SOME TURKEY Tt1AT'S T-HE BEST TURKEY WE'VE EVER, / HAD,SKIPPER. --=-- ~i~ EE:TTER /. CONDITIO~'D TlL\NKSGIVING, 1938 he Master, Mate and Pilot Official Journal of the Noltionlll Orgo)niution of Masters. Mates and Pilots of Amariea. Published on tho 15th of oach month ,d 810-/6 Rhoda Island Avo., N. E.• Washington, D. C. NOVEMBER, 1938 No.7 . F. of L. Convention Adopts Resolutions To Benefit Masters, Mates and Pilots rother Scully, Delegate to Houston Conclave, Gives Detailed Report of Action Taken on Social Security Protection, Civil Service, Amendments to Motor Boat Act, etc. By JOHN J. SCULLY YOUR editor, who was the delegate to the Ameri­ American Federation of Labor go on record·urging •... can Federation of Labor Convention at Houston, passage of such a bill and instructing the Execu­ exas, representing the National Organization Mas­ tive Council and Legislative Committee of the Amer­ rs, Mates and Pilots of America, wishes to report ican Federation of Labor to work for the same. in more detail on the several resolutions in which <lThis resolution seeks to bring all seafaring trades we were interested that were introduced at the con­ under the Federal Social Security Act. Your com­ vention to which reference was made in the October mittee is of the opinion that all of the seafaring issue of our magazine. The resolutions were identi­ trades should be covered and therefore recommends fied as follows: adoption." No. 54-Social Security Protection for Seamen. The report of the committee was adopted unan­ No. 56-Civil Service Affecting Masters, Mates imously by the convention. and Pilots. Resolution No. 56 was referred to the Committee No. 57-Manne Hospital at Los Angeles, Cali- on Legislation, which reported as follows: Cornia. Civil Service as Affecting Masters, Mates and No. 58-Amendments to Motor Boat Act. Pilots-Resolution No. 56, by Delegate Tom Nickola, No. 59-In Aid of Whnling Industry. California State Federation of Labor. These resolutions were first introduced by Presi­ I'WHEREAS a large number of members of the Na­ dent May of Local No. 90 to the California State Fed­ tional Organization Masters, Mates and Pilots of eration of Labor Convention, held in Santa Barbara, America served for the United States Shipping Calif., and to which he was a delegate. The resolu­ Board during the World War and were exposed to tions received the approval of the Convention and hazards of the war lanes fully as much as those serv~ 'their delegate to the American Federation of Labor ing in the military departments in similar service; Convention at Houston was instructed to make and every effort to have them adopted by the Houston "WHEREAS the Merchant Marine in time of war is convention. always the first line of defense to the navy; and Resolution No. 54 was referred to the Committee I'WHEREAS these men have been commended by on Resolutions, which reported as follows: the President of the United States, the Secretary of Social SefJUrity Protection for Seamen-Resolu­ Navy, the Secretary of War, and other high offi­ tion No. 54 by Delegate Tom NiclCJla, California cials in the Government for the patriotic duty they State Federation of Labor. performed during the World War; and "WHEREAS every State in the Union now has an "WHEREAS through the 'march of time' many of act on its statute books for unemployment compen­ these men have now passed the age limit for enter­ sation and old-age pension; and ing civil service; and I'WHEREAS the Federal Social Security Act pro­ 'IWHEREAS it is getting more difficult for these tects practically all worll:ers in the United States ex­ men to obtain employment in private industry on ac­ cept seamen; and count of age: Now, therefore be it IWHEREAS the National Organization Masters, "Resolved, That this Annual Convention of the Mates and Pilots of America will submit a suitable American Federation of Labor go on record favoring bilI to the next Congress under the provisions of changes in the civil service statutes of the State and which all seamen will be protected under the Social Federal Governments to provide for the admission Security Act: Therefore be it of men who served with the United States Shipping "Resolved, That this Annual Convention of the Board during the World War to equal rights and rating with veterans of military establishments; "WHEREAS the National Organization Masters,'} and be it further Mates and Pilots of America again will sponsor aN "~esolved, That the Executive Council and Legis· bilI at the next session of Congress to amend this,'; lative Committee of the American Federation· of . act for safety at sea for 'preventing collisions of ves·> Labor be instructed to work to advance the intent of sels, adequate manning and regular equipment of';' this resolution. motor boats' in navigable waters of the United? "In view of