Linotype Library Font Collections This document contains the following two lists of fonts: 1. Linotype Library Gold Edition 1.7** September 2002 see page 2 2. Linotype Library Website Fontlist 1999 February 1999 see page 32 ** This old version 1.7 is presently – October 2005 – still sold by Linotype Library GmbH. Since laymen cannot spot forged fonts (Public prosecutors and criminal court judges may study the report "The Funny Font Forging Industry"- http://www.sanskritweb.net/forgers/forgers.pdf), those who want to buy a Linotype font should insist that Linotype supplies an expertise by an independent lawcourt forgery expert guaranteeing that the Linotype font you intend to purchase is not a forgery. If the Linotype foundry does not supply full warranties, you should not buy any Linotype fonts: "I would recommend to obtain full warranties from the foundry that the typefaces do not infringe any rights anywhere in the world" (Niel Ackermann of Hewitsons Solicitors). Furthermore, those who buy a Linotype font should know that the Linotype Library GmbH secretly, i.e. without informing you, inserts your private address and other private data into the font bought by you: Since October 2005 Linotype distributes free of charge the font management spyware „FontExplorer X“ (see http://www.linotype.com/fontexplorerX). With such spyware, it is easy to collect private data about the font users. Those who do not want that their private data (e.g. private address, bank account number, credit card number etc.) are secretly inserted, as shown above, by Linotype into the fonts purchased should avoid to buy any Linotype fonts, and those who do not want that Linotype collects private data about your person should avoid to use any spyware, and those who do not want to buy any forged typefaces should insist that the Linotype Library GmbH supplies – prior to purchase – an expertise by an independent typeface expert guaranteeing that the font you intend to buy is no forgery. If the Linotype Library GmbH claiming to be "The Source of the Originals" refuses to give you this guarantee of originality by an independent criminal court expert, you should avoid to buy Linotype fonts. Furthermore, many fonts sold as "Linotype" fonts, are in fact fonts made by other foundries. For instance, the "Gold Edition 1.7" totalling 3880 fonts comprises 922 ITC fonts (= 23.8 %). During the past 5 years, the designers of these ITC fonts were brushed off by Bruno Steinert, who runs the Linotype outfit, whenever they asked for royalties. On 1-Dec-2004, Erik Spiekermann wrote at http://www.typophile.com/forums/messages/30/54811.html: "Either my earlier post on this topic got lost or censored. So I repeat: Linotype have not been paying any fees to the ITC designers up until now. ... Altogether that means no license fees whatsoever for 5 years." See also these separate documentations: a) „Linotype Library Gold Edition 1.6 E“ http://www.sanskritweb.net/forgers/lino16.pdf b) „Linotype Library Gold Edition 6.0“ http://www.sanskritweb.net/forgers/linodobe.pdf c) „Typesetting Specimens of the Linodobe Library“ http://www.sanskritweb.net/forgers/lino60s.pdf Ulrich Stiehl, Heidelberg 2004 and 2005 1 Linotype Library GoldEdition™ 1.7 List of Fonts – Sorted by Font Family and Font Style Names (This list contains 3880 fonts) Gold Edition Version 1.7 of September 2002 Aachen™ bold Aachen Bold Plain Adobe Garamond™ regular Expert Adobe Garamond Regular Aachen™ bold Aachen LT Bold Expert Aachen™ Central European bold Aachen CE Bold Adobe Garamond™ regular SC Adobe Garamond Small Caps & Aachen™ medium Aachen Medium Plain Oldstyle Figures Academy Engraved™ Academy Engraved LET Plain:1.0 Adobe Garamond™ semi bold Adobe Garamond LT Semibold Ad Hoc™ Bis Ad Hoc Bis Adobe Garamond™ semi bold Expert Adobe Garamond Semibold Ad Hoc™ Bis italic Ad Hoc Bis Italic Expert Ad Hoc™ italic Ad Hoc Italic Adobe Garamond™ semi bold italic Adobe Garamond LT Semibold Ad Hoc™ roman Ad Hoc Italic Ad Hoc™ roman SC Ad Hoc SmallCaps Adobe Garamond™ semi bold italic Expert Adobe Garamond Adobe Caslon™ bold Adobe Caslon Bold Semibold Italic Expert Adobe Caslon™ bold alternate Adobe Caslon Bold Alternate Adobe Garamond™ semi bold italic OsF Adobe Garamond Adobe Caslon™ bold Expert Adobe Caslon Bold Expert Semibold Italic Oldstyle s Adobe Caslon™ bold italic Adobe Caslon Bold Italic Adobe Garamond™ semi bold SC Adobe Garamond Semibold Adobe Caslon™ bold italic alternate Adobe Caslon Bold Italic Small Caps & Oldstyle s Alternate Adobe Garamond™ Titling Capitals Adobe Garamond LT Titling Adobe Caslon™ bold italic Expert Adobe Caslon Bold Italic Expert Capitals Adobe Caslon™ bold italic OsF Adobe Caslon Bold Italic AgfaRotisSansSerif Rotis Sans Serif 55 roman Adobe Caslon™ bold OsF Adobe Caslon Bold Oldstyle Figures AgfaRotisSansSerif-Bold