Brocklebank, Rev. W. G., M.A., Broxholme, St. Peter's Street, Archibald, Miss E., M.A., Lavington, Avenue RoadSt. Albans, St. Alban. s Ardley, W. G., Berea, Lemsford Road, St. Albans. Brocklebank, Mrs., Broxholme, St. Peter's Street, St. Albans. Arnold, E. W., A.M.I.E., Roughcot, Hempstead Road, Watford. *Brown, Rev. Valentine D., Arnold, Mrs., Roughcot, Hempstead 46, Chapel Park Road, St. Road, Watford. Leonards-on-Sea. Arnold, Miss F., The Bury, Kings bury Avenue, St. Albans. Brunton, Mrs. Sydney, Frogmore *Ashdown, Mrs. C. H., F.R.Hist.S., House, nr. St. Albans. Rexholme, Midway, Watford Road, St. Albans. BuckinghamCallard, Mrs., W, . 3,H .Blenhei L., 38m, GlenRoad-, Ashwell, Mrs., Hurstlea, Hatfield ferriSt. eAlbans Road., St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. Campbell, G. S., Abbots Wick Askwith, Mrs., Sleningford, Hall *BullenClarenc, Mrse .Road G. , E.St, . HertAlbanss Count. y Place Gardens, St. Albans. CampbellMuseum, , StMrs.. Albans, Abbot. s Wick, Asprey, H. E., 12, Ridgmont Road, Clarence Road, St. Albans. St. Albans. BulstrodeCarlile, , ColMrs.. Si, r OfHildredf a, Battlefiel, Bart.d , Asprey, Mrs., 12, Ridgmont Road RoadC.B.E., St, . D.L.Albans, J.P.. , Ponsbourne St. Albans. , Park, nr. Hertford. BurneyCartmel, , MissG. , W.Duncroft, Duffield. ,Jenning Russels l RoadAvenue, St, . StAlbans. Albans. Bailey, Miss, Newlands, Townsend Cartmel, R. G., Duffield, Russell Avenue, St. Albans. Avenue, St. Albans. Bailey, Miss A., Newlands, Townsend Avenue, St. Albans. Cavalier, Rev. H. O., M.A., St. Stephen's Vicarage, St. Albans. Baumgartner, Mrs. W. O., 89, St. Cayley, Miss, Hill View, Upper Peter's Street, St. Albans. Worley Road, St. Albans. Bayard, Miss, Leslie Lodge, Avenue Chapman, Miss F., Home, Mile Road, St. Albans. House Lane, St. Albans. Chapman, Miss M. E., Home, Mile Beedham, Miss L. E., Ucluelet, House Lane, St. Albans. Mount Pleasant Road, St. Albans. List of Members (December, 1930).—Continued. Chittenden, Miss, The Elms, Upper Evatt, Mrs., The Croft, Hillside Marlborough Road, St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. Christian, Mrs., Coorparoo, Lems- ford Road, St. Albans. Faraday, Laurence B., 8, North Clarke, Mrs. Sidney, 22, Upper Square, London, N.W.ll. Marlborough Road, St. Albans. Fletcher, Miss J. E., Nomansland, Clauson, The Hon. Sir Charles, Wheathampstead. C.B.E., Hawkshead House, Hat- Ford, Miss E. B., Berrystead, St field. Peter's Road, St. Albans. Clauson, Lady, Hawkshead House, Fox, C. F., A.I.A.A., Strathcona Hatfield. Beaumont Avenue, St. Albans. Clear, E. A., Kingsbury Knoll, Fox, G. H., The Spinney, Sandpit Verulam Road, St. Albans. Lane, St. Albans. Clear, Mrs., Kingsbury Knoll, Veru- Fox, Mrs., The Spinney, Sandpit lam Road, St. Albans. Lane, St. Albans. Cooper, Thomas, M.A., Spring Fox, R. F., Southleigh, Stevenage. Valley, Lemsford Road, St. Fox, Mrs., Southleigh, Stevenage. Albans. Fox, Miss G. H., Southleigh, Cooper, Mrs., Spring Valley, Lems- Stevenage. ford Road, St. Albans. Furse, Mrs., Abbey Gate House^ St. Cornell, C. A., F.I.O., 30, Market Albans. Place, St. Albans. Cottrill, F., The