64th NCAA CONVENTIONJANUARY lZ-14 The 64th annual Convention of noon Jan. 13 in the Presidential ington Hilton Hotel), American As- reception Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in the NCAA will be held January 12 Ballroom of the Statler Hilton. sociation of College Baseball Coach- the Federal Room of the Statler 14 at the Statler Hilton Hotel, Wash- The business sessions also will br cs (MayHower Hotel), United States Hiltoil. ington, D.C. held in the Presidential Ballroom. Track Coaches Association (Statler The NCAA Council will hold scs- In addition, many of the Associa- The opening session is at 10 a.m. Hilton) and the College Athletic sions Friday, Saturday, Sunday, tion’s allied and affiliated members Monday, Jan. 12, with Wednesday’s Business Managers Association (Stat- Tuesday and Thursday. The Execu- and special and standing committees session at which changes in rules ler Hilton) tive Committee will meet Sunday. will meet, spreading the Convention and regulations will be considered The AFCA has its luncheon NCAA President Harry M. Cross, out over eight days and three hotels. set for 9 a.m. Wednesday at 1 p.m. and its Coach University of Washington, will pre- Highlighting the Convention be- Round Tables Tuesday of the Year Dinner Thursday eve- side over the Convention general sides the business sessions will be Other major elements of the Con- ning at 7 p.m. in the International sessions. Parliamentarian will be the Association’s fifth Honors Lun- vention include Monday afternoon’s Ballroom of the Washington Hilton. Marcus L. Plant, University of cheon, at which President Frederick general round tables, Monday cve- The AACBC’s Coach of the Year Michigan, immediate past president L. Hovde of Purdue University will ning’s reception for delegates (Prcsi- Dinner will be Monday at 7 p.m. in of the NCAA. Secretary-Treasurer receive the Theodore Roosevelt dential Ballroom) and Tuesday morn- the Ballroom of the Mayflower Ho- William J. Flynn, Boston College, Award, governors and members of ing’s College Division round table. tel. The USTCA will hold its clinic will be chairman of the general the Cabinet who won varsity letters Major meetings in addition to the from 1 to 5 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 9, round table. will be honored and members of Convention’s business sessions and in the Congressional Room of the Convention registration will com- college football’s All-Time Team those of NCAA committees include Statler Hilton. mence at 1 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 11, in will be present. the conventions of the American Top CABMA gatherings include the upper lobby of the Statler Hil- The Honors Luncheon will be at Football Coaches Association (Wash- its Monday awards luncheon and its ton. THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION VOLUME 6 l NUMBER 11 College Football. “An American Tradition” . 1869- I969 DECEMBER, 1969 Purdue’s President Hovde Wins Teddy Award Frederick L. Hovde, president of Teddy Award, the NCAA will honor Purdue University, is the 1970 win- governors and Cabinet members ner of the National Collegiate Ath- who were varsity lettermen as un- letic Association’s annual Theodore dergraduates a.t NCAA member in- Roosevelt Award. stitutions. In addition, the 1969 re- Hovde was chosen for the award cipients of NCAA Postgraduate by a jury of prominent citizens and Scholarships will be recognized. educators because of his superlative Through its three-phase honors undergraduate career as a student- program, the NCAA seeks to illus- athlete as well as his subsequent trate the notable achievements of distinguished accomplishments in collegiate athletes both as under- the field of scientific and technical graduates and in their subsequent education. careers. The “Teddy Award,” the NCAA’s As a student-athlete at Minne- highest honor, goes each year to a sota, Hovde was the leading foot- prominent American “for whom ball scorer in the Big Ten in 1928; competitive athletics in college and he was a member of the All-Big attention to physical welllbeing Ten Football Team, 1928, and of the thereafter have been important fac- All-Western Football Team that tors in a distinguished career of same year; he broke the Big Ten national signiticance and achicve- Conference punt return record in merit.” 