Rotis Sans Serif 65 bold Adobe Caslon™ italic Adobe Caslon Italic AgfaRotisSansSerifExtraBold Rotis Sans Serif 75 extra bold Adobe Caslon™ italic alternate Adobe Caslon Italic Alternate AgfaRotisSansSerif-Italic Rotis Sans Serif 56 italic Adobe Caslon™ italic Expert Adobe Caslon Italic Expert AgfaRotisSansSerifLight Rotis Sans Serif 45 light Adobe Caslon™ italic OsF Adobe Caslon ItalicOsF AgfaRotisSansSerifLight-Italic Rotis Sans Serif 46 light italic Adobe Caslon™ Ornaments Adobe Caslon Ornaments AgfaRotisSemisans Rotis Semi Sans 55 roman Adobe Caslon™ regular Adobe Caslon Regular AgfaRotisSemisans-Bold Rotis Semi Sans 65 bold Adobe Caslon™ regular alternate Adobe Caslon Regular Alternate AgfaRotisSemisansExtraBold Rotis Semi Sans 75 extra bold Adobe Caslon™ regular Expert Adobe Caslon Regular Expert AgfaRotisSemisans-Italic Rotis Semi Sans 56 italic Adobe Caslon™ regular SC Adobe Caslon Regular Small Caps & AgfaRotisSemisansLight Rotis Semi Sans 45 light Oldstyle Figures AgfaRotisSemisansLight-Italic Rotis Semi Sans 46 light italic Adobe Caslon™ semi bold Adobe Caslon Semibold AgfaRotisSemiSerif Rotis Semi Serif 55 roman Adobe Caslon™ semi bold alternate Adobe Caslon Semibold AgfaRotisSemiSerif-Bold Rotis Semi Serif 65 bold Alternate AgfaRotisSerif Rotis Serif 55 roman Adobe Caslon™ semi bold Expert Adobe Caslon Semibold Expert AgfaRotisSerif-Bold Rotis Serif 65 bold Adobe Caslon™ semi bold italic Adobe Caslon Semibold Italic AgfaRotisSerif-Italic Rotis Serif 56 italic Adobe Caslon™ semi bold italic alternate Adobe Caslon Semibold Agincourt™ Agincourt LET Plain:1.0 Italic Alternate Agrafie™ AgrafieLL Adobe Caslon™ semi bold italic Expert Adobe Caslon Semibold Ahmed™ outline Ahmed Outline Italic Expert Ahmed™ outline LF Ahmed Outline Latin Figures Adobe Caslon™ semi bold italic OsF Adobe Caslon Semibold Italic Ahmed™ solid Ahmed Adobe Caslon™ semi bold SC Adobe Caslon SemiboldSC Ahmed™ solid LF Ahmed Latin Figures Adobe Caslon™ Swash bold italic Adobe Caslon Bold Italic Swash Al Harf Al Jadid one AlHarfAlJadid One Adobe Caslon™ Swash italic Adobe Caslon Italic Swash Al Harf Al Jadid one LF AlHarfAlJadid One Latin Figures Adobe Caslon™ Swash semi bold italic Adobe Caslon Semibold Al Harf Al Jadid two AlHarfAlJadid Two Italic Swash Al Harf Al Jadid two LF AlHarfAlJadid Two Latin Figures Adobe Garamond™ bold Adobe Garamond LT Bold Albertus™ italic Albertus MT Italic Adobe Garamond™ bold Expert Adobe Garamond Bold Expert Albertus™ light Albertus MT Light Adobe Garamond™ bold italic Adobe Garamond LT Bold Italic Albertus™ roman Albertus MT Adobe Garamond™ bold italic Expert Adobe Garamond Bold Italic Aldus™ italic Aldus LT Italic Expert Aldus™ italic OsF Aldus Italic Oldstyle Figures Adobe Garamond™ bold italic OsF Adobe Garamond Bold Italic Aldus™ roman Aldus LT Roman Oldstyle Figures Aldus™ roman SC Aldus Roman Small Caps & Oldstyle Figures Adobe Garamond™ bold OsF Adobe Garamond Bold Oldstyle Ale™ Ornaments rotato AleOrnamentsRotatoLL Figures Ale™ Ornaments spirato AleOrnamentsSpiratoLL Adobe Garamond™ italic Adobe Garamond LT Italic Ale™ Signs AleSignsLL Adobe Garamond™ italic alternate Adobe Garamond Italic Ale™ Signs black AleSignsBlackLL Alternate Ale™ Signs cage AleSignsCageLL Adobe Garamond™ italic Expert Adobe Garamond Italic Expert Ale™ Signs white AleSignsWhiteLL Adobe Garamond™ italic OsF Adobe Garamond Italic Oldstyle Ale™ Transport AleTransportLL Figures Alexa™ Alexa Adobe Garamond™ regular Adobe Garamond LT Regular Alexie™ AlexieLL Adobe Garamond™ regular alternate Adobe Garamond Regular Algerian Condensed Algerian Condensed LET Plain:1.0 Alternate Amelia™ AmeliaLL 2 Americana™ bold Americana LT Bold Banjoman™ light LinotypeBanjoman Light Americana™ extra bold Americana LT Extra Bold Banjoman™ LinotypeBanjoman Roman Americana™ italic Americana LT Italic Banjoman™ open bold LinotypeBanjomanOpen Bold Americana™ roman Americana LT Roman Banjoman™ open light LinotypeBanjomanOpen Light Amigo™ Amigo Banjoman™ text bold LinotypeBanjomanText Bold Andreas™ Andreas Banjoman™ text light LinotypeBanjomanText Light Antique Olive® black Antique Olive LT Black Banjoman™ text regular LinotypeBanjomanText Roman Antique Olive® bold Antique Olive LT Bold Banner™ Banner LET Plain:1.0 Antique Olive® bold condensed Antique Olive LT Bold Condensed Banshee™ Banshee Antique Olive® Central European black Antique Olive CE Black Basic Commercial™ black BasicCommercial LT Black Antique Olive® Central European bold Antique Olive CE Bold Basic Commercial™ black italic BasicCommercial LT Black Italic Antique Olive® Central European italic Antique Olive CE Italic Basic Commercial™ bold BasicCommercial LT Bold Antique Olive® Central European light Antique Olive CE Light Basic Commercial™ bold italic
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