16 THE SUN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, -- 1920. ' Olympic Trials CUNARD-ANCHO- R Amateur Athletic Union Receives Request From Coast for Far Western Tassenger and Freight Services Roysl George. New York to Plymouth, Havre and Southampton Jan. 25 Carmtnii NewYork" Liverpool,.,. Jan. 2) CORNELL BROADENS ACTIVITIES MiureUnia NtwYork Cherbourg ind Southampton Jan. 33 PASADENA SEEKS WAR GOD RUNS FAST LIVES OF WAR BIRDS Pannonia NewYork " Patrai, Dubrovnik and Trieste Jan. 31 AND GUN NEWS " Londonderry Glaaiow. Feb. 7 Hockey Adopted as nn Intercol f ROD Columbia NewYork ;and Sixoni NewYork " Plymouth, Havre and London...... leb. 14 legiate Sporl. " Liverpool 23 OLYMPIC TRIALS IN QUICKSTEP PURSE SAVED BY PROTESTS lriOII WATER FOR LOCAL ANOLERS FOn THE WEEK END. K. A. Victoria NswYork Plymouth, Cherbourg ind Feb. Ithaca, Jan. closely . Carmtni NewYork " Liverpool,.....,.., Mar. 2 upon the announcement Cornell had (The Uorseahoel Bar (Canarala) v Uland Point. .London- - NewYork " Cherbourg and Southtmpton..,.! Mtr. 6 that Date. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M". P.M. A.M. P.M. Impereter boxing; t i7 in-1- in-n- 6 mado an Intercolleglato minor January S3 a oi omt :is H'll 1031 11:01 Columbia NewYork " Londonderry snd ClaiRow.. Mar. sport, tho scope of athletlo activities at January 820 10:01 024 10:07 10:14 10:47 OSII 10:01 13:38 13:4:1 11:11 11:43 " Plymouth, Havre and Southampton Mar. 9 n 10:04 11US3 RoyilGeorge NewYork to A. A. U. to was y to Bents Good Field and Covers Owner of Cnrricr pigeons January 2J,,, ,10.08 '10:44 10:13 10:40 1 1:83 1130 10:44 1:18 133 Applies tho Ithaca further broadened Ma.uretni NewYork " Cherbourg and Southampton Mar.2i) Include Intercolleglato hockey, After a " London Farm and Strtntn mm follows: "At Saxonia NewYork Plymouth, Havre and Mar.2J j Stngo Far Western Athletic five year Interval, during which hockey Six Furlongs in 1:12 Would Have Killed Them The Status of the Woodcock, wmI. Two yaara asro Biological the tll of Montauk Point la a large Victoria NewYork " Liverpool..... Mar.27 has boon suspended, a schedule of three tha Tturaau of rocK K.A. Survey Inquiries Into rock, Ahout lifty feet north of thla " and Southampton Apr. 3 j Tryouts Next Summer, Intercollegiate games has been arranged Ohnrlcstoninn Wins. for History's Sake. conducted sxtemlve dutsld covered Imperator New Ydrk Cherbourg me status or ins wooaoocK. and of It are two rocka " and more may follow, Cornell will meet It is now desired to aseuro concern at nan tiue. uetween tnesa tocks i Carmania New York Liverpool Apr . 6 data hol whjtr Hi fltnA M an addT. Buffalo University at Ithaca within the ing tha present atatus of these birds for mtlfaa ror later Sailings otiply to purposes or ana to The mom.inl' my Jig atruck that eddy I next two weeks and Lafayette and Penn New La., Jan, 22. Harry But for a storm of protests from all comparison ana tiuay, Woa 10 pounds STREET. NEW YORK. fllAS QUARTER MILE TRACK Orleans, that end tt will be greatly appreciated It fast to a bass of about 4 STATE sylvania at Philadelphia In March. Unna, tho California turfman, provided sides the parents of many a family of tha reader wilt answer th questions given ana lauded him. below and forward his raoly to this bureau "In the noxt two houra we landed . ntENOH IJNS. tho surprlao Uay's keen racing at might still be fac- TorltS-llnv- of a Yankee war veterans as promptly as possible. Also any ether 8 fish, whose combined welaht was IB'.i New fe Mordeeini Pari. CARMODY STARS IN tho Fair Grounds by saddling two win- next The execution suggestion or Information he may glvo re- - poundj after being out of water om COMfANY'S OFt'ICR. IK Btt St.. N. t. Boston A. A. After Eastern ing execution week. wooucoon aay they IM'M'LiNis ners, War God and Charlcstonlon, two garuing win tie appreciated: hours, au I think It fair to acquired to to waa ordered all right, but so great was 1. Has tbsra besn an Increase or dscreasa wslghid 30 pounds. Tha tide then AUT AUCTIONS. SADDLE AT HAVANA horses he had Just take of In your vicinity during biting, 1 MeetAmerican legion bought yester- poultry show when the woodcock the turned ebb and the fish atoppsd r t Tla Junna. War God, the unrest nt the its: iwo years r so loading my car up we ran to Fort AMERICAN LINE day, took the Quickstep Purse, tllo exe- 2, Does 'the woodcock breed In your vi- different ! news lenkpd out that. the Intended Pond IUy and sent the fish