1928. Hovde joins the late President Headed London Mission Dwight D. Eisenhower, Senator Prior to becoming president of Leverett Saltonstall and Justice Purdue in 1946, Hovdc in 1932 was Byron R. White as a Teddy winner. the assistant director of the General All have met the initial require- College, University of Minnesota. menGthat the candidate must have earned a collegiate letter as an un- In 1936, he became assistant to the president, University of Rochester; dergraduate. in 1941, he became the head of the Hovde earned varsity letters in London Mission, Office of Scientific basketball and football in 1927 and Research and Development, U. S. 1928 at the University of Minnesota. Government. He played three years of varsity He moved to the position of ex- basketball and three years of var- ecutive assistant to the chairman of sity Rugby at Oxford University in the National Defense Research 1930-31-32, and he was the third Committee in 1942 and, in 1943, he American to receive the Oxford became the chief of the Division of Blue for English Rugby Football. Rocket Ordnance Research. Leadership Ability Hovde holds sixteen honorary de- His leadership ability, evidenced grees including the Doctor of Civil while quarterbacking the Minne- Laws from Oxford. He has served sota football team, was manifest in DR. FREDERICK L. HOVDE-PRESIDENT, PURDUE UNIVERSITY on many governmental research and his subsequent responsibilities. development boards and councils, Hovde’s love of competition, de- has been a member and chairman of sented to Hovde at the NCAA’s an- sire for excellence and general the engineering school has doubled, Presidential committees and a Pres- nual Honors Luncheon, which will leadership have been instrumental the total student population has ident-elect’s Task Force on Educa- in bringing about the rapid growth quadrupled and the scientific base be held Tuesday, January 13, in the tion. He received the President’s Presidential Ballroom of the Statler of Purdue University and its pres- of the university has been greatly Medal for Merit and, in Great Brit- expanded as is reflected by more Hilton Hotel in Washington, D. C. ent place of prominence among ain, the King’s Medal for Service in The luncheon annually is one of the America’s larger educational insti- than a ten-fold growth in the grad- the Cause of Freedom. Hovde serves highlights of the NCAA Conven- tutions. uate school. several corporate boards and foun- tion. Under Hovde’s leadership over January Presentation dations in addition to his duties as the past twenty years, the size of The Teddy Award will be pre- Besides presenting Hovde the president of Purdue. A Speeial NEWS Feature l . l MILITANT GROUPS By the NEWS Staff Ben Stewart, chairman of the BSU at San Francisco State, however, states As a result of persuasion, coercion and threats of bodily harm to loved that the Black Student Union is moving toward revolutionary nationalism ones, some black athletes of the United States who wanted to compete in through the vanguard leadership of the BPP. There undoubtedly are a num- the 1968 Olympic Games did not do so. There was considerable evidence ber of persons who have innocently associated themselves with the BSU on at that time of on organized, outside pressure campaign designed to con- various campuses, but the evidence is overwhelming that the BSU and the vince, by assorted means, black athletes to boycott the United States team BPP are destructive forces intending to use almost any device to disrupt and as a protest symbol in the conviction this would advance the domestic Civil destroy. Rights movement. Intercollegiate athletics is a prime target and vehicle for them A similar, more drastic program is evident in recent incidents involving because of the publicity value inherent in sports and the fact that black athletes at various NCAA member institutions. the Negro or black athlete involved in a mild disorder will be a This is an analysis of these occurrences prepared by the NEWS staff after subject of newsprint from coast to coast whereas the acts of a a series of interviews and a study of authoritative documents, including the less-publicized BSU party member may only be reported in the hearings this past summer of the United States Senate Permanent Subcom- campus newspaper. mittee on Investigations (commonly referred to as the McClellan Committee) The Black Student Union is proliferating across the country, organizing into the nation’s riots and disorders, including the role of various student or- groups in high schools and colleges. One technique is to place BSU argani- ganizations. zational outlines in the mail boxes of high school and college Negro in- The evidence is clear that there is operating in this country a structors. One such 1 l-point outline urges organization of a block athlete hard-core revolutionary force designed to destroy the present union because the black athlete is a “powerful” student force and “special governmental and educational system of the United States. It di- efforts should be made to politicize all black athletes, so that if any trouble vides into a number of different groups and representatives of starts they will realize whose side they really are on.” this movement have direct communication with Communist-ori- The Name of the Game entated, revolutionary groups in other nations. The BSU or its representatives, associates or sympathizers play the game The Students for o Democratic Society is one of the better known groups rough.
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