Gables, Lymm, Galsworthy, Dr. Beatrice, M.B., Cheshire. Ch.B. (Edin.), 29, London Road, Cox, Mrs. M. M., St. Fillians, St. Albans. Gombards, St. Albans. Gamlen, A. G. L., M.A., Gray Cox, Miss D. M., St. Fillians, Gables, Townsend Avenue, St. Gombards, St. Albans. Albans. Crabtree, Rev. H. Gathorne, M.C., Gamlen, St. J. O., M.A., Gray M.A., St. Peter's Vicarage, St. Gables, Tovvnsend Avenue, St. Albans. Albans. Crabtree, Mrs., St. Peter's Vicar- Garbutt, L. L., M.A., F.C.S., 43, age, St. Albans. Victoria Street, St. Albans. Crompton, Miss A. M., Spring Val- §Gibbs, Ven. Archdeacon, the Hon. ley, Lemsford R'oad, St. Albans. Kenneth F., D.D., Hatfield. Curtis, Miss F. L., J.P., Fairshot Gibbs, Miss P. M., Houndspath, Court, nr. St. Albans. Upper Marlborough Road, St. Albans. Dakers, H. J., M.A., 3, Belmont Glossop, Mrs., J.P., Romeland Hill, St. Albans. House, St. Albans. Dakers, Mrs., 3, Belmont Hill, St. Goffin, Mrs., Meadowcroft, New- Albans. house Park, St. Albans. Dangerfield, Mrs. F., Westcott, Green, VV. S., J.P., St. Stephen's House, St. Albans. Battlefield Road, St. Albans. Green, Mrs. Clarence, Burcot, Davey, Norman, B.Sc., A.M.Inst.- Townsend Drive, St. Albans. C.E., 61, Eastbury Road, Watford. §Griffith, A. F., 3, Evelyn Terrace, Davis, Rev. Edward, B.A., 26, Brighton. Battlefield Road, St. Albans. Griffiths, Percival D., F.S.A., Sand- Davis, Mrs., 26, Battlefield Road, ridgebury, St. Albans. St. Albans. Griffiths, Mrs., Sandridgebury, St. Davis, Miss A. E. E., Chandos, Albans. Clarence Road, St. Albans. Guest, Rev. G. A., M.A., B.C.L., Dawson, John, 3, Holywell Hill, LL.D., Innisfree, Clarence Road, St. Albans. St. Albans. Dawson, Mrs., 3, Holywell Hill, Guest, Mrs., Innisfree, Clarence St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. Demain-Saunders, Miss C., Bourne Orchard, Hertford. Hamilton, Miss M. G., Laleham, Harpenden Road, St. Albans. §Dixon, Rev. T. G., M.A., The Hare, Dr. Tom, M.D., 70, Holywell Hall, Holton-le-Moor, Lincs. Hill, St. Albans. Dumville, Miss, 2, Belmont Hill, Hare, Mrs., 70, Holywell Hill, St. St. Albans. Albans. Elm, Mrs., Southgate, York Road, Harrison, F F., Palfrey Close Cot- St. Albans, tage, Townsend Drive, St. Albans. List of Members (December, 1930).—Continued. Harrison, Mrs., Palfrey Close Cot- Julian, Miss M. E., 3, St. Joan tage, Townsend Drive, St. Albans. House, Prospect Road, St Harrison, Mrs., Creswell House, Albans. Clarence Road, St. Albans. Harrison, Miss M. A., Creswell § Kennedy, Rev. J., M.A., Fernhill, House, Clarence Road, St. Albans. Charmouth, Dorset. Hartley, Harold, D.Sc., Middlewych, Kent, E. Stanley, Holywell Lodge Church Crescent, St. Albans. Hartley, Mrs., Middlewych, Church St. Albans. Crescent, St. Albans. Kenyon, L. E.. 25, London Road, Haskew, Miss E. M., 35, Cambridge St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. King, Humphrey H., Orchard Heale, Miss M. H., Wayside, Heath House, Holywell Hill, St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. King, Mrs., Orchard Hocse, Holy- Heale, Miss H. A., Wayside, Heath well Hill, St.

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