the fact that many groups of em­ States, and for regular inspection and adequate man-;'; ployes in State and Federal Government service, as ning of certain steam and motot boats which are not well as applicants for positions therein, would be used exclusively for pleasure 'and those which are affected by the terms of this resolution, your com­ not engaged for pleasure and those which are not mittee recommends that it be referred to the Execu­ engaged exclusively in the fisheries in inland waters < tive Committee with instructions to confer with the of the United States, and for other purposes, anf" introducers and with the groups affected." which will include all vessels above 15 tons propelled ":1 The recommendation of the committee was by machinery used for commercial purposes: There-ic adopted unanimously by the convention. fore be it Resolution No. 57 was referred to the Committee "Resolved, That this convention go on record in"; on Resolutions, which reported as follows: support of such bill and instructthe incoming Execu-( Marine Hospital at Port ,of Los Angeles-Reso­ tive Council and Legislative Committee of the Arner-? lution No. 57 by Delegate ToJ:l.l Nickola, California ican Federation of Labor to advance the intent of . State Federation of Labor. such a bill. , "WHEREAS the late Congressman Charles Colden "Your committee is in sympathy with the purpose)~ had introduced a bill in Congress to have appropria­ of the resolution, but cannot commit itself in favor; tions made for establishing a marine hospital in the of any bill, the provisions of which have not been .< Port of Los Angeles; and submitted to the committee. Your committee, there-J "WHEREAS the Seventy-fifth Con g res s of the fore, recommends that the subject matter of the ,£ United States made no final disposition of this bill; resolution be referred to the Executive Council with and the request that it be helpful in every way possible.>!!" "WIIEREAS all seafaring organizations are vitally The report of the committee was adopted unan~:: interested in having such marine hospital estab- imously by the convention. ' lished; and . Resolution No. 59 was referred to the Committee "WHEREAS the hospitalization for seafaring men on Resolutions and the committee made its report as5 at the present time is inadequate on the Pacific follows: ¥ Coast: Therefore be it In Aid of Whaling Industry-Resolution No. 59, "Resolved, That this Annual Convention of the by Delegate Tom Nickola, California State Federa­ American Federation of Labor go on record in favor tion of Labor. of such hospital in the vicinity of Los Angeles har­ "WHEREAS in 1936 a law was enacted in Congress bar; and be it further forbidding catching of the gray whale and, on the "Resolved, That the American Federation of La­ 5th day of August, 1937, this country with nine bor Convention held at Houston, October 1938, in­ struct the Executive Council and Legislative Com­ others, signed treaties restricting the area as to mittee to resubmit a bilI having for its purpose the where whales may be caught, namely, 35 degrees north latitude and 40 degrees south latitude and east establishment of a marine hospital in the vicinity of Los Angeles, second largest port in the United of 150 longitude; and States. "WHEREAS many years ago whaling was quite an "A resolution of similar import was introduced in industry, and this country practically led the world the last convention of the American Federation of and sent out ships all over the world to catch whale Labor and approved. Your committee, therefore, for the bone, which was a very useful product at that recommends that the action of the previous conven­ time but which has since been supplanted by various tion be reaffirmed." other materials and many new discoveries made in The report of the committee was adopted unan­ later years to replace that product obtained from imously by the convention. the whale; and Resolution No. 58 was referred to the Committee "WHEREAS those countries not parties to the on Resolutions also and they reported as follows: agreement restricting the catching of gray whales, Amendment of Motor Boat Act-Resolution No. and especially Japan, is now taking all the oppor­ 58, by Delegate Tom Nickola. California State Fed­ tunity of catching those whales; and eration of Labor. "WHEREAS practically all companies which for­ "WHEREAS for many years the National Organiza­ merly operated under the 'Stars and Stripes' are now tion Masters, Mates and Pilots of America endeav­ in the hands of receivers on account of these restric­ ored to have amended the Motor Boat Act of June 9, tions, and many workers who made their livelihood 1-910, in order to protect adequately life and prop­ in the industry have been put out of employment; erty; and and .
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