to Steamers Gomes Little Apprentice Lad Rides feature, with ridiculous ease. cinity? Fast Mall bo prospective 3. Is your incuuo. NEW YORK PLYMOUTH Away God was cution will not held. The What estimate of tha number vtm nut &W1V Three Winners. welt at the start, War ef woodcock killed In your vicinity during "Ilntllrnlnv In ramn I SALE CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON restrained behind tho early pneo pro- victims were two carrier pigeons, Uncle the last year! Plaaee state area cov good lunch, dried our lines and rested tha tha rut nt risv. Ahout 4 T. 81, JNetrYorli 12 Noon, Feb. 71 Mir. GEOtlOE B. UNDERWOOD. Special vided by Arnold and Courtship for a Sam Victory, the erall cy your estimate. lh. Br Detpatcli to Tn Sim, and which bred first - 4, - we went back to tha same place, the quarter of a mile. When Courtship Do you believe the species la threat- good Today (Friday) St. Paul 12 Noon, heb. 11 Mar. 13 Thouffh (Slvmnlo affairs hero practl' Havana, Cuba, Jan. 22, Jockey Car-mo- birds were Bent to help Pershing's vnvu n tide being again at flood, with a weakened and dropped back from that witn extinction sea running, dark ws Philadelphia 12 Noon, Feb. 21 Mar. I) tally lmve been at a standstill through was again the riding star at 3. Do you advise the orotectlon of wood Between then and nr.d Tomorrow (Saturday) Arnold's pace, War Clod moved up and force. ' cock by a years 7 landed, 6 more fish and loat 3, 2 simply (he delay of tho Belgian committee In Oriental Park track He rode close season for a term of play them NEW YORK HAMBURG overtook the leader on tho turn. Sttll August de Court of Stolen Island, signature , because I was too tired to at 2:30 o'clock, in Bondlns needed and requested Informa- three winners and two thirds. His win- Address , properly and 1 fish lost because my line Manchuria 4 P.M., Feb. II tho under restraint, ho drew away to a long tion to the American committee, ning mounts wero Bagdadlne In the sec- owner of tho birds, sailed last Wednes Date 19..... ' parted, Mongolia Feb. 2 tryouts lead and won galloping. Arnold tired E. W. 21 thread SILO'S places for holding the American ond, Blaicaway In the third and easily from day for Ilelglum on tho Lapland. He NELSON. "Thla was a new special prob-nbl- v but saved tho second honors Chief of Bureau of Biological Survey. surf catting line and had been dried Ave. Jiave been receiving attention, and In the The began ex- Fifth last race. lad Bullet Proof. Tho time, 1 :12, was In very poor Washington, D, C, Jan. 2'.'. and turned,-- but it out In one day RED STAR LINE few was circumstances, almost woie - will be announced within a riding this fall and Is already displaying ceptionally fast, considering track con- by constant casting. aV W It Mtr Art- fJnllr!pl days. ruined, In fact, "d will remain In Bel-glu- NEW YORK PLYMOUTH the skill and nerve of a veteran. ditions. "It Is always best to bend en a heavy Bll Eastern tryouts Glow That Cornea With Toucldng Nature. K 40 E. 45th St. CHERBOURG ANTWERP In probability the Alvord made it threo In a row when The rejuvenated Charlestonlan, a his native land. His wife unJ piece of line to take the .friction through mm milj bo In Btadlum, ih Tho old fltnr at fliH ktnt vlnw- guides feet. The S. W. Cor. Lapland Feb. 25 Mer. 30 Apr. 1 held the Harvard ho captured the fourth event, a CM fur- $1,000 purchase, took tho seventh raco Is Mr, nitn the ot the first few "Western tryouts accompanied him. W. J. Genot Ing Inside and round about by Billy Urolr, 14 fish welghsd 140 pounds. Thla I be- Ave. ICumbrldge; tho Middle longs three-year-ol- up. cleverly. large Vanderbllt arid dash for and Ho raced away from n de Court's representative at tha show. has gone. August Roth, who when you came lieve to- - have been the record at Mon- 'on StatB Field. Chicago, tho Far The stages assumed In cold, and hungry, quietly hiding day, Thla James P. Silo Sr. Son, Auctioneers. WHITE STAR LINE ' results: field In the early and Beforo entering the two birds Mr, de tired tauk for ona rod during one Western tryouts at Pasadena, cai. behind tha pipe, but glowing and .giving bout on; N. Y. CHERBOURG-SOUTHAMPT- ON ret Race Purse. IBOi lor s a long load through tho middle Journey. had them Insured for $5,000 for record, howaver, waa beaten whether a Southern tryout will be staged and upward: clalmlnj; Court cneer ana warnun, witn tn ouncn nug week In if." by Mr.
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